trie georgetown herald wednesday jvlov 9th 1949 new advertise ir chickens for salt btwtlara iasad kaitersjj h bnwn phono mutahmakrto dressmaking curtains drapes mantling and ltniuoa pboam 480w chriitmu oltti thit in luting dive her vasishanv blinds made lb jttaesura lad a lifetime vtm inawurkm v brown bo 71x btamtt duwmdu for smjb ladys black cloth coat allver loot trim jlze 16 phone 12 for rajle qiiejiec cook stove small size in good condition coleman gako- line heater anone 8b7j fob sajle tarpaulin 12x10 for ule atedy mcdonald phqne dsrs fok iajle laxgi quebec heating stove pr of skates www boots size 2 phon aaiw wood for 8ajue dry maple hardwood for sale foot lengths delivered wilfrid decorating b extfma tedlvlduallty artistic interior and asterior craftsmea to the trade ca -grant- b r 3 georgetown i lcsliey phone 380r5 phone 723 1 sewing machine kefajxs sewing machine repair to all rnakei and models we are agenta for vickers electric sewing mach tees ernies radio roxy tbea tre bldg phone 489 buktb8 howard to mr and mrs phil lip b howord darrell dawson on friday november 4th 1040 at toronto genera hospital a on ernest michael both dolus well deaths reid john f suddenly bt georgetown on monday novem ber 7tlr 1mb john p heidi be- laved husband of olive w don aldson in his 71st year resting at the mcclure funeral homo until thursday november 10th for icrvlce t three oclock interment in greenwood cemetery georgetown wanted number of calves wanted high est prices paid picked up immed iately call acton 110rl3 trucking for that odd trucking job phone 460 harry scott quccrt and guclph streets washing machine repairs washing machine repairs- at ernies radio roxy theatre bldg phone 463 foe saix good used furniture and stoves free delivery in town see harry scott phone 460w comer queen and guelph sti georgetown 4ou foe bale childs tube skates white boots size 13 good condition phone 408w f skates boys skates size 4 boys skates size 2 for phone 378w wanted sale for sale solid hardtvood case 10 ft long 30 inches high 10 inches wide with four sliding plate glass doors s25 also quebec healer 400 phone 514j memoriams f carey in loving memory of a dear husband and father thom as carey who passed away nov ember 7th 1048 we do not forget him wc love him too dearly for his memory to fade from our lives like a dream our lips need not speak when our heart mourns sincerely for grief often dwells where it seldom is seen ever remembered by his wife and family norval institute buys hospital wheel chair k floor polisher we have the latest type floor polisher for rent by the day ted bludd painter and decorator wallpapcta and paints phone 328 nil 168r l3tf painting and decorattnd exterior and interior painting and paper hanging latest wall paper sample book estimates free jim kennedy phone ibs 6 2tf for rent electric floor polisher and elec tric vacuum cleaner for rent by the day ernies radio roxy theatre bldg phone 465 painting and decorating suntested and bunworthy wall paper sample book interior and exterior painting estimates free don herringtpiv- main st phone 401 525f carpentry let star builders quote on your bollding requirements general contractors iterations bulln cupboards star bui larsenj phone 41ri radios for rent radios for rent by the week ernies radio roxy theatre bldg phone 465 chickens custom chicken picking with lat- eat machinery id so highest market prices jid lor fowl alive or dres sed culling roclu a specialty v huttonvwe egg grading station phone brampten4b r 14 reverse charges wood and apples dry hardwood firewood 500 per cord fall or winter apples 1173 per bushel free delivery and phone charges paid on all orders of 10 and over e s enright b- r- 4 acton p one acton llorfl 1116 norvnl womens institute dona- ted a 128 wheel chair for the new wing at peel memorial hospital at their inst meeting held at the home lost n of the misses emslie mrs oliver black white lighttany hunter gave an address on plastics relating interesting information on the origin mauiactureand research on the various elements of tills product mrs woodhouse of brampton assisted in exhibiting household articles mnde from a ny- jon base hound answers to- name of bugle reward notify j m steele r ft no 4 acton phone 47rl3 for sale ffrst quality potatoes free from ring rot john teeter lot 1 con 8 1- miles west of belfountoln phone caledoa 40rl4 new water system draws ire op ratepayers continued from page 1 ions of water dally if given chance to run freely the cholrrnongavo it as the op inion of thejp2ecutlve that any shortcomings in council could be blamed only on the electors them selves it is the oleetors who must choosethc men thoy thing best fit ted for the job and then get out end vote for them mr bell sug gested that recriminations be kept to a minimum bind that the assoc iation should look to the future rather i than to keep harking back to the past dean harley suggested that no remuneration be made to council whlclf would eliminate any sugges tion of couviclllors running for of- 1 flee with the object of getting something out of it- it wasagreed that when coun cillors arc selected for committees consideration should be given to their qualifications for handling the various technical duties exmayor joseph gibbons explained the method by which committees arc selected the mayor draws tip a list of chairmen and members of the different departments and sub mits this list to council who can in tufn approve reject or alter the list and committeemen can state their choice or objection toward the constitution of any particular committee it was also made clear that the 1050 council would be chosen on the ward system if the electors should vote in favour of choosing council by general vote this will take effect in the 1151 elections jack gunning suggested that consideration be given to havng i i a fulltime consulting engineer to advise on technical questions if the cost were loo heavy gcorge- youakjd for it new its hrl tkjbiss new in canada but already beloved created by faberg wwidrenowrittttmhlon perfumer ylgrvu a tawny roflrance for furrvefvats exotic ewetry in luxurious flacons set with xidreuparterned velvet 1 aitlhingeovilhie for sale small cook stove burns either coal or wood excellent cooker phone 383r3 canaries a canary makes a lovely christ mas gilt we have hens and guar anteed singers for sale c e day victoria street phone 5b6j skates for sale two pairs 0 girls skates ulack boot size 3 and white boots size 4 and one pair of boys skatcs size 3 phone 539 tab walter kicller prepared the motto cloud and sun together make the ytar without some rain io harvest would appear mrs l cleave mrs graydon chester and mrs tvishart assisted the hostess in serving lunch for sale pair of iadys dr scholls fine kid oxfords brand new never worn enquire box 2 herald carpentry carpentry work of every kind kitchen cupboards doors and win position wanted young housewife would like a part time job as store clerk either rorning or afternoons or would like o do washing- but io iron- iig please if you have either one to offer tele hone 617j help wanted lady wanted as store clerk part e t apply in writing to box 73 heiald wanted to buy cash for old glassware old dish es ornaments vases oil lamps old dolls old buttons old silver fur- imture etc phone 47 or write mr and mr keith borbcr cor king and union streets apples apples well sprayed good col our mcintosh snow cortland delicious greening jonathan and northern spy dellvcrcdln town n bring your own container to tjrchalea fruit farms jos lald- isw sons nerval lot 0 sth line lnlnguacousy phone brampton 37rl4 1026 wanted pullets wanted white leghorns town could possibly interest neigh- i how to prepare a favorite vege- bur communities in sharing his was the roll call and mrs bci and salary as is done by burlington oakville bronte and ciarkson there were about one hundred people at the meeting representing a fair cross section of the commun ity secretary frank petch re ported that there had been no cor- responcience addressed to the asso ciation since tiic previous meeting in spite of a request that any j beefs be sent in dean- harley expressed concern mimit school children being endan gered when crossing the intersec tion nf guclph and john streets it was resolved to take the matter up with the town council and ask to have a crossing policeman on hand at the busy time a somewhat involved argument tnok place regarding the duties of the executive in implementing a- for sale intel national j ton pickup tr t enquire box herald a social personal for rale mcclary 2burner rmgetto for ale fred johnson phone 2fib j charlotte mccullocgh district fairs secty lost bank book containing 23 in cash lost on tuosdny between empire lunch and baik of commerce ite- ward enquire at herald office for sale hltil chevrolet coach in fair v i it wis f condition oulfi- like to sell as i oun as possihli- phone i04j af ter 0 1 1lfl miss thclma mcfadden has re- 1 lurried to pailev after visitmg for among those attending the- an- several weeks with her uncle and miai meeting of district no 5 of aunt mr and mrs john kennedy the ontario fairs association at t their home on wesleyan street sikvkkyvakk i limited mipply of open i lirik iiui sik irilile or- for chrismnns sinunons miin street der now emllcr fok stk uvj mcttror tudor new rir enn- dition li0 rriles winterized hea ter defroster ind uuderconting ihone k tnjhe it 212 or call at stewiii ttown after iv pm ill y decided that action would be tiken insofar as was practicable leit if any major changes were nec- esai in the original resolution mich changei would be reported tn lie association before action was taken lred harrison moved that coun cil be approached to speed cun- t ruction of a mdevvalk along the highway to normandy boulevard i t id this was approved for saisk spy apples well sprayed deliv ered or call at farm slua to s2j two hulls- one year old son of fliihtofl voyager from dam with ter it oi over 4 per cent also son of spring farm loch invar icwelfrom a very gfjod dam n t iaidlaw anil son normal phone ilramp- lon curll reverse ctttirges tir and mrs hnice collins and baby daughter patricia spent a few days in town with his parent mr jtld mrs alf collins before leav ing for windsor ns to visit for u month with her mother and ali- barred hocks light suuex for sam- lnsscshlun january lnt 7 rooms conveniently situated to business section hccondllloned new hampahlrcs furnace batli electric water heater 18 weeks to laying dow frame a specialty wor uood pjaw apply tweddu etoaranteed estimates free john x bull phone mow wanted wanted flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for 1030 season flocks culled and blood tested free of charge guaranteed premium plus hatchablllty premium paid for full details write tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario 1118 apples aa we have to dispose of our crop give your order now fori your winters apples snows 128 to 200 a bushel grimes golden mcintosh 125 to i2b0 a bushel 8py 1jw to 250 small wealthy 9100 a bushel notre dame de beauregard farm the boys home main street south phone m0j laundry we wash everything shirts a specialty we also do wet wash alexanders laundry phone b80w 10 nearing aid batteries bearing aid batteries are avail able at ernies radio roxy thea tre bldg phone 4bb help wanted tomtf man and young woman ai sales elerks in clothing wea iter these are poaluoru applications in wilting please in daud hall btenld chick hatcheries limited ontario fergus 119 floor polisher new latest type floor polisher or rent whllmcc electric phone 413 1iatf mi mid mis wnlter iliehii cur- nlyii nii ellen visited for the weekend in clusley with tint ifotlnc mrs e e niehn and his unit miss uellc elliot tile reinforced concrete well and culvert tile for sale nil blidet from 12 inch to 30 inch 4 inch weeping tile hartley foster cheltenham phone vietorlu 20r21 1110 tire sale clearance sale of d f goodrich tires 000x16 ld 1480 050x10 ld 1810 050x15 ld j1705 ooox 10 mud snow 1480 650x0 mud i 4 snow 1810 also a number of j mid heavy winnk some hardwood floors why pay rent price 37011 good terms walter t evans co telephone 1113 or 215m for sale lhfio model 0 cylinder willys station wagon new morris ears oxford minors and convertibles 1141 austin scdun 1147 frnzer edan 1117 terraplnne coupe 1140 willys jeep 1034 plymouth coupe 1d4i hudson sedan 1040 chcv jump truck- 1948 ford dump l k7 international truck w4 trac tor bronco waterloo tractor and plow nciy 1040 mm tractor in ternational cuh tractor plow and cultivator dual wheel dcuhler farm trailer otaco rubber tired for sale ladies hanrltiaiis ijrt and up bengaline suede and dnvis calf at simmons jewellers main st four kclicrations featured a fam ily gathering at die home of mrs john w kennedy- church street for the weekend those present included mr and mrs mervyn kennedy and mrs hael christie trnm owen sound mr and mrs j n stevens mrs 1 h beatty and iiauulier susan carol all of tor onto t lie latter beini a great- ut anddaumluer of mrs kennedy ahiuiil tliosr mining tlie guest book at the united church anni- wrary were peter hessey gert- trudr rackalei mr and mrs it uin- lagj melbourne brewing i lrimm held mrs hubert reid ir and mrs sle ens and davitl mr and mrs j m mckinlay miss margaret dickie all of toronto provideda tasty lunch after w i uilly oi gait t h gibson mc guelph mrs ii christie owen euili mrs j u heeers fernie iic mrs w cjj anthony and mr clark brampton mrs w botham aurora mr and mrs bernard mil ler acton mrs robert weir mr and mrs clifford tait and mrs j m mc kinlay of toronto attended the united church anniversary on sun day and were guests of mr p b and miss hael harrison eeet6n on saturday were mlsa charlotte mccullough mr and mrs p w cleave mr w a wil son mr g l mcguvray and mrs alex mckinney of brampton mr norman duncan of malton presi ded and the department of agri culture was represented by mr j a carroli at the ladies meeting mrs george somerville of acton district president occupied the chair the election of officers re sulted in mr duncan being return ed for a second term as district director and mr vic ellis of col- lingwood was elected associate uiretior miss mccullough was re turned for n fourth term as dls- rict secretary the ladles elected miss mary sweeney of caledon as lady director the becton ladles the good used tires davidsons gar age ashgrove phone georgetown 480r2 i r hattress repairs we specialize in marshall beau- tyrast and other fine quality matt ress repairs eiderdowns recov ered feather beds made into comforters finest workmanship ontario bedding co box 300 port credit or phone georgetown 4b0j 1318 for girls mcgowans specialty shop has a lovely assortment of skirts for little girls dlrndles pleated ac cordion pleated- and circular in ilres 3 to 6 prlcea from 108 to 8308 see them at mcgowans main street at the bus stop tela- phon motor troctor disc 8 ft new troc tor disc firestone vacuum clean cr firestone refrigerator kclvlna- tor unit immediate installation of guson and torrid heat oil bur ners tom hewson mill street phone 332w tenders for bonds tenders arc solicited for the fol lowing issues for debentures by the corporation of the townhip of esqueslng 07000 3v debentures matur ing 1070 debentures to bo dated january 2nd 1050 thel owest or any tender not necessarily accepted tenders to be received at the qtflce of the towh- ihlp clerk georgetown ontario not later than 38th of november 1040 at 8 pm x af bennett clark jl auction sale of i furnrrure the undersigned has been instruc ted by ted ewino murdock anil durham sts georgetown to sell by auction on friday november 11 til at 1 31 dst the following living room 3 piece ches terfield suite in wine and green new saruklan rug 7 like new runrer to match walnut end tiibjc and magazine stand like new hassock smokers sand tabic lump 2 small plnte wnll mirrors bedroom simmons steel bed with springs simmon spring mat tress bed lamp bedside lamp wol- nut dresser with bevel plate mir ror electric heating pad quantity of bedding pillowp all like new kitchen etc beatty cloc trie washer like new mcclary rangcttc like now good glass kit chen cupboard ivory flnlsi good ivory dinette suite acme quebec range with pipes dike new good linen cupboard hall tree book shelves 2 small tables new sea breeze electric fan cloctrlc hot plate electric grill metal tool zpx clothes horse ironing board bollerf 2 washtubs a few garden tools dishes cooking utensils and other small articles this is an exceptionally good lot of furniture clean in good con dition and most of it ilka new terms cash frank fetch auctioneer scout news the wolf clubs were dismissed early on friday aftornoon iri order that they niiht wotch a soccer game in which someof their fellow c ubs were engaged some of the scouts are eager to attain their second class badge the leaders are wondering who will be the first scout in the 1st geor getown troop to gain that dlstlnc- ilon new scout and cub progress charts have been obtained and wll be posted at the next meetings showing the achlcvments of each scout and cuh up to date they arc still some fine days for hiking fls still have a good chance to organize a hike for flrellghtlng and cooking tests i life is not a goblet to be drained but a measure to be filled the boy scouts and wolf cuba joined with the explorers and cg1t on tuesday evening for a time of fellowship and tun mr gordon alcott recreational direc tor at gibson park spoke to the grpup and led them in a number of games which caused much en joyment marconi beautiful moulded colour poitfc cabinet 4lollo coiousj meres 8rihat features uidi huh dial built in antinna niwiit tym miniatusi tutlf iumshit acdc ciscuit pmdynamtc tmalob automatic votumi cohtsol oniy 29 mahooamt colours 31 tl ernies radio 4 phone 468 mak0m i