v f lakeshore church extension discussed by united church coop news for immediate delivery gehl hammer mills steel roofing molasses bran shorts oilcake beet pulp first in quality coop balcnced feeds purina feeds halton cooperative supplies milton 217 phones georgetown 86 service with a smile free delivery route days church extension provided the focus for discussion at the fall meet ing of the halton presbytery of the united church of canada which took place at lowville last tuesday october 7th this was sharpened by a report from the rev keith love of the remarkable prostress of the newly constituted congregation at port nelson and a seolutkwi calling on the home melons com mittee to prepare an overall scheme for church extension including bur lington the area north of freeman and oakville the presbytery com missioners to the recent general couimii of the- united church at hamilton reported that favourable toiiujf ration iiad ikm t given to re jteu to fxlerid the irbytery boundarlfs toward toronto urn far acookvllie mid jort credit t1u might now ukr pjjct during 10s3 jiuf ihotlfxftttrllly kin ngtlwti th irtbytr in him ting the growth lu jiopi lutlun th lri-jby- ttry jpjirowd the new our year rxumlon tunij4jli of thr uriiuvl t hurt h and urttl lo oimnitl o tin hurh tin ufjxaj to fsilm for tbut inmlcn in iihiuji amount ixjutil to tht jinounl ril1 for the wotntrc traltilfin oil m a tor onto tn imtliiii w us ihjilrd by htv j m smith of fxrk tomii uml tit tluii t oiuliii tt by tilt iiti ly ttli il 1u v j holuy of hnti ion slrubdiu ni mliisn r mtl t turn tl to tht prisbytt ry liu lutlt tl ht ittv utility htv r w rir y at ajple1y tint mr u g uck tutltnt mlnlklt r ut ahiovt lloin by durlnjc ht jiy thi turt wit id ttrtiufd by tht htv john it lectin ml ii a ii i timtlitunt mirttjry of the homo missions hoard of thr united cjiurt h of canada uml tliu hit hcttrlry i oatt n ma mlt dn tx tor of the newly t onstlluted ijiy 1ralnltg ct ntre at five oaks ikur 1arls out the lte john ng atronjily ronuiifiidnl tht at ll luy oartit ipatkii in dev elojj he new inrt nrlton roiireatluii and ftil d that his hoard would have cry confide ivce in supporting tltn liar itoru in other sections of the 1jikcahorc nrtj mentioning that wotcrdow n united church ls sgtorv horlng the sctllemrnt of a nfukee displaced family from kurupr he r thai there is still a hard coru of fourteen hundred families dis placed in world war ii who do not have yet homes in view this con stitutes a stern challenifr- to all christian organizations the hev llevcrly l oaten rave an account ol the uctivrtir of the rive oaks lay training centre in 1152 in you eon lit down to iron with this wondarfu nw ironar vou eon iron vaythlng in the boiital do mttt tmrtt quick and oty do all your ironlnf in half th tlm easy to lift and carry keep ft anywhere when you buy a stainless steel washer this popular bsohy medal li now nau with a double tub for extra durability and limitation id innar tub li ttalnlatt ttsl just lib your labia ratwara wont chip crated or stain has tha ossou baohy huiswand washing action aba tubful ol eleinaelaaitln6mlnutat gives you a complete laundry outfit yh at the 9950 baotty spoea sovar ironar in en cnowf for your old vrashar whan you buy tha naw kwn baohy stalnun steal woshar tw5 omit comb in ok phont today fmall pavmcnt july or e stanley jones conduc ted an ashram attended by a hun dred vnd fifty persons in august thare wercthroa one week training courses fartundsy school workers and at trie end of the month a first lay itellglous radio school in can ada this school drew an attend- unce of sixty and was lad by mem bers of the- cbc staff and american organizations throughout the sum mer there was a work camp whlrh was well supported and resulted in a total contribution to the building ftfogramme at five oaks tviuivalrrit in value to njne thousand dollars mr oaten sought and secured the presbytery support for a tmildlntf appro to complete uie initial pro ject hi may iu5j kejkirts of tha gen nil council i the united churvk held in ham ilton rwehtly were presented by lhre preshytrry commission to the louncll mr j s torry of kret 1 ton the itev j ii moore of wat- flown und tlie itev james iv ulalr of mil ion tlitse reports liuiiialed i vral imporlmt lines of prorcmi t- onfrunted wth tle reutcat hal lenge to eiiuge in spansion uork in ht r wttolt hltory the unitttl hurth of curiada is inaklii a lup t ndous tort to ahlivt liu nctes sary financial rvaourt rs and is wi far dolmji sn fcutteaafully with the i it triutus rtvtullni ovi r iht t n t ar pt riod a thirty hrnnt in n it- in tin nuiiitx r of h rwirn tljlmlrig ullcgl to the united c hurch a campaign of evanieihm to de pt n tht hint r life of tht ohurt h is to be ret ounlrd by lite inclusion of a larger h rxntjik f vvonuii on tht lioards of the churth intt rt hurt h r latlons are steadily kro winy more tordlal us eviilencetl in the address before the count ll of die aitkliean bishop llallum and the first visit to iht couiicil since union in 1923 of the modi ru to of tht continuing lrtbyt rlan oiurth or j a mtiimis a xhtint to plat i the unlttd churth fortnightly pap r tht obsvitr in rvrry tjiurch family mas adofited uiui tommen ded to the churthis with a vitw to an informed mtmlmrsiilp tlit held of family 1 ife is brought to the forefront in a vlgorotii new comprthensrve christian family ilft ijrogrammt for wfiich each church i bein asked lo appoint a special officer working with the traditional sun lay school sueriii tendent greeungs wtre sent from the presbytery to the churches at mil ton and carlisle which arc celebrat ing lhelr tt ntcnnlal anniversaries st pauls united church milton has been marking this occasion by a complete renov atlon of the church buildings and u series of four sundays of jcclal services conduc ed ly former ministt rs of the church the carlisle hundredth imnkt rsjiry was celt brnuti on oc tober mil and 6th and will be fur ther underlined by the publication of a history of the church writtt n by the minister the hrv g i almack 5a a growing desire for n clost r association among elders through out the prcsbyterv found ex predion in n motion introduced by mr j i mcklndhy of iturllngtnn to convene a itally of flders on nov ember joth thk was strongly sup ported and arrangements are to go forward under the capable leader ship of mr mcklndle mr a s mahon of cnmbcllvtlle nnd the itevs moore andj almatk there is considerable interest as to what the wider circle of elders through the presbytery will do with tht in vitation wlun it reaches them miisaismiiiiisiuiniiiiiinttinjiiuuaiiiiuiiijiiniiiiniiiui st pauls cathedral a sound film will be shown at st georges sunday school sunday oct 19th 0 55 am childrens day youth sunday attendance awards will be presented parents come with your children j richardsons hardware phone 25 georgetown yezim k w s j flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral phone 31bw oaohtatowa wednmdsy evenlnf oct isth lost the geoegetown bexaijd page 1 salada tea next monday tuesday wednesday october 20 21 22 with a orocery order of js00oe over euly mk ihopper at carroll nait wmk will rclv a uxs boauaa bowl to batch u10 ml of four onallar twwla which w gava aarty thla waak naxt waaka booos la dark gtn laai ahap and urfa aoonsh to mma aa a aatad bowl a dacoraut eostalaar for autumn fmiu or a aarrlns dlah for cannad fmita extra spciax avlhek tomato or vegetable soup 2 21c limited qdaunty ohly uptons chickennoodle soup mix 8 3 25c special blended oranges grapefruit juice 25 c special orpeb blue ribbon 10c off each pko ijlb pko only tea salmon baby food 42c clover leap a a blueiiaok lij tth jbfv 19c price sale uptons tea bags 2 63c vou save 10c johnsons hard 0lo8b- glo coat tin 65c 112 f w9 liquid laundry a ay jlamfa starch 320z btl zc new pack ld3bvs tomato juice 20oz tin avc tin p3lrc carrolls tam0u8 old cheese 54c these special prices available until the close of business saturday october 18th fresh fruits and vegetables macintosh apples 6 qtblct 73c fresh bunch carrots 2 for 17c snow white cauliflower 2 ids 29c washed cello spinach t v ea15c cau sunkist slims 288 r oranges i doz 33c fresh daily bananas cello tomatoes salad wa turalgm icebdrg lettuce florida tainehihv