t 3 iite emorialr uonutosts markers and wsoupttons catalosue on request gordon strain thompson new ctortruxn blind advisory couricil effect prmyiw r st jobs seam subject b okoatokvowm hajj wedneeday beeotflc jan ttth i84 raok j d o the hauon advisory council ot ffi canadian national intitule for the bhnd held a dinner meehnf january lath et the united church mluon after dinner prepared and served by the air and mrs club of the church j e whlte- eldexly people who soavaliae live under trying condition need com panionship a home and recreation some areaa in canada have bulld- tnc where thoea deprived of eight live where occupation are taught and recreation provided the of ficer and thop in toronto have be- lock prealdentjh the council call- insiequate so the pt156r2 rr iwton jar l cal fueau qil high quality stoker coal a complete fuel service at your blue coal dealer w h kentner son triansk 72851 x d on wealey stanley dittrict or- ganlssr afx stanley expressed the sppreeiatlon ef the council to j e whitelock and o klllott for the capatua and efficient nuriaajemeoi of the flair of the councu dur ing the pas eight year theae gentlemen in replying abated that it ha been a pleasure u m intereatectwitbinead need money set aso to ooo without bammabu sfcuuty paji sameday service tmtaaumsyou elect yoa loan made on your own oawiepsyomeidlaeuptolsmoeih alenatnn narrow to dean thaab ta 0u y7- wt lesv your noaey worna hchmdl p old bill fuel bilk ta oei a y wuh a looa from cnendly any good reason dspeadebl 0useh01d finance 11 wyiim srf pummm 799 4hlmcomt us mma mam m umm wmj ithowu s mato st la fc ft m uar ajtaisa iso ujuaptom ont the council end only the pi of buaineaa forced tbeqi to reluct- asuly resign their ofrix the election of an amcutlve for 19m resulted aa follow chairman g k thompson mltton flrsi vice- cluiirman il r ucata george town soeond vtcchalrmn h g uckjllop oakvllle third vice- chairman ii j tier iiurllniton rrrctary g h luddolls muum irraaurrr ii it j fill mhtoo ac tive members mra jam i veil mra k davis mrs 11 ilyrie b q tmrmiin of oakvllle mrs k m uush mrs w rmver of burtlng- ton mra j v g1uu mrs iercy ieslie jack runham of george town mrs a 11 long mrs don ald huck g imalty g a oder of acton mrs m k gowland k y dick of milton and e d lucas of port nelson honorary mem bora elected were mrs ii j ilmf- ly jih torce of acton ifughe cuutvir g harris of llurllngtun john d kelly av- ii kentncr of georgetown lady haiti if k pul- lrn of oakvllle dr c a martin j k whitelock and g kulott or milton mr thompson called upon a w sparks sunervlsor of r iejd ser vices for ontario who in his ad dress traced the development of the work for the blind in kurofm und inter in canad he mpheiucd that what the blind tnced is not charity but an opportunity to re habilitate irkttiielvrs provided by a iymjkftthitlc public mr hjrjrks loitit4hl ut that p ipk o oil jj mtil the rvtcs of the cnlll children and their parents require help and advice those of middle age stuxild be given the opportuni ty uf rarnlnk occupullota while cjn ib propose to erect ultblo buildings to carry out greatly ex panded protfrwra on ten acxee which have ben purchued just aouth of sunnybrook hoepltal to piovlde fund tor thl project cnpifcd will be carried on n aptil if it to to eucceeaful the cooperallon j jl i 4 jzr lie mr heidi txpllned how campaign would be organised debrgeiown was represented by mayor jeick arrostrong reeve stan allen ksquesing by reeve wilfrid lllrd nasaubuweya by reeve arc hlo sir vice milton by mayor dr c ii ireslop reeve dr c a mar tin nrlson by rwrve g k drcn- tvultz oakvllle by mayor uachlan mcarthur reeve wm auderson llie ontjirlo govtrnmtnt was rep resented by sun hall m p p ttut r pretntativoa of tlie vurl- ous communltlei apoke briefly ex pressing their uppreciatiun of tht excellent work done by the c n 1 ii and pledged their mpport in the coming campaign church group holds dutch treat dinner members of the daughters of si georges sponsored a dutch treat dinner in the anglican church husement on thursday cold moat cuts provided by the j m schneider co kitchener were augmented by othct delica cies prepared by the club ladles archdeacon woo thompson welcomed the gurits und introduc ed rob ijowmjii a company repre sentative who briefly named the vartotii mpjli used at the dinner then dhow id u coloured movie de- plttltik u trip hi rough the turn puny it plant and a hermudei tra- lotcut jeun lnguby smg a tolo vtth mlii dorothy parkinson pljyin piuno nccompanlmenl whf n in tht market for print lti try the lit raid compare value looks and ride and you too will drive a plymouth this year ot sunday monunst at sl johns united ctuuircfa rav j u smith ehoae for th of th aervlce iwertiv praying u4 uaad for his text jam 5 j8 the arfec- tual f erweat prayer of a righteous man avklleth much or aa hia been translated the prayer of a righteous mm baa treat power in 1u effacl it hat been aald that one with god u a majority and while that la true it 1a also true thai many wilh god who will pray tfhd work with ijitu can be a great power in their effect on the- world end on godv kingdom stare moat will arde that we thould pray more than we- do and ufee praver more at a force with god in accomplishing u much yet to be donv for the upward lift of tour world nor need we look back and think uf the good old days for thtru luii never been such an ago or bleaungs as the one in which we liye ot living everything comfort ioorl clothing auiost very bless tng canada where they have everything and clevcrnras of everjr kind silence and knowledge ej hjulprnm aitd jnatcrlul to ucootap- b lull almost unyttung we apt our m funds to wi stould do much or our world if we cult oijy kcej our- iklvcm i i in the right direction gj und use the power of prayer whlcl b too iius been given us true ail b unix guudnuxatki bring greater re- epotuubllity cjuajly 4ruc the op- h port unity tn fulfil is placed con- gj tu ntly befure us w ahould have b jio excumi llowivtr we need to b im willing to do our full share slid alo to realize where our hletstngr have all come from surely there are few who would not agree that 4 hey have name from god our wlu and loving sustainer and ro- vider one of our needs is to learn to commune with illm in prayer to receive added power for good in our lives and to receive right di rection for our power to make sure vtr are fitting in with ills will and purikjv praytr is really talking things otr with god it should nut be m lltsh wishful thinking and anliciiuittng nor should it be of u bargaining nature that we offer to do something or god if lie will do such and such for us he has don ills ahorc our doing for ifim ahould be in vrutitude our pray- r duxjld be on a high letl an r it rtiuii for others as was that of tlu indian picked up waif boy us told by mr smith to the boys ind glru lie had been brought up in the mbfcion and later when it tatm ti his turn lo lead in the stiiool prnytr he suddenly remem- ih red his exam nd added please od lei me pas- that dtdn t sound fair no a hesitation then please god let all the boys pass ecn that didn t suit htm so an other hesitation then plcac god let the whole vorld pasa he had the ritiht spirit then prayer to hae its highest power and cttcct must be like that of jetms that is with uncondlqon- il surrender to gods will able to take no as an answer if that bo gods wuy trusting that as being tho btbt for gods plans and pur- lore ird so for us too prayer like that menu you are a friend of god who can sek his iruidancc onlickntially and talk things over with him so whin you prny think of who it is j on arc spin king with- the god of loc power wis dom forgiveness and that should bring adoration from you and renumbering his blessings give i tim thanks hnoulnr his holi ness confess your short comings and sick ilia forgtwncs then milt ymr nttfylun prnyrr nt lntp ruce hardihg ptaabt i teacher steele atala st seafli tr 7t8 maiart bradley harding pianiat teacher blaju mala 8t- 8eata to 7310s iblleblhllliblblblhblnbm cut flowers ahtetla flanl arrawgataaala far all areas sail walter rigc flonat triajigle 73292 urmber ot telefraph delivery service tell it with flower authorized agent adams furniture television 8 best known makes and appliances frank king 1 4 john st tr 73200 expensive slipup i if someone is injured while on your premises will you be financially able to pay for any damages awarded compare the case of fulltimwtr steering and hydrive tool coraparcjllthe new cars and youll sayit s plymouth lor value in 1954 theres eauxiitf run dwwxr tut with plymouths full time power steering which does 4sths of the steering work for you theres smooth fast hydrive that free yoa from shifting yet retains all the conveniences and safety of a standard gearshift bitear riini comfort with the velvetsmooth balanced ride- balanced against roll pitch and jounce nimut power and jo in a lively highcompression motor designed for peak performance with modern gasolines and heausy to thrill in luxurious interiors lovely twotone fabrics soft leathergrained vinyl in smart low body styling and gembright colours optional oh fit 1054 pljmtiilks ml midtiku intra cost plymouth value mokat it aatyfor you lo own aflna car sdrjfandompa way you loo at it mf plymouth now 0ijisplarat your c hrysr- plymouth fargo dealers tlantrfaeturad in canada by ctuytlar ceraoramen ef canada umhstf ft l tjowers mb tsr georgetown ccsion for others or your friend your foe for the whole world lhot it may become chriitllko with nil sharing the knowlcdse e blessings of god do it anytime anywhere in your church alone or in conatejfallon in your closet at your set time or whenever and wherever h will help god plan pray unul k helps and even in alienee your prayer could come from your soul and still be heard by god keep silence friend for some have come to cast their care on god today and some to praise from thallltful hearts and some thy kincdom come to pnay keep silence let him spenlc anew to every heart perhaps to you the senior choirs anthem was the lord is in his holy temple the junior choir sana spirit of god at the e coins service rev john m smith spoke on the protestant and tho church he showed the tu1tto1tr-fbllowshtp-f-elwl- tian beliovera a worldwide fel lowship with a lonu and great heri tage and with a great and worthy function that of spreading a sav- hib tcnowledge of jesus chr as i gods son tho world cover mlas doreen warwick was at the piano now- high in march ofloss the average hourly and weekly x earn- logs of jioiiri3b in canada were the higher the hourly rate was 1347 cento and the weekly rate thu fcr ngamst you will you able to afford legal de fense the answer is yea i if you have residence lia bility insurance aak this hartford agency about it i john r barber agency successors to elmer c thesapsen insaranee service joftn b baaseb f kersey e c thesnpsen mill street th 73511 irfgoodricli 5kffiss tibttttx 4 list oeestewbjlfcteliuatelyoiat kvi