ttat okokottrowm sswasiis wednesday evening march 10104 pao high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 2 no 26 wednesday evening march 10 ism georgetown ontario student council plans showing of hanfet thif xmtivm pt the student council with twv represnuuvm from each room mt teet wk to ilsruaa some important lopicj inal prepatftuoti ior the annual com mencement to be held at the ilow- wd wrluleaworth auditorium on- march llth and 12th note chance of date were mode ttie whole af fair la arrarvged through the council which provide the honour creite for the daeervtng etudenta it was decided after some delib eration to rent the two and one half hour film hamlet for the sum of 123 the tlm will be shown on april 0 at the puiiuc library under the aus- picee of the library hourd admis sion to be put m ooc for the public and 23c for student in the course of deliberation one student said it was a very good film everyone gets killed- recently under the supervision of class reps students have been able to pu rename school rings bracelets and pins crests with the school colours of red and blue can now be purchased for 30c by any students a now addition to the oholr was voted by the council eight gowns for tho boys at a cost of approxi mately 10 each the money will come out of current funds and the gowns will certainly boost the sp pcorance of the choir committees were appointed for a school dance to be held r riduy ap ril 30th k very one had a splendid time at previous dances and this will probuby be the last of the year ap pointed on the decorating committee were eileen ottos uev hyde tfue crabtree ueuy oreig snd dorothy scott door committee terry liar ley pat carney and jtoss mcolll announcing uev hyde hlwn ofite and miss parkinson booth mary barber ntargant uryden and mike armstrong choir report bev hyde we 11 folks here 1 m again ust bursting with joy our choirmaster is not sick but quite will and hcil thy we had quite a scare we were afruld he would n t b here lor the cofiuncnctoliii and that woulii in the pnd if w toultlnt sing it c ommnu omi nt hut r er t hffij ii nil mkhi ind m will b bit lo sltu unfortunate l the re is no news other th m this i hi him e hive io had iny thoir period except one and wow whit n om hoth double- trtos hive rcteived terrible shocks intfiuit r one of them can sing at commencement because wc art not ready in other words the son doesn t sound ery good oh well that is immaterial there goes the twll to 1 will sign oft till nrvt time grade xi report by 8b asuileaane welcome once again you may have noticed many beatnlng face one afterraion a couple o weeks ago this surge of bappuwas was brought about by the cooperation of our teachers when they attended a teachers conven tion leaving no alternative but to let us all have the afternoon off the amllea werv laid on thick then hut- the disappointment came later when we found out some of the schools had the whole day off it this had been the way with us we would have been rid of one layer of bags from underneath our eyes come one corne all to our commencement and hear grade xi s great contribution on march the 11 and 12 in order to hear our artists at work you will have to listen very closely because their contnljutlon consists of uoolng hissing and hurrah oh us quite a play alright then of course there is the odd main cluaracler in it too but that of course is a mere detail i think if you come you 11 enjoy t though so rny words will consist of see you at the commencement grade xii report all names have been rubbed off to protect the guilty dum dum dum dum thursday 10 23 i walked into th- room and fourd one student mis sing dum dum dum dum 1 13 i returned from lunch an1 found the student sitting in his teat dum dum dum dum 10a report terry llsrfey after much pleading i have been allowed to enter into the hushhush iroom where lite rehearsal fur the loa and b production court in christina is being performed it contain a lot of scotch dialect which makes it uiot much tougher for the actors to learn their sp edi ts while tome of the performers were practicing their brut brick moon lick nicks i picked up the book which the pluy wdi takin from and glutccd through it i soon discovered that it contained enough mush to start a dozen dog teams but i was later informed that ituw bits were tkcn out leaving only the stand up und talk parts i settled bock in one of our lay boy ncliool de ski as the part ike r cujiie on stage to ik gir i i xpiiii to witness a whole half hour of nothing w ith i scutch it et nt but got a pie asaiil surprise when signs of life drlfted into tin plyht i he ix rforim rs tvldintlj lx rami quite rovid of the ir mst rink tt sotch t ngoe fur ulnul h ilfw iy thi v imkui utte inptint it ill in sp mih and t couple tried upi r mongol in i he we re of mrw lormuil ml nt h irk on the right jiath for tlu ton phtlnn of the play i tot up ii t w ilkod 1 wl out with the jeelitii th it m nirlsitv had been tatishtd but on nte rini the hall i could p irtl see iht re hearsil for the upiier school pi iy tlirough an unclosed dinir at tin i ik t inn nefuisitue but i m idi up my mind that at le tst this pi iy would have to wait until commence ment night looney bin me beth the majority of this report is about the ajiiiu il commcncemcnt which is being held thursday und r rtclay murch 1 1th and 1 thurs day will be sports night and friday is scholastic night rour plays will ijofipordatf t facts- oothma ulmobatki jjotbimghtailoui grade but the fact of his adventure acci dent 150 stitches but not in his head kn his pants dum dum dum dum friday 10 23 i sat in my seat and there it was the two eyed monster dum dum dum dum 10 30 the monster brought two suction cups and forced us to pull them apart dum dum dum dum 11 os barb and mary gathered themselves from the floor after pulling the pups apart and wc des cended dum dum dum dum friday 2 35 t gathered my books and hobbled into room 4 and there it was the four eyed monster dum dum dum dum 2 43 the monster gnzed about and his eyea fell on the hoys of state room no 7 dum dum dum dum 2 46 the monster picked tyou you ond you volunteers for the stage crew for commencement march llth and 12th dum dum dum dum friday 3 43 x shoved the girl in front and she fell and broke to pieces dum dum dum dum 3 46 i picked un the pieces and ix s are having a play these being the uncjtpoctcd always happens and wodding uells grade xs play is the courting of christina the son i or ploy or highlight of the ev ening is cm tit led parted on her wedding morn the following an nouncement will bring joy to all concerned there will be no guest speakers so you can come und en- joy yourself no tickets arc being sold by the students the charge for admission is adults jiocchln drtm and students 25c tho students referred to are pub lic and out of town students the cadets will again give a rifle drill demonstration all in nil it should be an excellent evening no matter which night you come wc were notified by our loving prlnclpat that only seven wccki of school remain school exams start on may 17th and finish that wee it- depart mental exams will be starting on june 10th and approximately two weeks later summer holidays begin this past year has gone by with outstanding speed for all lovers of shokespenrel the glued them hock togothcr took the play hamlet starring sir lawrence m cadet news views kecs aceguyrajr final preparations for the precis- ton aquad at the commencemaul on thursday and friday evening were made with the following cadets tak ing part bgta mackenzie tracey mcguvray cpls lambert leslie jepaon dobble darlingtovi lcpl carter cadets wrigglesftuoxth mar tin and kidd uniforms are being pressed and brass thined as every one awaits the big how ever the precision rifle drill will also serve rb give the general pub lic an insight into cadet work another phase of cmdat work la being covered each wednesday night bl the armor ua s sgt mcarthu of central command is currently giving short lectures on various topics one of the topics covered was remuner ation in the active force from ranks of ptc to major general r or in stance a major general earns su11 03 pej month after income de ductions his pension after thirty five years service is placed at ju3 10 pe r month another topic was bused on the sten machine corbuie presently un der study by the corps ostyou know that it la ellecmve with in 100 yards it fires automatic and single rounds there are eight atens p r platoon it weighs 8 lbs h is spring and blow bock operated it is magazine fed using 28 shells it fires u m m ammunition it fires three ways and it usevl for patrols and house cleuring along with safety precautions stripping und us sombllng these are some of the points studied brampton georgetown exchange news items arrangement have been made be twee n this pape r und the bramp ton high scheol newspiper for the e xchungc of irtle les in ttoth iaperi the first rxchangi article ajnrs in this edition but imf rjun it iy the high tales exihmw could not tx mibllahed in this th r this week we hop this wll promote ktkklwlll ind closer frie ndshlp be tw ee n grorfci tew n mul br unpluti in the future brampton camera club is really clicking in no e mbe r the e line i i t luh w i intrtkltiee 1 to the stu 1 nls 1 iidiis with ml mor j the te i i he i director an e vet ull v e e nin mittee of inti re de i ftu te nls is ho ii with tiord hobinhon inl hi e nor sine ids hiupmj the st re re t ry tre isut r s ch ilr i he first problem whlth fuel tlllk new ly organized t lull u is to mlett some hielile n turner in the school in order te have t dirk room to develop pictures an old shower room just olt the old g m u mkcted for the future d irk room v ith much labour the lute rested students palnteel this room and in stalled some nectawiry electrical work all this work was completed and the club began to eperate hav ing starteel with simple developing and printing the club is presently enlarging jloturcs hopes in the fu ture arc that the students may sell wnu cnlaxjiemcnla and tm jhcy will be able to finance other im provements for the dark room the committee has accomplished a greul dial in the past three months but thtrl is still much work to do a new policy has been to submit pictures to the two local papers to facilitate this new policy a ttudejit photographer is appointed for a two week period mac brown has been nppointed to this duty for the next two weeks already eleanor shields gord hobinsonnul mah and john hake hove secured excellent shots of school activities eleanor has sub mitted to the gazette htr picture of the chorines who performed ut our formal the conservator has accepted her picture of a home ec onomics class cookipg a dinner dill mnh und gordr6bnon have en- larged excellent shots of the drama clujboncljhcftc enlargements have ibelm submitted to simpsons mr morgan and the camera club hope to learn about dodging prlnting- ln ond the finer techniques of en larging they also will endeavour to display their school pictures in expect 300 cydub july lit weekend at least 300 motorcycle enthus iasts from canada and the states are expected to converge on geor getown for the july 4th weekend the local yellowjackebj motor cycle club is sponsoring an endur ance run and field meet at that time and with national holidays in both countries attendance will be good it is believed don hutchbs- son who heads a club committee plaohlng the event has already been at work an the project for several weeks use of georgetown prfrk has been granted by the town court- ell the meat will be sanctioned by the american motoroycje associa tion a boo mile endurance run will start from the park on the satur day noon with riders leaving the park gate at one minute intervals sundsy evening waxes will be pre sented ta winners at a big welner roast which is being jplsnned at in outoftown spot following a parade around town on monday the park infield will be taken over for a field meet which will feature tests of skill and nov elty events it is emphasized by the yellow jackets that the race track at the iirk w 111 not be used for the field meet mr huttiiinson also calms the fears of those who con envisage a noisy week end by pointing out that aa1a rulings call fur all mseh lnes to have proper mufflers i- for expert eye care consult o t walker optometrist s main st north brampton over a bell s drug store phone office 300 lies 30 hours 0 sjn to 0 p m dally evenings by appointment flowers for every occasion deaign work a specialty flowen by wlro tnywhert in th world norton floral trunfle 1ss8i gorftairb x k i illuin was reclexteel president and cimlrman of the board of gov ernors of peel memorial hoapual association st the annual general meeting thursday night ttad about six or eight records play ing simultaneously but only one was going over the air while we were there a muslcul number was dedl cated to us jai lowing this we saw studios a and hi studio a is used for new was tr and studio b is still under construction but will e used for live talent in the future the library t ext claimed our at tent ton there are many records thite of different types and slca and the programmes are planned 24- and some limes acn 48 hours uhead of time meaning a great amount of work fur the stall we were shown the ollwe next ind mr upton answered quest lotus that we askeel he tilso told us about the te letype machines in the lase ment sending and bringing to news i his trip wns very interesung and we wish to thank those who m leie ii iklble q open twentyfour kure a day- do you leave your work behind when vou uit for the night or do you and your wife often answer tuinrsa rails that are too important to wait till nmrninp thin sort of thing liappent so often to so many eeile theyve come to reslischow unortant t home telephone is m lirljnng thrm lo keep thrir jetha going in fact eiu mi be one ef theme who aav that for busmen reasons alone our telephone at home la werth more thun it eemts the bell telephone company of canada directory alfred j bishop certified pobllo aeeanauot mln si georgetown tr 73ss1 omce open monday and 1 rlday ovenlngf monuments pollock campbell s2 water bt north g a l t dctlgnj on request phone 2mb inspect our work tn greenwood ccmetenr a m nieuen dc- nx doctor of chtracrutl ftnd nfttaropatl nouns 29 pjn cloaed thunda ldy attanduil is main bt n georgetown th 73612 t pr clifford reid lds ddj dentist k to 72581 main street georgetown frank fetch licensed auctioneen prompt service to 72b64 georgetown po box 413 dr j burns milne xray dental suhgeoh mill street tr 7s87i tnted pieces autterntlon icrou to room 4 and tried to thaw them out ttiati right ihe wa frozen dum dum dum dum 3 56 i crettkod my way from the room and mode it out gldo ah warmth i knew thu couldnt go on thli cam had to break sometime dum dum dum dum y dooi i heard ono pf u boy chewlny about some ml- i the jto woi broken ittuimr olivier will bo ihown t the lib rary on april 0th thl film is be ing secured for grade xiii atudcnu who are tolctngthc jdny this year since only a limited numbe r of teats are available ticket must be secured when these tickets arc available 1 will inform you go keep the daleopon success scheme calehreflng hli loothalrthdny wl hauled in on the man in arcadia callf declared he triad and convicted owed his longevity te being a bosk burning bachelor jvuurrlage is for women a term not lets only a man should have nothing uttlljlilllll experimental classes visit radio station on february 15th ok jjxnerlmctfc tnl clou of bdhs visited pjd ra dio station in brampton we were mettoymr deryln upton who con ducted a ioar of the motion sqow- jna how ft- was op and lntfo- duclngus to various msrsbera of the staff he began by showing the control room viewed through soundproof glass tfefe the mae eonfaol oil and coal s furnaces installed s- m sheet metal work bonded roofs s f peats0n 5 r k7 2 brampton phene in m fl gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking radio repairing we specialize in this wprk 26 years experience jsanford son dr john r kerby practice or dentistry xray tr 73641 main street georgetown ctw sayerstdvmt veterdmardn guelph street opposite armstrongs garage to 72711 s m faib1sh ro optoketust menamarm jewellers georgetown tr 72481 j a willouirhby a sons cobfplktr real estate service head ojt1ck toronto 366 bay st k 3004 city and country uemes farms and small acreages industrial and business properties year local representatives tom hewson tr 7s4 walter fidler r bramoton sos r4 leroy dale qc m sybu bennett qc barristers and solicitors mill st georgetown tr 73381 4 james fmcnab barrrister solicitor notary public norton bdlg main 8treet tr 73461 ernie thompson slerj wuham tr 73366 lever hoskin chsrtered accountants successors tp liwlrim awrlhmt 1805 metropolitanbldgr 44 victoria 8t toronto em 48ut f isbiv ik r ii itilmum i hewson glancy barristers anetsolicitora jyceeedj8t- rennbtb h lamodom roxy thfatra bler mu1 ssejsjeia fp iiiiis