scsistjk 1 h ocokobtown wniw wednesday bvnw elsreb nlbm page t ibiose were the dayjj itimi hi when jflstandfather kept a tow for hit milk often mad ihoetlof tho lamuy in thot doy nil cath nqjkvfkh wr una becoute he bartered hit ivlc for m amoy need- today with our tremendoui indutriol orowth our nedt have increaied but our purcnotvf are now mod with caih or credit good laanaowmnt and lound budgeting are the vy or imoout finance- occasionally the pattern break how- ever do lo bine- or eatergency thit it when w t ton mwn protect on of me oriatett mili noyd bi lomily life oasd crodtr mmdo in in we hove teamed lo dm in experience of other lo help ut adjuu lo the world of today read our free booklet money management your budget available al th morl hfc branch office or by writing comumr education department 80 richmond street wett toronto ontario 0useh0ld finance otttutif f 3fl4 cmtut uiout aosi iicoambud comomi iiimci coerm 13 flowers for all occasions potted plants redding stock bube artistic design we wire flowers r jtasedale floral 14 murxkxjc st tr 72952 nkw 1ook koh new emprus sks a scale model of two new imooo ion streamlined ships now on order by the canadian pacific nuaiiuetupb for transatlantic strvtcr j shown aiovc making a realistic trial run in a ilrltish tank the 21- knot liners with rakish lines and hfiilon decks will bring ntw look to canadas i0o0 mile inland portion of the transatlantic route when they go into rrvw in 1056 oiid 1017 contract for constructing the second ship wx let in great jirituin rtrruuy by a c macdonald of montreal managing director of canadian pacific steamships to vlckcrs armstrongs mm 1 ted while the first which will 1m- named em- nrvm of llrltaln has bcrn undrr ronmrtirtkii finer last kali hy alr- f itids mi sifctly imitnj fo thte canadaunited kingdom serv ice the urven will have accomrno- odatlori for ftoo tour tit pawrngeri id 1m first claw passcngeri at well lis 305q cubic feet of rarpo space the titter hji will le 633 fel in lei4th ft5 feet in tjrfadth and will draw 29 ft fully loaded lle name of uu second ship has not yet 4wun choxrn ghhf8b18sisiaailbsislhbbl m m oil tmd coal furnaces in8taixkd kirftftly dmitnrd folk school students ha0e naried three day program thi fiirni home of mr and mrs mac alesaiuler hjmjiushm twp was a hive of uctlvltlm from wcl- nesday evening march 4 till sun day evfiilnu march 7th ua the set ting- fur th 1um llalton county folk school the leader miss kl- tuior sarucuse waterford fu-ld- mun for ontario folk nthools pro- vtd her ability in tcadrrshi to the mvrn studinu as wu aa to the numerous daily visitors who avail- kit themselves i the opportunity to learn for tlitinmlvts li ubwrvu- hon litruit a folk school i with the theme know kalton members delved into the post with mrs gwendolyns clarke and found the history of the county most in teresting nnd informative in learn ing of proudfoots hollow and the early srttters who suffered many hardships tn buitding their home churches aetwola and roads thy went on to leurn from miss hume of the different places and people nd where they derived their names halton tolay dealt with new neighbours from farawny lands and our duty to these people who now reside in halton county it is our duty as good neighbours to prac tice the golden kule of doinu unto others ns we would ik done by nature appreciation as we find it tn halton county today was led by mr mack from kden mills who de pleted the part of a lawyer pleading his case ixiore the jury in favor of protecting wild birds and animals and making them our friends this was also on object lesson as mr mack exhibited hu stuffed birds and animals in their original plum age and hides alex prlnffle nassagoweya town ship spoke on his hobby of land scape patntlnsj arid the methods he used to derive a pleasant pastime for the past 30 years he displayed some of his pictures mrs- j l ellcrby llmehousc county president of llalton womens institutes avokc on llcallh and welfare services giving a wealth of and father iwi llless others industrial devulopnunt in llalton revealed the many industries lisud lor the different tuwns and villages millon the county town proved to be a thriving industrial centre then came acton georgetown llurlinjrton and oakvlllr the county is riipd- ly changing from an agricultural lo an iitluatrial area ami some of the ut garden land i being used ttv industrial pin a panel discussion wos chaired by j k whllelfkk district agricultural reprewntauw womens iifrtltute representative was mrs m j hi own the federation eof agric ulture and farm forums were rep resented by spemer wilson junior farmers and junior institutes by haruira taaker calf clut and 411 clubs by jean alexander it vas mentioned that ontario uils year was honoured by aotlng as host to the associated country wo men 0 the world where 27 coun tries were represented and cacti brought greetings saturday found the group with thoughts on llttltoii tonuirrow thrs auotgested the idea of drawing a mai ol the county and marking on it the places of interest and the development of industry education health e g hospitals and health units and lasrt but by no means least churches the school was honoured by hav ing kuniu llfldakka whose parents natives of japan sirc iw residents of huttonvllle he is a member of the ontario planning and develop ment hoard and brought n wealth of knowledge and information the reason for the existence of such a board is that many persons are migrating from the city tu the ctnin- try and if different size lou are sold side by side there is n tenden cy for ziguig streets nnd roads this boanl also kcxvs industrial and res idential districts apart which helps eliminate the dtist and smoke hazard in the latter area tho prob lems of north and south halton ore decidedly different as it is hoped knowledge wbloh proved halton is- north halton can remain agrtcul certainly uuuu tbw tl llrl in fants the orphans the sick the aged as well as protecting the health of the people the evening lwa commenced with some interesting book reviews nunc of these mentioned being i m montgomerys dr e corbotts uirm 11 nl iuiri saturday afternoon seven stud- enu of the diploma class of the 0ac guelph brought a film pro jector and instruction on the proper setting up of this invention after which several films were viewed in the evening in st pauls chun h hall norval the folk achool work was re irwed by means ol skits oar italton of yesterday to day and tomorrow this revealed the benefits derived from folk school participation the students from hie oa c set up their film projector and entertained with a film on conservation of soil fol lowed by a comic strip whloh woa veiy amusing milton junior far mers gave a splendid demonstration of square dancing which caused fee to tingle miss sararuse led in a number of musical games followed by a figure in square dancing pinegrove iwnn konun proved themselves genial liosts by serving light lunch with collce sunday niornlng folk school loemixts atteimled norval united church and afurwards ut the alexander honu- carried out previ ous instruction on banquet proce dure with heud table guests mas- terofceremonles guest speaker and toasts this gac the students an opiort unity of expressing to mr and mrs alexander and family including fraser their heartfelt appreciation for their hospitality t1e afternoon session was spent in evaluating their experiences as folk school students and it was agreed the next topic could be know es- quesing or whichever township the achool is in weeklies will choose champion correspondent a new competition has been an nounced by the ontario division of the canadian weekly newajkipcrs socialion it is entitled chanv- plon country correspondent open to rural corresondents of member pahrs- awards will be made at the annual convention in london on june 1 1 nnd 12 the champion country corres- mjndenl will be honoured at the convention in june when he or she will be our honoured guest says werden leavens secretary manager of the association ilobert h saun ders qc chairman of the ontario hydro and long a friend of the weeklies has agreed to donate a suitable award to the champion second and third winners will re ceive diplomas tho hydro chair- man ufwiiu mi mm j sheet metal work bonded roofs 5 f peatsom j r r i braapus pant 1m billgarbutt sarah street ti triangle 73638 jimmy brown custom television antennae service every ibaullatlaa furuua ad lasnnd 24 houjl service brampton 1573w r the fox and the leopard a fox and a leopard were diiputirtg about their loolci and each claimed to be the more handaome ol the twp the leopard aid look at my smart yi have nothing to match that but the fox replied your coat may be smart but my wits are smarter itill moralt smart wlu can bring you happiness and oa fortune- outfox the hazards of life by opening a savings account with kw thecanadlanbank of oammetee as so mariy other alert j canadians have done add to your balance regularly and make your savings aecounl the cornerstone of your future independence wji3 commerce u fik hesmmamuiaaesr latlou of the weeklies in ontario to the rural correspondents and tho news they produce mr saunders thinks country items are the back bone of the rural town weekly of which he has u very high opinion the ontario hydro is using the weeklies currently for a scries of advertisements of ontario hydra at work for you and yours mr saunders is looking forward to at tending the convention of the onta rio weeklies in june when he will make the presentation the competition will be judged on the- bails of ctrrspondence by the cornpetltors on certain dates be tween now and the next eoupleol month these dates will be mode known to your hometown weekly correspondents should get in touch ylth their weekly newspaper to moke lure they ore entered in the ohatnplon country correspondent contest sponsored by the ontario hydro willing helpers plan siiameock tea meeting at the home of mrs wll- jlnrn bverson members of tho wtl- ling helpers of the glen united church mode plans last week for a shamrock- tea ond bak sale which will bo held tomorrow night mr roy norton jr was cohos tess and assisted mrs evorson in serving lupxh after the business meetlhgr t n the only mormon temple in the bcjtlsh empire h in the west ftt crdston alberta- hamilton construction at your service discuss your problems with us tr 73894 158 guelph street woods milk coolers featuring- woods exclusive pos itive circulation method welch cools milk inter more econ omically and stridently than any other method known portable and drebtn models write oh phoe robert phons isll adjoining bramptto clou club bixttllbramtstab x- kifikiiiii