gkokgetowrj bwh wednesday evening march 14 1054 vaok t ais tractor pulls like a horse kepftnnncd flou faau implement news ftureb 1 edltua it ii8 in and pulls harder wken the goings tough with out changing gear fpr thefaxmall mta and w6ta me equipped with a new development in power wm- rhe toztjutr ajnpliher whieh at a fhcvof the lever tttepa up the pull to ftet through the hard vpota with- out declutching and changing gear it may marie a new era in tractor history by introducing new flexibility in the mechanical application of power theyve restdred the whip to horsepower staid old coftippy whkh cornpetl- tivsly if navtr so uingeroui atien yuu think you ve cot them licked just recollect the tractor trade of 1021 to 1024 and then what hipenod in 1023 when they pruntf the karma 11 down in texas and sold about 4 000 iff the one state the first year also what happaicd not lootf after to their principal com pccmon so a nrw slur lias risen in the powtr jarmlntf unnamml ml we don t think it will prove to te u nova astroricnulrully mituklit or u mochaislial d cm motion of tht suntr m ta and the rt letted lour wtui i sujr vtt ta i turn tlu editorial tcuvtl over to jim has w linun associate si it or u n al n kinit r who alti ndi il th hi jrt d tonftniu u lx n tht btory wist n i ultxl says jlni a n w lp lorij ii imjitlfitr th it ririun t hi ipit il of i hi traitor and inert um a thi druwbir pull on the lo and a iww lndiitml nt i tlrl v t lui v c b i n hit rod ut id lit tlu ntw models siym r m ta and iu pr wb ta imikiumtm by tin in tin ill m il ifaivurttr co 111 nuimiri iiuuti tin t niu uui lifu r in u lnit ir k i r 1 it tton mill i bt died in tht rl itt h to isii ixtmiui tin i tnlr i t lutih ml tl r k il r fui sj t tt trmv mlvsiur it is x omtti nidluiil ill unit md should i ot u iimiistd with hjdiaulii lrut it is ion trolled by a liir cxti ndtnjf near the left side of the drinri seat rhc torqui amplifier adds one additional speed fur each regular speed making a total of 10 forward speeds and two rtrst seeds for tlte new models with a tonjuc am plifier it is said trial the operator can reduce the forward speed by one third and increase the pulling power up to 45 per cent without stopping declutching shifting or touching the throtlu the power flow to the rear wheels is automa tic and uninterrupted the ta unit consists of a double faced disc clutch planetary gearing with carrier and a camroller over running clutch under direct drive with lever for ward the disc clutch is cngused and there is no tfcar reduction the engine drives the input shaft plan clary gearing carrier and output shaft as a unit it is likened to a shaft turning with a knob or an offset handle on it the trans mission drive must turn with the unit because the planet pinions are mocked to keep them from turning since all parts arc locked and turn ing as a unit regular transmission directdrive speeds are obtained the camroller overrunning clutch is not e th man most responsible is clar- whenthc control iffvct is pulled encc hubert chief of engineering back the disc clutch is disengaged for the tractor division of interna- the carrier tends to revolve oppo- tional harvester co but the devel- site to engine rotation due to the nnmrnt and working wt of the idea inyut ge driving the planet pin was a kroup project on whkh imv soly i mis cuumlt lulsllui la the sutm mta super m fslinall with torque ajnpufler tarns tonal harvester engineers have eott up with an ldaa and a mech bum that can compare in original 4ty and bnpact with the original ftormau in doing it they- hove bia sed their own trail and followed iu one else s slash marks they have a mechanical whip that puts bane pewer into horsepower the torque amplifier when lite lev- rs pulled rrudies the ta snuat down on its haunches as it wire and pull out as no other farm trac tor has done before ones conclusion hwi first htar ins of the ta is that it must be jufcl another hydraulic torque comtrter such as are um d in military vih deles industrial tracktypt tractors and in bulcks trui tht harvester torque amplifur atctjml up pull just as does tlie hydraulic torqui ion verier but thu big diitcn ik and li is a crucial om in farm tructor nrvice is that travel spcid with thi h dnaulic mochanism is lnfuuuly variable wiuiin certain limits dt k n ling upon loading whllt har- vosters torque amplif ii r slips up pull by pulling dow n spiitl f roiu om gearfiscd rate to uiotht r a thlitl lower this is without itum- liij tears in tin tr tnsmlion or throwing out the ilutiji and rttn giikidk you older fillows will mi til how thi model t would struult through nwud and loose sand whin no other car could eruitved with hlfch wheels and narrow 2s inch tires a modvi t mfchen it hit loos sand might start to bog down and stall the engine but all you had to do was push down on that planetary flenr pedal and immediately the for ward speed was pulled down through the plaentary gears and the whew tpull stepped up with the load on the engine eased below the stall point the model t blern us tinny body would get you through mud and anything but quicksand when no other vehicle tout a buckboard could harvester has exalted this et through and gltthar idea in their super m ta tractor it may prove to be a pattern of the things to come in the power farming world moat outstanding mechanical de velopments in their original concep tion are the ideas of individuals like bert benjamins original idea of what latter became the farmall which revolutionized agricul ture the working out of auch ideas in the natural course of events be comes a group project so that many engineers and inventors contribute the new ifarvester torque ampli fier we afe informed was not a act up certain basic objectives for a better working tractor in the field then brought forth various sugges tions s to how thcke might be achieved one of these which tur ned up was a mechanic 1 torque amplifier utilizing planetary gears this was not in itself new but it was absolutely novel in us appllca- i itton to agriculture in farm tractor eta the rpm of the transmiaslon acrvlce drive gear is reduced 1 482 to 1 so hats on to clarence hubert which results in an actual speed and his gang they may have pul- reduction of 32 5 p led another fnrmall idea tor fa u bus the camroller over running clutch ito lock or stop the carrier with the currier locked the ta unit operates like a conventional counter shafted transmission the planet pinions are driven toy the input sun gear and in turn the planet pinion drive the output sun soar in the actual unit there arc three planet pinion that since he speed reduction takes place ahead of the er- shift trans- mlsslon the ibelt pulley wiu also operate at a reduced apeed in dir ect drive pulley apeed la b0 rpm which with the ux7lfc pulley deli vers best- speed of 2600 feat p mln in ta drive the speed is 808 rpm or a belt apeed of 1762 ft per fnln the new indpendam tp can be stopped or started independent pi the tractor mooon and the tractor am be stopped started or shifted without affecting the ito a hollow shaft driven from the engine flywheel through the clutch pressure puti surrounds the shaft that transmits powtr to the ta unit tiis hollow ahull drives the indopen- di nt iio drive gears whenever the engine is running rtvn the ito dm r gears power is transmitted inside the hollow transmission counter shaft a control lever mar tht right side uf the drlvtr s sot starts or stua the ito a mason al disconnect is located on the un- derudt of tin ilutih houslru al owiiifc tlu ito to be removed dur liu th m tliiui of yiar it is not needed a in a front ihjltf r ind new wide front ixlt huw lmiii di signed for tin su i r m ta a tw livdiaullc si at w it h foam rubtx r upholuti ry and tilt buk lilni u an ildtd fta- hin for the sup r w0 ta mil jlni s it count as hob mitmiigtr txcimtlvt vice tiruudiiit i ul ujm rlmjut of ntgli eiiing rtmarkid r iniu r like oi and nit an uidbitlmis itu y w nt to jul u tractor in thi faut m r tht think tlu lan k t ty it if ttuyn dis lui an 1 hit a hi i siht t rdin tril it nt us il i in diiluuhn k fcl ifuutt to 1 v r n ir starling nj nil v mi thrimjh thi t if tl i ir umbilion ivirwlulrns tin u li i rtl t thi y stop and shift buk into the lilghir fci tr i hit iu w torque amplif lir iltmln atcs itutt situation and llob mlkht lutve uddctl mental indecision antl i numeration one can aim with the splau r lutel and still iav the etioke to fall bick on when il only will get the bird speaking in duck dialect one uf the greatest advantages of ta says the panting ad men at least those who having a farm background have had the urge and opportunity to work with the ta is in hauling heavy loads of cor i from the picker grain from the combine or manure from the feed lot you can put the tractor in the high road gear roughly 16 mph with a load so hoavy you d have trouble starting up but by pulling the ta lever you pull down your travel speed to 10 mi for starting the load that s also a real safety feature poirrud out ted ifale vice presi dent general sales when pulling out of the farmyard with a load to cross the highway it is necessary for safety to stop before crossing and with motor car drivers cruising at 70 as they do those days the pull- dow n speed of the ta and the quicker start it gives with a heavy load is a much better assurance of getting across the road olive thun with fo cultivating tools mounted most form boys feci they cant achieve and demonstrate their mastery of power cultivating unless they operate at least in third uw1 uml m mmphat gov erned engine speed- when it comes to turning at the end of the row and raising the swoops such a speed often is too fust its far better to pull tnto slower ta and effect the turn in repose instead of jitters if there ever have been times when harvester dealers in compet itive demonstrations have had to cat crow the chances ore that in any contest they enter from now on with th super mta they will land near the head of the table eating quail plover and partridge see these amazing new tractors soorncttr 16iullphjl tr 72861 u d haxweix l d maxwell named this week as hajton county chairman it the 03150 000 canadian national in stitute for the uund building pund mr maxwull is assistant to the vice president ford motor co of canada ltd oukvllle farm nevvh ontario prexy speaks at junior farmer dinner irafalgor memorial hall was the seem of uie fourth annual hal ton junior rnrmer baiujuel on rrlday evening the auditorium and hvin quet hall wire both tastefully doc- oraud in true si patru k day style und dlnnir wai served by the ladles ofkjtox irtsbytt rian church ac ton ihli ears progrurnim presi 1id over by loastmaslrr harold lrnll w is if ihmsiblt ivm on a hi r livil than that of u i ir a m w but vrry lovely innovation instt ul of cran was tht mngmg of thi iord fc prayi r by hill hoimrvllli uieomikinleil by mluh ell niali boui of acton i hi gruup vlngliig wis led by duvuj imlitterlo with marjorie siktworth at thi piano tin tomt llt incltidid introduction uf lit id t ibit jeon tetirson tlianks to tht i idli kirl snow tht jupl r li slitult propoia t by john w 11 kit ind rcsjxmlcd to by katlili en stinlcy riu junior r aniu r prtimm1 b ii m 1ittirsoii an i respond ml to by karl wilson 1 hi guist s pi ikir in mlddu ton pritudeirt of tho junior rami i m assmrlatlon of ontario nwho wjis introduced by dem matthew rrci ntly ejected president of hal ton juniors took as his subject it isn t magic in an amusing and original style he delivered a thought provoking address on how to build i strong unlor organization ifow son huddell expressed the apprec iartion of the gathering to president r farm papea- take pride in family relatkitalitp ejttraordlnsry rlerrtinds are often made on a pub which makes reai friends of ha readers accord ing to the family herald week ly star which has pfidad uaeu on inaintajlnins aueh a reiaoonshlp to an unuaual degree many things are asked of it the family herald says which readers would ordinarily ne ver think of asking one example is a request from a reader in eng land to have someone make a per sonal investigation and report on the health of her uncle in nanauno d c she had not heard from rn to two ywrs while such requests cannot always be satisfied because 4heywould re- ulrefacillue which are notavatu able the family herald points out all efforts are made within reason t to help the anquirer readers sjne regarded as members of the family herald family and heir problems y are therefore deserving of sympa thetic attention consultation and sunllar reader services have been provided by uid kuuilly herald for nuiivy years covering subjects whlth range from animal diseases to the dbtajntng of words gftd music to long forgotten songs letters to jfmvmc departments were written by aptwoxlmulely a quarter of a mil lion family herald rtaders during 1u5j in this wuy tht r amity herald iolnt out its nadirs are given mort than the usual entertainment urul information j to idetl by magu tines and it ltd to fetj like tn inlx n of a linuliu family 1 ike mem 1m r of i family they aie ijulik to t xprt ui likes an 1 tlfsllk t tht y m ii uid ilicoujak fk f r ilvlci mil live 11 a will ai 1 oiiliniill h prt ss on tht publish m tht ir ft 1 lug that the malajlito n illy bt lontf to its suiuktiim t a lot of work hit 1- tnuly hir aid admits thai it is tit thi y fetl that the unuttual wunntti of respoiim thiy ritxlxe from tht ir rt adi nthlp makos it well worthwhile tlte hjigilh ltdy s uimu in nan timo lft vvis flnt she luid bee i usii i wroiil ail in ss your trocir will perform better vta longer with wr i lullr iuib prd nd cxcnlr thrd lo give iur truck ilt kind of mit ti nedt fred maveals garage main stiurr toui iniiinatlcnal muck ialll miihllt ton i n ii r ri m nt itioi i mr t orgc i rlliott of milton on utialf of ii ilton j inlors n m ntid mary 1ope ilaiton i ublu spi ikltg c htmplon with a tiled il aiul harold tyrrell with his ptst protuliiits pin thi final item on the evenings okuuiut t programme was the prcs- intatlon by iavld li lielterto rep nwentlru ha i ton junior parmcrs and oeoftic i atkins ret resenting the hulton i- iteration of agrlcul lure of gifts to mac sprowl one of two lord nuffield scholarship winners from canada who left early this week for his six months eduos- tlonal tour overseas building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen williams tringie 73302 ken mcmillans your international harvester jealer hsh hornby omutsemui talk at brtrnte lodse jtftth lltlu bronte county mador wlbro jack fox and milton brethren were headed by the dutrlct master wbro ernie wuson small delegations from hornby and georgetown were also present jdw every orangeman helping his church end organizations plans were laid for a membership drive by tfce bre thren eulttodiby cojmty and dis trict officers war bro leonard who is also telephone exchange wed like to take you backstage and show you how your telephone system works wed like you to see what happens when you call a number and wed more than like to meet you and have you meet the telephone people who aerveyoul so wara having open house at the georgetown telephone exchange 42 main street north between 7 and 9 pm thursday friday april 1st and 2nd an interesting tour is planned for your enjoyment may we look forward to beeink you l i nor on jjoonsrui who is aiso wor the wm oekvule m34 u- titt bah tiaiihom ompoity of caaoda w mnkni ataamter rjiijtuiiwarpibi