see the new 54 meteor at harley motors 31 john street tr 72591 authorized sub dealer for norm guild motors highway 25 one mile south of milton ati n- f 11 trl i tt insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over 30 years coal fuel oil high quality stoker coal a complete fuel service at your blue coal dealer w h kentner son triangle 72851 r4 ms- specialists in new or remodelled bathrooms air conditioning heating sheet metal work hot water heating eavestroughing estimates free of charge thomp8onhardware main street triangle 7297 fttmkter make plea ft mipbtry shijettt at st johns uniiad church on sunday morning rev john u smith chase m tor hu meditation on this third unday in lens allowing religion and luvelauon the sisbjeicufor the first and second sunday hu text was from matthew 3 the word of john the baptist repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand hu scripture reference was to the parutjle of the two sons as told by jesus the first when he was asked to go and work in rds fathers vine yard said he would not but after- wairde repented and went ttie sec ond said he would jo but went not apparently nmtr intended to jesus and the people chose the first at nearer doing his fathers vu mr biplth also spoke of tfc prod- lgil son and the uoving fsiher the parable which we all seem to like with the kindly father she wayward son the repentant hoy like it probably because it applies to our own condition of life to our own attitudes it fits us even uxtay we realize we hive loving for- klvuig heavenly father we must rettiffnizc him und that he has a statwlurd of living fur u one he is vry much concernrd utxut and our rrlutum and attltud- u it wliruwr we wul say yes to it with no intention of oorylng or plain careless about it prhcrrlng uj seek out our own wlfiah pleasure or uy we wul not go or do but later come to ours lea repent and re turn vve recognlte too that we have every jportunlty of knowing the katjwrs standard which is right and which is wrong of knowing judi vay and plan for us and ilia world it is wide open n canudi we have no excuse we are in the titbit of t uinpurlntt lurwlvri wiui the sottul bland j id in vogue ruuiul about us aiul may ltcl we are not so bud but when vkv are honest w 1th ourwut s unci cot n pare ou r living by ci k1 st i tlard and plan for u we find ve tu wunrlt rrd fur iirt ml of har- morrv with od i wiys wi ljeconc uuun of our sin much though di lik tin- vod and it li hen lhit hh iilnui im i iii a r vji r w for ut sins or ii the iiuxhlm d tun- ri jm ntaik i lut mug f i otn mir mm to kd h ing ittrr for our sum iwtjum u lum lllljkllt up with us ijcttiiam mi hif 1mm n fouiml o it lh nnl ri m tit in it must cum from in horn st rerrrt that we huu slihed iiway from od s vay for us und come from an earnest desire to tx in harmony with iflm surely a natural dcalrv between creator and creature bui we are still a stiff nocked people und it tnkee huumlllty for ui to tnke the first step tack home un uct which we must make firtcch fctep taking us neorer homo to lrod s forgiveness und love where he acts to nccept our rticntanco to restore the harmony ho i ween us not just as a hired simvartt as we would hip lxn willing like the nrodl- gil but restored to sonshlp as he wui a t us arise and no to our r iiumt choirs antrum fcis to thee we call miss put willson sung o sav umr hetr mr the meditation for the evening erloevui our missionary 1 ask mlssloivuvy to many lnunedlately suggests other lands this la only part of it wc have a tremen dous tnislotuiry task at home too mr smith based his talk on the parable of the mustard seed timing the smallest of seeds yet grows to the slic of a tree in which bi enn lodge so with the christian church from the smallest of beginnings jesus sowing the seed amongst a nandfo of toiin wcta hut wlttrntmri dant life in the seed and well nur tured soon burst its bounds and spread to other lands event unity reaching our own so now here is halxw xvp village rssltie to aid of btmud out family a shower of food clothing and household furnishings was held last tuesday in the ilall for the dodds family of spcysldc who lost their home and belongings in ufire mr and mrs dodds and family were present and accepted the gifts with gratelul thanks mr and mrs clarence dodds were balllnafad resident until they moved to speyside a year ago thq ire left them their atx children and a hoarder homeless ihe clru iitewirtg club met sat urday at he home of tjhiriey kirk wood the roil tall waj answarad by an eat bib it at shell laminlnf the club fdory was read by ronnie cotton any the minutes by wendy mckenxle mrs jesse mcenery trv- struct 1 pie girls in darning and some time was spent in practicing this uork the slips that were made during the course were displayed and the girls spent some time in learning ho to juris thrcn for uuality workmanship etc r trial ptarrsfor aiaymnnf xny wrre made mrs km k wood w aaslsted by marjorle gibson and uonnlc cot ton in serving refrvslinients ttu fin al mueting will be held next satur day at the home of shirley mitt k mrs y mtkntry of ut lpl spent a few days lust week with mr and mrs jeaae mr knery miry jtiuuii is rieuvering from an attack of uie mum pi mrs n ituss aent a few days with frletult hi hespeler uui week grand uammcurxtolts eitauuh ptuim plan i lanalne p shield frddont tj grand union carroll llmutd hai announced the eatabuahmant of a relirtmcnt plan for grind union carrolla ctnoloyee the plan ftuarantcc income upon rettrenient for the tnen nd women who have contributed through the yean lo the aucocas and ftrowth of the com pany tnia la a plan to which company and employees jsoh contrftnjte the company payucz the coat of all prior service benefits and current service benefit casta the liberal benaou of the plan are poavtile only because of ttie contributions of both employees and company it is a trustee clan which means that contrhaiuuns and retirement tocume wiil be abeokitely seeurc a committee of grand union car rolls personnel will administer tho plan at presrrt theplan la avail able only to itianskera store de partment heads and ehose oeraops holding poaltlons of equivalent or srealer reaponalnility the crand union co pf new jersey wsa the urst major erorery chain to imllufte auch a retirement plan in- the united states when the qeokgktown wednesday bvenlnf uarch m i raou s union wa st pats tea at mrs royals hon ladle of the womans of union presbyterian churrb ho at a st patrick tea lasi at the home of mrs g u royal norval the tea was mrs royal and mrs mla awotby other mlji the tea table was decor suitable color tor the day euesta were served aaljd during the afternoon ment wa provided tax mrs dolapn who ssne lira w- t u lean brampton wsth irlah hu ings and mrs lloyd davison the company lurrhsssil limited in may of 19m the i tously employed by tke cowpany were retained and lnii carrolls is paying the of all their prior aervtoe op to 20 year ae asiitntovk irish theme for institute meeting the womens institute held an in teresting irish meeting on tuesday atfernoon munh 16th at the home of mrs clajtun wilson with u i irge uttt ndance of ladle presi dent mrs wellington stringer op i lift with the ode and i rit d iull til ui onsrarrid b an irish joko r tiiug mm lirtu hridt n n pn xt t on ttte ut hr prt und mrt krult i intlali gae ilowir t inn it let mjrt 1 w- nty fu 1 1 r is v 11 t 1hr ii mi liu i niil m ho a re txirnit out rt t likruiune w i in charm of mrs vwlfrid uird v ho talltd un lir john iliubodtly for tfu- inch motto urn ut events w r gl ti b mi s i t n ticket nut a ixuutl jul solo tin kt rry uaivt i sung by mri j 11 ifunter district presi dent mn j ii ellerhy left some kplciulld thouiflits u hen she spoke on lrct us be large in thought word and deed saying the wl was started 57 years ago by a woman who lout hre child through ignor aim- and sickness now five mil lion worm tt belong 1- t us try and keep it alive v c have frlcndahjp links in knglund and scotland if vi dun t give anything wc wont receive anythlnn she closed by saying coojxtation is a lot of little people doing a lot of big things in n lot of little places 1- olio wing thl mrs ilobert cunningham presinted mrs tohn ismond who is leaving to faun mar erin with a lovely brooch mis hector dlrd delighted everyone with an irish n idlng und a social hour followed 1 he young people held their christian cuiuhl meeting on sun day e ening nt the home of bar bara and ltalph cunnlnghim in charge of ucrnlce wilson and nor man lllrd mrs john 11 hunter spoke to thorn on the art of lis tening miss reria christian of hamilton islted over the weekend with her uncle and aunt mr and mrs prank ituddoll and bobby mr and mrs leslie gtffen at tended the funeral of his mint mrs fi in c w of lam weok f the average spreader come in and see it at ferguson tractor 2 young street phone tr 732w and ferguson system our mlsstonnry task to keep the christian church alive and growing so ioig 4s there is a man or wom an boy or girl in this land who needs to learn of jesus and his way of life we should not be will ing to ilcccpt our great heritage without being anxtaus to share it with others that applies to other lauds is well our responsibility and task is overseas too to pass on the knuwcdjfe me have of gods love for man mans love of god mans love for man of the abundant life we know through jesus that moons sacrifice and at the least it should mean sacrifice of luxuries until others have a fairer share of necessities nt present so much lacking what must a turt god think of us na he- sees with nn nil seeing eye the true conditions in all his lands here pleased of course about the fine barley loaves and two ajnall fishes tout what ore they among so many tpaccoiriplliih our task at home and abroad needs the witness of those who have the fioepal in all its goodness and who can tell others tfrorrv their own experience of the bleulngt they- feel others ahould be having too and it cannot toencon- tlnued unless young men and wom en are willing to enlist in full time service to this end which means that parent and tcmehrs business men mvcquroce them into oils in- ateocf of directing them away from it ibecaute of the low financial re turns we need to ew back to the old days when parents wre on their know in prayer that their boy or filrj would chooao thdi high office aiui styicflvtf rlcpslie poaauaie k miss jpcrew plssilst extra special meureu jelly powders gjutpbbkbt 8tbawbeuit ottbamt liu pk08 20c lusa tj tot7b oouroms rob tide k 37c 73c ior chtldrsa ttieas tt scuff polish xaaavs scoff sd kaaa teati btx 1j ic coupon otusculubaiw 25 coupon m vi 29c v 75c sarnpand ta wis 1bu meteob an itutililb raaxsa8 lsunoai attbtesxba iiabonsttk mother paskkkb tea bags 2lc 39c haw ooloar mix bi of monarch margarine beehive cobn syrup tin 69c tin 29i m 36 fkebh mcooemiokb fig bars zt kipper snacks 3 25c sardines s2szin 325e special velveeu cheese 49c florida oranges 35c valencia stark apples pineapple cauliflower broccoli ontario taney 3 lb bos red spanish ouban 13s snow white cam ice alze 39c 29c ohfornva boneh 21c