look into these two features at i c s amjgbwy i mens suits fine engttah amwool yarndyed worsted auita expertly tailored in roost attractive patterns ordinary value 5500 extra special 3950 ladies dresses this is indeed the dress sensation of the summer season ordinarily these are priced up to 45 00 extra special 15oo compare these features a oaa rear wanaaty ea all tabes inelaslas sletare take free bl clearer it fletarea baaatlrallr headcrafted walnut cabinet exalaalve alluuut cinematic sight t matehlas wataat ilaae at slurht extra ceal jk about our fair tense now on vi splay the finest tv you can buy 21 television you can buy tv anywhere but what about service when yee bar frees mllllere televtslen 70 are gnaranteett pranpt efficient service our new phone no triantf 73895 a vhmsfal lm malmd la frmzhilc oraaft tab appwnrlniataly m par east at the vitamin c la zraab oranges can be retained la the rosea concentrated juice vpropar method ls used report to the council on foods and nutrition of the american medical association revealed tbs report sold the froten con centrated product can be as valu able from a nutritive content as is tresh orange juice it was pointed out that tresh oranges of food quality picked at the proper tlrae were essential to insure high vitamin c content in the coneeatratm product the report said tor example atudies indicate that the vitamin c content of fresh areages may show considerable variation this is due in part to seasonal influences in general fruit picked in mldseason tends to be higher in vitamin c content than does that picked early or lete in the season other rectors includ irut variety of fruit dfgree of ripeness and condition of the soil also significantly effect the vitamin c content of the trash fruit the denier of vitamin c loss the report continued is most likely to occur aa a result of improper handling or storage in ufa home for example if after reronstitu ting the juice la allowed to stand in open containers et room tern pereture appreciable losses will occur however if the reconstituted juice is placed in the refrigerator at 40 degree t vllamtn c losses will be negligible chatting ftralatf jun utlt 104 tw aowntowtl tuxali pack 11 vuuit dutfci met akrajn filly pnh4 tfeeftf tap only u per cent of ths people in the united states ere protected by dmuitt investlgstion of violent or suddsa dtaths according to dr richard ford of boston in moat 1uu1 dr pord points out in the journal of the american medical association ths coroner la not required by lew to be a physician nor are thtre adequate facilities or thorough investigation of such deaths dr ford estimates that 900 000 per cent of all deaths annually are from violent or obscure causes if medical examination is not a definite pkrt of the investigation in these cases he said the true cause and manner of death in many in stances may never be established how does such medical invest gallon serve society its most important function is to exonerate the innocent dr ford believrs but disclosing murders providing evidence for civil and criminal courts recognlilng fatal contagious diseases exposing in dustrial health and ssfety hazards are also important too often he continued the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident la given full blame for killing or injuring a pedestrian whereas the victim because of drunkeness disease or medication is often equally at fault cotton far cots more than 41000 bales of lint cot ton and 01 000 balea of cotton linters will be required by the army air force and navy in 1051 for bedding the defense department indicated that this material will be used to produce bed tickings mattress felts and covers pillows pillow case and covers and sheets it la est msted that mattress felts will con sums the entire 81000 bales of cot ton inters and waste while bed ticking and mattress covers are ex pected to use 15000 bales of lint cotton pillows pillow cases and covers will require about 1000 bales of tint cotton and sheets will con sums the remaining 34000 bales kearly u million yards of cotton fabric are expected to be required for these items of the total num ber of square yards approximately 31 million will be needed in sheets ib million in bad tickings and mat tress covers and three million in pillows pillow cases and covers steal rales sales of automobiles and house hold goods made largely of ateel attained higher levels in 1910 than in any previous year for several important items in this field sales were twice as large as in hmo de liveries of steel to manufacturers of automobiles appliances and a few other household items in the first 10 months of 1050 were over 13 8 million net torn exceeding the shipments to these industries in nil of 1949 by nearly 1 6 million tans and surpassing all of hmo by mor than 5 5 million tons for the full year of 1950 it is estimated that shipments of steel to makers of the foregoing types of goods uas 16 mil lion tons or more approximately twice as much as a decade earlier 5 0 if u a wujknowm faof that pakistanis make fin mil itary man that la a natural outcome of their uptebicliis and religious belief pakistan la rap idly evolving nlo a mora modern way of ufa but the old traditions still din there are many many tribes in pakistan thee were evolved originally from croups of friendly people who faaivud toge- ther to protect tjseir water supply land and beasts from othr who might take them away thus were tribes originally formed and there wag always a hed roan or chief just to explain a bit better vr ctujudharys people were heads 0 a certain tribe since his father is not living his mother is now head but his brother takes over actual adminlatsatlon and for this position he finds that a vary full beard helps him in his job it def initely adds to his stature in the eye of his people his is a vry different attitude from the old feu dal ionds he is trying by his superior knowledge and resources to improve the lot of his people in every uay so that their poverty and low standard of living is becoming a thing of the unhappy past but from an early age each boy is taught to defend himself and a wrong to his tribe in s very defin ite way that is the way they hive protected their livelihood for cen turies ills religion as a uoaelra prohibits alcohol in any form or the consumption of pork when ha is around 6 years of age a boy must sleep in a separate place from his mother end other woman tills is to foster independence and fear lessness thus is the training of the pakistan youth a valuable military asset lie is taught to place a high vslue on strength of body and mind nothing must impair these as mr chsudhary explained to us many mothers know very little but these are the two things they know and know well but what of the quls we asked and we went glad to learn that since 1047 girls have been recognized as assets to the country and they have a share by law in parental property in pak istan women now enjoy equal rights with men in government army and navy there are women in the pakistan legislature a great many girls attend university in the mat ter of dress the girls very com monly wear a long sari with a cloth headdress something like s ionic scarf the men wear western style clothes but occasionally do wear their colourful native dress makriacks are htill often arranged by the parents of young people but freedom in choosing your marriage partner is becoming more common it is rec ognized however thst the man must be 5 to 10 years older than the oman there arc no child mar riages in pakistan and as we have said before polygamy is legally allowed but very seldom practiced talking about finances and lear ning that rupees are the currency we uncovered a little fact we had not known ma thematic and sci ence have a great appeal for paki stan scholars and pur arithmetic had its origin in india we felt we hsd learned a lot in the couple of hours we passed so pleasantly in mr chauharys com pany pakistan certainly doesnt seem so remote anymore and we know he is storing up a veritable r wealth of information on canada to take back to his homeland not only on agriculture but on our customs and ways of life iteli 1 very charming stopresenutlve of his country do you know what he told us and this we must pass along to the ladles in particular mr chaudhary said that he ha been very much impressed by the youthful appearance of canadian women in his country girls mature very early and after marriage and the arrival of their first child they wear a loose fitting ttown so that they do not bother too much with grand opening of- blue valley ranch atumehouse saturday night june 19 big western music show from 8 to 1 1 p m come and bring your friend the blue valley boys joe auajr gases arlm admission 75c and 35c la ease of rata ebow will he keu la i lassasaaa osaasaaamr lull picnic grounds swimming pool available from juno 20th w e eaurtalaaaeai bamasy aftseaoaa 04 7 u t eveaiag have your picnics at blue valley ranch limehouse aeneas aieiallea fer eera amd q resale earl scott tr 73748 builo a porch or make a shelf you can doit gy yourself ssll dont have father doing his odd jobs with makeshift tools or father s day a good present would be a first class ham mer nw bit or other tool hammers rang in price from 1 75 to 1433 saws ll 00 to 1120 levels from 133 to 879 snd chisels from 1 00 to 1 03 there is the right tool to make the job easier this is the season to acquire a suntan and omit the sunburn if you can tfjb mackenzie son 7a7sli for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks its oriole concrete block co w s meoowan bth line glen williams trsangla 73471 outottovra callers please reverse eharaes their appearance and many look old at middle age here in canada wo men retain their youthful appear ance much longer and we thought that a very pleasant little note on which to end our interview hot weather seems to be hers to stay and it looks like we will have some summer after all cst strba relieves here for month while cat ross maciue is on a months vacation an oekville prov incial policeman cst john strbs is stationed with the local detachment cst strbas home town is chester getag metropolitan onequarter of the people of the united states are bow rated as metropolitan living in the urban ized areas ol the nations 1 big gest cities with populations ol a million or more according to pre liminary figures issued by the bu reau of tha census together these u urbonlred areas have a popula tion of nearly ssmlulon the haw yorknortheastern new jersey uea u first with combined popula tion- of over u million followed la order by chicago los angeles tiualtus detroit boston san frnols55aklandpltuburgrc st loulstcleveland washington snd bsltimom r s 3hd lyn qefcirq dm big one that o away last yar are trill there its hanav o after ftem by but north bay 1450 l parry sound 1l35 r hwtsville w 985 a s ihjfkstlmteltl corner ctjilwato raurwft j