m iaataea taai ssseemu with mm hfc loam lcotow notes eyi l ho banlabta uenrlry deeded eaejmoattt teqairemsati fast oeeday service sensible lefaymeat pbnt htone or coma in today for a quick signature loan for any goodreesooj ummbm3ee3fttfcrhrc hoosehold finance j u wrmftati mi ftkew iiu u mwk rnttn n tot ta i aa toe s hate utauriu eacastd hear pews 19 uafaftom omt loaded wirt valuel allsieel a uuj trtttru hi 54 cabinet sink l hurry get yours uow vuile they last1 g r mugkart plumbing heating tinsmithing electric wiring oil burners service phone triansle 73592 or 3247 tha fateantaf lghk oooreatloa tor the domjnkm w held this year in toronto at the bbyel york lfo- tel there were delegated and red- reaeaaauvtta from every province in canada the convention onensfbn sun day with drumhead service held in the vanity stadium with a par ade tram there aloof university avenue where lt gen crerar the man who commanded the c troops in world war ii took the salute- in front of the military in stitute an interesting point of the parade waa the fact that the lome scots band under com alt perrott were duty band for the day and not only played for the eervlce but also played as each unit passed the ealutlnf base in all twelve times the anf uean bishop of toronto itlght hcv bishop beverley- was in charge of the sacred service the various psdres of the toronto dis trict took pert in the ceremony wluv the bishop of toronto giving s very inspiring talk and dr loimsdrn retiring president lead ing in reafflrmlr the lofton oath of allegiance tito bishop closed the service with the ilcnidictlon at lrast four branch nivnumrs are attending this week with branch delegates murphy shepherd day end hortcy on hand some of the items of buslnew dealt wllli were pensions un old sore with the legion who luivc been uressuig for subitantlal liicrcusts jor years housing another con tentious subject wus dealt with ami william beech mpp head of this in the toronto district spoke on the project bring pushed forward with the joint efforts of all levels of government and lslon branches in the toronto urea a motion in troduced by hay minn of brant- jorxl to relmposc rental controls was defeated anothrr lubject was introduced namely that of compelling the var ious legion branchee to eubsrrlbe to the official magazine liegtonary and brought forth sharp differences of opinion however the motion was won and starting in ll56 all bran ches will be compelled to lake cop ies of this magazine for each mem ber and pay an eytra mefeer year per branch matriber in affect therefore aa la ontario provincial command reoalves fatt of each tm of dues this increase would mean that for efceh member com mand wul in 105 receive tsss the new president for 10m3s is the rev idean anderson of ottawa- there weaalso quite a discussion upon the revised dept of national defence regulation which forbids army navy or air force units from taking part in remembrance day parades if there was a religious service in the ceremony this mat ter was brought up by the montreal delegation who had bad their last years remembrance service okayed by both protestant and romancath- ollc church heads only to have the armed services refuse to parade on an order from the department of nattanfljijicfcnee because of the religloussspec of the service the convention voted overwhelmingly ao keep their service the- aame aa jn uic pest whether or not the ar- hied services took part tlie thursday evening program for the convention featured mayor leslie saunders presenting retiring president ur c s 1ujnsden with a set uf cult links tills was before i mx delegates and their families on the convention floor of die lujyul york hie evening was high lighted by a speech to the conven tion by lremler leslie krust him self u ieglon iiienitkajtt 1indsay ew of ttat fot iaseball juvewus ieo juv we from further tnaaehall competition last tueaday wbeavaeton o a fourrun lead to win the aurtden death match the 104 victory boosted them to a final playoff with mlllon georgetown started off in winning style scoring four runa uy the first off the oats of norton harrington tunleok and rveeatona acton picked off the yame with four in the sut bbt- tmlkshi llli wwlneiday missilssf aug 11 1sb4 mbit return from england now live in glen when mrs desmond earl and children return next week home ward bound from england they will have a new addreas glen wil- liams last week mr earl moved from queen street into tha eva thomp son house to olen williams recent ly vacated by mrs welly lsidon who now uvea on king street tirargctjowu mrs earl christine iamele and metiola tuive been visluivg in brighton with her mother mrs janson wtio wus in canada last year with the family they dock at qubbec city on uie mthubuard the ss humarla and mr karl is planning to meet them there flowers for all occasions potted pknta beajrkrl stock bttlu artistic deaias we wire flower rosedaje floral m murdockst tr 79i2 hmmammhhehmummmstalmi i nienibeajtt one coimrbnid for expert eye care consult o t walker opiournust i main st north brampton over abeua drug store phone office mo raa 810 hours 0 am to 6 pjn dally evenings by appointment ftdiilifl and fun galore the big ones that got away last year are still there its handy to ao after them by bus north bay s 1450 parry sound 1135 huntsville 985 round trip by bus corner cupboard restaurant tr 73051 main street lit iinc cutiilfflnsdct around till booms ihi loy lit the dart koom took b trip by bus a few week ago to the mh hlifhlsindtn mcu in tor onto where thry enjoyed a diy of dart iutttpetttlon wc believe that tlie 4ttth are scheduled to return the vlilt in die near future tho irumhetid twrvlce at tike ounven- tion wus dtaapiiolnlliig in the poor turnout of petiull who iiathered to wf it all told we doubt it there wftr 2000 people in the stands our personal opinion o tike move by laoth dominion and provlivclal comniands to foist a copy of the lxgioniry on each d tvcry mem- imt is u poor one it is still our contention that each member is quite capublu ot tlecldtnu whether tie wants to read it or not and he should not be forevd to pay an ex tra lkc per year through his dues this wll in most branches cer tainly mean an tneease in does as citlainly in this branch where dues are 400 the branch will under the new increase only have 32c out of each 400 taken one bright spot is ttiat possibly with th increased subscriber list the powers that be might take some action and turn the magazine into aomclhtim readable in our opin ion at present lt is strictly a sec ond rate inferior makazlnc with little or nothlnic of interest to the average reader with the zone golf tournament this saturday at the local golf club the local boyi hope to make it two years in a row by winning again theres a good trophy put up for annual compe tition donated by sybil dennett qc mp and the boys hope to win it in this saturdays affair for details or last minute entries con tact ken nash or scotty patterson tecocf will be from 1200 until 130 and there will be a buffet supper served at approximately seven 21 members have already put their names on the board to play and we have been asked to remind ony embryo golfers that it is not just for mertttoers of the local golf club hut any legion members who wish- to play members axe coming to compete from acton 20 wc hear port credit oakvllle brampton and other centres in this zone congratulations to rene martin on his marriage last week the ranks of the branch bachelors seem to be thinning these days we can local orangeman hs big day in belfast went to sturva village in coun ty armagh on the 13th to sea a sham battle king wm won again says cpl albert carter on a postcard mailed from uelfast to tho herald editor an active orangeman cpl car ter ucd his army leave for a trip to ireland and reports that on tlie 12th there was u big day in uelfast when about 25400 men marched mv en tnllc to klnaghy and return cpl carter is stationed in ant werp ilelgfum with canadian army troops at w m w m h u m free daily pickup s and delivery m georgetown and glen william i woods g perfection s cleaners s s triangle 72965 s m fej wins first round in ontario amateur jim ijnton one of georgetowns best golfers is feeling good these days even if he didnt get to the finals in the ontario amateur at thornhlll it waa match play and he won hls first round against tony mat- luck of kitchener and sudbury in a thrilling 20th hole he was put out in the second round played in the rain by bruce bradley oshawa who has held the ontario title dancing evehy wed and sat write your life story in this book baying your own home financing your childrens education your mccesa in reaching many goals will all be chapters in your savings patsbook start your savings account today at our nearest branch there are more than 650 to serve you another george to wner is seen on television the bob itardmans got a thrill last week when they saw con bill on television as reported last week tne young ohs cadet who is attending cadet camp at banff was chosen for the duke of kdinburchs honour guard at the british empire games the ceremony was televised and bill could ijulte easily be picked out in the pictures think of a couple more who will no doubt surprise us and take the plunge one of these days names supplied on request and still another competition chubby- stap- leton wants to hold a branch con test for the moat model husband says hes got a dark horsoto enter in it for anyone who drives or rides tn a car theres a gtood leg ion policy for s300 a year it also covers you if you are struck while crossing the street etc its well worth looking into we see de tails of a softball tournament are now on the board saw zone commander hughlc lamb at the convention lost week along with the major and others from strects- vlllc met them in the lobby of the ford hole where a good many ofthc delegates were staying we couldnt help but grin when the convention decided that they need ed a song for their very own the wording of the motion caught our oyo there are timcwhcn a dis tinctive legion song would add something how very right you arc comrade the cne is loom ing up again with warriors day on saturday august 28th free tick ets are available for all vets and their families and we believe that buses will bo provided once more by the branch glad to see bud hill around again after a siege in sunny brook with a mastoid opera- v tlon sinssons sunday movies guest artists amnteur show hutt0nville park oeerirlewes ravearlle flajgreabd men investigate 16 careers in one visit ceeetle s aney atm pen y dwereat ika eoas al 17 oad 40 est 45 if yea efcenity have trade a toss wth ska ceaa esaa anay kfensaaea omasr deckle h ike amy y far yes sad tol ms staa laiw has v er sua wka a to serve caaaja att aea4 visit thi canadiah araiy information team municipal office risufesday august 12th open 2 pan 7 pun ihtrfs flint or is hf canadian arv active force tiaitr i canadian bank of commerce isvmss cv kp v insurance travel real estate walter t evans cos trian t2512 isjkmlsjmmdfasdgmgmss