the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 1 1956 page 4 are you a recent arrival in georgetown silvers welcomes you and respect fully solicits your patronage if you are accustomed to wide selections usually found in city stores you will enioy shopping at silvers establish ed over 29 years silver s is one of the largest stores in rural ontario devoted to selling quality clothing grace baptist church in georgetown oddfellows hll for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god rom 3 23 3 00 pm unday school 7 00 pm evening service mr bruce penny pastor what to do where to go this sunday last week we ran the first in a ser les of aiticlcs of interesting pi ices for you and your family to to and things for you to do on sunday after noons in toronto this is the second article in the series and here are iur suggestions for this coming sunchy there will be i dim shown m the royal ontario museum theatre and it s frw to the public titled the back of beyond the film is about austnlia today dealing mainly with life in the isolated communities and homes of the desert areas ot auslra ha the show is part of a scries of films about the peoples of the world this film should be fascinalinj we think and will appeal to children aa well as adults the show begins at 2 pm lasts till around 4 pin or if youd like an afterno m of outdoor fun wc suggest you take your friends oi the youngsters on a skat ing party at r1verdale terrace danforth and broadview ihc large outdoor rink has fine smooth ice re gardlcss of weather and lots of room for children to play about in dmis sion is only 50c per person ihcrcs lots of parking space skating be gins at 2 00 p m sundays end at 0 then about 5 00 or 6 00 oclrfc ou can drop in for a delicious dinner at all provinces represented at life underwriters dinner photographs see j a goudy 19 mary street tr 73366 monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery tottering corner posts and markers a good d1spi ay in stock wm c allan prop 6b queen st west brampton shop 1410 j phones ret 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton 603w scotts on bloor st ii s a couple of doors west of ume just a short way from the inusnni a few blocks from hivcrdale fen lee scott s arc sen me sunthy dinner now from 4 to b pm the have a delie iou french buffet or table sci i featuring evervthint from a 1 1 ind assortment of horsdoimrts to plump golden turkeys and tend r roast beef crisp white table limn and soft lights lend an atmosphere of comfortable relaxation to seotl s an i the waitresses are pleasant and effi cient the pr s too are r rt i sonable onh m 95 for the liuffe with is main sieond helping is u like and seott s re ill uekmit fa mil groups so take the kids don reduced prues fur ehildrui w nn phone fi r i asm itn n wanut 24320 those ire our suistu ns fui tins sunday we hope you enjoy our selves nd u deli f r m t w ks article with more ideis of intenstin places to lo anil things lo do on sun da afternoon in lonnto an outstanding highlight in canad lan life insurance history wis obsei ved in toionto when the life under writers association of camda i mn ched its 50th mnivcrsary jear offic lal commeneement took place lliurs day evening january 20lh when a golden jubilee dinner was held over 500 people attending representing every province and major centre in the dominion and the leudinj oimi nations of the business and industry world tutst of honour and pnnci pal speaker was janua s dunun cmc- chairman and piesident ma sev harris 1erguson limited toronto speaking on hihulf of the assotiation was j d mintav ci ii of toronto ehaiiman of the association s board of directors on friday ind salurdiy january 27th and 28th the programme cuntin lied with the business sessions of the association s annual general meeting scventv five local associations from st john s newfoundland to victoria bc were represented by dekjites from among the 7 575 members of the association s ranks john g austing biamplon represented the district as soeiation at the meeting th impoilanl event of ihe tnnual met tine wis the election of officers who will direct the associations nat lonal affaifs during the golden jubi leo yeir continuing diligently to fos ler good business ethics high ertuea tional standaids and to ensure that the public reams hilh calibre prof cssional life insurance counsel president for 1956 will be charles m dunn of jteeini a branch manager for the mutual i ife assurance com pan of c inada mr dunn has been promim nl in sask itehewan govern ment cirihs eleeted lo the provincial leuslitun in 1929 and baomiiil the ministi r of hijiw ivs in 11 14 j i mini i i li mto i i p resent ilm f tht i uiilinti il of iru i md w is u i ttal iluinnin f iht bo ird fvirv i v n is re prist nit i i il hast n le h i in nib i f lb i id which consists 40 nu ml is and tharli it i lift members dunn ltr it was npoit i b4 in i li in lift in in ma mi n w n lb ncbt i u t ihi ink and d siumum li irttrod i it idtiwrilu i 1 i b sua f il c unpbtinl j him i ir i in f sin iv spons li ii v tht in nu u li rti n i i if i 1 iwni us md liiniiislt jal bv tin i niver it f 1 i nlu md i i il i niwisitv qu btc hi hliuhts of tins i uu l i nil p i f i iti n itliwt ii presentation of the john a tory gold mcdil lo norman g james clu a it imilton supervisor of the canada life assurance company 1 his tward is made for outst inding success in ci u studies i he assocntion annually present a series of awirds to locil associations for their efforts in other phases of as soeialion work six awards were made dining the nnnuul meeting to local as smialions who excelled in number ship attivitv thunder bay bort wil ham and port arthur quebec sud liuiy hive sud vietona and sjtucnay 1 ie st jean ilalifix won the issociation s top iward which t ikes the form of a me til totem pole as ihe most outstand ing all round local associaton of jjic year saskatoon was awarded hon outs as the leader in promotion of li ci educilional course three other associations fredoric ton siult ste marie and prince ed ward island received special honours or leading the country in member ship conserv ition 11 awards were made at a special luncheon on saturday january 28fh and wtre accepted by the official del cgalt of the association concerned georgetown collision service maple avenue west at 7th line georgetown 24hour towing service triangle 73790 men teachers discuss provincial assembly iftv numbers of th halton branch of district 9 of the ontario public school men teachers feihntion met it unjiglcskurth s hool hst tu sd ly evening to hear n ports of the prov inenl assembly held in toronto hst month ihe nuetint was in charge of presi dnt a bilfour oikullc an in spiring spin h wis given by th new l dated uovtrn r it hopkins of i r inh silirv politv impli tut nt i li m aunmilltc wis sit up with j i tl of milton is chiirm in itiotis salions of the proviliciil s ml iv win diliilid bv uu f llm ti builu uimmill w nidigir oikwlli pul la itlih ns md dm i i n wick i i nuts oikvilk lmih lot iti u md t rl if ic it i n ttil him kuiri l it rtt mi lift i sin ma md supt r mini itu n m m i ts burling n i gisl in n m i p litv i kobtv nkvilh s il irv progress f i tlitti ns 1 lift nt ink illt t h is f d i li n m tht n itur i n t n tin d iff ins urn i i nr it rgtt vwi st bsutlhi lod for fuel oil telephone tr 72251 automatically delivered by ralph murfin oil sales i herald advertising brings results building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen williams triangle 73302 frfcftsnfi5s a 8raiw is only ao strong as xts weakest think wiring commercial end domestic beatty pumps librl trade ins time payment plan now available for wiring and svpptlti ectric icsiatcce guelph ticket agent was wartime colonel jin him it n it git i r an id nn ali mil it ill i s li kit ag nt it udph dial siiddenlv luiuirv 24th in cuelph ctneral hospital ills wift thelma ibson is t sisk r of mrs charlts willson of town mr ziegltr leaves his wife nt son james and his mother mrs j it zieg ler duelph he was an ovt rseas vet eran of world war ii born in kingston the family moved to duelph when he was a young mm he was a member of dublin st uni ted church the kiwanis cluh cuelph garrison and w averley masonic i odgi during the ark 1130s he served as an offieir with ihc wellington riflts a reserve army unit and enlisltd foi active srvicc two thjs after w ir wis declared wilh the rank of captain he had served in the guelph reserve unit prior to the war under col ordm mcarthur and ho joined the unit mobilized by col mcarthur at i on don ontario ik was posted lo mill tary district headquarters at london camp borden and in nova scotia bt fore going ovtrscas in 1942 as a major in command of the 45th in i dian general transport company after two years in fnfiland during which he alltained ihc rank of cnlo nel he flew to italy where he was in charge of a transport company serv inr in the dusnve line and gothic line battlt s and for a lime with the british fight army he received thi efficiency decoration and was men lionet in dispatches in tht sprint of 1645 he arrived in france and from there he went with the invading allied armies through belgium holland and germany ttcv i f ilaskier or dublin st t nitcd church conducted ihc funeral sire ice fntlay and inlermcnt followed in woodljwn cemetery notice to creditors in the estatf of annie osborne spinster deceased all persons having claims against the estate of annie osborne late of the village of glen williams in the county of halton spinster who died on or about the 30th day of novcm ber ad 19s5 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the un derslgned on or before the 3rd day of march ad 1956 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have not ice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this 1st day of february ad 1b66 vena marie garvin executrix of the estate of annie osborne by her solicitor dele and bennett 56 dodge new glamour with v8 go this dazzling new dodge with the forward look brings new flightsweep beauty to the lowestprice field theres a grand new way to travel its the 56 dodge in ikywnrd soaring lines that bet the trend for tomorrow s cars in every beautiful inch of thib the longest car in the lowertpnce field- dodge flightsweep styling provides you and your family with a glamourous setting for motorcar travel and everyone wdl love the roominess of dodge inlcnorsthe wide wide seats that let you ride in restful comfort ill llhuul cuilllulb once behind the wheel a push of a button a touch of your toe and you re on your way new push button powcrfute sets in motion the nimble getaway of new dodge 6 and v 8 engines with up to 200 h p you discover new zeat in motoring as you thread your way bmoothly through crowded city street glide safely over the open road and the whole famdy will appre ciate the wide range of new dodge safety fea tures that bring new confidence to your driving yes heres glamour and go 56 dodge style visit your dodge dealer soon and learn firsthand how easily this great new car can fit into your family budget pulh button poiuerfllte optional at extra cost manufactusbd in canada by chbvsur corporation ov canada limited witch climiisimm l si 0 d hewson motors ltd 6 mill street tr 72432