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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 29, 1956, p. 14

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening feb 20th 1096 page 4 timi for a ccckup just as a mil- used car can fail when you need it ii moil so may your insurance pro tection disappoint you if you let it go from year to year with out an expert check up dont guess that your insur ance is adequate make sure call on us for your protection review today john r barber insurance and travel agency john r barber freeman krty mill street triangle 73521 don houston plumbing and heating tr 72506 flowers for all occasions wedding work corsages a specialty cut flowers and funeral designs we wire flowers rosedale floral buy the best buy bh paints for lasting beauty sold by twins woodworking limehouse tr 72162 manufacturers of sash frames screens doors intlda and out trim door hardware floor tile glass open evenings and ah day saturday till 9 pm oakville minister here for baptist crusade for christ rev w h mcwhinnie first baptist church begins a weeks crusade for christ sunday night when rev w h mcwhinnie of onkvllle will conduct a service each night except saturday in the church mr mcwhinnie was educated for the christian ministry in his native scotland he held pastorates both there and in england before coming to canada his last charge in britain was in edinburgh at present he is minister of the fast growing central baptist church oakville he comes to georgetown with a wide experience in evangelism especially that which is particular to the local church in the recent billy graham crusade in toronto mr mcwhinnie was a member of the counselling committee and witnessed much of the work of that crusade both in the coliseum and friend of dr graham and has worked with htm m england in a num ber of campaigns and conferences throughout the country billy grah am preached for ten days in mr mc whinnie s church in england his leadership in crusades of this sort has been the occasion of much evidence of the blessing of god both in the baptist convention of ontario and quebec and in the united states high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 4 no 6 wednesday february 29th 1956 georgetown ontario selects cadets for senior n c 0 course the formal clcoi b timleck last week lt teeter s isgt sol way and yours truly selected from the cadets present those whom we believe apple pic will become the corps senior ncos frank onill angel of angels possessor of beau ty heart throb of heart throbs will you come to the formal with me of course i will you big chunk of diogenes bob hm georgetown s pride has always been its high school dance a grand wcial event to honour the close of another semester in view of the success and way in iple pie which the formal was enioved hv hip percy vere was standing in front j h v enjoyea oy me n n th cadets selected for the senior nco of the bathroom mirror romantically e tj mwmously ag behind the scenes ho is a personal v recommend 4743 acres for credit reforestation a meeting of the advisory board on reforestation of the recently for med credit valley conservation auth onty was held in the orangeville dis tnct high school board room on february 15th the main discussion at the meeting was centred about de veloping a programme for the nfor estation of areas in the watershed which would do most to form natural water storage areas which would de crease the seventy of spring floods and maintain the summer flow of oil credit river and the streams feeding it other tracts of land which at pre stnt lie idle or produce only sparse droughty pasture can again be made to add to the economy of the area through reforestation in all 4 743 acres arc recommended for acquisition by the credit valley conservation authority of this total 3 000 acres arc open lands 1632 ac res haxe some form of tree cover 108 icrcs are scrub and 3 icrcs are wat er a minimum of land in better land classes his been recommended for reforestation however it wis impossible to omit such land entirely when it formed a small part of a lot which was composed mainl of a poorer type of soil because of the rougher topograph in the northern parts of the water shed the recommended areis are concentrated in the townships of mono fast garafraxa frin and cale don as most of the streims in the watershed rise in these townships this is the area in which reforesta tion will have most effect on stream flow it is recommended that private rer orcstation he carried out b land own ors where this is possible on smill ireas where large areas of 100 acres or more require reforestition or wootllot mamtnmont the task is frr qucnllv too great for private initnt ne and in such cases icquisition by basil murfin66 col drews batman ilasil joseph murfin go whose sons i i nlv and rilph win once gcorm town residents du i recent in ion don mr murfin suuel enerscis in lh first w ir with the lfth haiti tj m idi in 1 t dition in i orci is b itm m lo col george drew now nation il 1 iotressil conservitivc leader unin in nihnd he eanu to in uh just before woild war 1 and enlisted m ue iph since his dischirge he lived in ion don where be led in utive politic d life and was ut one time district chinmin of thi progressive cunscrv alive pirtv a licenced lurbilist he rich medicinal herbs in his home and travelled throughout the united mites and camda silling herbs un der the commercial name of c imdi in bed tnieil gardens his son fnnk who now lives in t ronto moved his murfin sheet me til works to the cilv fiom town i few vnrs lo his son rilph wh livis in rixrlilo now operates a locil fuel oil disttibutorship the credit valley authority is recom mended the authority has already purchas cd 100 acres being the west half of lot 19 concession iv west caledon township for 1 300 00 in each subsequent year the auth ontv plans to budget 4 000 00 for the purchase of reforestation land 2 00o to be raised by levy from the member municipalities and2 000 to be paid by the ontario government this scheme will be financed by funds raised and spent by the author lty during each current year it is proposed to place the lands purchased for the authority forest under agreement with the dept of lands and forests for management this means thev will be eligible for 50 per cent of the cost of the land a tree planter has been icquired in the authority for use by landown ers within the credit valle iter shed the planter will be located at onnscvic and anvoni interested in using it may get full particulars from mr m currj ormicvillc who is in eh inc of it it is expected thit use of the planter will be provided free of charge on condition thit th borrower tindertikes to guirantec the return of the michmc in good condi tion to orangeville at this meeting k g higgs fiel 1 officer of the humber valle authnn ty outlined the progriss made by the minority he suggested that since the prices of land have increased so rapidly during recent years that buv ing line for reforestation bj the authority might be difficult as a result the authority should encour age private tree planting by providing issistancc with planting through the use of planters ind also the suhsidiz inc of linel owners planting trees and protecting them from livestock fine fire course were d hamilton w montog ery e little t hicken and e burt these cadets will take lectures cv cry week the lectures this course are sjsgt solway csm lenz and cs sgt barber the balance of the cadets will take a junior nco course conducted by lt teeter cjlld col timleck and cmaj lambert the cadets taking these courses will have to prove their efficiency as ncos by wearing their uniforms in perfect order with boots shined and brass pol ished they will be given their own rifles and it will be the cadet s duty to keep his rifle clean at all times these cadets will be marked weekly and on ly those who pass will be given rank those attending the high school have probably noticed the pictures of the cadets in the corridor bill hard man posted these pictures there in hopes of arousing the interest of the cadets who are not attending regular iv bill although not a member of the cadet corps himself has other ideas too how about you have you any ideas that might help the corps to improve also why not let us know about them don t forget cad ets every wcdnesda night at 7 p m i ets help the corps pt report sandra scott it seems th it i w is sliht1 opiums tic a short time aeo when i stited th i thi uniform tins should promote more enthunsm apparenllv lhe hive done just the opposite the iris ilrtid to wear their tunics afte xmas four das i week i have seen verv few tunics and these have been on the lower school girls it has been siiltesled that the labs be returned if the uniforms arc not eoing to be worn hat about it girls pt has contin lied out of doors the result beint ma nv ruddv complexions and too many runn noses sec jou next edition the valentine story in chatting list weik received some extra pul- licity when it wis used on the sun il iv morning cbc neithbourl news hnnde ist h don lairbairn several people have commented on hearing it announcing mr george smurthwaite formerly of riddall motors is now operating the maple ave garage telephone triangle 73952 repairs to all makes of cars american and european volkswagen service shell products location corner maple avenue and 7th line practising his proposal that he would utter in front of his girl that night he had tried but vainly to pop the question at school his courage had always failed him at the last moment however percy had persevered and tonight he was a determined fellow yes tonight was the night of night percy s heart would be either down cast or enraptured with joy percy our hero was standing on the verandah of his belle iris stews house perspiration was pouring down his neck finally after five minutes battle with his conscience he plucked up his courage and rang the bell heavy footsteps echoed across the room and the door opened with a hefty pull illuminated in the light from the hall stood mr stew well he boomed what do you wanf would it be at all possible to see ir is percy blurted out i guess it wouldn t be a crime mr stew growled back but make it snappy our hero entered the living room a beautiful sight he beheld there sat ins on the studio couch dressed iq joins with her shining hair besmear eel with hobby pins perc seated himself at the far end of the couch and thrust a shj sickly grin at her iris after five minutes or so began moving up on percy like a cat on a mouse then flinging her arms ar ound him she said in a musical voice he mlv flavoured with spearmint ho ne v do jou want to saj something to me well er ves ahem yes there was something stimmered poor perev she snukfjcd up a hit closer and as the couch had no end to it percy fell off iris looked down on him with pitiful then with eigcr eves is he rolled over on to his knees then flinging 0l his irms in a passionate manner drawing a deep breath vain iv trv me to keep his adams apple from bobbing up and down he gasp eel ins will vou tthv cs she screeched and flung herself upon him the above is a slifhtlv exiggeritcd iceount of whit some upper school bens will be suffering in preparation fur the fornnl m irch 15lh however not the wise lorghshns i svnelicile comparable to les philcu ophes of the fnmh revolution flermanv hours of debating hev hue ce m up with a unique method ml i mb w his to do is to wink it tlu finiile of ins choice with his ii f ec she niiiins the wink with her 1 ft eve h wevei if the s ml fe nnle dies n t wi h to iicempim tint pir tieuln nnle she winks n him with the avro employees donate portable x ray machine thinks to the generous support of the avro aircraft fniplovoes wclfire hind peel memorial hospit d his hern spinel the expense of 112100 to purchase i great needed portable x nv michine a cheque for that amount wis en closed in a lrlter received by the churmin of the hospital board last week from the secrctiry treasurer mr n p troy the president of this cm plover group is mr duncan mccallum in the letter accompanying the gift the donors explained that it is the practice of the fund to make donat ions to welfare organizations in coun ties where avroltes have their homes according to the number of employees within a county in this instance we felt wo could best serve our fellow emplovoes in this area by helping them get the hospital services they need this contributions brings the total receipts for the annual equipment fund appeal and membership fees to 4176 00 the number of piid members for 1056 now stands it 373 ind is they are still coming in the board is hopeful the total of 380 rea ched last year will be exceeded for the current year for fuel oil telephone tr 72251 automatically delivered by ralph murfin oil sales hir rikht e this null 1 is the possil 1 tmisink of f r the confum ii ii hrlits siivim itt i i under st ind tint thf re will be i lurktv dm ner lortuniteh for us but unfortu nit iv fn them two fellews will be limbic to itlind breause of their ur iel n imelv s ind o at ct m thi litter nnelc eitht hot dogs mil thiee eekes disippear in no time it ill will till nest time happ winkine a day in the life of a nine a student i m in vour ibeuil to m ike n sudden a ii r wikev reed that another dance would be in the best interests however the sit uation is somewhat altered from for mer years wriggiesworth auditorium was always freely donated but with installation of partitions and seats this is now impractical the dances always kept the student council m funds to buy uniforms crests etc also the first second and third forms feel disappointed being left out of commencement an affair which usually called for all their en gineering talent and imagination to make a success the alternative is to hold it in one of the halls in town a seemingly sound idea if one can be found nev ertheless to spite all deterrante all considerations have been made and it seems evident that another high school dance open to all classes will be held before june bennetts beat donna bennett why does or why did a certain grade 9 student with d g as initials walk a grade 10 student home to the other side of stewarttown ever nifcht its a long walk especially on these cold winter nights and that s what makes me wonder if he is follow ing in his brothers steps they both pursue with great determination what ever thev see and happen to like we wish to send a much belated bir thdaj greeting to irene inch who eel ehrated her 18th birthday a few days ago we didnt forget you rene we just didn t know about it wh did one certain boy of grade 12 tell his mother that the reports were not given our could it have something to do with some red type which was printed on some reports too bad kid but it happens to the best of us i believe that three girls who sil hniiettcd the interesting picture on the wall of room 10 some months ago should trv again i was noticing how dirty the wall was becoming and i thought it might mean a fast buck to the iris think it over girls or should i sa rembrandt da vinci and aneeio anvlhing is worth a try there is a bov from glen williams uiod ol glen eh gang who is known personalh bv me as honopo l pher and whom i havent seen for some time i was just wondering where he was keeping himself how much does one man cost charlie i wonder if two bovs of grade 0 known is the two ss know now m whit room the are supposed to be tin first period on monehv afternoon to sitisfv mv own curiosity i would like to know wh some fifth form bos wanted to know the identity of a person mentioned in last weeks celumn this person wintcd more infermition on a ccrtun news item is vou ran rcmemlwr have you a gtulh conscience bovs or just in immmse cunositv i would like to send this reminder to mv fnend bctsv no wonder you aie double barrelled time about 7 4 elleim ink llile s thi iltaek when ill e cenrsi nee cuts the wake use n i shine this must hive bien quoted from camp ou roll ever inel trv to continue with lirk but vour stoimch stirts veiling i ooel fond i illinj out of bid irm outstrotihed with one ec open vou tr lei fin i the bitbroom ind the cold w tir t ip time about 9 00 am the bell nncs feir cliws the subject to he mistered mikes the mood of the room with mith the room is full of iiimblim iiteriture bis top billing with science close behind when the bill rings at noon the room is deserteel in seconds met the mid rush to the locker room begins lunch is over and then hick to school for the iftornoon which usuil iv drais on ind on almost mlomati cillv everv two minutes hcids boh up ind look it the clock time 4 00 p m the usual proced ure is to go home but the odd bov has to report to the lib or room 4 for i visit with their favourite teacher at home he does lines for the master homework of his own and in most ca ses the tv is wiring time 9 00 pm the familiar re frain begins farly to bed early to rise makes you deathly broke and the odd time wise and the answer i m coming hang on the next morning half dead as us ual jou innocently ask why didn t you send me to bed earlier plan choir concert first week in may judy mccumtwr tin choir conceit is the big news his week it is to be held in the first week of miv most of us are work in hint to mike this i success then sums lo be a trend toward p put it nuisic m our new male sec lion much lo mr harrisons disgust he is hiving difficult with several uniulv members with regard to more il issuil music the girls were thinking it would be nice if our school could hive a male quirtet we hive good singers among our bos one of whom his a particu lirv good hiss voice step forward bms inel sing even if it is onlv six tec n tons grade 10 june allen hit room has extra varied heating during classes when i say extrcmelv varied i mean from one extreme to the other the heat on full blast on mild dav s with none at all on cold das as for grade 9 receiving 4 periods of dancing a week what happened to the custom that the higher you get the more privileges you receive big news right now around the school is the coming formal a com mencement with dancing and the works proceeds from the baxaar arc going to pay for it but were upper school the only ones who donated for the bazaar the last btg formal of the sea son is the lions club annual st pat ricks dinee this year on the 16th in the rose room the modem aires will provide music pittsburgh points extiio and intbuor ernies radio mill t 72701

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