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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 14, 1956, p. 13

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high tales published by students of georgetown high school vol 4 no 7 wednesday evening march 14th 1956 georgetown ontabio if i had three wishes mim p lult there is an od french story which tells of the experiences of a poor woodcutter one day as he was working in the forest he was be moaning his sad fate suddenly a fairy appeared and promised him three wishes when he arrived hlme he told ms wife they began discuss ing what they woiild like as they were eating jules chanced to look at his meagre meal and said would like a sausage and the sausage ap peared on bis plate his wife began berating him and in his exasperation jules said i should like to see the sausage on the end of your nose obediently the sausage went up on marines nose then with typical french irony the story relates that the couple had to use the third wish to remove the sausage you can see how foolishly jules used his three wishes 1 should like to teu you mine as they are intan gibles i shall never know whether they have been granted first of all i would wish for the gift of friendship friends double our joys and cut in half our griefs they share our interests and add the choir growing pains terry harlay since the recent addition to the bass section of the g h s choir bird watchers have frantically reported more song sparrows turning around and heading back south than ever be fore this addition or subtraction opinions vary is made up of eight or ten social outcasts from grade twelve some of them do not know the high ca from the bounding main but nobody is perfect when they break into a chorus of okla homa they have to break in they cant find the key choirmaster ken harrison who knows more about music than jeff chandler knowb about apaches winces painfully but nev ertheless continues to conduct the musical hurricane these newcomers have not been idle in the brain department how ever why not comes the query have pfastic song sheets so the choir members can watch the leader with out raising their eyes from the notes to think it took a fourthformer to come up with such an obyious im provement this suggestion comes of course from the same vocal varmit who still thinks an octave is a giant squid as if they were not provided with sufficient material the bass section mr baxter g scott in our series of trying to bring to you a little knowledge about your tea chers we i e my cohort leanne and i find it necessary to restrict the length of what we write we have found our teachers very interesting people who have had many and varied experienc es in this country and abroad and are seasoned travellers we would like to share with you their philosophy ex periences and broad handedness we havent space enough so we leave that up to you we hope by giving you the outline you will rid yourself of your timidness and get to know your teachers better we want you to make friends with them share their exper iences and wisdom so that you appre ciate your teachers as good friends and they you our teacher this week is mr bax ter our chemistry physics and if re quired zoology geology botany and mathematics teacher as is often the case what father is so is son born of school teaching parent in transcona manitoba about 6 miles east of winnipeg he seemed destin ed and in all probability bad no choice but to teach his father was principal of the fortyroomed colleg iate institute and his mother before there are only 3 in existence of which the other two belong to the cnr it is a picture of the locomot ive that pulled the king and queen of canada on their tour of canada in 1939 it is coloured in the actual paint used on the locomotive he can recall being at the throttle of the engine when they took it out on its final trial run ask him to show it to you mr baxter has two children dun can and blake of georgetown and is still not very far from his father and mother who now live in bramp ton and his father is nearly 90 years old 65 of these years were spent as a teacher 29 years a principal of the collegiate institute of transcona mr baxter has taught 20 odd years him self but still has a long way to catch his father altogether amongst his father mother and himself they have nearly a 100 years of teaching in ca nadian schools and that is quite a feat one to be proud of spavkle to our lives by sharing theirs t rtt school teacher m frequently becomes impatient between he attended public school and the col- m second wish would be that of dltucs ins rousing chorus of leglate in transcona and graduated an odcii mind with this gift i would some recent pop song last week young he then proceeded to the hope to acquire an appreciation of fif h umverstty of manitoba and enrolled thrculture of races and creeds differ- the j w did ent from my own i would like to have a plug when a certain princi- learn of thvhistory science art and p wita the steam pipes were literature of the world one of the acting up agmn burst into the room people who encouraged me most in f t tha the my student days was a woman who j ballad was not stran had never gone beyond grade vth let t yet because of her extensive and ap since th th a have settled predauve reading university stud- wnsiderably those few who ent came to her for help with their i eca e idea of es a frequent twentytwo beat rest are my third wish would be that of a taking serious interest and with a sense of responsibihty it would be- con c n all the horse- gin with my family it was my family h p e horses i- have been gargling with ajax every it would be- it was my family who undertook my maintenance when i could not look after myself they grieved over my defeats and rejoiced over my little triumphs as a stud ent i would feel some responsibility to my teachers who were doing their best to give me a good start in life as a teacher i would feel the respon- sibilit to mv students and to their day in an effort to reach their peak form who knows if all goes well at the concert the student council may help buy jackets for the choir too grade nine report j l scott couple of weeks dancing under the leadership of miss piercey on tuesday and thursday af ternoons now that it u getting muddy outside these sessions will be switched to p t class boom 6 and 7 hold the crowd and the musics supplied by records these sessions are in preparation for the possibility of a dance after lent for grade 9 10 11 which will be held to keep the peace between the upper and middle school classes ar1 which arose over the formal at hill top the dancing has been very success ful up to date and will be carried on for a couple of months longer i haven t heard any complaint so i guess everyone is happy with the ar rangement amen amen oh man parents to put forth every effort to during the last couple m weens train to the best of ray ability the the grade nines have been having thamel asham gave him people entrusted to me as a cana- indian arkt which he stj dian i would feel some responsibility into making myself into a good citi zen and thus make some contribution to the growth of this country some fifty years ago a poor immigrant fa mily arrived here from russia in the intervening years that family has contributed two doctors twolawycrs a dentist and a dental nurse to can ada one of the lawyers earned his way through university by shining shoes and selling newspapers he rose to be a member of parliament and is now a senator his name is david croll at a testimonial dinner given in his honour in windsor a few weeks ago senator croll said my country owes me nothing to can ada and its people i am eternally grateful finally i should like to feel some responsibility as a citizen of the world i can elaborate on this theme no better than by a quotation from rustaveh when men share their labour talents good counsel sympathy and understanding with those who need them they receive in turn the same gifts back again a widening circle that could in time make all men friends macs taxi reliable service tr 72641 pt report s scott for the last couple of weeks p t has been carried oa inside due to muddy grounds having a double room in the school has been a great asset pt now consists of square dancing the boys are as bashful as ever saying that they would be only too happy to operate the record play er since this only takes one person there are numerous long faces i think this is a great opportunity for students to brush up on their dancing before the coming formal sec you next edition in medicine after three years of medicine he turned to georolgy zool ogy chemistry and physics the de pression had set in and jobs on the prairies were very scarce so in order to eat he worked as a store order clerk for the stores and purchasing department of the cnr for seven years ever dream of going 1500 mi les to see a hockey game well he and his friends did they would leave on thursday night and travel to toronto by pass to see an nhl game on satur day night and get back to winnipeg at 9 oclock monday mernlng one hour late for work after the depression began to level off he started teaching in northern manitoba as a principal for 320 per year they still owe him two weeks salary about 12 30 while there he did a little detective work and loca ted the charter for pcguis band of in dians in appreciation their chief na- beaded indian jacket which he still wears he moved later to goodlands then to kennay which incidentally if wc have any hockey fans is the home of turk broda and then to fort garry principal of an 18 room high school and where the university of manitoba s localcd at times a teachers job can involve anything as it did when he was at good lands where he took 8j children to winnipeg by train a distance of over 200 miles to see the king and queen in 1939 coming east mr baxter taught at alton for 2 years then came to geor gctown which was in 1947 9 years ago during the war the government took him from teaching and employ ed him in defence industries on nit roglcennc analjsis and control in the manufacture of chorditc in 1941 they sent him to bristol aircraft where his physics was put to practical use in locating the centre of gravity of all airplanes before the air force would buy them mr baxter has two sisters who also graduated in honour science from the university of manitoba one i a se nior technician for the banting insti tulc and the other formerly with con naught laboratories mr baxter has several hobbies but the ones he likes best are philately lc stamp collecting especially canadian stamps and the raising of the expen sivc german breed of dog called the dobcrman pinscher he also has a very interesting picture of which 1 think all of you would like to sec awhaung jim gui one day i went a sailing over the deep blue sea one day i went a whaling in the smallest boat there be i had to get some money to buy a bigger boat but the only way to do this was to catch a whale afloat the day was cool i felt a fool to be out in such a boat for a whale is strong and will fight for long with a harpoon in his throat i came upon a frisky one he took me for a ride the blood was spurting out of the hole the harpoon made in his side he fought me long he fought me well he fought me to the end but i got my money and i got my boat and i loved him like a friend diogenes were proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office 20000 gallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck always available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of course were in the coal business too wb kenlnerson tftiangto 72 151 minos us to your door b htw this dancing in the halls at noon its just the most this charleston step has got to be seen the charle- ton went out with the sappers thirty years ago but the students are still doing it at georgetown they learn ed it from one of the teachers i sus pect with a wiggle and a jiggle and an umph umph we slaft off left foot before the right thats it one quarter turn of left foot and a draw to side one quarter turn right foot left foot down right foot to side now for the wiggle shoot right arm and foot forward this is so difficult that the body is naturally shaking right leg and arm down with a little jump as they pass the left leg going up in the air behind as you can see this is where the jiggle comes in quite dangerous as the wiggle is still going around and is liable to collide with the jiggle then rrnp now hands up in the air and flutter youve seen it before our hairy four legged friends in the zoo thought of it first left leg down and a rotating motion is imported to the hips this is the umph somewhat reminiscent of the bumps and grinds kindly note the stag line against the wall mean while left and right legs are quarter turning back and forth all the way now cross left foot in front of right i dont like this a second wiggle is set in motion at this point trans verse all over the body with hot and cold spasms close behind but dan gerous side forces are at work the first wiggle in hurrying to catch up to the umph watch out here it comes watch out urumph i always forget to uncross my legs as the girls are helping me up from the floor oh i like it i like it i gingerly set one foot ahead of the other and sadly make my way past the smiling graduates portraits through the swinging doors and leav ing the hulabaloo behind climb the old oak stairs passing the waltzing maidens in the art gallery what they really need is a good copy of the sabines i climb into my room close the door and pull the walls in around me which isnt very difficult since there is only enough room for two people and the walls are pretty close in fact and we are proud of it there is only one room in the school which is smaller and we all know where that it bennetts beat d bennett mr first duty this week is to apol ogize for something written in my last column i thought it was rath er funny but i guess i have a poor sense of humour i treated the mat ter with an air of jest but it became somewhat serious the persons invol- ved will know what i am talking ab out and i am very sorry for any wrong i have committeed i was told the other day that one reason we do not hear any news of grade lxb is that it is a very quiet class everything and everybody runs like clockwork that last phrase was quoted by one grade ix student another student very close to me tells me it is a not there is suppo sed to be a girl known as a real clown no offence i dont know about the clown business but she is a nice per son to know i also dont know ab out the class activities so i am offer ing both sides of the story and let your own ideas be the judge a week ago monday march 5th to be exact the commercial class spent a hilarious period on room 10 i was wondering if the books they were rea ding were really as funny as they see med to be why did our chemistry teacher and the students of grade xlfl look so sur prised when a fellow student was caught sticking her legs in the lab desks this is the atomic age man it is an impossibility for a girl to be a lady besides its more fun this way concerning the forthcoming formal it seemed that some grides felt neglected when they were not invited to the formal now as i understand it ten couples from one grade have been asked and they dont want to go not knowing too much regarding this matter i will say no more but i think they are very lucky to be invited this little gem of news really gave me a charge it sees that one grade 12 student on the night of the formal is going to receive flowers of course the funny part is that they are inten ded to be in a flower pot who else but bob could think of an original idea such as that soon ghs is- going to be an addit ional arthur murray btudio such smooth and relaxing music as rock around the clock has been flowing through the halls lately proving that we have our own jukebox babies and dungaree dolls go man go i would like to add that none of my columns are written in a sarcastic way or through personal dislike al though some may give those impres sions see you later alligator the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 14th 1956 page s notice to creditors in the estate of dorothy swan late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton widow deceased all persons having claims against the estate of dorothy swan late of the town of georgetown in the coun ty of halton widow who died in the city of guelph on or about the 26th day of september 1954 and all oth ers having claims against her estate are hereby notified to send post pre paid or otherwise to deliver to hew- son and ord georgetown ontario so licitors for the undersigned adminis trator of the estate of dorothy swan on or before the 21st day of march 1956 their names addresses descrip tions and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securit ies if any held by them and that im mediately after the 21st day of march 1956 the administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said de ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the administrator shall then have notice dated at georgetown this wox day of february 10m george c hewson administrator try ms solicitors hewson fc ord georgetown ont s14 grade xii report frank oneill there is a certain young lady from borneo who hangs around room 2 she is not ugly then again she is not beautiful she is a lady with pierc ing soul searching eyes you can stand in any of the four corners of the room and without moving a mus cle of her body she will be scrutiniz ing you in case you havent been in room two recently 1 will explain to you who and what this phenomenon is she is a dusun from northern bor neo a picture on the wall i suggest that mr lambert should if he wishes to bring the attention of his pupils to the front of the room hang this picture above the middle blackboard or better still organize a safari cons ibting of giadc la into northern bor neo to search for her a person who can command attention like that with such apparent iase should be a tea chcr therefore when we have found her we shall send her to teachers college she will became as famous as mona lisa people will flock to georgetown of course she will teach at ghs after graduation from tc to see her the population of george town will increase by leaps and bounds industry will be pleading to be let into georgetown and george town high school will become the tou nst attraction across canada grade 12 boys will be honoured at a ban quet thrown by the cit fathers and retired for life with a yearly income thus fooling everybody including themselves by making good in this world the football team members have each received from the student coun cil a monetary amount from tjur stu dent council for crests on behalf of the team thank you trip planned for third form l d wriggtttworth in lieu of third forms attending the formal a trip is planned for the whole form as this is all in the plan ning stage nothing is very definite the present plan is for the form to leave in a group about 6 15 in the morning on or about april 20 and head for toronto on one or scotts old reliable buses wc would visit byerson tech in the morning cat lunch in the cafeteria and have the afternoon for our own leisures tbi bus would leave toronto at about 345 and arrivo home in good time for sup per student council would be ex pected to kick in some of the trans portation costs with the students pay ing the remainder as thli plan has the approval of mr lambert all that is needed is for the necessary arrange ments to be completed seemingly to contradict a previous statement two of our senior students came bouncing in the third period on tuesday morning with tome ex tremely good news the first ten lucky couples to apply for invitations to the formal from grade xi will be accommodated the bearers of good news were a little crestfallen with our seeming lick on enthusiasm but actually wc were too stunned to say munuinenf v lampion monument works doslons sufcmtttw cemetery etttrina comor pests and markers a good display in stock wm c auan prop qween st wtat ftrampti shop 1410j phone res 311 re tom nicol phone brampton 403w flowers for every occasion dafltfn wort spocwtyl flowers by wire aaywhert in the world norton floral triansl 73512 gwrsetown building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen williams triangle 73302 with the cadets cadet ltcot b tlmlaek the nco courses were started last week under the supervision of lt teeter and s sgt sauve the junior ncos were given a lecture on the fundamentals of cad cts questions such as why are there cadets and what work do they do were answered by lt teeter the second period was taken on the parade square the potential ncos were given rifle dnll and later each one in turn gave orders in order to practice his voice for the annual in spection the parade was dismissed and rifle firing followed army boots have been issued to all ranks this year for the first time this movement by the corps chief instruc tor capt a prouse is to help to pro mote enrolment in the cadets through out the school anything apparently when the final count was made of those were to attend it was found that there was room for approximately 20 more people which accounts for grade xts last minute invitation incidentally a few smalt white gui ded missiles seem to be floating ar ound room 4 in spite of our teachers valiant efforts to stop them some af terfour courtmartials however have caught a few offenders buy the best buy bh paints for lasting beauty sold by twins woodworking umehouse tr 72162 manufacturer of sash frames towns doors onsid and out trim doorhardwarf floor till oust open evenings and ad day satvrdayi till 9 pm

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