the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 14th 1956 archdekin and moloy tractor bargains 1hc model h mh 44 diesel case dc 4 ferguson like new alus chalmer model wc john deere used machines 2 ihc no 45 pto balers 1 no sot baler 1 nh no 76 baler ihc 28 thresher complete ihc 8 binder like new cockshutt t binder plows cultivators mowers rakes etc 24 wesleyan street trungle 73640 oeorgetown hpu better where you are save time worry and expense and have those needed home re pairs and improvements now you ii live better and ertoy your home now we can help you get started whether you do it your self or have it done all on an easy budget plan ibeaver lumber will loan you from 100 t 3500 for home improvements or necessary home repairs on the convenient beaver budget plan no down payment up to 36 easy monthly payments as low as 9 00 a month why not live better where you are right nowi beaver lumber s own budget buying plan is your answer no down payment and easy monthly payments we will help you complete your improvement plant provide accurate cost estimates suggest ways to save on building materia and arrange a convenient paymont plan to suit your budget nothing could be simpler come in and talk it over we re always glad to help no outside financing you deal directly with beaver if you wish beaver will be glad to contact reliable carpenters for you to have the job done this free beaver service will prove particularly helpful if you do not wish to doit yourself material and labour then can be included in the overall estimate so that you can pay the full amount on easy term- with no down payment on the beaver budget buying plan get the most out of living where you live your home with beaver budget buying the building and remodelling improve ments or necessary repairs for better living are yours on easy monthly payments beaver budget buying plan builo that extra room in your basement nted a party room den or extra bedroom you can build it jourself in our spare time in that unused por tion of your basement see us for plans and ideas modernize your kitchen wh not enjoy all the advantages of having a kitchen that fits today s needs it s easv to modernize whether you doit jourself or have it done come in and talk it over a summer cottage of your own build or have built a summer cottage on the lake of your choice for your family to enjoy simple plans easy to build complete materials as low as 649 enjoy an extra room in your attic use all the space jour home provides h building rooms to fit an extra attic room is cozy and comfort able see us for ideas and proper materials typical 6asy monthly payment plans as low as 12 a month as low as 9 a month s low as 30 a month s low as 9 a month improvement loan 24 mths 18 mlhs 15 mths 12 mths 100 12 75 1812 32 62 s 900 m 1187 2137 15 69 1s0 15 34 27 62 22 29 j450 40 12 750 35 62 46 04 54 37 66 87 beaver lumber tr 73211 ii water st son daughter here walter footitt dies father of two local residents mrs vernon kirby and robert footitt wal ter tootitt of acton died suddenly at his home on wednesday march 7th as a result of a heart ailment mr footitt faad been a resident of acton for the past thirty six years during which time he had been employed as a machinist with the beardmorc com pany ltd he had been in retirement since last november mr footitt was born 69 years ago in england he first came to canada in 1909 and settled in toronto re turning to england in 1911 he was married the following year on febru ary 1st at bradford york england to maude will banks mr and mrs footitt came to canada tho same year and lived in south porcupine and gait before going to live in acton in 1919 mr footitt was the only surviving member of his family a brother and sister having died m england during the past two years he leaves his wife and one daughter and three sons dorothy mrs vernon kirby georgetown george of toronto fd die of acton and robert of george town there are six grandchildren rev e jones of st alban s angli can church acton performed the fu neral service m the church at 2 p m saturday afternoon the pallbearers were messrs bert ware thomas ware william maddox robert turn er i conard smith and james knight all of ct n interment took place in rairucw cemetery alton county moh tells about inoculation dr archie hull count mcdica ol fieti of he llli told members of the home anil school ssoeiation about the health units program of inouilu tion when he spoke at their meeting last week in u njlcs worth scho l dr hull said that the salk polio aecine would at nn lie used this jcar and recited statistics which showed how effective ill program had been in its first year of operation he also mentioned the precautions bunt liken to avoid a rabies cpidim ic haltcn has as yet had no cases of this diead disease and he sul the unit is d im everything in its power t lessen the ctanlu dr hull was introduced in r him t null sch h 1 pnncipal ill i tin kim i le product el two bushel haskels full of it st aitielts which have neeer been claimed and asked parents tu lo k over the collection to set if owners could be f und for some of the f oils mrs jtelrnmerson home 4 sehool president was churman ft r the meet inc which w is followed with a socnl hour and lunch gardening lecture raises tour funds nde 7 pupils at whlaicsw rth school raisetl enough money to fn hire an educational tour this spring vvlun they sponsored a jardcnine lecture in the schol on rchrtnrj 29th speaker was hirold walsh of downhams nurserv strathroy v h showed coloured slides which ill ist a ted different methods of landscap inj there were three door prices of shruls donated by the company and these were won by mrs irncst forjjrave august spit7cr and john young candy houghton was chairman ind introduced the speaker the pupils and their teacher har old catlmc are now discussing plans for the trip which will result from the cveninf extensive clearing auction sale power and farm machinery farm implements dairy equipment poultry equipment and furniture the undersigned has received mslruc tions from l a pope to sell bypublic auction at his farm half mile south of milton on the 1st line in the township of trafalgar on wednesday march 21st commencing at 1 o clock the following pott fr impl emfrnts ftc al lis chdmcrs vc tracter complete ov e rhaul job in 1955 ailis chalmers c tractor with 7 ft mounted pewtr mow er rarmall a tractor with mounted ceirn cultivator int no 45 baler with power takeoff used one season ailis chalmers all crop combine kelly ry an elevator 2 jrs old mh 3 bottom no 23 tractor plow ihc 2 furrow tractor plow mh tractor disc risscll tractor disc mh 1 way disc 4 ft cut cockshult manure spreader on rub ber rubber tired farm wagon wit flat hay rack 2 steel tired wagons allts chalmers side delivery rake hissell land packer cockshutt spring tooth cultivator 3 section spring tooth cultivators md team cultivator har rows new idea horse mower 6 ft team cultivators 2 walking plows 2 single corn cultivators forks shovels bars grease guns and other tools dairy fquipment dc laval milking machine with motor piping 2 unit woods milk cooler strainer pails etc poultry equipment 6 rain shelters no of electric brooders fee ders fountains etc furniture thor combination dish washer and sink all one unit fngidiire range china cabinet table buffet chairs washstands odd chaim space heater oil 2 coal heaters 2 cook stoves odd dishes and other n small household effects terms cash settlement with the clerk day of sale no reserve as the farm is aold and proprietor is giving up fanning george curric clerk hindliy a elliott auctioneers w realize what mean to you xjllj consistent savings on your weekly uiy i fd bill means you can enoy more c i of the luxuries of modern living start today to live better for less by shopping with your friendly neigh bour your iga food store exttra special iga choice apple juice 3 25 queensw ay choice 15 oz tins dessert pears 2 for 25c green giant fancy vacuum packed 14 oz tins niblets corn 2 for 33c interlake white cross toilet tissue 2 for 21c borden s plain or pimento half lb pkg chateau cheese 25c supfr vaiueofftr crino instant skim lib pkfcs milk powder 2 for 35c iga choice peas 2 29c 1 dainty brand rice l pkss avc sandwich special a 9 oz jar of shirnff s fruit jelly ml a 9 oz jar of york peanut butter both for 45c coon iuck snuu margarine 1 lb pkt 29c dr p l i rd lhampl in dog food 15 o tins 2 for 21c gsrasbwssroij florida no i seedless iiowgstmels wssmscsbubm ruby red grapefruit 29c size 220 s dozen 45c 2 lbs 29c 6 jumbo sul 80s c i if orm sfi dllss n wel sunkist oranges oldi itlpt sfllctfd quai ity bananas i i oltid crisp ru p scai large size celery stalks 2 for 19c l 1 iform new crop frlsii gri 1 tops large bunches new carrots 2 for 19c for an ideal roast young tender flavourful ujuejjjjjjji half or whole tf ndei1 lp an loin rib lamb chops 3 mfais in oni roasts choi s stltt lambinthebasket mapi i i t al si r 1 1 or by thf pii ci bologna m pi e i fai skini ess i ur1 p sausage j the trend today is to lamb legs ib doc lb 49c ib 25c ib 21c 1 lb pkg 39c bacon n ecgsi burns daisy side 1 n bacon and iga a large 1 eggs 99c iga plain dill pickles 24 oz jar 25c special smn cream noxema regular 40c size 29c frozen foods booth heat and serve 10 oz pkg fish sticks 33c pictswlet frozfn frfsh 9 oz pkgs french fries 2 for 35c jjy pictsw fft fancy red 15 oz pkgs 32 raspberries 39c limehouse w 1 learns how to make rugs mrs george i eslic demonstrated run making to members of i imchouse w 1 when the met thursday at the home of mrs sam cisbj her demonstration was helpful ind interesting ind she displaved some bciutifull finished rugs mrs f sanford presided and then wire 14 members and a visitor present roll call was answered by nimmc i canadian apple the usual donation wis made to hal ton music ttstival mrs hirr brown convener of cit lzcnship and educition asked for the 2 minutes reports by conveners mrs isby gave current events and mrs sanford the motto if it were not for winter we should never have spring a piano selection b mrs ouke mul der a former member who has reccn tlv mocd back to canada from eng land was enjoyed a social half hour was spent oer lunch after the meet ing closed youre invited georgetown lions club st patricks dance georgetown arena rose room friday evening march 16th dancing from 9 so lo 1 jo wh the modern aires couple w50 nws optional