the georgetown herald eighteen pages georgetown ont wednesday december 19th 1956 first section ribbon cuttingopen house new hydro building opens ontario hydro is the most effi cient public utility in the world said ltcol a a kennedy dso ed who officially declared the new georgetown hydro building open after cutting the ribbon on saturday afternoon colonel kennedy ontario tyydio commissioner was one of a group of dignitaries who attended the opening of a new modern building on water street beside the post office his address was particularly in teresting to local people because he included brief bits of local history georgetown has special significance to him he said because his family firm wm kenned and sons sup- picd hydraulic turbines to help power the barber papirmill in the 1880s and the hdro plant 2 miles down stream which was the first long distance transmission of elec tncal enei gj in the world comparing georgetown s hdro requirements in a 3 year period the speaker said that in 1913 there were 354 customers using 72 kilo watts and in 1955 2007 customer using 4607 kilowatts the original name of hungrv hollow would be most inapprop nate for modern georgetown he said a prosperous growing town where a fine new building is only one of the outward signs of pro gress colonel kenned s speech fol lowed introduction of a number of guests who stood on the steps of the building during the outdoor ceremony commission chairman graham farnell introduced mayor jack armstrong commissioner e w binklej mrs j p reid secre tary treasurer g w mccallum superintendent rev alex calder president of the ministerial asso nation d p cliff secretary treas urer of the ontario municipal elec trie association v j wylie direc tor of the association of municipal electric utilities d b ireland representing adam smith toronto regional manager stan hall mpp and stan allen halton county war den the lome scots band played du ring the ceremon mayor arm strong extended civic greetings and mr einkley introduced the guest speaker following dedication of the buil ding platform guests spoke briefly and mr farnell invited the pub lie to inspect the building coffee was served to all attending and 1 1 vie officials and visitors were en tertained afterwards at a buffet supper at north halton golf club the twostorey structure which replaces the former hydro building on main street includes a large public office section flanked on either side by a board room and private office space leading platforms and garage facilities are provided at the rear and superintendents office meter room and additional storage space ere located on the second floor there is an elevator for moving heavy equipment farm news kiwanians entertain junior farm winners j e w for the ninth consecutive year the kingsway kiwanians entertain ed a goodly group of halton jun lors to a noonday luncheon at the old mill toronto on monday of last week john lloyd and the members of his agricultural committee of the kingsway kiwanis had gone all out to make it a memorable occasion the guest speaker was james d moore secretary manager of the canadian council on 4 11 clubs with headquarters at ottavt i among the special guests were frank wolfe agricultural agent for the cpr l c roy jgncullural ag wit cnr eail manning of the meat packers council toronto r ci bennett associate director of extension ont dept of agncul ture toronto all of whom are members of the 4 11 canadian council we were interested to learn from mr moore that 73 000 club members were enrolled in 5 000 clubs in canada in 1958 also that there are over three mil lion members enrolled in 4h club work in 43 countries of the world the following 4h club members from halton were presented with awards allen tfowen don moffatt ross austin george greenlees philip shepherd david hume ron iec bill marshall sandy barnes mer vin colling glenna rose and mar ilyn wrigglesworth lhe young men were each awar ded a short course scholarship at the ontario agricultural college while the two young ladies were presented with award of equal value among the guests from halton were also roy ford mac sprowl and lloyd vivian mrs mabel borg strom home economist for halton peel and york counties a t woodley chairman of halton s ad visory council on 4h agricultural clubs a g bennett associate ag ricultural representative for hal ton and peel counties and j e whit clock wedding anniversary santa sunday visitor papermakers children i santa had a busy time in deor jgetown sunday as both the alliance and provincial mills held their an jnual children s parties approximately one hundred and seventy youngsters saw the old gent when he dropped in al the roxy where the alliance partv was in progress his generosity with presents and candy put a happy ending on the afternoon of feature movies and cartoons the alliance social and recrea tional committee sponsored the af fair while all this was gulng on tht children of provincial emplovees all one hundred and seventy five of them packed the legion hall and viewed movies with one eye- keeping the other intently on the side door to make sure that a short fat fellow in a red suit did not slip in unnoticed when he did arrive oranges can dy and gifts were again given to the youngsters a lucky draw for the grown ups with chickens aid urkeys as piizei was also included in the program which was made possible by the provincial canteen committee mrs robert starret accident fatality mrs robert starret 71 of dixie was killed november 29th when struck by a car as she attempted to cross no 5 highway in front of i her home one mile cast of cooks ville mrs starret s son russell with whom she made her home heard the screech of brakes and ran to the road to find his mother dead mrs starret was crossing the high way to catch a bus for cooksvillc where she planned to get a new prescription for her glasses driver of the car was mrs blanche hague of cooksvillc mrs starret the former ethel day of creemore was a former georgetown resident mr and mrs starret lived in town on main st n leaving here about twenty years ago surviving arc her husband five children russell of dixie wallace of collingwood margaret mrs henry burns of r r 1 glen williams irene mrs cyril laugh ton of kincardine and olive mrs e barthorj of bronte and 17 grandchildren a district couple mr and mrs s h lindsay had a happy day december 1st when they were at home to friends on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary treasured memories of the day include a telegram from the queen a letter of congratulations from prime minister st laurent and a certificate irom the province of on tano which was brought that day by stan hall mpp and mrs hall what council did discuss assistance for emigrees from hungary the weather mr editor merry christmas to all ern batkin date max mm rain snow mon dec 10 41 19 tues dec 11 43 28 wed dec 12 32 25 s 2 thurs dec 13 30 17 fu dec 14 28 6 r 06 sat dec 15 41 25 r 51 sun dec 10 38 2 average 36 22 r 57 s2 christmas party for holy cross children the children of the sunday school at holy cross rc church were treated to their annual christmas parly on sundav after noon several movies foi children were shown and then they were all treated to cookies ice cream can assistance to an ontario pro gram for evacuees from revolu tion torn hungary was discussed monday at the georgetown coun cil meeting a letter was read from toron to headquarters asking george town to collect data about avail able housing and jobs if any so that the central organization could coordinate this councillor walter gray reported that the lions club of which he is a member has already accom modation for a family expected here who are rclailvcs of a local man deputy reeve doug sargent chairman of town planning was delegated to call a meeting of representatives of organizations and individuals interested in act ing on such a committee councillor harry hale submit ted a statement on behalf of the boys band which outlined expen ditures of 1400 this year the bandmaster was paid 600 a base dies and pop mrs reuben ncalju arid base p h been headed the committee of the cath hascd for umfonns f olic women s league who provi a in a k f a 70 paid for music ded the christmas treat anniversary- mr and mrs j j thompson will be al home in honour of their fif tieth wedding anniversary on thursday december 27lh at their home r r 3 georgetown from three to five oclock no gifts please what council did mcclure will discontinue local ambulance service tom niyen new masonic master the annual meeting and election of officer was held last wcdncs day evening of credit lodge no 219 af 4 am with a goodly as ucmbly to see tom niven elected to head the lodge for 1957 as wor shipful master other officers for the ensuing year arc ipm w bro james f evans sw bro jim mccaig jw bro jim linton chaplain bro g l royal secretary v w bro ern batkin director of ccrw bro walter fidler sr deacon bro graham farnell jr deacon bro jack addy inner guard bro c renwlck tyler bro irwin noble sr steward bro ed wilson jr stcwar bro bob lawson assistant sccy bro bert fiddler pianist bro alt goodwin auditors wor bro sam mackcn tie bro john d kelly the evening ended with a lunch served by the junior warden notice the next two issues of the herald will be published saturday dec 22 and saturday dec 29 cooperation of advertisers and news correspondents in submitting advertising and news copy as early as pos ible will be appreciated these issues will replace the herald which would nor roally be published on the wednesdays of the two holi day weeks raider victory last night puts locals in first place the georgetown raiders climbed into a first place tic with brampton last night after turning back a battling elmira club 3 to 2 at the georgetown arena elmira down two goals at the end of the first period pulled even in the second but were unable to make a seeond eomc back jfter va rey potted what proved to lie the winner midway through the third period jack rhodes turned in an out standing rame in the geoigctown net and gets a big slice of the ere dlt for preserving the one goal mar gin on several occasions rhodes robbed hlniira on sizzling shots that looked like sure goals ptashnik who got the opener and varey also stood out for the raiders ptashniks goal came at the 8 24 mark after both teams started fast varey doubled the lead at 9 mm utes even as georgetown swarmed to the attack before the polar kings could get wound up only two penalties were handed frank ptashnik out in the period each team draw ing one apiece the second stanza was a differ ent story a fight broke out about the nine minute mark and when the smoke cleared inglis and dixon of georgetown and iogan and mccart ney of elmira were sent off for 5 minutes elmira used the extra elbow room to advantage trap scored to cut the lead to one goal when he backhanded a shot into the upper right hand corner minutes later carroll got the equalizer on a ns ing shot from about fifteen feet out varey s tie breaker came at 9 55 of the final period when he skated to the right side of the elmira cage and caught the goalie com plotelj off balance after faking a pass the raiders came close to in creasing their lead near the end a problem which will face next ears council at its first meeting came to councils attention on monday when the 1956 town fa thers held their final session a letter from harold c mcchirc notified council that ambulance service which has been operated by his firm for some years will terminate on january 31st mr mcclure in his letter plained that all halton funeral directors have decided to drop operation of ambulances from their business for a variety of reasons a major reason is that they have been criticized on occasion for a delay in providing an am bulancc when funeral home per sonnel are occupied with a fun eral county funeral directors had previously decided to end the service on december 31st but in order to give council a chance for discussion mr mcclure said he is extending this date to the end of january reeve stan allen commented that saskatchewan has found a solution in a province wide hospi tal service which includes free ambulance service as part of the plan he wondered if the fire depart nicnt might consider taking on j ambulance service in addition to its firefuhtmg chores and it is possible this department will be approached i a cheque v si 000 from del rex devclopmc was received this being the 1957 membership in toronto metropolitan industrial i commission which the firm had previously offered to underwrite representing holy cross r c church gerard wilcox frank emery and w f pringle dis cussed installation of washrooms in the church parish hall with council the church is anxious to proceed immediately and asked council for sewer hook up which is complicated because there is no lateral from the guetph st line not wishing to tear up part of the newly surfaced highway for the connection council decided to take the sewer line on church property parallel to the highway and hook in at a lateral further east on property beside the church where an old house has been torn down iga staff parties proprietors of the iga food liner bruce williamson and bob caldwell were hosts at a christ mas party saturday night for members of their staff the party was held at the jack o lantern restaurant where a de hcious turkey dinner was served and during the evening gifts were exchanged with the restaurant manager acting as santa claus those present were mr and mrs lou desaulnicrs mr and mrs fred bnggs mr and mrs stan hutchinson mr and mrs albert tost mr and mrs bob caldwell bruce williamson mrs fred ibbotson mrs r payntcr peter oxbjorn ed caldwell ross mcgilvray george cook ken lackson toni lee gail mcgilvray virginia barber margaret mcfar- iane bill manderson bill barber neil reed and leigh reed of the game with the elmira goa lir on the bench to allow six attack crs dixon lobbed one that rolled wide of the empty net and blake inglis hit the goal post from just inside the blue line oha senior b group including gamvt playtd de 15th p w l t f a pt elmira 8 5 3 0 41 25 10 oak vi mr 8 5 3 0 34 35 10 brampton 9 5 4 0 47 51 10 onlha 7 3 4 0 38 37 6 g town 7 4 3 0 38 33 8 milton 8 3 5 0 32 37 fl mcaford 7 2 5 0 29 41 4 art scotts entertain annual staff party mr and mrs art scott cnterlai ned al their home on maple avon ue at their annual staff party last silurday evening jiiests included mr and mrs vern kirby mr and mrs godfrey collier mr and mrs garnet macdougall mr and mrs wally foster mr and mrs alen in glis mr and mrs harry schmidt ron ritchie stewart simpson ed ward kingsbury leona bolton mr and mrs gordon harley mrs w t kirby mr and mrs george smith mr and mrs jim timleck sandra bradlev barry timleck mr and mrs harold marshall paul marshall mr and mrs joseph ow ens guelph mr and mrs borden drown elora mr and mrs jack stucmphlo kitchener jean wal ker fergus mr and mrs fred ib- botson mr and mrs joseph march ment mr and mrs jim print mr and mrs ray lovequist mr and mrs mcrv kirby mr and mrs frank fuller mr mrs wclburn marchmenl mr and mrs john vcitch mr and mrs austin milk mr and mrs roy haley mr and mrs jim bilsborrow mr and mrs jack cunningham sid barnard and ro barnard santa claus was there and pros cnted the guests with gifts mr and mrs scott were presented with a beautiful tabic lamp from their saff the marchmcnt group sup plied music for dancing everyone enjojed a delicious buffet lunch eon to complete the very pleasant evening mrs robert davison former glen resident mrs irene davison died in guelph general hospital on thurs day december 13th at the age of sixty eight she was born and at tended school in arthur moving to glen williams as a young girl where she was employed in the sykes woollen mills mrs davison was married in glen williams and then moved to guleph where she has lived ever since she was the wirdow of rob ert davison who died a short time ago alvin and gordon of guelph are surviving sons she is also survived by brothers and sisters mrs james costlgan georgetown mrs k ostrander brampton mrs charles walton guelph william bennett georgetown and aca of toronto three grandchildren and one greatgrandchild all of guelph funeral service was held at the tovell funeral home guelph con ducted by elder mclean of the latter day saints church of which mrs davison was a member inter ment was in greenfield cemetery arthur pallbearers were all nephews harold bennett georgetown george sharer fergus elmer cos tlgan georgetown jimmy douglas guelph lome davison guelph and lloyd davison glen williams stands as the meeting the last of the year concluded councillor irwin noble who is retiring this year was asked to take the chair mr noble submitted a resolu tion which complimented mayor armstrong on his efficient busi nesslike conduct of meetings and added his personal feeling that it had been a pleasure to serve with the mayor for three years and only pressure of his business had made him decide not to seek a council seat again any success ive had in my terms of office is due to the good councillors who have worked with me was mayor armstrongs part ing remarks he mentioned councils sorrow at the death of a member leroy dale qc dur ing the year regret at losing mr noble from the council table and congratulated the six other coun cil members on their reelection to office nativity pageant at church concert the sunday school christmas- party at st georges anglican this year took a different form the entire church school partici pated in a pageant directed by mrs ernie barnes and shirley dawson winch told the nativity story in pantomine scripture and song ru dy meier assisted with stage effects and lighting carol greensward and jacquel ine shepherd read the scripture story and margaret eason and er nie pcarct depicted mary and jos eph in the pageant santa arrived after the pageant distributing gifts to members of the beginners class who sang two songs prior to the pageant and candy and oranges to all the sun day school children rev kenneth richardson was chairman for the evening and school superintendent harvey dewhurst assisted santa conservatives to choose candidate in january thirty guests attend check line party iast saturdaj evening the neigh hours of the check line held their annual christmas party at the home of mr and mrs l devnes r r 3 the evening was spent playing games and singing ano ther purpose of the party was to welcome the new families that had moved to the district thirty guests enjoyed the lovely luncheon that the ladies provided tcxwckiciciccciccvcic1cicicictcic santo parade saturdays santa claus par ade will start from the cor ner of guelph st and windsor drive at 145 pm proceeding from there down town by the route advertised elsewhere in thu issue ww the executive of the progressive conservation association held a meeting on tuesday evening dec ember 18th to finalize plans for a convention to be held early in jan uary to select a candidate to run on the p c ticket in this county it was decided to hold the con vention on friday evening janu ary 18th at 8 30pm in the milton town hall the executive felt that with the tremendous interest shown in hal ton as to who the successor to the late sybil bennett qc mp will be that the sooner the convention was held the better top p c officials in the county- are optimistic of the parties chan ces of gaining another victory in the federal field in the election which will probably be held next june this optimism is justified party officials saj in the number of top flight prospects for the can didacy halton l nty has had i pro gressive conservative member in the provincial parliament mco 1943 when the present member mr stanley hall first won the seat he has since held miss bennett successruly wrested the federal teat from the liberals m a land slide victory of 2500 majority in 1953