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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 19, 1956, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday december 19th the georgetown herald serving the communities of georgetown gun williams norval umehouse hornby stewarttown bauinafad ashgrove terra cotta subscription rate 3 00 a year single copies 8c each advertising rates quoted on application the herald is printed each wednesday in the office at 22 main st georgetown walter c biehn publisher a nd editor staff garfield i mcgilvray bob baskervllle leslie m clark dave hastings corey herrington jr ken cowell mrs ailecn bradley terry harley authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario division of the cwna make it a firesafe christmas suggestions from the ontario fire marshal s office for a firesafe christmas have been pa sed on to the herald by fire chief wil lam hyde while most of them are common sense they are worth repeating with the hope that no f res will occur in our district to mar a happy hot day season the fire marshal suggests that when p q up your christmas tree tt be sawed a lea t an inch above the original cut immerse the at i ih ing tree trunk in water and check daily add iig more water when needed he suggests too that wh le the tree is up a bucket of water be kept in a convenient location nearby trees should be positioned so they do not block escape routes and should be kept away from radiators and other sources of heat tree lights should be checked carefully for frayed wires and bulbs kept from touching the tree remember too to turn off the tree lights if the house is left unattended al this hme of year ihere is a tendency for people to leave you ig cl idren alone while vis itmg fr ends th s is dangerous the f re mar shal arns as well as being an offence under the criminal code when baby sitters are en gaged it s wise to brief them on the location of exits telephone etc and a pho ie number where parents can be located the fire department phone number should also be poste i n a co isp c uous place fine municipal buildings opening of the new hydro bu id ng saturday focussed attention not only on th s but on the remodelled mun cipa build ig and the new wat erworks building as well added to the modern post off ce and fire hall which georgetown already had the town now possesses a group of public bu id ngs which any municipal ty could envy there can be no quarrel w th money sensi bly spent on such civic improvemeits a town s udged by its looks merchants help make a good impression when they prov de smart modern stores house owners cooperate when they keep their homes painted and tn good repa r the town must set the pace by provid i ig the best n publ c convemei ces 1956 has been part cularly notable m mi provements to public property bts des the hy dro nuncpil and waterworks build ig there is a f ie new highway surf ice a id a i extra traf f c artery on maple av to t e two sct on- of georgetown together every res dent can i ire n i u el ng of ac tor pi shr lent when i e looks over the to n i i can boa i that he 1 es n one of the r ost mod em and progress tovns i th country senior citizens honoured the second annual party for sen or c t zens sponsored by the rotary club was a stand out event for those invited and prov ded an even ing s entertainment which club members and guests will remember with happiness rotanans perform a worthwhile thing when they tender this party for older folk focussing at tention on those who publicly or privately have contributed to making a community what it is a glance at the guest list showed men who ha3 served on council on church and fraternal direc torates mothers whose home environment has pot pourri the next two issues of the herald will be ti led with hoi day news accounts of parties vi tors to town and visits of local people to other communities the herald staff spends ma ly hours collecting these items as many phone calls are made as possible but it is impossible to contact every resident if you have out of town visitors or go away yourself for the holiday it will be a real favour if you oil the herald tr 7 2201 in business hours or tr 7 3524 after hours thanksi don t forget too that there will be a herald published this week on saturday and another on saturday december 29lh they will replace the papers which normally would be issued the day aftr chr stmas at d the day after new year decorate georgetown for cl r t mas is a slogan which i pay ng off sponsored by the chamber of commerce the home decor produced upsland ng citizens among our younger residents men who have done their daily ob welt contnbut ng their effort to turning out sup er or products in industry which keeps industrial product on and quality at a maximum and geor getown s economy on an even keel in our modern world of days mothers fathers thanksgiving labour civic we could perhaps add a senior citizens day as a national event it would be a token of respect to hos whose labours large and small make a commun ity and a country al ng campaign has induced nany more people to use some form of christmas lighting the editor has slipped for a few weeks in compiling the then and now column in this issue we catch up with a 3 week period in november and early dccemher in the nevs of 10 20 and 30 years ago many people have commented on the new feature sugar and spice if you erioy it tell u opening of a singer sewing centre i i the main street store where mcgowan s specialty slop was located fills one vacant spot on the street leaving the old hydro building and the former western tire sloro still to be occupied a hinclorne new blue front on the united subur bi i gas store odds a beauty note to main street 5 the gas company s in the former modern vf it aaarket leal on bes de garners the mail bag cooperation speeded christmas mailing 8g main st n georgetown ont dear sir 1 personally would like to thank all those good and considerate people who handed me their christmas mail for postage in such neat packages and in then right order this chnstnfh spirit of helping others has enabled the post office staff to get your mail out to its destination in record time as usual 90 of tbc public i found did cooperate and i assure you jour kind thoughts were very much appreciated by all concern ed thanking you once again and wishing everyone a very merry christmas and even a better new tear santas little helper legion bowlers first in industrial group i tjjon no 1 hiiwlinj t im li is j 2 p jint ind in the twilve t mi in lustful ijiwlmc liju rlu it lonnairt h ivc won 2fi lliius ml lost only n onl two point hi hmd kentner s ind silvi r s in tied for second place otht r teams following in k i 55 andersons 52 provincial i in cr 50 firemen 48 i tjion no 2 43 barflies m i cejon impcrnls 30 blockbusters 25 davidsons 25 last week karl hmond and george barber led the high triple and single race howling 854 and 343 respectively barber ilso had a single of 339 and jack saunders and bill james each bowled a 328 game saunders had an 845 triple and lew brandford a 794 high averages in the big ten are held by bill anderson 224 george webster 223 harr brandford 216 frank anderson 215 terry bludd 215 nip shipwaj 211 ted fen ning 208 jim valentine 207 shel lawr 206 george barber 205 lions have party for their children i ions lull mi mbirs tht ir w ives ind chidren gathered in the anm llou room sundij afternoon for a variclv chnstims concert there wire fiftj children at the afternoon prolrnm which included a sing son panics ind i sirus of short films a surpnst visit bv boo the clown di light d the i children young and old ucrr tinted to a tasty lunch after which camr th much anticipitcd visit from smli clans who presented cich vming stcr with a gift and a pack igc of animal cookies while h070 givr out apples and oranges the hose room was appropriate ly decorated for the parlv with strings of coloured tights and a large christmas tree lions stan wade and bob ham llton were in charge of the arrange mentt santa will take plane to hungary with bag of cheer by ken mctaggart telegram staff reporter how important is a doll or a tin whistle or a crunchy chocolate bar in the little worlds of childhood in that lovely and too transient time when the impressions are nude fiom which manhood and womanhood are formed these things are big and important and this is why sdnta onus plans to flj to austria in tunc for christmas r vc through the wide and deftly or ganged maehinery of the red cross the immediate needs of the people in the hungarian transit camps in austria arc being met and more and more funds aie nee detl by the hungarian relief frund to fimnce through red cross those needs a donation of 250 000 from the dominion government brought ihe total eolleeted in loronto for the canadian hungarian relief i und to 44i290 but lliete is alw is s imt thing lra soinilhiiil ilmost unofficial ihis turn it is the something thai sanl i j his will npiesinl to thou nnds ind hums mils of in idian families mil clothed well fed ind well hi used hi u christmas eve in i iru for l hnsunas me i bit doul is trmsport phm will head fr in lot out laden with puk s fii tin pioph whom sc cut ir in net it di llimmiskjuld told the ltd itiuiis muillv find il ntttssjiv t sinnd t ks i in nths nliis until ik i i hun i lu i pit d isi wuks in i in hi puk ili s hhll llttll k in tht ir transit nt home lie fi und hi oh kin i hildnns n f limits s ljistm pi b nikt tin do in ida t hi i m mths hi i n thi pi im but thtv tint ind thn tuhiui if lb t id s i ilu puk unui ippr i in i opt ntd i 1 it tin f ith is an i molhus lo i th n will in lifis it is pi iniud tint tht hmltl in prittinl in ms tin ti m i itwidim t rt lit f f f ti is i fn littli ist p ikil 1 n i toys for refugees youngster reach for gift seive instead fittingly i mbodj int the inissajl of hie man who s tid mm is t do unto the least of oust ms ehildn n do it now 1 i shut in this undeit iking invone ma sin i conti lhulion lo santas ubft tut of the lilt li im bi an 1 milinda slut ts in toronto i iwiausi of tht mid for unifor mitv in pin is wtiith must mitt intuniliiinil itul uoss specified tions to pi uisloius rtjuatmns tjfii il things olhir than tash t in not be fi iw ndtd to the re fui e minis mhu lms whs not sit us tbun hr stm i rt ttint id f i n t i su rithti diop m il oui m im stint jffiti or phont mackenzie news h mi ilu i n i i iii i f i li i n t ca bt nn n i in ti dll hist iii ll li t ilif i n nd christtms if tin it in i liti kidut olt cwl f is money turning a 5000 hole inyour k pocket fimall mmi can fts0jr burn holej in your pocket and these loset can add up to a tmall ortuna how much better lo put atida you- small change and let it a w an investors syndicate plan will help you call or wrilat 1 ostrnl r 1 ilh i 4 jwj- jnw yndlcato 01 omk if you havt not had a but trip in tht last year or two thva is a raal traat in ifora for you th ar-iuipen- tlon rlda is standard tqulf mant on all tha highway travellers and scenlcrulsara that serva long dlstanc routes to glva you a smoother ride than the finest automobile sea your agent for a wlda choice of attractive pack age tours round trip fares are low st louis 32 70 montreal 18 40 miami 67 jo jacksonville 53 75 new orleans s3 40 sports calendar hockey 1 tn georgetown memorial arena tues jan 8th milton g town raiders friday dec 21st preston gtown juniors tic kits and bus travil information at corner cupboard trintfu 74051 how about tpend ing your chritt mas bonus on your home a new euling of 12x12 or 10x16 kolor kotcd ten test ceiling tile for a room 10x12 would cost su 20 strapping would be 4 50 and nails 200 these liles are painted two cents of white ind would require no further decoration as well as lesbeninf ihe noise in the room an investment on both appearance and eomfort would be a combination dour in uhiminum complete with aluminum door trim latch closer push bai screen and sash would be 55 00 installed the pnte would be s59 95 a nine door with bronze screen and sash would be 21 00 a combination lock would be 2 50 a pair of hinges 80c and a door closer 2 making a tolal of 27 80 or 32 75 installed use j our h inns check as a down payment and our budget plan for the hilunci to make improvements and additions lo juui home coim in and see the tjpes of buildint materials available fur the doit vourself man and his wife lo use mackenzie srnm coal lumber 4 building supplies hornby lodge has euchre and dance the annual euchre and dance of hornby lol 105 lost tndav wis a successful event with 1 lood attendance of members and friends mrs howard bndlev won the door prize ind mrs ilo wilson and john wilson held high seores at cards with mrs douii i eshe and gordon w bngden re ceiving consolation prizes after lunch music for dancing i wis provided by tommy howden i bill carhart and daughter and mr and mrs gear sinclair of milton dr j burns milne dfti slrgeom xray mill street tr 7 2871 dr john r kerby pratricl of dfntistry xray triangle 7 3641 main street georgetown georgetown animal clinic c w sayers dvm 106 guelph street opposite armstrongs garage tr 7 2741 s m faibwh ro optomi trist mcnamara jewellers georgetown for expert eye care consult o t walker optometrist 3 mun st north brampton over abells drug store phone office 599 res b30 hours sam to 0 p in dailj fvenings by appointment w rcarr professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown ontario res 81 i rmcc charles dr offic guolph st telephone ir 7 3300 monuments pollock campbell drsidns on request inspect our work in gnenwood cemetery phonc 2048 62 ater street north g a lt a m nielsen dc nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy 43rd year of practice 2 5pm closed thursdays lady attendant 164 guelph st georgetown triangle 7 3612 w h biggs accredited public accountant successor to a j bishop cpa m un st glorgetown tr 7 3351 office hourb 9am to 5 p m mondays to tndays frank petch iiccnsed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 7 28g4 georgetown lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 mam n brampton phone 2478 44 victoria st toront phone em 49131 maurice manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public tr 7 2464 office mill st georgetown brewery limited radio repairing we spfcialize in nils work 27 vtars fperience j sanford son tttiansle 7 2412 dale bennett hamsters and solicitors leroy dale qc sybil bennett qc mp tom van sickler triangle 73381 mill street georgetown hews0n 0rd barristers solicitors 39 main street south beside knox church okorci c hiwion johnd ord trunl 72244

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