macmurdos is your singer sewing centre reverse stitch machine on slo tbll weak reg 11995 9990 at low 11 10 down balance at 6 per annum lei us help you with your xmas gift problems we have a beoutiful selection for the babies tots and juniors ideal and practical gifts for mother kirk kraft weaving coutts xwias cards wrappings and hasti notes 164 quelph street phone triangle 72125 motor license bureau hours for 1957 licencing commencing wednesday jan 2 900 am till s30 pm monday till friday saturday 900 titl 1200 100 till 500 the bureau will be closed christmas weekend frorr friday december 21st until wed dec 26th inclusive sunday school has white gift service each year at st johns united one sunday is set aside near christmas on which members share some of thier good things with less fortunate people it is called white gift sunday each brings a gift of food good clothing candy or money wrapped in white paper during the ser vice a procession is formed and it marches up the centre aisle of the hall to present the gifts it ends up with a huge pile of good cheer for needy people and heaps of hap piness for church people the gifts which this year amounted to twelve large cartons of canned foods two cartons of clothing and one carton each of candy and toys weer deliv ered to the fred victor mission at toronto they will be carefully distributed from the mission to people in desperate need the carton of toys is of more than passing interest in that there are toys that have been salvaged by a small group of rover scouts under the leadership of hover skipper ed hall rover stouts hob traccy bill farmer fran liulme don livingstone jack livingstone harry jeff cry and terry harley collected the damaged toys mostly hum mr charles wray and have repaired them j they have saved some for local children who arc in need and the balance weic sent in in th fred victor mission reeve linham is host at township dinner reeve walter linham was host to members of esquesmg council and township officials at a noon dinner at the mcgibbon house on saturday the dinner with a coun cil meeting which took place that morning concluded the years council sessions mr linham who is stepping down from the reeves choir to a council seat in 1957 was complim ented on a successful year in of fice by a number of guests who spoke briefly during the dinner hour those present included deputy- reeve george cuinc councillors wilfrid bird campbell sinclair and spencer wilson clerktreasurer k c lindsay assessment commis sioner arthur benton road superin tendent william townsend and members of the township works staff sam mileham bob lindsay frank wilson and william corlcy another works employee h w roshicr was unable to attend oth er guests piesent included george c brown who handles township in surance jack hart manager of hie bank of commerce and tom van sickler representing hie fum of dale and bennett township solid tors full house two nights for st johns concert those folks who enjoy lament ing on tlie damaging effect of tv on the younger part of our genera tion should attend a modern christ mas concert at their first opportu nity here they would likely see their own and thier neighbours children telling the very old and yet quite new story of our jesus of nazareth children have always been fine entertainers but it is quite possible that from attentive watching of professionals on their favourite tv programs miny of them just know what to do with what talent they have st johns united were forced to extend the annual concert to two nights in order to give all classes the opportunity to take part it had been thought that the hall would perhaps be better than half full each night but one should nev er be ton conservative when pre dieting what children will do 11 seems that almost all parents weic persuaded to join in the concert with the result being two capacity crowds it was estimated that approxim alely seven htindieil people small and large attended the concerts one fellow came both nights and on both nights he was late but welcome just the same lie was dressed in his traditional christ mas best and his helpers carried boxes of candy nuts and oranges in bags 400 with one for each child the children were also giv en a balloon each as a gift from a rubber company at alton as old santa came in shouting merry christmas smiles and screams of joy came from young and old as they voiced their greeting by sing ing jingle bells santa greeted each child and went on his way to spread more cheer and happiness the purpose behind sunday school christmas conceits is not only to sec santa and to receive a gift the purpose is to tell by var ious means the greatest story ever told the best news ever given to the world the story of the birth of jesus on the first night this story was told by twelve classes beginning with mrs harvey chappels class of eight year olds doing a descrip tion of christmas morning in nine parts then judy richanlson sang as a solo it came upon a midnight clear gord padfields class did a skit under the name christ mas campfiie capers mrs george grastns class of girls sang a group of carols frank whitmees class of boys did a tv program featur ing chntmas music mrs vcrn irorwwmvwwmieificic 0 ttcetfifta eft kt m cycle sidewalk bikes and tricycles sumutctcix for tfca b to 8 imi old btjua ona on high qaottty paculcatlana ai lh big bnpafcytja twowhawtw lojy padoillog fraa whaalisg limited to kola pwl iqalppad with fataona tmj cooum brokaj lagtlab aaddlag ball wiring rabbar bund caloanj itmtroo ha mo blaa or groan with b07w a old lutictclat dh0h ttqctctt tmi utha larva dh lot si ud tattoo 2d bdll boaiua boat whaal with btoyelatypa crankj add iw mjddtxsnitbictcll fllo8tom ht bright rad trllh ivorj trin ponxmgai taod- rlg 1 labbar bmbj batlbwiuifj is tool haala haoj rata ataal rmr odjaa 1 q qc touixtltr twctcu fat ik id 3 rwn shudt tnwof dam wub kit atandlag plat adaatabu bqdloban 10 iron d b war whaol rubber bncl ball boarlng front f f wkaal bright flra oil rd hafmi j arjfxrctcli pedal tbtxi ttarto aba in atardy alimotal otutroonotat bright rad wn big lfl aoat wllh 8 hard and 8vi raar whaalt rvbbtt htxl handuban forka and mar biaowln handanaaa blaa aaoraal corrugated febbor pedal awl hand fripa flatad dingdong a cq ball built low pranot plda fuv th beautiful now 1957 mastervac give you the mot wanted feature carter coaster mors powerful suction time- saver tool clips swiel top trlpl filter tiptoe control work- bavei tooli and at tachment nothmo to pay until nixt y1ab say merry chrittmat with mastervac bicycle gifts and gadgets galore safety cflnfldinn tire associate store 1 oxntbatob uairrma ott- gin wvailal flood ol ughfc bnilt far long 111 completa with rlaadlamr taillamp ood wiring 2 twin madliahts dra com flnlihad la glaojalag chroma complata with battarlaa n sti j power ntt hiadlamp bleb whlta nal unih anbrajaiabla clorsr plaitjo ib wllb borlcrr tahlawp ta mate oborj had laaa wilk battarr ui rml chikt bio simh qlira hnh warning ignal coatplala lm 5 ttm bell ch7me9 sughl poll en control raid onndj ol aalodlon ilm 11 8 hugll hohm oaar raaoaant laaa rooiidqiid action rib oa handlabar lm 7 1xict1uc bm hobn bottary aparaled aata bora button aoatrel complata with bottarr ttt 8 ixtwa swah ornamwt chroma plnlad bodr with mlooiad ploatio wlngl h 9 ctclomiter chrma plated luglitan mil bcinuad chraraad us 10 rar vdtw mihbob popnloi oblong ahopa with b 1 w mirror tlltad with two nmsar ojatt riujr ahachaa to hancuaboi lt chooaa boa cododaa largaat atjaattca al olaatomram bicrou aooaandaa wk 1502 guelph street triangla 72w5 georgetown lloyd marks open every night till 9 december 17 to 22 inclusive the georgetown herald wednesday december 19th 1856 page7 christmas suggestion 10000 guaranteed investment duo in 1961 costs 8005 interest accumulates a savings bofcrtc with a 500 entry inquiries invited halton and peel trust savings company 97 colborne st e oakvilte 1 1 queen st e brampton assets exceed 1700000 w mccumber directed the program gail livingstone sang silent night as a solo miss fran deans class showed how they would dec orate a tree with the good things of christmas roberta hawes sang a solo the santa claus express jack runhams class of boys de- si ubed santas visit mrs gordon kings class of girls sang carols isarbaiu kvans sang a solo silent night acompanicfl at the piano by her mother mrs james f evans iynn wyatt recited my sick dol- lie robert wrigglesworth play ed a cornet solo star of the east christmas willi a bachelor was the name of a play by the girls of mrs bernard shrubsoles class a tableau on the birth of jesus by mrs vcrn mccumbers class was aetmipinicd by soft christmas mus ic over the pa sstem wayne fiebig and peter forgrave played silent night as a clarinet duet david kidney and hubert kux sang a duet its begining to look a lot like christmas mrs robert sou thers class of girls gave a splen did performance m their fine play blind beggar on the bethlehem road in the final number of the first night the young peoples class un der the direction of rev morgan mcfarlane and dr o m brewster and assisted by mrs ruth wriggles worth mrs vern mccumber and mr ern hyde enacted the nativity scene this class has been asked to repeat this scene on a sunday evening during the christmas sea son on the second night the very young members of the school open ed the programme mrs reg broomhead who is superintendent of the beginners dept directed fifty children in the opening num ber a welcome to all was given by catherine king the class sang merry christmas to you and jin gle bells then recitations by catherine lince bobby mccolgan and maureen wyatt then a hymn they often sing in class jesus wants me for a sunbeam five children did a finger play called five little children all in a row they were vickie chappel joe mc farlane philip jones beth rich ardson and ray inglis then a ca rol by the class away in a man ger they concluded their num ber by telling the story of jesus birth by picture and recitation mrs broomhead is assisted in this class by miss fiona alcott mr chester deforest mrs ken richardson mrs wally henncks miss toni lee mrs ruth wrig glesworth was pianist for this class the class of mrs earl lincc as sisted by mrs trevor williams sang 0 santa claus and did an exercise showing our gift to je sus george armitages clas- sang a carol we three kings neil young recited psalm 121 david farncll sang a solo freddie the little fir tree and santa claus as an encore he was accompanied by mrs james evans mrs ernest forgraves class did three plays mrs santas christmas gift the christmas party an shine where you are virginia allen did a recitation the other way around mrs forgrave was assisted by mrs jack watson and mrs dave wood the second night concluded with a quartet of bandsmen playing sil ent night wayne fiebig and pe ter forgrave on clarinets robot wrigglesworth cornet and ernie forgrave alto horn this brought the 1956 sunday school christmas concert to a close emmimmmtmstammmmjmmmm