just to say and mwffi cottage inn restaurant main street s georgetown may your christmas p s be as loyful as full of peace and beauty and as nch in meaning as 9 christmas carol barragers cleaners and dyers 18 main si s tr 7 2732 jut a friendly greeting ib than ad our und mestb and patrons and towiin tbem lie rery merrier ol holidays georgetown 5 to 1 store mr and mrs charles wray and staff 53 mill street tr 7 2601 jjjjf friends and patrons we extend every good wish for a happy holiday season with our sincere l thanka or the privilege 77 of serving you over the yean georgetown dairy ltd 118 guuph st tr 7 2881 something fine lovely gone with sybil bennett by austin f crot in the ottawa citixen the death recently of sybil ben nett mp for halton county remo ved a lovely lady from parliament and a fine personality from public life her courage in coming to ot tawa was only matched by her com petence when she got here her blond hair matched her light blue eyes and to me her delicacy of coloring suggested a doll she never demurred stern and serious lawyer though she might be she just smiled for if ever we had a portia in parliament it was miss bennett i heard her once talking on some legal subject she was at once all lawyer and all lady maybe i am prejudiced but i thought she was the finest of all our met women mp s in her spea king she was learned without be ing highbrow she was intelligent without seeming a blue stocking her gestures were graciousness it self an aiden conservative at any relative of prime minister ben nttt should be she had nothing but friends on any side of the house her maladj was inevitibly fatal jet she courageously came to otta wa just the same my wife and i persuaded her ts dnve out with us to our alta vista home on the un elerstandine we would drive her back to the hotel early it was a relaxing evening on a sqft siimnur nilht sipping a pop under ih dut dirtcllj to those who hive ser stars ind making a chit that then vtd so loj illy ind so unselfishl on i drove htr hack to un chateau i ihm lot il hdroi- lettue commis earl sinct she vvmtcd to t ab sum to ensure that there will al oard her tiain eirl lo make a wajs he av nlable an ibundant and speeeh on the moimv in hjlum depend iblt supply of electneity to count i hade hti loodniht notllifht the homes and streets of knowing i was bidding he i goo i igeormlown ind to power the ma rants what was the reason for george town s growth as an established town in the last century certainly it was the calibre and the energy of the founding fathers but it was also the site of cheap power the swift flowing credit river was waiting to be harnessed and these men were quick to take advantage of it you must remember that at that time the river really had not been cleared and the flow of the credit even in the summer was many ti mes what it is today as the land was cleared and with our lack of foresight conservation was not cv en thought of the river became what it is today a torrent in the spring dwindling to almost nothing a month or so later i am not here to preach conser vation but in passing let us say that we as citizens of ontario should give our wholehearted sup port to those bodies who ire trying to remedy a disgraceful condition it was at the turn of the century then when confronted with the loss of local courccs of power cou pied with an ever expanding in dustry that ontario turned to nia tara and the formation ot the hy dro rlectrie power commission yes indeed georgetown has ome i long wiy sinee those days lot onlj is regards the many fine buildings it now possesses but also n tht prospiuty of its citizens and the extellenl standard of livine the enjoj nd yet i wonder how man of those eitizens realize just how nuiih of georgetown s pro er the past years has been bve for fiom her home in c uetown she nevu returned small wondti she hid in hilton counu coihlittd i sure thing i l er il ict i into i ci nservatiu triumph svlnl limnett hid an m finite e ipiutv for makinj friends indted tht hirissed cunservati c partv mijht will studv miss mtn nets sun thine fortmih for link int fi ii mis ind keeping th m s imithitil fine something 1 elv aonuthiiist kood went from i h hill when slil ilenmtl duel i inalun h f r tins i i n in w is i h vv n i m lie hi tin lust tht ruble si u thineo of us jrowini industrie it imjht be well it this point lo review the whole hvdro setup the ontatio hvdro commission admin isters three separate bodies for i the pi tiinee of ontario the oith ern properties ind the iural 11 eli i fur the munieijidlilies the southern sstim i he southern sj stem is merited in the suite man iner is m tooperatue member niunnip ilitita ire billed for powei it in interim viailj rate anel it the nel of the ear if this rale is ihuher than the ktual tost of pow ti the mtiiiiiipalitv reetivts a it hate if n the othci hind il is lower the muilitipalllv must pis hit iiffeiini bus v iu s uih ullu in- t stake hydro opening e t nu i fi m pu 1 llli ii oi tt l iwii h i 1 j i n sstd so fir sintt tl t p mm f its first st ii m lflk that it t ul t i t 1 500 inhibit ints i irec bntk sih i i house t uipiiaini five ti ich ers six churthis e eurlin ami i skating rink inei st virjl f the most prosperous fatton s in wtsl tin ontario turning out i v me l of kinds ringing from boots ml shoes lo door frames anel tnvel opes the nccenl in those dijs of coursg was em utilitj rather than architectural btaul although georgetown still held its fair tdeh month to which the farmers would flock from miles around for the arm the most efficient pub hel horse ane stock sales he town had i r t nl1 utilit n the wor e i think it become one of western ontario s i fc will alwas remain so u it tan be husipst industrial centre s and it kept out of party politics a view mide no bones about it e u that the present government ind eiescriplmn of the titv hal r k j thr 1mfa tipiirttk unnnrt as it appeared in the 1800 s makes ng reading when compared to hv li mil i m iilsl th mselves hive firm d an ore mi m mcjlltd tht ontaii mumtipal he tint as sen turn v hie ti distiissts inunii i pal probl ins and also ids as a i nailt int t the eintanj omniis sie n tlui i i rim iti n the asse mtiun of mimic p il i ieeliie t till ties ci riiisl- f snpn ntin lent and in in itti s of lutal e mmisiejiis who in addili m lo discussini their own nnn ti mint problems ilso aet as advisers to ontario hvdro ind the out ino municipal he trie ssocialion when i li scribe this to oiusiel ers f mi often t id that such a stl up is imp issible to work the on answer ti this is thit it does weirk and works so well that it is prob the omea heartil support 1 do no think it is at all neces i ii j i isarj to quote a lot of statistics to the newh remodelled municipal i j m ci ha ah wh thc georgetown hdro electric commission has accomp hahed i believe you will be abte to form vour own assessment of this if i content mjself with tell house at thc municipal buldmb t i n of day to gvc tvervone an opportun l s b c it of inspecting these latest im provements as you do so ou building on main street which now servts the needs of the com mumtj incidentally i might men tion here that the cit fathers of georgetown are also holding open within this municipality has increa scd since 1913 when georgetown rccciveel its first power from onta no hydro from 354 to 2 007 or some six times at the end of last year some idea of thc wa frame building on guclph street n which georgetown s commission with a lock up in the basement has been wiled upon to mcrei might bear in mind thc words of a halton county guide book publish ed in 1877 which described thc cit hall as a rather shabbl looking principal used for housing vag transmission facilities ma like georgetown tire and battery 64 main st n tr 7 3290 wise be gauged from the fact that thc power demand has grown since 1913 from 72 to 4 607 kilowatts or nearly sixty five times the original load i am sure you will agree with me when 1 say that achievements of the commission s members past and present in expanding their organization to keep pace with this impressive growth arc to be greatly commended and i would like also to add that in opening this build mg we should bear in mind that a building in itself no matter how striking its architecture no matter how fine an impression it creates on thc passes hy is still but a structure of brick and concrete glass and steel what counts in service to the community is the spirit of those who work within that building from the chairman of the commis sion down to the humblest member of the staff and i know from thc record of the past that georgetown may rest assured that the spirit of all who serve within these walls will continue be of dedication to the ideals of public service and loyalty and courtcsv without further preamble i will how cut the nhbon to eletlarc this build ink offieially open saturday decembej22nd 1956 f the georgetown herald ffcffmf ttoftotfttj fa best wishes to you on this happy christmas homa georgetown chiropractic clinic d gay dc e tetrault dc j you v church chrijtmaj bring you the most precious gift of all peace and contentment and may the spirit of him whose birth we celebrate abide with you now and throughout the coming year may all the true joys of christmas be yours clappison aluminum ur ohrletmeie useixs 1 wrathd in sjood wishes evrlcnetad with grutud for the prime of rrlog mix our mtvnjr frtenel scott motors chevrolet oldsmobile gmc trucks