the georgetown herald saturday december 22nd 1056 in harmony with this joyous season we extend our best wishes for the happiest holiday ever w h kentner son coal and fuel oil tr 7 2851 u as an expression of our thanks and we extend the season s greetings to all our many friends georgetown office supplies ltd elgin street tr 7 3452 7 2414 w ftolital laurenes beauty shoppe j a main st s tr 7j96j legion notes by les clark merry christmas everybody and may it be a wonderful prosperous new year for every member of the bi inch our annual christmas tree is over for unothci year and we arc sure old santa md the committee heaved a sigh of relief at the end of a job well done this year saw a terrific crowd we believe by far the biggest on record and it w is handled effitienlly and speedily old saint nick did a good job ex cept for the odd exorbitant prom ise and the whole thing went like clock work our hats are off to all those who helped and chairman charlie asks us to pass on a special vote of thanks from him for the wonderful cooperation he got the usual draw was made and a list of winners appears elsewhere our new years party is all laid on with a grand night or tamztd there 11 be dancing fa vours lunch entei ijinment and what have you so don t fail to be on hand for a real evening with your comrades and their ladies let us remind jou of two prime factors coats and tics are the order of the cvenmt the other is that a very nominal fee of 50c e leh will be charged to help in i small waj paj the very consider ibk lost of the evening and rcmenibi r it is or members only and their wi vis and the w a lhe executive tills us to point out th it with our terrific membership there can be no exceptions so don t embarras ill concirncd b iskint speeial loncessions lets evtr in put one foot for ward in hi me in a niw member for thi new i ir nd oh cs hits am ery icceptablc right now atco dink to the treasurer hue s an interesting bit of do tml uc hui been men so lets all it id it and maibc just take it to heart a little bil how not to help your branch 1 don i tome to nuclintil 2 i ut if jou t nut conn lati 1 if i hi weather doesn t suit jou doll t think of aonunt 4 if jou do altind find fault with thi wuk of offmts and iie itm 5 iur mi pi in dfiti is it s t isur lo critmzi tlun do hunts ti ncicrthiliss t t sore if jou n ijipt ntc 1 on i lommittti hut r hi i i d i n t atttml i mmiuct nil lin 7 if iskirl in tm bin in n lo l ur ojiinn n n tiffin sum p ut mt mitlir tell h m um lim ill n lu s i flir lh meeting 1 iiuj in h ii thini outfit t li d mi t do nnthmt nion than absolu li mil sin but win n uthi r imhus i ill up thur shells ill v llinth un ilhshu itst tmir il ijtj to hilp mittirs limit hwl hut th br mill is unit run ti a clique 9 hold hick i our dm s is urn as possible or don t pay them at all 10 don t bother getting new members let the secretary do it 11 when a banquet is held tell everybody money is being wasted on blowouts which make a big noise and accomplish nothing 11 when no banquets art given say the association is dead and needs a can tied to it 13 don t ask for a banquet tick et until all arc sold 14 then swear that you have been cheated out of jours 13 if jou y1 a ticket don t pay for it 16 if asked to sit at head table modestly refuse 17 if jou are not asked resign from the branch 18 dont icll lhe branch how it can help you but if it doesn t help you resign 19 keep jour eye open for some thing wrong and when jou find it resign 20 if you don t receive a bill for jour dues don t pay 21 when you attend a meeting vote to do something and then go home and do the opposite 22 agree with everjthing said at the meeting and disagree with it outside 2j when asked for information don t give it 24 cuss ii e brartch for the incompleteness of its information 25 dct all the branth tives vou but dont give it anjthint but hell do anv of these rules fit ou are jou guilti lnconsciouslj or wilfully if so there is no lnm hkt the present to turn ovir i new icof mil help the ixituliu of i our briruh to make it the best of us kind wt were isktd ritintlj wh w duln t use more mines in this col limn will il s like this we would like to icri much hut don t like lo pull a g it on anjoni other than a small group we know will take it in tood part thi re fori lou find names repiatint quite a bit namelj because wc know they tit as muili kick out of seunt it thi ri as wi do publishing it hurt is also the fait hut no matter how hard wi tn it still boils down to thi sinu h ilf doicn or so makint he news for our little tid bits with lhe whole town practieallj off this monil ij we ixpeel to sit a lot of familiar fit is around tin liranih nisliint mirri thnstinis t i i idi olliu it s ilwijs a tuat ih when thi re s a da off hofori a holi t n in i nisi most mi mbers in ike it i pi ml to iliop in and ri m w old atiinmt nuts si mi if nb mi thii li u in i sun s n e hsi iar at that turn christmas bonus checks go to 5200 grand union employees more than 5 200 employees of the grand union company are re ceivini their 195ft christmas bonus checks this week lansing f shield president of the food chain has announced a chnslmas bomu of one we s pay has been given more than 4 200 full time emplojces who hiu been with the eompary sine jan uary 3 195fi in id lition appio imalely 1000 suptri isory nplov i cs are receiving thicks as part li pants in grand onions profit sh i ing progrim which piys a poilion of its annual incentive rcw ird- as the chnslims season part time employees of grand union who have been wurlcim i t ularly since the first of the year will receive a holidaj uirki in a letter lo employees annouiv emg the christmas bonus mr shield thanked each one for his efforts to increase sales and make grand union a stronger eompani durint thi year this is the tenth year that grand union his aw irded employees a christmas bonus keceivint it t c persons imployed in rand uni in stores distilbution centres and of fices in canada nine eastern slates of lhe us and dislntl of colum bia notice to creditors in tha etate of mary mabel campbell lata of georgetown in the county of halton spin star deecated all pfrsons hiving claims agiinst the e ale of man mibel campbell late of the town of georgetown in the countj of halton spinster deceascdj who died at the citj of st petersburg in the state of mondi lniltd states of america on the 19lh dav of tebruarv 1950 ire hen by no tificd to send their nimes and addresses and full particulars of their chims diilj ertified lo th undersigned on or before the 21rd daj of lanuarj 1957 iftcr which date the administrators will pro cerd to distribute the issets of lhe said deceased among the per sons entitled thereto hawng n tard onl to the chmis of which he shall then hive notice dairl it georgetown on tario this 14lh d ij of deiember au 105b hfwson oki 39 mim st south geortctown solicitors for the administrator 12 halton county co- operative commonwealth federation wishes one and oil a very merry christmas ind a happy and prosperous new year notice to creditors charlotte kennedy lata of th town of georgetown in th county of halton splmter deceated all persons having claims against the estate of mary agnes charlotte kennedy late of the town of georgetown in the countj of halton spinster de ceased who died it the town of georgetown in lhe conn ty of halton on the 21st dij of july 1950 are hereby notified to send their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly verified to the un dersigncd on or before the 23rd day of januarj 1957 after which date the administrator will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per sons entitled thereto ha ing re gard only to the claims of which he shall then hae notice dated at georgetown on tario this 14th da of december ad 1956 hewson ord 39 main st south georgetown solicitors for the administrator 12 4z io our family of cjisrithca friends tee wish the joys of a good oldfashioned chrirtmas ana along with our greetings uxj he to tend our sincere thanks for the opportunity of serving ejl our patron from the management and staff op cotton bros