1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 georgeview plaza 3jj i i i i i i i i i i i i i i the night before christmas twas the night before christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hope that st nicholas soon would be there when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter i sprang from the bed to see what was the matter when what to my wondering eyes did appear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer with a little old driver so lively and quick i knew in a moment it must be st nick macmurdos ladies childrens store georgeview open kitchen now dasher now dancer now prancer and vixen on cornell on cupid on dormer and blitzenl so up to the house top the coursers they flew with the sleigh full of toys and st nicholas too he was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot and his clothes were al tarnished w th ashes and soot his eyes how they twinkled his dimples how merry his cheeks were like roses his nose like a cherry best christmas wishes from girdwoods hardware canadian tire associate store he spoke not a word but went straight to his work and filled all the stockings then turned with a ierk and laying his finger aside of his nose and giving a nod up the chimney he rose he sprang to his sleigh to his team gave a whistle and away they all flew like the down of a thistle but i heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight happy christmas to ail and to ail a good night davidsons pharmacy iga supermarket georgetown 1 capping ceremony three local nurses parents of two georgetown girls and one former georgetown girl felt a thrill of pride when they at tended the chnstmas party of the nurses at st josephs hospital tn guclph last lutsday when thej saw their daughters standing on the platform with the thoir in their caps diane hamsun donna ben nctt and irene inch had received then cvts ui it morning in the tiad itioiul tapping sti cc in the eha pel of st joseph ihiv wort pre scnlcd to thun b sister supenor audrey aftci the capping they were entuljiniel at a chicken din host attending uk pciity from town were mi and mrs b 11 liar nson and diane s lrandmothei mis bun walker mr and mrs harold burnt li mil donnas grand molhti mrs william he nnttt and and mis forrcst inch mr inch took pictuies of tht mrls af tcr the tont rt the parents and the friends wui taken on a tour of the nuists residence sivcril of the senior nurses wire hostesses for the parens- and rtfrtshmcnls were served santa ci ms armed a lit tie breathless with all his dashing about in time to disfiibule the gifts whiih taeh class of nurses exchanged iniong thenukts the girls are home or holiday until the twenty seventh of dtctmber claiabcll tht clown delighted ovei thitt hundred and fifty chil dren last tuesday tvtninc in the i tgion hull when 1 ocal 788 and smith and stone entertained for lhe children of employees of smith and stone i united in all the c tilemtnl sant i claus aimed and took over fiuin uarabell ehstribut int a gift t ind nuts ind fruit to tuv thild the georgetown herald saturday december 22nd 1956 netctciccsiictcccicictcicwfl your dkw dealer kalsbeek motors helena cox becomes mrs carl l gulck mr and mrs carl roland ulck i who will 1m making their home at 1 42 homewooel avenue kitchener wtrt married on dcccmbci 8th at tht church of christ disciples in uilph rev william porter of ficnted and the church wis decon ted with white daisies ind sitin ribbons on the ptws mrs ilolfiv was organist anel hhcn itidelols sane the lords prntr and be i nist dunnu the si rwci tht bruit who is the daughter of mr and mrs william cox r r 1 dijilph his bten empotd with thi lit 11 telephone co in utlph htr hnsb me who is the son of mr and mrs asmus gnlck it it 1 shake speart is impoul il g n it sup ph kitchener thi bride wore whitt brocaded sitin in pnncess shle with swett hurt nttkline short sleeves end full skirt a shoulder kngtli veil was held b a he idt d headpiece she carried i bouepn t of red rose buds ami while mums with sin nn ge it was a double ring ctreni on a rtit plion followed the cere mon at the guclph ywca hci mother ricuvcil wearing a hghl blut t iffcti elrcss with duslj rosi hat anel elocs and a corsage of pink cirnations the grooms mo hit r assisted w taring a naw blue crept dress blue acttssorus and a corsage of pink tarnations tor their hunt moon trip to nn cara fills tht bride wore a nav blih suit with white hat and accis seirns and a black ptrsian paw i oil choir boys mothers have turkey dinner last thursday evening the bojs of the junior choir of bt georges nfjnan church wtrc treated to a ttirkev dinner with their mothers is then quests h their thoir mas t r mr ihomas warnes ami mrs warnes and the ladies of the worn ms uilnr thirty four guests sit down to dinner mayor ken neth itichirdson was a guest as was major john t armstrong both tintltmtn spoke tu the boys after i in thnntr alliston holstein butterfat champion i1in pest wishes for this joyous season to all of our very good friuuts and patrons bill garbutt plumbing and heating lotlgin st tr 7 3638 miss hirmmi in ii r molcn bridt sin ml we trine a mi blue bin dine ditss with i ing j icket blui pillbox hat blue accessories she tan bouquet of cllow roses jooms met dime ckers a anadian liolsttin cow who in htr life time his won man honors for production has crowncel her achievements bj establishing a new championship record for lift time production of butterfat the as lifetime title is the mojt covtlul of dium jh flai r produttion awards utch m ntw dnmpion is montwi and iltkirk owned b j j el a i mccigut alliston in ten lat the ithms she has proeluced 226 7 lbs milk 90701 ijuutsl contain two win turkeys ratepayers draw turki dinner for chtstmas was an assort d ihini at the home of mis 1 m rums 27 mclntjre islwl ind mis murjont ttrrj 51 luion strut for tln were the lu cky wincrs of the turkey draw which wis htlel tv tht last gcor hi town ititipavers association on december 18th wm b hamilton masonic principal halton chaplci hoal arth mas is u 231 grc had thtir tlee lion of officers at then meeting widmsdij niiht with urn b ha milton sutcctelink lew lriee as irineipil of the ehapttr officers who will be instilled in januarv are l william b hamil wl lew iiace 2nd printi pal charles renwuk 3rd pnnei pal irwin noble scribe l jack adeh irnsurci wm t ciomar diitelor of ceremonies fiank wil sun ps jiek armstrong stnbi sam pemice ss iie mooilj js willi im kinndt stntintl john unn mister nf 4th veil george simii master of 3rd veil charles wi i mister f 2nd veil fdwin hill mislir of 1st li1 wilfnet bin orinm alfred goodwin auditor 1 1 arnold and john 1 kdh f with sincere appre t elation of your patronage f j and friendship we are 1 happ to wish you every oy of the holiday season j joes tuck shop 5 main street i tr 73301 i v 1 tctctce tieefsce wwwwc i itmlon wji llmvtr girl she won- i9 bti hs bulurfal cullicn turquoist crept with a wlntc satin i 365 daj ncord ivcrailti 986 1 iii lull rilitmn iiitvi flrtmr 1 1 1 ten sash and a white ribbon with flow trs as i heitlpiccc sh e irried a basket of while and pink carna tions john wallace was groomsman for his brother in law ushers were the brides brother albert cox and the grooms brother harold ulck mr cox eivt his daughter in mai a merry christmas resolve that in the new year ularlj you will find it pas yon will take advantage of our ad jdividens in business volume vertising apace and advertise reg 1 new year happy i van der vliets j fat which is i lifetime perform ince nrer equalled hj any othre cow in thew orld i ifelime totals on herd test in usa and brilim in elude credits for proriuclion bejond 365 divs and previous to the mxt calving but in camdi all records ne krmimled it 3c5 elas colleen his bten milked three times dailj lhroughoul her lifetime with the exception of onel actation when she was milked twice dailv fvery milking has been weighed ind all her records have been made on official record of pcrfor mince test supervised b the cana dian department of agriculture in addition to her ovirall life ne championship colleen is the canadian champion for butterfat production for eight nine anel ten lactations regardless of times mil ked dail and for seven lactations on three times a daj milking it is helicved that some of these are al so world records but figures- arc not available for an accurate check to all our readers and friends may wc a thanks for the cooper ation in helping us get the herald to our m such excellent time john r barber agency insurance and travrl john r barber freeman krwy mill street triangle 73521 lo alt our friends an oldfashioned christmas wish may all the foys of the season enrich your heart this day and forever harley motors 31 john st tr 72591 incerg good coishes c a grant painting and decorating r r 3 georgetown tr 73781