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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 29, 1956, p. 3

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plumbing and heating licensed plumbers certified lennox dealers ted tom hicken and clapham tringle 73952 triingte 73737 candy kitchen now open a full line of home made candies highest quality moderate prices main street rr of kl grill new iga food warehouse electronically controlled iga s giant electrically control led food warehouse stands as a sym bol of accomplishment adjacent to the ontario food terminal in toronto it is literally a product of cooperation between independ ent food merchants and a wholesale company who secured their futurt by growing together this modern building was offic tally opened a few weeks ago by mr don grimes or chicago the president of the independent groc ers alliance of the united states and canada the iga organization recognizes as its basic philosophy the fact that independent food merchants provided with adequate working tools including low cost warehouse operations low cost tnnsportation modern store cngi necring and intensive merchardis ing will progress in the face of great incorporated competition in the toronto area iga food store are supplied by the oshawa wholesale i td who first started to sponsor this progressive sore reee seasons greetings from the staff to all our good friends may yours be the happiest of holidays and a bright new year bucks meats and groceries wcvwpwwwwmiwpcienttiwcieniweicm mr and mrs pat vance mr and mrs jack teeter mrs c j buck jim buck calvin king dale tost mrs frank whitmee mrs ernest forgrave the royal bank ow canada condensed annual statement 30th ncn ember 1956 assets cash on hind and due from banks including items in transit government of canada and provincnl goenment securities not exceeding market value other securities not exceeding market value call loans fully secured total quick assets other loans and discounts mortgages and hypothecs insured under n h a 1954 bank premises liabilities of customers under acceptances guarantees and letters of credit other assets ii abilities pfposk acccpnnrc puirintcc and letters of credit other liabilities tottl liabilities to the public capital patd up rest account i udivtded profits 58579 787 715005 707 492218188 165289376 1958263058 1295093026 186200416 30690073 93174380 7877367 3571298 320 3278 375415 93174 380 13 016872 3384596687 50298893 135737122 665618 3571 29x320 st ati mfnt of undivided profits pre fin fur thr iir emkd loih n ivcmhcr 196 after pro n or di pronation and income tax and after rrnkins ttnfri to irner rnm out of whuh full n- son hn bi u muk for diminution in it ic of 12 iol 26h s 299 73 i 2rto nnn 9 559 7n nr and loan p 1 undi at the rate of s i 80 per irire i t3 stributinn ai the rate of 25c per tfui 2 907 4r5 tr nf red f m inner reserves vter precision fur income t rilk 000 000 n i 1 un 1 11 ltd rnfiti jlih v mher 1955 9 ih 113 6 b25 6ih 1 r inferred to rt ccount 1 m 000 haljnct of undm led pmfin orh november 1956 s 661618 tonl proviv income tax si 3 410 000 jamfs muir chairmin nd president k m sfdgevtick general manii group only six years ago the young wholesale grocery company has progressed qu ckly and todiy ercompasses a comptt field 01 food services to incep ndcnl food mcrch nts an 1 thr mh them lo the canadian pubiu lis eloseb kml eoml malion of wholesaler and retailor hit loncen tratcd its efforts on selling consum ers based on a comparative stren glh in buying and facilities that would enable iga merchants to distribute food from the farm to the table with the same speed and conomy that canadian chain food stores have accomplished in the last decade the new ica supply depot in to ronto assures iga food merchants of the ability to maintain low cost operations that will compare favor ably with their competition for a long time to come combined with a great modern fleet of trailer trucks this organisation is fully geared to take a permanent place in the keen rapidly growing retail food business of canada the new warehouse on the queensway just west of the city covers 104 000 sq feet in addition to 30 000 square feet of warehouse space devoted u fresh food ind vegetables in ai adjoining v my keyed to both ih warehouse design ami its stock handling methods is the electronic processing of all orders and stock records y ibm machines ith their ne w efficiently design td supplv sjstem preprinted or der foims ire filled out by iga retailers i heir requirements are then lr msfered lo special code shoe is and mailed to the supplj depot j jim muhjnes then calculate and record the purchases on prepared invoices the oshawa wholesale itl is the first retail food com pm in imela to use this electro nic calculator the warehouse in ventory is arranged according lo olunie move mint this pattern follows the order of the printed invoice ind minimizes the distan ces ti tve lied bv the m n filling or krs hal trucks are loaded with township of esouesing bylaw 2656 a by law to licence trailers and other forms of portable dwellings in the township of esquesmg a tjj law to license tiailers and other forms of portable dwellings in the township of isquesing wlilki- s under subsection dib f seetu n 3811 of the municipal art chapter 243 hsu 1950 as jmmen ded in ihc povvu to license traileis is conferred on the coun cils of loe il municipalities am ulmtr- s it is deemed necessary and desirihlc lo charge a license fee for trailers which are used for living accommodat the township of 1squpbing now therefore the council of tht municipal corporation of the town ship of etquosing enacts as follows i 1 in this b law trailer shall can trailer cabin trailer trailer coach or an other form of por lable dwelling which is not acccs sable under the assessment act chapter 24 rso 1950 as amended from lime to time 2 any person using a trailer cab in trailer trailercoach or other form of portable dwelling for liv ing sleeping and eating accommo- dilion of pcrons for a longe pe nod than tlurtv days shall first obtain a license from the clerk of the municipality so to do 3 the fee for such license shall be ten dollars 10 00 for each cal endar month or portion thereof and shall be payable in advance 4 the onus of proof that a lie ense has been taken out shall be on the occupant of a trailer and ii building injector of the mum pality or anj i iiice officer nn il iny reasonable lime demand the production of such license and tn the absence of a paid stamp for the current month the occupant shall he deemed to h ve contravened tbc provisions of this by law 5 this by law shall apply to all trailers cabin trailers trailer coaches and other forms of port able dwellings which are used for the living setting ar 1 eatirg il commodation of persons whether irnil thc vi n so used heiore the passing of this h law but shall not appl lo trailers which are parked in the township for sale or storage g any person who contnvencs any of the provisions of this bj law shill be liable upon convic t on to i pe mlt of not less lhan tin dollars 10 001 nor more than i- if lv dollirs cssooo exclusive of crisis in iridilion to all licinsc fees in at re irs 7 ih 1 nv no 10 j4 f thr town ship of fsqucsing is heroin rescin grocery cartons and then hooked on to a continuously moving tow line that draws them down to the trucks waiting at the shipping dock ten trailer trucks are accommoda ted at this point for simultaneous loading receiving fiom transports is han died on two sides of the building while at the rear five railway cars can enter to deliver grocery pro ducts and fresh produce lighting is supplied by high intensity mtr cury vapour bulbs throughout the building working areas are pain ted in soothing green tones con trasting sharply with the bright orange colour of the electric hand ling equipment as in added safety feature all heating and power ul ilities are safely housed in one sec tion receiving ind stock piling is accomplished by lift truck and pa lets the new bulding also includes special departments forthe produc lion of silk screen display posters and printed forms the roof offers a unique display to passing planes 30 ft letters spell out malion and an accom panying arrow points the way for pilots indicating 8 air miles to the malton airport the history of this company dat es back lo 1013 when maurice and max wolfe two brothers establish ed the ontario produce company in the toronlo 1 rcsh produce market as a small wholesale distributing conipanj ihiuueji a series of de velopnients in the passing years the ontino produce company grew to one of the largest distributors of fresh fruit and vegetable can uh as ihc corporate food chains lkw so the ontario produce company as a leading wholesale food distributor grew with them until ifter world war ii when it became evident that the direct buy inj methods of the larte chain or ionizations were minimizing the need for wholes ile distributors it was also apparent to the man aliment of the ontario produce companj that their s ilvation lay in a closer relationship with indepen dent retiil food merchants and that in a like manner the salvation of the independent merchant rested on the ahihly of their wholi supplier lo make competition with line chain organizations possibli at a profit ilu first slep w is to acquire h purchase the oshawa wholesale limited in ottawa ontario an oil established jrocer w holes ik i ins ttcd service to foul retailers in a much wider spheie thin the fruit and vegetables business at this time mr kay wolfe son of maurice wis directing the company general manager with mr icon ard wolfe is issistant general ma najer the were joined by mr deralil droship who as meichandi sing and advertising manager or tdni7cd the dealer iroup that ltd oshawa wholesale ltd to join hands with the independent croc ers mliance of the i s in hie pist m je us the oshawi wholesale ltd serving 125 indep endent food stores m the toronto area has progressed quicklv and the organuition now cnjos retail sales exceeding 40 million dollars annualh this tiowlh has taken place in the toronto area where the corpor ate food chains have shown greater development and improvement than am other ana on the continent and it is a jreat credit lo ihe inde pendent mcichanls who support this supplv depot and have made such success possible the service being rendered b the toronto iga organization now includes in addition to the original merchandising planning and gioc cr supplj service a fresh fruit and vegetables programme a fresh and smoked meat supply a frozen food prognm health and beauty aid department store engineering services real estate development for the expansion of new stores and an employment service for re tail pcrsonncll including training schools we arc just starting to roll this ka wholesale claims many lare food markets will be estab lished in the toronto area this co mini ear yes they arc still growing toge thcr wholesaler and relailer a team that has won a good measure of success and is planning for much more wednesday december 29th 1956 the georgetown herald stewarttown traffic flows again as new bridge opens motorists passing through stew arttown no longer have the dclour around i awson s pond to interrupt their progress between george tnun and hornbv i ist week the 7th line bridge over the creek near the township hall wis opened again ifter being closed foi some lime while it wis beinf widened and reinforced d 1 his bv law stnll come into force upon tht fust liv of hninrv 11y7 and shall rcmiin in force from it lo jnr until amended n rinded htid i first ind second limes th s lth diy f november ad 1956 read a third limo and passed this 15th di of december d 15f k c i indsay clerk waitlr umiam reeve nephew has army post in california mijor 1 ml smith t sar his rerenlh been mini rt irmv nsirvc ilviscr in sinti biibira 1 mmlv cibfornn mijor smith in armv engineer is ni irned to 1 niece of mrs il ham frank of town lie his been ni i ahrador supervising construe ti in of r id ir install it ions implit inc ih vears if aimv service he served during ihc war with the c 1 nol project in western canadi li tcr was in furope with an amen cm combat battalion during the korean war he was in japan with 1 2 an engineer construction battalion may trie coming year bring a host of good things your way and may the seasons joy brighten all your day wilsons grocery stewarttown tr 7 2151 seasons 3f and best wishesf harley motors i 31 john st tr 7 2591 0b james h lyons 27 church street georgetown triangle 73969 building contractor residential commercial industrial additions and repairs farm fresh ontario turkey especially grown and dressed for those who v want the bestl delicious nutritious lorraine farms i sold to householders hotels restaurants church groups caterers you cant do better for office equipment supplies 0 accounting system bound account booki counter salts booki continuous forms o filing cabinets 0 loose loafs of all descriptions 9 office supplies of ill descriptions receipt books steel office furniture m wood office furniture if it 15 used in an office you ll find it here georgetown office supplies ltd 1 elgin street upstairs triangle 73452 72414

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