the georgetown herald wednesday december 201h 1150 the georgetown herald serving the communities of georgetown glen williams norval l1mehouse hornby stewarttown ballinafad ashgrove terra cotta subscription rate 3 00 a year single copies 8c each advertising rates quoted on application the herald is printed each wednesday in the office at 22 main st georgetown walter c biehn publisher a nd editor staff garfield l mcgilvray bob baskcrville leslie m clark dave hastings corey hernngton jr ken cowell mrs ailcen bradley terry harley authorized as second class mall post office dcpt ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario division of the c w n a ambulance service a necessity discontinuance of ambulance service by fu neral homes in the county poses a problem for the various municipalities involved and one for which georgetown council like others must seek a solution ambulances are something which we for one take for granted and it was shock wl en the news was announced at a council meet ng this week to realize the implications of being without them there are not many families which haven t availed themselves of the serv ce we had one fast ride ourselves a few years ago when an appendix was on the point of breaking and we have been grateful ever since to the care ful attention and dr v ng skill rendered by the mcclure firm it was a hard decision for funeral directors to make we are sure for they more than anyone else know how necessary ambulances are con trary to popular op n on that ambulance service can be a par of funeral home work ho vever they have found the reverse to be the case apart from the fact that it is not a profitable part of their business a major reason for dropping the service is that they have been severely enf c zed at times for not answering calls instantly when clear thinking needed a wave of public sympathy in canada for hungarians and their brave stand for freedom against russian tyranny has led to our federal go vernment throwing the door open to a large rum ber of refugees it is a fine christmas present that we o these hapless people and we must strive not to mar it with such statements as were attributed u a daily paper last week to councillors in ano ther town who reportedly turned thumbs down on any cooperation in ascertaining if ious ing or positions were available in their district for refugees it is hoped that the re port was twisted as is too often the case with the dailies in their daily search for the story with a punch remember the request from the central coor dinating committee asked merely for information with no implication that any town is expected to shelter people if it has no houses or no obs for them a similar request locally was met with the proper action by the georgetown council estab being npossible because of personnel l engaged in funeral work the problem is one perhaps which needs olution on more than the local level a good percentage of ambulance calls are to highway accidents and should properly come under the highways department rather than on a local lev el such government action would be unlikely unless action of halton operators spread to a ma only of the province and unt i this happened georgetown alone or in cooperatoin with neigh bounng municipalities must carry the ball perhaps the first step would be fo ascertain if some privite individual could attempt the ob a privately operated serv ce woud be preferable to any which would throw one more burden on taxpayers if no such person is found second best would be to subs dize a private operator to the extent needed and if no volunteer could still be found then t might be necessary to establish eitner several muic pally operated ambulances in the various towns or combine under one central au thority like the htalh un t or the tn urban boc i to prov de a service so necessary lishmenl of a com mrtee which will make such a survey and report ther esults to the toronto of fice it s understandable that when symathy sub it is understandable that when sympathy sub country when large scale immigration takes place and we should expect that our federal govern ment would take all precautions to make sure those arriving from hungary or any other coun try will be decent citizens we should keep two things in mind canada needs more people a handful of fifteen million people cannot forever enoy living in a country with our land area while other coun tries are overpopulated with low standards of living and our country becomes the greater be cause of the blending of all racial strains so it is that we should look kindly on our newest canad ians who will take their place as canadians with those of british dutch and italian ancestry ger man ukraman and french polish and scandin avian j riley brethour dies at hespeler j riley brethour managinc director and vice president of simplicity products a hespeler manufacturing concern died sud denly december 21st he was go born and educated in hespeler he was once manager of the hes peler branch of the dominion bank he was vice president of south waterloo rotary club an official of the ontario society for crippled children and secretary of the brotherhood of anglican churhcmen mr brethour was a frequent visitor in town a few years ago when his ion riley op triuil the dairy businiss now owned by irwin noble riley jr is now a member of the brethour st morris real estate firm in to ronto besides his son he is survived by his wife hilda tdmonds tl mghtcr joyce of malaga spain ind a brother eldon of toronto the funeral service was held on monday in st jimes anglican church hespeler with interim nt in hespeler cemetery 4mnkoridtnorrotf mctice moderation f zhe jhouse of seagram disiilut gets army discharge bud hardman home after serving six jenrs with the cinadnn army lfn bud hirdman has received his lis harcc from service and is back in tow ii witb his pirtnts mr dtid mrs bob hirdman 8 nor mml blvd bud who was with the rtlut is working nt harrisons garatfc dunnj his irm service he was stiliomd in ternnm and at vinous camps in cinad i mclud nig c imp borden retina and on the i ist coast his last posting wis in vancouver core takes action on norval tie ups disturbed ilmul n pi itcd tr if fie tie uns in stormv weither ncir orv il rem c carnun core of rrimpton list wuk sponsored a move b 1iel county council to owrcome the chronic condition on a motion of mr con sec nkl h diinit ktr v rrtd klin of brampton toumil tl ucli l to petition the minister of hirmis to set up i different svstem of sinding m the area i lu petition siifiests that a stock pile of sand be pheed at the hi tiom of the hill ind i trucker n tin vilhje of norval be hired to look ifur these hills mr core told c ouncil that the aresl stock pile at present is it acton during snowstorms traf fie is tied up for two or three hours on the norv il hills he said thi result was frequent col lisions and cars in ditches on deecmber 2nd a heav snow fall tied up traffic for hours at the approach to norval and mr core said there were two result cir accidents iii it was a case of redfaccd robbery when some undcrhinded member of the underworld swiped three pairs of ladies unmentionables right off a back yard clothes line recently the motive for the crime has not yet been determined although it rumoured that some of the younger population in the park district where the theft ocurred were seen sporting powerful new slint hhots the day after the disappearance the loss of the things from a financial stindpoint was eompara lively trivial however the sentimen tal value to the owner was high and continues to increase as the temperature drops rex heslop president north halton builders newest star in the nhba firmj nunt is thi ninth halton buildei association at an ortnuational mci ling held recently the follow ing officers were dieted pusident hex ileslop vice presi dent bill 1 mullein sccietaiy liar old hairstow tn isuni harold fro- beit duictois mic oshcr sam silvtrstein and joe iacholok a second inciting was held at the home of mr ileslop in delrex orcetown on the afternoon of ihursihy december 27th build cri from acton milton and other centres in noith hallon were in viled to ittmd i season s i greetings s from jj twins woodworking l triangle 7 2162 limehouse ccctctcecicicic ctctctctccstctccc-cictc- cctfutcte twctwniw mimimixtftmimiistimiti notice to creditors in the estate of mary mabel campbell lata of georgetown in the county of halton spin star deceased ail persons having claims against the estate of mary mabel campbell late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton spinster deceased who died at the citv of st petersburg the state of florida united states of america on the 19th day of february 1956 are hereby no tified to send their names nnd addresses and full particulars of their claims duly vcrtlfled to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of january 1957 after which date the administrators will pro cecd to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per sons entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice datfd at georgetown on tario this 14th day of december ad 1956 hewson si ord 39 mam st south georgetown solicitors for the administrators 12 from tom haines glen williams tr 73302 mottie fat notice to creditors charlotte kennedy lata of tha town of georgetown in tha county of halton spinster deceased all persons having claims against the estate of mary agnes charlotte kennedy late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton spinster cc nscd who died it the town of oorf etown in the coun ly of hilton on the 21st dry of lulv 1950 are hereby notified to send their mines n m addrcssis and full pirticuhrs of their clums dulj verified to the un dcrsigned on or he fore the 2rd div cf jininn 1057 iftir uhuh il itc the admmistntor will pro ceed to distribute the assets of llio slid dcccised among the per sons entitled thrrcto having re i inl onlj to the claims of which he shill then have notice datrd nt georgetown on tino this nth dij of december a d 1156 hfusov ord fl miin st south georgetown solicitors for the administrator 12 everyone knows that women are keen shop pers and that they are always on the look out for a real bargain that is why so many bus passengers are women they know a travel bargain when they see one round trip fares chicago los angeles boston ottawa richmond 24 15 102 15 28 50 14 90 31 50 tickets and bus travel information at corner cupboard trnngle 73051 v jin harmony with this r joyous season we extend our best wishes for tho happiest holiday ever w h kentner son coal and fuel oil tr 7 2851 t be lcmj gpovel robert r hamilton r0 optometri st eyes examined prescriptions filled and duplicated optical repairs office hours mondays and wednesdays 900am 9 00pm other days and evenings by appointment call tr 73971 guelph st opposite delrex development dr j burns milne dentai surgeon ray mill street tr 7 2871 dr john r kerby practice of dentistry xray triangle 7 3641 main street georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt semce p 0 box 413 tr 7 2864 georgetown s m faibish ro optomftrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown w rcarr professional enginaar a ontario land surveyor georgetown ontario res 81 prince charles dr office guelph st telephone tr 73300 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 2048 62 water street north g a lt radio repairing we specialize in this work 27 years fxperience j sanford son triangle 7 2412 prevent chimney fires uc fira chief chemical chimney cloaners i i mm ill m l ui i milt if ii ii vi hi i pipi ii mini i thi flmn the- ui t ii i i nl n for ue in i i il m i m 1 mil unit tn alt it halton coop supplies georgetown animal clinic c w sayers dvja 106 guelph street opposite rmstrong s garage tr 7 2741 a m nielsen dc nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy 43rd iar of practice 2 5pm closed thursday lady attendant 164 gutiph st georgetown triangle 73612 wh biggs accredited public accountant successor to j bishop cp m in st georgetown tr 335 1 office hous 9am to 5 p m mondays to fndajs for expert eye care consult o t wahr optometrift 3 main st north brampton over abells drug store phone office 599 res 830 hours 9am to 6pm daily evenings by appointment i lever hoskin chartered accountan 51 main n brampton phone 2478 44 victoria st toronto phone em 49131 maurice manderson ba barrister solicitor and notary public tr 7 2464 office mill st georgetown dale bennett barristers and solicitors leroy dale qc sybil bennett q c mp tom van 5ickler triangle 73381 mill street georgetown hewson ord barristers solicitors 3l main street south beside knox church george c hewson john d oro trianol 7 234