5th anniversary from april 30th until may 9th an important message to our customers over the past five years we have seen georgetown grow canstdenibly georgetown has seen wigo growtoo frctm a small store to a sizeable enterprise we have achieved this by specializing in television and electronics no store can grow bigger than the service it renders rca victor 27 consolette tv wigo says this is the best deal of m all special stereophonic deals modec 21tc310 full console 269 88 and he should know because he is right in it rca victors world famous stereophonic complete stereophonic unit with extra speaker model ks 474 for the unbelievable low price of 59 95 this is the ultimate in stereo quality during our sale you pay mods shc 441 349 95 and you receive 10 free records yes 10 rca victor stereo records with a 59 95 value absolutely free for mothers day v toasters 450 ge polishers 4042 cash and carry electric kettles 995 automatic washer 199 steam irons 1295 hoover polisher 3995 cash and carry please percolators 495 inglis dryers originally 279 now 189 k record sale save 149 buy one at ct puce an j get one fo one cent over 20 different portable transistor radios from 3495 nordmende radios lewyt d a 95 64 from 69- german import grundig portable transistor we boughtmait orig sold rfy d0nt forget dad aa4htadionsr for 3575 you pay 23 1095 save 1200 for both parents pleasure including aenal and installation installed while u wait 49 most cars 3795 remember at wigo television and electronics is a specialty for better selection for better service go 32 main street north georgetown trangle 73376 thl georgetown herald whndw april 2tlh 1w page 9 chatting ii mkb chatting ive often marvelled at how quickly our little fellow drops off to sleep once hes tucked into bed for the night at the end of our beditime routine after ive switched off the light and tucked the covers around him often as not hell close his eyes and within seconds his heavy re gular breathing tells me he s sound asleep lucky lucky little boy hed he the envy of thous ands of adults who cant get to sleep for hours after going to bed a im convinced he has a great natural advantage in this going tosleepeasily pro- blem just simply because be is a boy our two girls while never experiencing any real diffi culty in getting to sleep very sel dom went to sleep that quickly and it seems to me that this sleeping or not sleeping prob lem is one which plagues grown up little girls much more frequen tly than grown up little boys you cry seldom ever hear a man say he can t get to sleep or that he sleeps poorly but when the sub ject arises among a group of wo men a surprisingly large number complain of sleeping difficuties maybe its just because hav ing heard one person admit to this problem the gals take advantage of a sympathetic audience to tell their trouble because suffering sleeplessness is a lonely fate both during the sleepless hours and af ter everyone else is awake the sad fact is that nothing bores a good sleeper more than hearing complaints from someone who isn u one thing is sure how ever nobody appreciates a good night s sleep as much as a person who has wrestled with sleeplessness for a few nights and nobody can more readily sympath ize with persons afflicted with chronic insomnia that someone who has had a touch of it more than a touch would be misery in deed 0 when i said i thought in somma afflicted women more than men i must admit an excep tion came to mind i remember a newspaper convention where they had hired a hypnotist for the demonstration one of the editors who had volunteered to be hypnotized remarked fc after wards to the hnotist that hed give am thing to be able to drift off to sleep cery night as eas- ih as he had while under the hnotic spell apparently he was one man with real sleeping trouble er seldom ever got to sleep before 4 o clock in the morning assuring him he could cure our friend s trouble by means of hjpnotism the hypnotist started his first treatment then and there bj giwng the editor a coin to hold and telling him over and over that when he held the coin he would go right to sleep wherewith he put him to sleep right before our ver ejes flat on his back on the floor i was curious to learn if the experiment had worked but did not hae an opportunity to talk with the editors wife till the next eomention it seemed that the hypno tic spell did its work all too well for a da or so anwa she told me that the day afur the experiment when they had gone shopping up yonge st her husband complained of feel ing tembk slcepv in fact he could hardh keep wide enough awake to put one fool in front of the other he finallj got to the point where he had to sit down on the curb of yonge st north to gather sufficient energy to stag ger into the ncacst store there an embarrassed wife had to ask for a chair for her husband to col lape on meanwhile offering what was probably the phoniest sounding excuse ever heard for such behaviour but it was the truth the poor man hadn t got ove being hnotxed with the help st the cab driver she got him back to the hotel but it was another da or so before the sleep- irance wore off i still dont know the long range effect of his cureb hypnotism but one thing was certain our friend pro bably had one of the best sleeps of his life at a time when everyone else at the com en t ion was wide awake in to the wee small hours spring ideas ft special outside paint beaver opt white green red gal 49 beaver lumber