thb oeonorrown herald wednesday june 17th 1938 pae 8 glen taxi opewa by jim ball 2- cabs 2 radio quipped reliable drivers tr 72432 service every day including sundays t imperial sso service 0month budget ttfim available from sept tojune esso furnace oil mw somerville dial oper and ask far zenhh 67200 no toll charge travel notes lowest trans atlantic fares to england and scotland pay later plan available for all flights john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tr 74214 mill street monuments deafens submitted cumhfy taring corner posts and markers a good display in stock brampton monument work wm c allan prop 88 queen st west brampton shop phone res gl 10445 gl 1 1613 rap tom nicol phone brampton gl 1398x sugar and spice i pkaiehit fcybblx sloijtt of fca wurt- bee i isnt u odd how important the farmer becomes every three or four years most of the time ev eryone is content to let him go right ahead and batter bis brains out on the stony bosom of mother nature in normal hmm a tot of people if they give the farmer a thought t all think of him a a sort of ornery customer always grouching about the weather always wanting subsidies for his produce always talking hard times but in reality salting money away by the bagful but let somebody call an elect ion and suddenly the farmer com es into iiis own it is generally agreed that he is a noble son of the soil the salt of the earth the backbone of the country and the hope of the future it is common knowledge at el ection time that the farmer has had lean years that his income has been meegro that he has been shamefully neotected everybody vies in promising him a fair share of the nations income a square- deal a batter living great er recognition and anything also that doesnt cost much let s get to the bottom of this is the farmer really one of nat ures noblemen as the politicians asert at election time or is he the dour spreader of gloom the chronic malcontent as pictured between elections of course he is neither farm ers are people llko evoiybody else and like all people they am of all types a millionaire in a penthouse can be ust as much of a grouch as a farmer on a stony back concession a dumb farmer is just as likely to make a mess of things as a dumb businessman an intelligent farmer is fust as bright as an intelligent executive and probably a lot more versatile people are all mixed up about farmers there is a tendenc for instance to think of the farmer as a man of few words this is a hallucination toda s farmer may be strong but he is far from sil ent get a group of farmers go ing and jou can scarcely get them stopped talking 1 e met farm ers who would talk ou into a state of mild shock if you gave them an opening another illusion aboufcjtb far mer is that ho la cautious the fact it that tho farmer is the only bigtime gambler left in our econ omic system and hes the only gambler who keeps coming back to the table when he knows tho dko are loaded think not show me a professional gambler whod take the odds the farmer accepts when ho plants his wheat or sinks his roll in beef cattle then there is the silly idea so often heard that the farmer is slow to change resists new ideas on the contrary he is a natural born target for anything new it the line of machinery seed teed or fertilizer he can t resist having a go at it still another misconception ab- vout the farmer everybody says and nobody says it louder than the farmer himself that he has a hard life well thafs not true it might have been fifty years ago but not today what they really moan is that he works hard and he does but the city fellow works hard too whether hes a pipefitter a lawyer a newspaperman or a girdle salesman the difference is that all the city fellow gets out of all the work is a bald head ut cers jowls and a baggy belly while the farmer winds up with muscles a hearty appetite a ruddy complexion and a paunch as sound and solid as a bas drum lope the farmer may not be quite as terrific as the politicians tell him he is every few years but neither is he to be pitied be tween ele as a downtrod misanthrope hes a pretty tough character and a pretty shrewd one and he has to be the farmer can take a serious reverse with stoic courage he can weather the bad years and spread himself a bit in the good ones he has a great deal more security than the city worker he is his own master and unlike the city worker when he has slugged it out for forty years he doesn t have to go and live with an owly daughterinlaw or move into the old peoples home the farmer sells the farm buys a little house in town and starts kicking about the taxes who wouldn t be a happy healthy farmer it he had it all to over again halton county weed control news by v e mcarthur county weed inspfeor crop spraying f too often a farmer will say what s the use of bothering to spray crops its just one more job to do and besides it costs me money crop spraying with selec tive chemicals is comparatively new to many farmers however a survey last year revealed there are at least eighty owners of weed sprayers in haltbn county over a period of years the on tario department of agriculture have carried on an extensive re search program in chemical weed control in examining some of the results we may form our own con elusions as to whether the time and money needed for crop spray ing operations is worthwhile here are a few quotations from the field crops bulletin of the ontario de partment of agriculture in regard to weed competition in field crops 1 the water required to prod uce half a ton of lambsquarter is sufficient to produce a 50 per cent quarter crop of corn wheat bar ley or oats 2 the nitrogen and phosphor us consumed 1y half a ton of lambsquarters could have produ ced 24 bushels of oats or 10 bush eu of barley or 12 bushels of wheat or 18 bushels of corn 3 a 20 per cent infestation of wild mustard can reduce wheat yields by 15 per cent oat yields by 14 per cent and barley by 11 per cent when the mustard crop runs between 40 and 60 per cent the reduction of barley yields is 69 per cent from these facts we must con elude that average weed infests tions in our crops will reduce yields approximately 30 per cent the cost of spraying is not high but vanes according to tho type and amount of chemical necessary to give good results custom op erators in this county have secur ed good control ot broad leaved weeds in oats at a cost to the far mers of approximately 1 50 per acre farmers using their own equipment will find that the price of the chemical for the same con trol will not run more than 10 cents per ounce of active acid us ed for example 6 ox 2 4d active acid per acre applied to oats at the 6 inch to shot blade stegc of growth will give excellent control of most broad uavcd weeds at a cot of not more than 60 cents per acre further information on chemi cal weed control can be secured from the ont depl of agriculture office in milton or the county weed inspector advertise it pays concrete foundations brick block work sidewalks new homes floats garages bill hamiltc clel industrial residential institutional hamilton constructio every building need 8 reid court x georgetown phone triangle 73480 georgetown propane gas for sales and service home farm industry distributor for afagas ltd aoincourt ontario tanks stored at 5ilvercreek on no 7 highway bill mcenery tr 7203 collect if i barber shop singing movie highlight week at the manor he h ja eeh ler eeeow toed el tl tor hi iilil tliieiii eelliil lee wbfodeujereea whet le wiuiqeovomnejltiilsrt ecoeokel smarts feneoe he eoeld ewe meeeejr hy eii or u en fareete eed eejer ueedl be whojen peer smarts iiilirair eeeietfer rh thompson hardware or a gas heating hardware ft numbjno pfcui tr 73971 on monday may 25th in a very enjoyable atmosphere of fun and informality the residents heard a program of barber shop singing presented for them by sixteen members of the oakville chapter ot the society for the preservation and encouragement of barber shop quartette singing in amer ica these sixteen gentlemen had brought with them mrs isobel tate whose- lovely voice added much to the enjoyment of the program the evening s entertain ment was sponsored b the kiwa nls club of oakville with mr keith warren chairman of the se nior citizens committee of the club acting as convener the bar ber shoppers wore their striking costumes of pink shirts dark trou sers and green boaters with red satin bands aiter greetings tor the residents had been extended by mr warren the singers took over and presented a very gay and tuneful program they were led in very capable fashion by their leader mr bob mitchell their first song hello to everybody was followed by the theme song of all barber shop singers the old songs the singers then proceed ed to sing a program of old songs songs that appeared to their aud ience very much among others the songs when you and i were young maggie the oceana roll and sweet and low were sung four of the group formed a quar tette to singyona from arizona and the county fair then with the quartette singing lida rose mrs tate sang as a counter mel ody dream of love from the broad way show the music man this was followed by the song i believe sung by mrs tate and the entire group mrs tate s lovely voice won great admiration in these sel ections as did the singing of the group and the quartette also in all their selections a final bar ber shop chorus keep america singing brought the vocal part of the entertainment to a close un der mr warrens directions the barber shoppers then proceeded to act as a refreshment committee and served ice cream and cookies donated by the kiwmms club and soft drinks to the audience alto gether it was a delightfully amus- ie and heart lifting evening and the residents appreciate the ef forts of mr warren the kiwanis club of oakville and the oakville chapter ot barbershop singers in planning and carrying out such an enjoyable program on thursday afternoon may 28 the residents were the guests of the management of the roxy the atre in milton a complimentary showing of the film auntie mame mr allen the superintendent of the manor had arranged for the transportation of all those going to the theatre by providing motor cars the cool theatre was a ver refreshing place in which to spend the afternoon smcevthe weather outofdoors was quitewrm and humid this striking pictinx with its beautiful colour photography by technicolor and shown on a wide screen displayed the excel lent acting abilities of rosalind russell and the other members of a very competent cast the res idents appreciate greatly this gen crous gesture on the part pof the management of the roxy theatre on thursday evening may 28 from about 8 o clock until after the shades of night had fallen the residents enjoyed an outdoor band concert presented for them by the lome scots military band or the pdih regiment the concert was given by kind permission of the commanding officer lt col a kemp and was conducted by lieut e g corlelt as 15 always the case with programs played by this fine band the music wits of the finest calibre and was made espec ially interesting by the fact that il will be used in the forthcoming trooping omhe colours with the argyll regiment in hamilton such well known marches as the thin red line the middy men of harlech and soldiers of the queen were interspersed among less well known selections by schumann handel purcell and haydn a touch of broadway was given by the playing of the love song danc ing in the dark the music soun ded very soft and sweet on the spring air and since it was a per fect night the residents heard lt from the porch and the open win dows other outdoor concerts by this fine band would be greatly anticipated throughout the sum mer concrete gravsl building sand road gravel pill and top sou rrour work tom haines does housework come between you and your family do you often find yourselfworkingso hard for your family you have little time to spend with them think of the most dreary household chores and chances are allot them can be done better and more easily with the help of electricity with the help of safe clean modern electric appliances you get through your housework faster have more tune to spend with your family and its always a happy economy to choose electric appliances because electricity is so inexpensive you get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity use sliver polish to re stubborn stains from iron soleplate never scrape or usettarsh abrasives live better electrically