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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1959, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson mwsmmm i with fomjcation ssrvlrtg tha eommunlhat of gaaraatr nm gtan winiatra norval llmohousa hornby stawarttowib ballir rrf ad aahgrw tarra cotta paga4 thurtday october 2 ih 1739 editorial comment yd two- year term opinion on a two year term for coun cillors which wilt be asked irr a plebiscite in the december elections finds us with only one strong opinion on the question if we favour it at all it would be with the proviso that elections be held on a split basis say mwyw deputy reeve and three councillors onvear reey and three councillors another this would guarantee some continu ity to municipal government operation and assure a newcomer some time to make his civjc contribution after learning the ropes while at the same time avoiding a blank year in politics and a couyictl which mioht stay in power for a longer period than r payers might desire wa hsital to endorse any proposal to elect a complete 9member governing body for two years only once in our two decades as an editor have we seen com plete council shift from on year jo anoth er it s much more likely to saa only one or two face change despite the yearly el actions and the law of averages seems to take care of the continuity jrhich is the one meor argument for doubling a councils tefrnvf office j whether one agrees that the new toe at ion decided by council for georgetown s war memorial is the best one rannot argue 00 strongly that it is not any improvement over the present location cenotaph needs bettc location the cenotaph is a victim of town growth situated at a busy intersection where pedestrians must keep a careful watch for cars it is not an impressive loc ation for passers by nor does it have en ough surrounding area to properly land scape add to this difficulties involved n public parades which block highway traf fic and force marching up a steep hill a id one can concur wifn the council legion decision for a move doubtless there are locations other than that decided in the park d strict where the memorial could be located each would have its proponents and each could be an accept able choice necessity however deems that some one must decide and we are content to leave it to tounc i s property committee which has spent much time and effort on the question the herald as readers will notice in recent issues is featuring more and more p ctures of local interest it is a policy which thetfiomson company pursues in all it nev soapers and one which will be in affect from now on council should produce facts says letter writer think and be thankful there has been a heavy influx of new people from europe to break down the old and arufi ctal prejudices york motes from new if you haven t bee n in new york city you have something to look forward to it can be the cheapest city in the world or tha most expensive depending on your inclinations and as a twice visitor we can recommend some of the attractions particu larly which we enpyed and some of which cost nothing reflecting back on a wonderful weok in the big town we highlight the united nations building where we were lucky n ough to sit in on the debate on tibet tha planetarium should be a must on anyone s list as should the staten island ferry ride a nickel each way which combines tha best features of the more expensive 3hour boat ride around manhattan island walking down broadway is a never ending source of fascination to those who like crowds you will see hawkers selling tablecloths puppets or what have you their wares spread on the sidewalk little urchins selling orchids and shining shoes you ii wonder if the well built man with long platinum hair is a wrestler an actor or just a broadway character you can stand in the doorway on a street level cab aret and watch a famous- azx band in ac ion look at pictures of the talent in the dimeadence spots see huge hingo games just like at the ex or marvel at the camel cigarette sign which puffs out smoke or the g e iron emitting steam fifth avenue is another mecca for tour tsts with its perfumed stores like lord tay lor and saks a glamorous etglass bu idmg street canopies running out from expensive hotels blind end crippled mend cants sollc iting your help new cyork taxis are in a class by them selves daytime one seas the usual mixed traffic dqwntown but after sundown the taxis take over relatively cheap if one can ignore the expected tip and take our ad vice a tip is expected as we found whan paying a 95c ride with a dollar bill an out spoken cabbie handed us back the nlckle saying mister you need this more than i do we agreed and took it if new plays are opening you can catch the excitement of opening night from a s dewalk stand watch limousines and taxis disgorge the wealthy and the famous if you re lucky you might spot rosalind rus sell arlene francis and ed francis ai we did or helen hayes dorothy ktl gallon and hedda hopper or you can oin the constant crowd in front of sard s the restaurant where theatrical celebrities congregate in hopes of glimpsing a fern ous face you can spend a dollar on a cocktail i in the rooftop lounge at rad o city and i take as long as you like watching the tw nkhng lights of the city for 1 25 you can see a top mov e at the music hall plus symphony orchestra orejan in terlude and a stage show remin scent of the ex grandstand show you can travel bv bus from one tip of the island to the other for 15c view nq enroute wall street and the hudson r ver docks the downtown skv scraoers cue nt greenwich village and plush park avenue or ohio what happened when he made a resdmfction at an ontario tourist resolthe armed was black had black children and the proprietor told him uh the utmost regret that he must have got the reservations mi ed up and he dtdn t have a thing left but if he went on a piece hed be sure to find some ttilnjt nice it happens eery h there b one thing on which canadians pride themselves it is their lack of racial prejudice their tolerance perhaps that s why the toronto papers with a fine show of indignation gae a big play to the recent rejection of a negro girl by a university girls sorority beating their drums and their breast with equal fervour the toronto dallies turned loot roportera on ovary aspect of th story draeootl in aoclolog- 1 isrs and anthropologists to write article and creatod a fine fu ry for about throe days after that apparently satis fled that thev had struck a mighty blow against race preju dice the papers went back to their normal round thev had appeased their liberal minded readers the had declared that well ae none o that there ere and that was the end of th ease the matter i arenl prejudiced fxcept thota are juit examples not far fetched it funny when you think of it when you rem ember where the ancestors of us anglosaxon white christ ian preudiced canadians came from i fancy there were more shantlei crofts and slums in the background than there wero ma nor house how did we ret this wj the irish arent prejudice fxcept against catholics or protestants a be the scotch but most important the pre judices of canadians are only kin deep they aro not based on a century of fear and mis trust and violence a are tha feelings of whites in the eouth- orn statoekl africa they are based solely on ignorance there is a basic decency in jhe canadian people a casual readiness to accept a man for it is a b0 ef amassment to me as a prof essional boaiaeaanub in this monidpailty of ours how some of our dtueena and coundnort can blast off into crtft on mat ten of municipal goreroanent and policy vital to as all with out one lota of fact to back up what they are sayinc adrvta- ing on charging or counter charging accusing others of doing or not doing no business in una world could keep out of bankruptcy with such a group of oninform- nuutagers directors and shareholders as we are today running the affairs of a growing munidipauty such as ours with a total assessment of over 12 million dollars u si business and i mean big bus ness 1 am sure that there must be many more of our citizens who along with myself are fed up to the teeth with what has been going on in our town the past five years and especially of more recent date how can existing businesses hope to survive or others be expected to set up here in geor getown in such a climate yet in spite of oar local cli mate in spite of the arrow lay off in spite of the lack of mortgage mooe and in spite of our lack of new industry georgetown continues to grow and expand due mainly to our increase in population and a corresponding increase in re sidential and commercial and business assessment some of our citizens and council members claim that the delrer area is not paying its wa and the delrex develop ments limited claim that the delrex area is actually subsi dizing the rest of the town who isiuwhtt neither council or taxpayers know because no one has ever dur out the facts from jnuntclpal records a i hereby challenge council to instruct the municipal clerk to prepare a breakdown pf the in come and expejues of the mun icipality delrex area vs tha rest of the town fromjanu- ary 1st 1905 to october 91st i 1069 the information is avaij able in tm records and wa aaa only guide our destiny wisely by having the information at this date r if the facts are produced for us here in this paper then wo can come to our own conclus ions as u our right as to who has been leading who up the garden path j lets put an end to this hta hcslop campaign both inside and outside of council so that we can go to the polls this de cember with clear minds and elect candidates who win give us sound municipal government free of political favour or disfavour for any persons groups or so called geographi cal divisions in our municipal ity and gentlemen and bars our rie lets hsve the factk before the nominations w hcarr p eng ols what he is and what he do given a chance this will break through the thin crust of prejudice that we have inheri i ted or developed and will make this land what it must be s country where human beings are accepted not tolerated re- 1 gardless of colour or creed georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited 22 main st south georgetown ontario walter c blehn managing editor garfield l mcgllvray production superintendent office staff john ollivier advertising aileen bradley terry harley plant staff l m clark dave hasungfj c r hemngton b baskerville f member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario division of the cwna j ralph davies acis fa i accountant and auditor i 122 guelph georgetown 1 tr 73351 office hours 9 a m -5- p m mondas to fndav controversial corner by tan case thi lesson op bellkvilli i era of this town may cofctaomtj good perhaps it will encourage people who pay municipal tax no doubt the disclosues of ies to take a little more interest ked tne cplacency it perhaps it wth encourage many of that town 1 citizens more people up off their rear tjie fact that the town needs i the delrex area it is ignoring the additional capital costs of i schools which will be needed i it has forgotten the million dol lar sewage disposal plant which has to be built and its peculiar calculations are en ough to make a statistician thud der the counter proposal tug gested by some council mem- ends and out to the polling booths at election time so that we will aee at least half the people who have a vote using it this wlh be sn improve ment over our present ontario average which is around thirty per cent closer to home perhaps the almost a million dollars to bat ance its books is enough to shock anyone it is to be hoped that the lesson to be learned here will be duly noted by mu icipal voters and taxpayers all over ontario the main point in defense of belleville council is that theyjleason of belleville will had an obsession a burning des ire for the success of the town s hockey team if you can call this a defense presumably this ambition was fulfilled when the team won the allen cup and the world amateur hookey championship regardless of what reasons may be put for ward it is doubtful if any adj ministration has ever placed any municipality in ontario in such a serious financial posl tion in such a short tune com mission council said the main indictment is only against belleville council for its gross irresponsible han ainst the fnglnh and the fn klish certainh aren i prejudiced aeanst anbod except the yanks the truth is at emeno who j not deaf and blind knows j woll that canadians aro fust as prejudiced as th next follow 1 when if come to race colour or rejialon they are not so vl lent about it some other i pr y oot n i paeples but it ic there it is mnn 0h r tol unmlstkable and it is wide m p with w put up with the niggers and lkes the wops and hunkles chinks end from we don 1 1 don t worn i m not going ccpt fhm to try to solve the whole prob lem in the space of this column wallace thompson 3rd division court ierk commissioner tr 7 793 tf for expert eye care consult o t walker oculist prescriptions filled hearins aw glasses 12 main st s brampton gl 14474 res gl 1243 hours sam 6pm daily fndav 9 a m to 9 p m 1 eeqings bv appointment i 1 maurice 1 manderson 1 oc buruter solicitor 41 mill tk thh 1 roxj llieatra bldi i 1 but let s not kid ourselves il not look acrftss the bonier with a holier than thou attitude 1 et us not pretend that this m one countr in which eerhodv has the same opportunih rrjrardlem his religion or the c lour of his skin i despite whit i ve said i hsve i it lost isnt so if my nam hloh hop cmu jh m j the ooner the word toler ance 11 kicked out of the ra cial problem jarcon and re 1 placed by the word accept t ance the better w ho elected us or anvbod else o toler i air other h iman bcini the arrogance of it i lever h ostein chartered accountants 51 main n brampton glendale 14824 44 victoria st toronto phone em 4 9131 s m faib1sh ro optometrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown tm barrister solicitor notary s8 mara s tr 74331 dr williams bldg klein ive oof to bo twice smart as mclean to eat as far bers seemed quite reasonable j tf mvskln week ive got to be an oscar peterson to got out of the pullman porter economic bracket and even if im pure white and protestant and my grandfather came to canada so years ego if my names podrln- sttl or soychuk im on the out side looking in ask the negro from michigan be learned by the people of geor getown learned to the extent that they will be determined to keep this town- from getting into such a financial tangle per haps our townspeople will be encouraged to take a closer look at our present precarious state and swear it shall not become worse as far as this towns financ- se are concerned the delrex question looms large on the horizon the questions posed in this column are certainly no closer te bein answered as result of that company s full page spread in last weeks he- dhng of public affairs it is also raid the figures quoted against the people of belleville quite meaningless as both del who by a combination of apa- rex and the town council are thy indifference and ignorance well aware the company has pat such a hopeless bunch in completely ignored the many office the damage has now additional items of expenditure been dona and beuevufe is which are being and win eonti- fooqfim in the rad for the cur- nue to be a drain on our resour- fiai year ces ft has ifaored the 1300000 oft of th triads and tribula- worth of services which she f trf taw ottsftgtaute tanwr town b asked to provide for to me it was certainly more stringent than the re- 1 quirements of many ontario towna the speed with which usvai rejected by delrex was regrettable it was also regret table that the company should wish to turn tfceir hacks on the original agreement 0040 ra tio and yet expect the town to pay for services specified in the agreement if the originally agreed ratio of industry was in town now there can be no doubt that money would be av ailable to honour the town s or iginal commitments this is not a question of who is for or against delrex or who is for or against eipansion and progress to try to make this present controversy into lucha question is merelv to confttv the issue the question is who- ther or not georgetown as a community shall hsve complete control of rs own affairs is our council in the light of pest experience determined to en sure that any further expansion b carried out within the frame work of an exact agreement which conforms to the present standards of sound municipal practice that b the question the delrex company has made its stand in this matter abundantly clear it is time for our councillors to do the same when thwy do we shall saa if the xesson of jellevffie has bean learned religious bitterness between the french and englishspeak ing canadians ir mellowing there i a minority but a vocal and intelligent one of beral cltiiens who are not afraid to attack prejudice wherever it 1 1 a m n 1 e ls e n i dc nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy for appoint tr 73612 lady attendant 1 164 guelph no t hwy root k hamilton to optometrist i eyas examined i for appoint tr 73971 00 main streett georgetown tf dale bennett and latimer barrlston ft solicitors lero dole qc 1914- 50 s bonnett qc 1930m douglas v latimer triansls 73381 33 mill sl georgetown in the servicr clubs and the canadian iegion there are no colour relikioua or racial bars wit 4co vavacnmsjr the we expedihon oee vere the first cmwotm cwnment to serve in an overseas war itavmtmpinnti im anus embiem op nemfouncukmd- 3nl denial su vjta- burns muni surgeov georgetown animal clinic c w sora dvm 106 guelph street clinic open 7 p in 0pm mon tubs wkd fri afternoons by appolntmt dr john r kerry practice of dentistry xray triansle 73641 main sl georgetown arnold rathbun life insurance estate analysis sun life of canada 12 gower ct georgetown tr 747y1 hewson ord and helson barristofs a solichort 39 main sl s beside knox church 120 guelph st hunter bldg no 7 hwy george c hewson johns ord frederick a helson ii tr 71246 tr 79781 dr f w w kuryuowicz practice of danttssrv tr 7j441 13 main n georgetown frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt serrtco po box 413 tr 73864 goorf cto w w h cari professional inglnoor a ontario land surveyor georgetown onl res llttpspharie dr officesgiieiph st telephone thr 73300 dr k w mccauliy dentist 6 main stbebt kobtb tr t4641 tf prevent chimney fires use fire chief chemical chimney cleaners to ollnunata soot and scale from your stoves and pipes th smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired writs for sale at halton coop s u f f l i s monuments pollock camfbeu designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cematerr phone s04s 63 water street north g a lt robert w fletcher tnashrtki

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