Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1959, p. 2

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w morottown hrrald 7 church ladies concert band provide programs at manor by muriel thompmn x church hut nas eot a number ot groupi to entertain the residents of the manor on previous occasions sent still an other group onwednctday ev enuik october 2ffsthe church referred toils st jdhn s v nited church oakmlle and the group consisted of twenty ladies be longing lo the evening auxil larv of that church miss s iatimcr was ibe convener of the evenings entertain menl mri r oooden announced the pro gram and the president mrs u fulford placed an active i mano part the program opened vvilh of hi a religious portion which inclr vi cert wilt be just the first con cert in a series of concerts to be given at the manor bj this excellent band and its expert conductor paper cups containing candv and with traditional halloween symbols mich u pumpkins and black cat out out of black and vellow paper attached to them formed the attractive halloween f av our that hie rrsid nls found al their places in the ilm ing room at supprrtinie on sat urdav evening oct 1ki ttuse favours had been m nt to the b the november cioup women s hunh yar of hristopher hkluan ded the fining of several well t hurch burlington thev add know hvmns in unison nd me d a rav halloween lomh to dilation and praver bv mrs the supper lable and were srca gracie mrs f brearlv was i llv appreciated the accompanist for the lumns substituting for rev k 1 and all the musical selections t ampbell erf rmmanucl baptist that came later in the evening church in milton rtv m that came later in the program ihmwnscit miniler of ihe the first of the- was a duet hshwa npel ihiinh saviour for me followed w in a garden ung fcv mrs m anrtorfer and mrs r co t er ha mis reading good morning with era lhcera given bv mrs h haight evoked gales of laugh ter two acts of verv pretty and instructive coloured slides with alcompanving com men tax les were show nbj mrs 1 rul ford and miss i latimer mrs fulford s slides showed scenes ton conducted the ihurih tr vice on sundav ittetnoon nov 1st mr hi imcnsen hi ouchl mh him miss m inuiiernian who plaved the piano it torn paninienls foe die hmi ami also fa v mrefl ihe onirrsati n with a piano solo this piano solo which was rr nun h en joved ws a medliv of twi sai red selection llarhored in jesus and if i gamett the world mr chnmencn based in the british isles and miss inspiring sermon on verses laiimers in newfoundland and 5 fl haplcr 1 of prov nova btotia mer the slides os stressing the fat thai several accordion solos featur cmuzauon throughout ihf mg german folk songs and m mmh alon it a ire eman ballads were plaved bv mendou pace t ihriknin mrs b fudle two vocal solos tated that people are putting blesi this house and heather th trusl in lhe wn lnl on the hill were then sung seme in their friend bv mrs j kolfage hetond humorous reading bv mrs haight followed the sol short praver bv mrs e decour their along from d j ever all the- 1 pear and leavi things md di a us without then wav along our earthlv to be with hir sev brought to a close this verv support but if we pulc fine program everv number of ln ood wm lak u which had been heartily enjo e social hour with refresh ment of lea and sandwiches was thf closing portion of this verv farm news enjovable evening gifts of erv fine fresh fruit were dis tributed among the residents bv these verv hospitable and generous visitors a verv fine program lhat pro- ed the great talent and mar halton is represented at winter fair judging the most demanding live vtock judging competition for ked versatililv of the bandsmen jtintoeiarmtrs is ihe inter and bands worn en was plaved for countv i iveslmk 1 idginc twin the residents on thursdav night petition at the roval winter oct 29th bv some thirtv five fair this eais competition is members of the burhnglon con- being held on thursdav nov cert band with bandmaster el ember 12h halton team mem gin corlett conducting the band hers include sandv hepburn in his usual gifted fashion the campbellville lack rohertvon ersatilitv of the band was de georgetown and tcrrv hender monstraled earlv in the prog shot milton i ram when it opened the program i teams of three r presc itnig with the livelj march the ring i counties in ontario will com pin and then proceeded to plav pete in the roval winter fair the tovelv sacred selection ave judging competition raih ton maria bv franz schubert ano- tcslant will judge and give rea ther example of this musical sons on 3 classes of beef cat versatihtv was shown in plav lie s of dairv 3 of swine in mg of the next two numbers eluding one carcass clavs and the popular stirring number 76 one of sheep churches anglican st albana glen willuma rev john ralhbone novtmbtr 15th trinity xxv boo im holy luchanst 9 is a m church school 10 30 am matins and sermon too pro yung people a the parish of nerval stewarttown hornby november 15th 15th sunday after trinity rev j e maxwell prof j r rolhwell assistant st paul nerval 830 a m holy communion 1100 am morning prayer and church school st john a stawarttown 9 30 am morning praver 10 30 am church school st stephen hornby i 11 00 a m morning praer and v hurch school st gaoro gaoroatown november 15th trinity xxv 8h jiii holv coimuunior ju am holv tticharlsl i hurlh school 9 yrs and up 11 00 a in holv ruchanst i hurch school 38 vear infant tare oil p m r en song presbyterian knox georgetown minister rev alex j calder b bd oiganist mrs edgar gowland church school 10 a m public worship 11 a m limahout minister rev alex j calder b bd church school 1 30 p m public worship 230 pm norval and union rev g i roval norval 110 pin sundav sthool 230 pm divine worship union sandav school divine worship united st john a georgetown rev m g mcfarlane b a 9 4s am sundav school 1100 am church service beginner s sundav school b45 pm praver service 7 15 pm church servict st andrew t united sinclair me at mountains icw road dr charles donald d d 9 45 am sundav school 1100 am morning worship and beginners sun school local jtotarians mark foundation week georgetown rotariana will join with nearly half a million rotariana in 114 countries next week for a special obaervance of rotary foundation week it was announced today by c g bud bishop president of the local chib rotary foundation seeks to promote understanding and friendly relations between the people of different nations its major activity is granting rot ary foundation fellowships for international understanding to outstanding graduate students for one year of study abroad as rotary ambassador of good will since this program was estab lished in 1947 as a memorial to paul p hams the founder of rotary 1 199 young men and wdmen from 87 countries have received rotary foundation fellowships for study in 44 countries with grants averaging over 2500 total grt by the rotary foundation for this ac tivity now exceed s3 million rotary fellowships are unique in that with more than 10 300 rotary clubs throughout the world the student is in direct contact with rotariana and their families wherever he is study ing h attends their rotary club meetings visits in x their homes and places of business and travels a much m posible during his school holidays ln this way he sees how the peo ple in his host country live and he lays the foundation for in creased international underslan ding which is one of rotary i principal objectives iocal rotariana will highlight their observance of the rotary h oundation week al their meet mg on november 16th at the north halton golf country club with a presentation of the greal adventure a film featuring the rotary founda tion 10 00 am 1 1 00 am trombones and the descnpti hiswatha land nine other sel eclions made up a verv enjov able program of thirteen num hers medlevs of tunes bv jim niv mcllugh and peter dc rose the svneopaled clock bv i erov anderson themes from the cau casian sketches and several fan tasies and marches completed a scholarship program that was a delight to attend a tw vcar n o ail a cup of leaiind cookj agriculture at the ontar les served to all brought thisl cultural college west verv delightful evening to a tano agricultural srhi close it is hoped thai this con kemptville agricultural the winning uin will be presented with the jeffriv bill trophv in addition iheie will be trophies awarded for the top teams in beef judgm dam judging and swine jtidgu g among lhe indiv duallv con tesled awards there i the r morrow scholarsh p 1 h s norval pattoral charge rev ilovd n 1rcel b b d gun william 900 a m church ser ice 10 00 a m sundav school norval ion a in sundav sthool 11 is am church servue home 10 00 a in church service 11 00 a m sunday school huttonville rev 1 p ashwin b bd 10 00 a m meadowvale 11 10 a m it ittonville 2 10 nn churchville baptist dedicates poem to fallen comrades the following poem was writ ten by a local man a well known veteran milton harker dcm mm he kindly allowed the herald to reproduce it comrades let us alwavs be one in band of umlj do not think lhat we forgel your hallowed memory lingers vet we who live remember well now only history can tell defied the nsk to heed the call you gave vour lives you gave your all o valiant sons in hallowed ground triumphanllv your voice i resound you led lhe wav ihe wav you know to point the path that we should go if we could nnlv inderstand if we could onlv clasp your hand but time is meeting soon 1 we ii be a ned through all eternity mr harker who lives on r i lella street dedicated this lo those who had paid lhe supreme i sacrifice he is a member of the local legion branch and i has just returned from a leng ihv slay at sunnybrook j0range juice ail grocery prices effective from nov 12 lo jl while they last all other prices effective nov 12 13 14 only w resarv lh right lo limit quantities ketchup i 3 peaches 6 c0rnmsvvrr 1 apple juice 8 kraft cheese saic0 tuna iga choice peas tomato soup westingh0use iga f0ilwrap iga wax paper york stew cake mixes mh soi 11 w hi i i- i n 1 3 3 8 10 i i sum m swi t ik i i oi rl 1 i bl ifx h ii 1m 4 4 4 4 1 a 1 si ii 1 1 bursting with juicy flavour sunkist oranges si dozen size 138s 3 dozen i size 138s tender fresh flavour us no 1 brussel sprouts 19p 2 j to 3 lb average grade a pre dreuad frying or roasting chicken 29 1 lb pure pork sausage 1 lb tablerite wieners half lb tablerrte bologna ior j 1 an open letter to all st johns church people over the past few weeks we have through he colun- is of th s newspaper tr ed to st r up your nieres1 e place of st john s church n your i fe if we have made you do a little soul searching then we are pleased if we have made you a bit displeased then come and tell us what you th nk s wrong w th us if we have made no impress on whatever on you then we are sorry for you because you need to take another look at your lif and see what you are m ss ng the b ble tells us man does not 1 ve by bread alone and one day you will surely find th s to be true without a creed or faith to support you in t mes of stress and to prov de the soul satisfying reward that comes to those who g ve time and talent to god s work life will become a mean ngless th ng we are des rous that st johns effectively give forth a faith and creed by wh ch men can i ve joyously and fully we ask your support n doing th s task atlend sunday serv ce regularly g ve support by help ng carry on the many sided work of the church youd be surprised how much nner satisfaction and fellowsh p you can ga n by ustwashmg d shes there is always a need for singers sunday school teachers ushers etc there s a place for you and your serv ces n the church of chr si how much better to devote your talents to god s work than to sit dly by and leave the workfundone it is not a few do ng much but many do ng the r share thai makes the church of chr st the med urn by wh ch god d reels the lives of young and old today we want and need your support sp ritually phys cally and f none ally n our 1959 every member visitation and throughout the year ftrat bapttit churah i rev r i han b a b d their director douglas peck organist mn townend 10 00 a m church school jl 00 am worship service 700 pm rveninjt worship 8 00 p m pejnesday praver mectinir- rvervon welcome dalrax mlntfln of th fint raprut church in 1 he eorae kentiedv pub lic school hurch brhool fi 45 a m worship service ii im rev r i whan will conduct a communion verv ice ihis sun rlav do it yourself tatt yaur tv and radia tuba frke in a taatomatlt tattar naw tubat avallabu hutchs smoke ft barber shop 10 main itrmt south open daily in 11 p in varied business program when institute meets th presidenl mruarwil son wu in lhe chair for lhe regular meeting of the eoige town wl last wednpsday in knox church hall yhe meeting opened with the institute ode and the flarv stewart tolled after which the minute of the previous meeting were read and the correspondence dealt with addnauqn of s10 was voted lo the rwio in aid of world re fugee camps the roll call was answered bv an apron heing modelled and sold at auction a motion was made to purch ase a wreath for the cenotaph for armistice dav mm sew ard wilson and mrs r t paul purchased and ent the usual nrntmas parrel lo ihe wi in weslham tnglanrt a repor wa given of ihe aiea cemen lion held recenth al ihe oa in tiielph mrs v wilson a id ln d w baxter conveners foi win hon gae a paper on ed irili in which m so neeessarv for lhe voting people of toda lhe motto given bv mrs paul was if ou want lo put the world right siarl with vouisrlf mrs n snjder and mrs w t bell will look afler a hale to he park ed for t aiu the meeting dosed with lhe queen after which lunch and a social lime were enjoved jays photo studio weddings child studies portraits copy work commercial photography fast roll film processing phone tr 7 9202 45 main north dorathv parker when asked for the 2 most tya iliful words replied theque rnclised i grace baptitt in 100f hall rev bruce pennv 9 45 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 pm fvening worship christian raformad church rev d c lob 9 10 a m morning w orship 3 00 pm dutch service pentecostal holiness zien tabarnacla 95 cuelph streel rev e d thornton minister 945 am sundav school 1100 a m morning worship 700 pm rvangelislic firaf baptist church rev r j whan will preach w the morning servic a professor or architecture asked aboui a speech by tiie i late frank ilovd wright re 4 plied well 1 think he was are frank than wright- silvercreek service station r tt 1 oaarfatewn tr 73079 proprietor terry hammond llcancad machanla shell sirvict ttrat battarlas itc 0 wall aqulppod rapjr rapaln u all makeh kuropean ars a specialty car washing outck sarvica op1n oaily 7 ajn t 11 pm a watch thia pag weakly for our wk end spatial the lions bakery and coffee shop wedding i birthday cakes etc baked goods of eveky kind i weekend specials butter tarts do 55t french pastry bottr crm filld i for 2jt sausage rous 1 for 20 and in the coffee shop french pastry nd coffee 9 drop in and try h finest coffee you have ever lasled take out service 2 young st across from the legion free home delivery tr angle 7 4723 tree customer parking how yormay save up to on your next car finance and insure it through state farm the slate farm bank plan the modern way to buy a car without signing up for expensive finance and insurance package deals that can keep you car payment poor the bank plan has helped thousands of car buyers save s100 200 300 and even more enjoy lower pay ments shorter loans we help yon get lowcost 6nancing at a lend ing local bank its simple it private pay ments are arranged to 8ut you no extra fees no hidden charges and unlike most financing plans ou dont pay a higher interest rate when you 6nance a used car througft the bank plan in addition you save through low cost care ful driver insurance slate farm keeps rates low by aiming to insure only the average driver of careful driving habits as your state farm agent i hnndlo details i give you a cheque for the amount you need even include credit bfe insurance lo cover the unpaid balance at no extra cost call me today and find out bow much you may save m mt straw to l- eric beard 21 rexway drive tr 74814 state fam mute totomobile insurance company had office toronto ontario arts trafts of georgetown annual exhibition sale tea spinning weavino clay modelling silk screen printing rug making leatherciaft etc knox church hall november 14 1959 130 lo 130 afternoon tea 50c

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