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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1959, p. 5

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building a better community t continued from page 4 will eliminate duplication and frustration and focus the titter- est and energy of all the peo ple od the most important things to be tackled and com pleted any municipality is capable of providing what its people want if the people reach agree- menl about their desires and pursue their ideals with plan- then your ideal personality will find itself and work out its nopes in joint action with other likeminded persons the respected citizen in ev cry city or town does more than merely live there he achieves dignity through his contribu tion to the community of which he is a part alfred adler put it this way people always make mistakes if thev do not t see that their whole significance must consist in their contribu tion to the lives of others the cork drawn but does the end justify a community effort it is necessary in any society to learn not merely the acts of life but how those facts are viewed by other people one should relate wbt is strategic ally desirable to what is tech nically possible with the facil ities at ones disposal and the support one will be given instead of floundering around in the underbrush speculating aed energy the question chat- t0 where the path is let us lenging everybody is are you j uncerely interested in working to make your neighbourhood theybest place on earth in which to live and bring up your chil dren if the answer is ves ed at the touch of a master force to form a river of const derable sue and power this good result of group par- tic ation and the union of groups is not produced by es tablishing a hterachy of leader or cliques but by a fusion of thought among people of earn est goodwill a writer about democrat said it this way if i give you a dollar and you give me a dollar e shall each have one dollar but if 1 give you an idea and you give me an idea we shll each have two ideas i perhaps it will be necessary tunluea but we cannot be merely onlookers at the payeant of life new conditions havarbrought new deedsand onlv the com munity whose people arc gujd- ed by intelligent awareness lof its needs and a determination to meet them can preserve the goodness at has this is a job for people with faith that even the moat thrta tening situation can be handled successfully bv coordinated ef fort that even the best thiv can imagine for their commun ity can be achieved legion notes by us clark the last meeting of the year will be held this thursda fly climb a tree and see the whole landscape instead of a mere track there may be a broad highway within sight the inorder to get things started to search for utopias and the four- 1 bring the groups together- under tain of eternal youth hatflbccn a moderator who is not a mem fruitless but it has been a boon ber of anv ot the groups the to mankind that there have i individuality of groups must be been people eager to climb the respected while striving for heights looking for them effective cooperative action u if someone were jojaskhe a round table conference will j is hoped lhat an question what sort of com bring to light many ideas forthe extn urre crowd wlu be pres mumty are jou seeking to good of he community n tfaer inlen build the answer might be neighbourhood in canada can l branch ftrnn that something like this the people muster an enormous amount of re several spetia u in our ideal communis are brains in such a gathering ems of inlerebt lhal wl be alert to community interests i when the ideas hae been and mert al and are ready to seize opportu tabled there are three things nities- for chic betterment remaining to do the needs groups and workers commun should be grouped by kinds or understand that the local catereadilv so hat people are i areas so thai the problem can inumtlon lcam han a ondir thi okntoitown hikald thursday hovwnkwr tttk lhht we service television ul makes radios jkcord playbts cm radios v appuambw- irons toas1bo fctc ernies radio 24 years servicing f mill swtt swanflle 71701 to participate does not call not wong at cros purpose be defined and duscussed n an rirlinoion las r in hdhnir minnhne nllh un- -t- i nl u hn ih nmk iui duihiii for an heroic grappling with un interesting situations every one should concern himself with finding a phase of activity which commands his honest in terest evervone has some quality of mind or hand to make his contribution sigmfi canl business and the community this principle applies with full force to business companies business executives may deplore the conflict of pressure groups and the chaotic official struc ture in the municipality in com panson with the well organized efficiency of their own offices and factories but they cannot ignore community affairs a good business is a good citizen with citizenship privileges and responsibilities looking at this relationship in another wav we realize that firms operating industries want their people to be happv and n w patterns have therefore look upon a good repled by willingness to ex community as part of their as- p sets among the qualities stu adaption is a continuous pro- died before establishing a fac- 1 cess in nature of which we evervone takes pride in coop- orderk way when the orob- n w erative achievement and jo lems have been specified and nost of ncw mcmb full accepts tmc rcsponslbih understood the next step is to i tbeir wjxes wtrt ut at u the organizations have aims examine various plans for deal afterwards and sav tht that are ciearlv stated ardent ing with them the third step bl n gr sh lh ly pursued and efficients car is to assign groups or persons wtlk a h ned out to take action municipalities oecome good rtfud table discussion is communities more bv the posi i sigsticant onlv when it deep thefc b mqn f toatmr uve actions of good men and ens thought broadens horizons h lhom women than by the repression and opens up istas ofyiual ser or exterrainauon of evil nega mce li is insignificant when it tne aims are not enough we is u id by individuals for per need the invigorating stimulus sonal satisfaction to press some of supporting some cause dvn pnale indulgence or to prop amicallv or pursuing some pur night when ihev initiated at least on v edftcsdav and sal urdav nights with aux tiv lors bingos plavinfi to pqekid houses the hig nioni re i rer to is the 100 pnzi thai is up a pel project with a cobweb u t r up for grabs each nijnl jiank a pretty pennj could be made out ofit bj aux falor enlarg ng his binjos lo take in tht both rooms however we has ten lo add that is onh our private opinion and we have no intention of promoting it cither in the 1erion hall or in this column hi a v en forbid that wt should be kivtn credit for acquiring another white elephant what nen happen ed to thos chaps who said i the branch would lose their i bhirt on that white elephant that was purchased iwovears ago remember thr liquor store bake shop atn apart mmt wondtr if thev have checked reccrtfh to find out the value of it as it stands todav the appearance of being a pressure group should be avoi ded volunteers should work constructive with the authori ties as far as possible w e should not confuse the sort of cooper ative group we have been dis cussing with socalled leagues ui j i l deed deserves a olc of thank which mushroom around elec on invitation fr i dropped up to see for ours ivts what kind of crowds hi was git ling and there are far above what anvone expected he is and has been or manv viars doing a grand job mnmnj thi mone making activity and in pose ferentl constant adwstment making the cominunit a wholesome place to live in im plies more than occasional out bursts of energy all our institutions are un dergoing change rendered nee essary bx the progressive civil i w musnroom arwinn eiec ih membcrs fr h ure nation or mankind fixations i timcs ironls for p less efforts lo promote and run bingos it goes without saving that those on his cnmmim an equally deservant of praw manv of us are inclined fien we take part in commun ork to lav aside the ma rod which cut off exalted ac- j s to kid hockev seems to be off to a grand start with lots of enthusiasm around the arena and seemingly lots of new fac es about let s hope that this will be the biggest and- best vcar yet for this great project with scores standings etc ap pea ring weekly it should be of real interest to the whole com muni t remember these dates tonight monthh meeting legion auditorium thlrs dec 18th annual kiddies christmas tree be sure jour kiddies are on the christmas tree list it is pasted on the bulletin board new yearsevfc annual branch parlv progressive farmers omf small land owners now rs the time to get youiosoil tested and if suitable we will show you how make up to sioooo per acre 1 clear profit by growing our specialized items and have a market supplied for details write to specialized growers association brooklin ont on being realistic are a part we seek to hold u fast to that which is good whilr enal measuring adding innovating practices of seems vulvar in promise it is important to see that the changes are not made with a view to mere temp or arv advantages the good com mum v cannot be created bv a junto of busj uvitv but we must be realis ic in our aims and dmand wei should nut be like tne ph losiv phtrs castigated bv pram is ba eon in his book advancement of learning thev make unagi once again we hoar c m plaints about the da net b inw wtll thres an an that ont if tht re an enough members wanting thomi tory or branch are these the extent of cultural activity the adequacy of the school system and the extent and type of the community facilities one firm i selected its new branch site more than a thousand miles from other sites under consid eration because of a favourable i community situation i bodies but it doa need the nary laws for imaginarv com- the good community offers services of a io of busv people monwealths and their discour opportunities to men and worn- 1 there is no galaxv of experts ses are on the stars which give derful thing if all who com pi en to demonstrate social quali i competent to build a good com little light because they are so about various pha c of i egi ties which are also good businj munity it is necessary to make high admin is t ration would ret i ess qualities young people proper use of expert knowledge some people with good inten and attend the mcclinxs who have shown leadership tal while preserving control bj the tions fail to get desirable things much more c mid be ac people one function of the volunarv bodv is to ascertain and make ion known the needs of the com ps vrhv not get nut and complain about u ai the mi 1 ng and vote them back in aain ue imagine that would be a tral deal more effective than crv ing about it in the beverage room belnw twmild be done talk because thev think and terms of vague general thev don t come to 50 few h real situations nth when it ent in the affairs of their mun icipalilies are preferred choic- for advancement in the man agenal staffs of their compan ies i munit and the desires of the hlint r le for rtael big industries are properlv people the municipal govern or subtle wavs of doing things reluctant to assume a parent ment will have statistics of pop instead of facing the needs of role in community development f illation houses miles of streets ine situation in a stratxhtftir they encourage theif workers i acres of parks and so forth warri win stl11 others fail lo ner at toronto w participate in making the j but it cannot read from its file k heir on lh n th municipalitv into a good com the human experiences and as nave a program on child wi munitv the result may not be pirations on which planning a fare onc month on ediicati perfect but it is more lovable heller communitv should re than the spotless efficiencj q based the benevolent father people lke partlcipa in the welfare municipality ma communitv life the need for be noble in motive but it prov swimming pool and the n 1 h ides more and more things fori of man for participation n men which once they provided communitv lire are separate for themsehes this involves d disunct needs thev co ie making decisions for men which j together when the process for once the made for themselves i acquiring a wimnving pool pr and undertaking responsibilities mifs the citizen to take part in wjuch once were theirs and thus planning it thev do not blend diminishing the special qualities wn people are forced to ac cepl a solution worked out for them under ihe sort of govern ment called consentdemocracv i wherein ihev are limited to sav ing jes or no to prepared plan there are manv needs m a lished rut then a m anv or gan nation or indeed anv where int to carrv the load see 1h lanadd s that distinguish man from 1 ials and vegetables the spec ial qualities that make him map as was said at the duke of edinburgh s studv conference by a speaker from africa s the next on ihe menace atom bomh the third month much is said and prohahlv there i a lot of a od in it bu the effect is superficial and smattering with little happen mg of a constructive nature inform tb peopu vital to the success of anv movement for improving the communitv is that the people he kept informed fulv and in telhgihlv ommuniu effort will prosper more bv attraction than bv promotion but in or der lo attract ou mut inform here is a rea and construe live work for the neighhour pictures irtoria tamed larv ntinit inn untallv if anvone han t seen through the instiitne thev are missing a real treat tethnicallv ui be lieve it is classed as a mustum to entitle it to a grant and in deed has manv ntri weapon and books and prints thin to get back to the dinner t least three of the men amont those with the empir s hilh est award are no stringer to town charles rutherford was related to ihe laic tom rnvi and had visited the lown fn one arms in the lejjs 4er a poslmasiir on bv t srrm th at of fie of cold coast people are happier be alliens hood newspaper everv issue winners who attended democratic societv which can not be met bv statutory author jhey are encouraged to think 1 lu h was the report of andto put effort into doing 1 the roval commission on nat things for themselves for their ion development in the arts families and for their commun- j inters and scienre the mas ity group there are all sorts se commission the import or things which it is better for of societies m a communitv to do for itself even if these things could be vione more efficiently by out aiders asking question democracy needs little emphas is in this generation which knows that their suppression is the first move of a dictatorship but it is perhaps not fully real ized to that night pr sent sergeant at aims in ihi- ontario parliament ucori peark has also visited tpwn and ha a number of friends heri and ako has a number who served in his regiment during the first world war a relired major general he is minister of rial ional defence a transition implies merely a goal but a starting d upon their activities poinl if we are to move the a progressive civic council community threatened to uiov there are certain key words 1 roups of citizens mast compe- should displav reports of thinif planned and thin a done toward binldin a good communitv everv editorial page should propose new ideas comment on p roc r ess and heap coals up on the fires of enthusiasm the newspaper can be in words engraved upon the build ing of the detroit news re flector of every human interest friend of everv righteous cause encourager of everv 1 da shop leased for long per harvxtent democracy re rror or the otu the real estate purchased public mind troubler of bv the branch is doing verv nicelj and certainlv should arid alue of our properlv s room for possible expansion and in this diree i sum up we think serious planning i u u given to future ex with the liquor store and uhtir conscience lal terpreter of the public mtent to the vi uve 10 move te wols u high pnontvneedt of th m n g with his lever we need some i p experience and the s exonson ground to stand on i thinking of those citizens and should in tension we would rather think there are certain key words 1 h uzeos mosi compe- m to to guide the person seeking a en toj i the creation of good the logjcl and intelligent wv way to improve fau community j thinhnn h t0 1o do tms woui1 f llf find- out the necessary facts corporate that thinking in its slrtn r t l survey the areas where improve- deliberation ment is needed make an entory of tthe resources in people and materials explore means of rousing interest in form the public of everv step provide opportunities for ev eryone to share in the planning ajad work the best planning will flow er when the diverse parts of the es together communitv council school have been faced with many board welfare agencies labour problems in seeking solutions and business leaders religious tft have been handicapped by leaders service clubs and all gn prejudice and men other groups discuss the j tal inertia despite all this need of the municipality with min has over a few thousand slon roof over the bake shop there since the beginning men and by giving an additional hall women who grouped tbemselv i about a third larger than the ln communities present auditorium an open in the wall at the head after making a surve of the i another establish prion years succeeded in improving municipality be sure to vali ties and combine their resour- his environment and has had date your findings is this pro posed change really significant to an appreciable number of ciuuens it is easy to become caught up in momentary entnu- masm for something trifling the man who finds his car caught in a bottleneck wants ces to do the work an enjoyable time doing it social life revolves around i it is indeed a poor rejoin- we are throwing money awav these organizations and groups der to say about a suggestion and all of them are community for community betterment our forces waiting lo be channelled fathers got along all right wtn- into a tremendous force for i out all this fuss because of community betterment the j the planning and work that they mall streams will join togelhj did we are given todays -oppor- of the stairs would allow for a good large doorwav and would eliminate the necessity of a cos tly second stairway and also be in close proximity to the wash rooms kitchen etc and nnw just before the of doom ri their banshee wail that again would thev tnp to think of the added revenue where thefc would ba two halls avail able for rent as well a added facilities for our dinners par ties etc and we imagine that christmas is for mothers too and you can nak this her happiest luiisw l give her a modern electric appliance the gift that shows you care enough to lighten her work throughout the year modem electric appliances are easytouse economical to operate they give long service- lasting satisfaction this ear tie a christinas nbbcm around her most wanted electric appliance its a thoughtful gift because it helps her live better electncallj the safe clean modem wa liye better electrically

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