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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1959, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson niwstls umitb pumkation srvillj th oommunlhm of gaorrptown gtan wlllurro nofvl umhoum hornby slwrttowlc mllnafvd aihgrov trr con thursday dacambor 3rd 1959 editorial comments changing election hams j a growing georgetown is reflected in this weeks herald when for the first time a maonty of council candidates are present ing statements of policy on controversial questions as part of their election campaign in twenty years ofj following the mun icipal political scene there have only been rare occasions whencandidt departed from the usual tortlvof v vote and influence e not that there wasn t any campaigning when georgetown was smaller quite the contrary there were jansk behind the scenes efforts and being human beings all was not sweetness and light either we do feel however that this year municipal affairs enters new phase and that lo future there will be much more open campaigning more platforms more candi dates combining to run as a slate more claims and counterclaims and unless the election act is changed to allow a longer period between nominations and election day any new candidate who ser ously wants to try for office willhave to start fits campaign long before the actual nom nation day nomination procedure antiquated with a plentitude of candidate all of whom had something to say the probleif of time became important at the meetin- following nominations on thursday since georgetown was a village this meeting has always followed a set proce dure with council members reporting on their year s work then reports from appoin ted boards speeches by new candidates and finally questions from the floor it worked quite well until this year when there were attempts from the floor to limit time of speeches and to have can didates appear on the platform before councillors as such attempts were made after the mayor and reeve had spoken the chairman did the only thing possible and ruled that the meeting must proceed as planned one way of overcoming the difficul ty has been suggested by several ratepayer presentation of counc 1 reports in printed form if such were done it would be sen sible to consider rime limits on speakers the question of allowing questions fnafn the floor is one wh ch would require some thought here too there would have to be some limit on questioning time and in order to be fair to those quest oned a system of hav ng written questions suorn t ted in advance should bo considered one must realize thai a council ca id date is notlike our prov ncial and nai onat politicians seek ng an office which will be close lo a full time job nor can be be ex pec ted to carry all the facts and figures in his head to answer a variety of impromptu quest ons we suggest that the 1960 council study this problem and devise some improvements on a system which worked well m the past but is perhaps becoming outdated by lown growth sugar spice dts9cl b alli smiikt l tft wuitm see thronli elections i two- year term lacks support 1 chances of a 2 year council term being approved by ratepayers next monday should be practcally nil no present or prospective councillor has indicated he favours extending the term and several have been outstanding gainst it only maor factors in its favour could be a saving in election costs and a continu ity of council work over a longer period tha dollar saving is negligible and if a council meets with favour by ratepay ers it is rarely that there ts high enough turnover that completely new group takes office in january so we can see no good argument for such extended term controversial corner by ian cats 25 years ago jrouldnt want anybody to oat the idea i m crazy about dogs- i m net i think their in telligence rs highly overrated and i know spaniels ira among tho dumbest there are but playboy is no longer a dog he a member of the family and it will be dark and dole- the eshpile fui t round our place if n mothers thing happens to him i pr nc suit w lh loving i 1 1 i lie cnulrln l t t ii r nth hv hi art that he wa t i i ic ainrl no ood nte a iou like hut vote a jood losan to kefp a friend built him the clav n mind next mnndav in georkc iei doghouse in town custom town and esquesinr made of plywood it was paint r or bad a awing- hit arrival wai th remit of mg door and even a window a mental aberration on the we put soft bed in it and pari of my wife normally waited for htm to make him he it very sentible about am self at horn he refused to go mail like me tlte love cowi into the thing we tried every- pigt and sheep in the form ihing from pushing him in of steaks bacon and chop while he braced all four foot and is able to tolerate other and howled to bribing htm species with a nice blend of w a tidbit tossed into the unease and disgust but some- farthest comer of the house where she picked up the maud h has never yet been j nude it hn idea that th children h preferred sleeping in the wai one t r old who came n lati with the fi l hj spaniel pu he a christmas m nu n weeksold bund lr black culrn s w ih ribbon arou id h i thi mail ra says ratepayers only spectators at meeting 101 main st s to the editor georgetown herald dear mr ll mutt have come as some- thing of a shock to those of the electorate who attended ast week a nomination meet ng to discover that nm from attending a public meeting in the rue sense of the word they were permitted to be little more than spectators we witnessed the dad specl acle of the mayor himself ob jecting moatwenemently to a question put te him bj a rate payer during the course of bu nomination address and seem- mglv dictating to the chairman of the meeting the period of the proceedings at which the can didates for nomination might be questioned b the town a voters ie when they- the can didates had gone home the speed with whch mr sargent left the platform and his complete difrrgard of m own efforts to aired a few pointed questions to him at the clne nf his long address was remarkable to sa the least there mum hae been a num her of taxpayers present who most earner tl desired to probe tht future intentions of some other of those sitting members of council who are seeking re eleilinn some taxpayers in i ludiiic m clf would ha dcarh loved lo ascertain ex acth where some of the new candidates stood in relation to the main topic of this election i would particularly have wisbi td to probe mr pearcev port ers stand in relation to the ifcolop organization s efforts lo nicurt the release of a furthtrl63 residential build it j lots his nomination add- rx was singularly lacking in i this regard this gentleman cin then fore be joined with mrvrs can- zorge and beard t- having notabh failed to ie the people of the town know wlurc thev stand th this all iinporlint matter it will perhaps be a further shuck to those taxpayers who were sufficientlv interested in the affairs of their town to at tead hut trkrfttay- mmtfeg tekeow tfcaftjw fcav since been advtsay an official of the ontario municipal board that a nomination meeting bi mnnldpaj board toting onbs up to 8 30 pjb the time nom inations dose when the meet ing then becomes an open meeting at which any taxpaye may rise and question a can didate at any time with or wtthbut the permission of the chairman the only stipulation being that the questioner must keep within the bounds of good order f that particularly on the em i of this election we were jt pressly denied our rights to- question the candidates was moat unfortunate for tncvbesi interests of the town in the light of our further i knowledge of these rghts there will undoubtedly be man electors wfek will draw their own conclusions and cast their votes for tttose candidates who have come right out in the open and declared themselves without question yours for 40 60 and verj ruly h n martin close race fob br i do i honours in tournament closelv grouped for pj honours in a bndgeournamenf at north halton golf uub which ends this week three of the sixteen teams have the edge pjaving the fifth name on fndax cecil mcnamara and stewart young advanced from i fourth to first place with a f high total of 14170 points mr and mrs sid orr advanced to second place with 13 830 mr and mrs bill breckenndga dropped one to thud place with 13 440 high score for the evening was registered b mr and mas walter biehn wfth 3650 lorne scots promoted the promotion of four local members or c cov lome scots was announced last week privates douglas tucker and tern- evton who qualified oa course received moves to jun ior co sgt william collier to staff sergeant replacing statt sergeant eric timms who is promoted to csm business directory dont give your child a fet for christmas with so much human suff enng in the world todaj per- 1 haps it is putting the cart be fore the horse to stir up public feeling against crueltj to amm als 1j is however one of the paradoxies of human nature that makes it easier to stir up feeling against crueltj to amm als than it is to do the same over crueltj to humans one difficult aspect about the sub ject of this column is the fact that the crueltj is the result f an action motivated b good intentions in other words people who give pets to their children at chirstmas or an time usual do so with the idea of creating happiness this it cannot be denied is a food intention neither unfort tmately can it be denied that the road to hell is paved with good intentions it is perhaps asking a lot 1 el parents to suggest that the showld refuse an apparently reasonable request from their children in fact mans parents tarn to have difficulty in re- 1 fusing the unreasonable re quests this vear as in previ ous vears thousands of voung children will be beseeching and i cajoling their parents campat- gning as children will for a puppy or a kitten as a chrtl mas present the feeling in the hearts of these youngsters is possiblv commendable it m be a wish for something which thej can love and fon dle unfortunately the results of gjving pets to oung child ren seldom work out in the manner anticipated either by i the giver or the receiver on christmas morning the puppy or kitten frequentiv garbed in ridiculous trappings of ribbon which threaten unm meat strangulation is present d to the young daughter or mo the scene which follows 1 bit bt satisfying to the adults tad the emid doting which fkt i bnmtod and r animai to thvti of an the -par- mishandled to the point of ex haustion and misery after this the pet may revolt in one of two ways it may bite or scratch the child or more freqeunll it will wet on the living room carpet then it is but a short journej in time be fore the short journey to ban ishment in the basement the length of time necessary to convert the cute little pet into an unwanted messy nuis ance will vary from house to house but in most cases the result will be the same the pet was bougbjt by indul 1 gent but misguided parents for a child who is neither cap able of nor interested in pro viding the necessarj care and attention m best the animal will onl be subjected unimaginative cruelty average child while the par ents attempt to look after its training and welfare at worst and more frequentl the anim al will pass through an initial phase of suffocating possessive attention from the child fol lowed bv its becoming ignored bj the joung and an unwanted liability to the adults it will spend most of its time shut in the basement or tied up in a hack yard noisily expressing its miserj this action will be ex cused on the grounds that the animal cannot be housebroken an excuse usually made by people who have not the time or patience to carry out the first essential step in training any dog or cat the next step is a foregone conclusion the animal will be given to the humane society if it is lucky or it will be en couraged to leave and fend for itself in the latter case it will either be ruoover killed by another animal shot or become a ribahowing miserable stray eking oat a precarious exist ence by knocking over garbage cans this christmas thousands of ts and dogs partjcularty dogs with their secujiar- faith la knaaa bat wth u mm- echoes from the pages of tha harald dm 5 134 there was a large vote polled in the reeveship contest in the town on monday and notwithstanding the fact that reeve harold cleave had three opponents he headed the poll with a total vote of 274 mrs norman snvder was the luckv winner of a set of dishes last night at the gregor theatre with ticket number 001599 the manage ment of the theatre has arran bed to have this luckv draw every tuesda and vtedncsdav nights until christmas the set of dishes consists of i plat ter 1 covered vegetable dish 1 covered sugar bowl 1 grav boat there was a large attend ance to see the moving pic tures of the ford 8 and mechanical features at it ip peared on the screen at the town ball on mondav evening following the pictures a dance was held and ever body had a good time 49 95 will bu a bcattv electric washer for christ i mas now playing al the gre- foryj merr frinks with alice macmahon guy kiik bee and frankie darro vm this side of heaven starring lionel bxrrymore plus chapter 10 of the wolf dog should have a doo i had tw-kimnk- hi hm oured her as am r 1 hi did canadian slob of a hii nut does whin his fc s a weird notion thr k f f course were it 1 i i lh i loved the in i b nk r derlv fr ni thi n i i i christmas nmrn uhin h i t bled aero s the f 1 r t lh r eager hands an unit a p 1 die the firt of thitvind i prefer lo draw a veil over the first couple of months of playboys prnnci m our household even now i deve lop a tlioht twitch when i re call those midwinter day and nights in short h was pup and therefore hank was lousy messed and piddled chewed to ribbons anything of value howled like a siren m the predawn hours and had to be comforted ith dew nd waking up soaked ralph ac 1 davies r v iiin1ant and audit r 122 juelph tit lieorrolow n ai51 offke hours mondays 9im 5 p n to pridd o cii to a cnttase w t ks n the summer rn chinked we decid i n w or never and i ii ion c he nnmed he i in the com pa m il raki h boarh dogs v ir ed to panic after f h we ninth a tearv search turned up looking ni 1 delinquent of whin mi tuil him ii mtli he howled v until hr wis let m wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr 7 263 tf for expert eye cars con- u it o t walker o nil t preu iplions filled hearing aid glasses t2 mam bt s brampton ci i 4474 re gl 16243 11 9 am 6pm daih ryidj 9am to 9 p m rmiims bi appointment maurice manderson qc barrister solicitor 41 mill st tr 7 344 roxy theatre bldg on in itrjmjm wife had l trainid from on quite a f fullv hnc nkin to him mvelf a week his mi in tones just th piercinc shriek going to have to her and the t fought for him tearfullv and i them just so i couli to remind her that it silh dam idea in place married pcnplr- of satisfaction out of i like that lull chyotmas shopping you cam beat values and variety offered by your friend ly georgetown merchants when christmas shopping vis it georgetown stores first you if be pleased demned to a fate worse than death the fate of being a christmas gift to tha child of indulgent parents before you make such a gift please con sider what u involved the gift of a pet into a household where the parents are capable andrwi- ling to look after its welfare may be wondettal thing bat in most eases the vaeonsldered gift of a pat aehfltj kt we managed to stave her off until spring glonoui spring when we could let the hairy dirty leaping littl fiend out we tied him to the clothesline and he raced up and down the yard chasing butterflies and beetles gnawing old boots en yapping at the crows he ate hk a wolf and grew like a pig he got sick and had to have costly shota he was a detlght to the kids who did everything for him eacept bath him feed him or clean op after him but the tittle devil with hi- perky turnedup nise hiv m i aneholy expression and his perpetual motion hind rnd gradually sneaked onto oar af factions even when be wound j himself and chain around myi lags while i was laden with laaage cans brs when be from that day there boon no holding him he has learned to swim to run with the gang to snarf fiercely at very small dog who want to buddy up to him and ot run like a doer whn large dogs tnarl at him he howls like a demented soul when he wants in or out he silt in the middle of the road lika a small black statue watching in all directions with a tten and piercing gaie mi f m s he k is tn school ii r i in mid for a while with hi o h r doi who do ne i tin n if it a cold or wii div trots down to the or fit thi re he appears t thi win low i ves me a look that would mi it the heart of a dope ltd lid inrf trots in when i pin the door wagging like a nietnmmr in high gear he penik the morning smelling up the plare tripping the cus t mer and upsetting the wastcbaskcts so he ran chew tuff all over the floor then ndis home with me for lunch georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited 22 main st south ucorgetow n ontario walter c brahn managing lditor cvarfield l mcgilvray pt niuction suncnntjendent office slfff john ouiyier advertising ieci bradlev terrv harlej t taut staff i m i lari hate rlftming b baskcrville tom curran member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario division ef the cwna lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main n brampton olendale 14824 44 ictona st torn phone lm 4 bui s m fa1sish ro ol rumbtrlbt mcnamara jewellers tmvusicklerba barrister seliciter notary 36 main s tr 7w31 idt williams bldg som r hamilton ro optometrist eyes exam ned r ppnnt tr 73971 bo 1ln street i fcorg etown tf a m nielsen ocu nd doctor of chiropractic and naturopathy for appoint tr 73t12 lady attendant lb4 uuolph o 7 hw 1 dale bennett and latimer barristers solkiton uroy dale s bennett qc 1914 56 qc 193ft ml 1 douglas v iatimer triangle 73381 23 mill st georgetown or j burns milne utmai slrulun r mill st tr 281 georgetown animai clinic c w sayerm dvm itjo fcraciph street tunc open 7pm 9pm mon tues wed fri afternoons by appolnhnt arnold rath bun lilt lnsuiance ematc anahsi sun life of canada 12 lonpr lt georgetown tr 7472 hewson ord and helson barristers a solicitors 39 main m s beside knox church i 120 guelpb st hunter bldg no hwv george c hew son john d ord frederick a helbon tr 7 2246 tr 78781 r dr john r kerry practice of oentisiry i x ray triantje main bt 7jmi georgetown dr p w w kurtllowicz practice f dentistry tr 73m1 13 main n georgetown fcnk pitch 1 k lnsld alctioveer prompt scnice pl box 413 7 2864 georgetown ir 1 w h cars professional inalneer a ontario lend sureeyer georgetown ont res 81 pr charles dr office guelph st telephone tr 73300 dr k w mccauley dentist 6 main street north tr t4841 tf p it i vi n t chimney fires use fire chief chemical chimney cleaners tu eliminate soot and cale from our stores and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood tired umts for sale at halton coop opiliii monuments pouock campmu designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 2048 63 water street north robert w fletcher i dim prontpt report

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