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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1959, p. 9

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cafer closing eo0 army bkk closes by alan mover district report shows local lions top meeting attendance club or their personal georgo calls during hu stayin hospital of zone and at irorhe this was hla irst since prcsidenli secretaries and of burlington who spoke to the thanked the clubs membership committee chair gathering on retention of mem cards flowers and i bershlp in the club mon from twent nrve lions j archibald chairman clubs comprihiiik region 6 at 6 soutn a reported on acll i public appearance tended an advisory board meet vines and work of clubs in his mishap e ing hue last wednesday i rone jack gunning ernie alcott weleomed by local president the average attendance re clarence kennedy jim joneb brine alcott the delegations ports by each revealed george- 1 jim carney represented the heard m discussion on the act town and oakville clubs at the local lions at the meeting ivilies of their counterparts top of the list maintaining an they were thanked by deputy and rfl iht same time exchang average of 90 thev werel governor stetler for hosting ied beneficial suggestions the congratulated for their fine the assembly district a public speaking con showing the visitation of clubs clubs present included tesl was outlined since inostof and club bulletins were also streetsviyfir malton dixie the lub participating are from discussed and budgeting and credit valley erindaie clark region 6 financing was outlined bv zone son aldershojt oakville bur the zone h tirman of zone chairman george archibald ungtun nelson hamilton cen a jim sum of oikulli dt the deput district cover tral hamilton eas hamilton hort iipm on thi urtii hij nor vi rii stcllcr who received mountain dundas aneaster jwtics and calte d mi internal severe barns recent h in a black heath lynden and lonal counsellor ruvj vickers chenustrv experiment explosion mount hope erring and witneiitngt tbesct are questions we all ponder and strive to fulfil 11 miss forgravea then led in prayer the members then enter talned with two piano solos by miss jane runham it was de- elded to give the usual donat i ions to cedarvale school and five oaks chrisuan training centre and a special collection was taken up which will be added to the christmas bene- i htftald th volent fund lengthy business period seemed necessary to complete plans for the annual bazaar on dec 4th at which afternoon tea and dinner will be served the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction and the next regular meeting will bt in january georgetown propane gas sales utd service for hope farm industry distributor for afagas ltd aonjcoukt outamo tank stored at glvbcmebc ohltjf 7 wchwat tr 72032 bill mcenery safety league promote safe toys for christmas mutual trust must exist with labour management says chamber the canadian chamber ofiurcs whieh thieaten to outpace commerce savs emplovcrs and txpansion in the privdtt area employees should be left the i of the economy and called for maximum freedom to work an enquiry inlo government hnstimj is coining ind little bovs anil urts alread dreamim of the thi ii so under thi m that m ilic mornint its season for io shopping j safe toj shopping i a studv dour hv the ontario sifelv i e iite hns r nutit out i sorni niti i mi tt t inch eje and improve coordination sonic suggestion wagons wheelbarrow ground equipment use ui ipervisioni tricycle cts in the age group four to n thmld hi p shopping tin here is a hopping 1 avoid fir shoot am m istr sits i sharp i dud nt or kit lltfl and i out their common without government int ion unless public hea safet are endangered canada is to maintain a problems spending similar to the hoover nall detachable must nionvj standard of li and empiovec gether in harnionviui trust it was staled prime minister die feitbaker and the cabinet wire told lv a canadian chamber dji commission h or stales if recogui high efforts t the lnited 2 aiw ind tjs pirls ich childn n how their should develop imagina i initiative stimulate plav with 1 tov other children and in case of mobile tovs he sturdv and ih well bihnnd suguslions m 1laj clothes simple eonstnul v isi ej lon sel cars t planes simple- games elcrfl houses small sports equipnuyitljoats ovtr tgm vears of age toys should encourage the child a i changing and developing inter e sis hobbies will have a i strong appeal suggestions ho i bbv equipment photography com and stamp collecting pup push an pull p shows ete musical instru meihs gym and sports equip ment science sets model kits weaving looms gewinj sets and games all tn all tovs are better made and safer than ever be fore and there are many more afe tos lhan unsafe ones so e house with care for a really mirrj cnstmas on pkn he der dcllmg clay- hand puppets table tennis i blackboards path and crayon mino millwork doors cabtnsts frames stairs screens prompt sen ice free estimate 11 water st tr 79771 winter parking no motor vehicle shall be faked on amy street in the town of georgetown from midnight to 6 ajh from december 1st to march 15th by order roy haley chief conitablc i chambt r i out that the gounimenl onla n spi nding nevertheless pom hiiji me rnmint ts ni ntih respon fov the i urn nl hijh ta structure and according to lirm about 1 1 reductums gov rnnunlil poliev should be dir f ex sibe fov idiftli headed bv president h ordnn ected to ttr love of calflarv tlul while pt ndi nres as promptlv as good industrial relilioiin can eeuin mir eonlilums pi run noi bt dihuvitj solilv hi ki- hi hnhir hi in i f tid laiion neverthi ess he d hijivts tin hip tudiu of gee lint i i ilton s in i ii d i iti m i loo in ions in in u nmt be designed o ifi da tint ptihona and mrpor p u aril isinble uk floitin tojs billoons a h n i nil tov phv ic il pljy ind sand tuvs x y then from six to ight tin hi willing of the hobln age as well as the competitive age ine fi tovs which encourage individ an ual mtertsts and those which indiue group pljv are both good sutm stions carpc nter tools good skates plav clothes kits for pi iving slot i bink fillinf htalion eh e trie trains fmarked with either csa or vi scil hooks and easj in eiel ki complete plans for bazaar at st johns mrs g ironsides the presi dent pt suit d at the nne nig of miens association roups of st johns 1nited thureh mon dav evening the meeting took irm of a pot luck dinner as in charge of group 2 ii enjened the beautiful repas miss mtibel furfirave gavi ai inspiring devotional based on the 3rd chapter of 1 corinth ians are we as christian km bassadors allowing god to make his appeal through us to others re we doing the best i with what talents we have we now have fresh orange juice georgetown dairy ltd our driver salesmen carry milk chocolate milk buttermilk table cream whipping cream sour cream butter eggs dairy bar open every bay 9 6 p m sunday 1 p m dfclicious homemade ice cream 116 guelph street phone tr 71u1 ilu t i f rs i h i duhlu 111 id thi 1 oil i it should alsii e u b h re sp msibilitic corn tin d surnr with itiiim nh jml both labour and manai me m should be cquallv responsiblt under the law main new pun in the pjlicv declaration on labour mamt ment re atior huve to do w hi compulsorv arbitraiion n p u sibil 1 1 of uniorii and pirketme dealing with thosp ivm s he chamber urged leisliiiou tin would ai prov rh for nhitn lon of riipiiti s w hu h ndin r the he ilth oi s f x of ih a public ibi cleirh i ahh h thai trade unions tro civillv responsible before hie court for their actions m citarh establish conditions under which picketing is lawful or unlawful the annual hamhor sub mission to the government also reiterated pnvlous policv that all strikes shoud be pro hi hi tod during the life of a collective agreement tha there be pro vision for strike set irmenl otes during the cnure of a strike and the takinx of sec ret strike ballots propi rlv sup ervised bv independent pirlits also rcilenttd vi a sf re freedom to work a resolution mi ummpliv ment insurance asktd he hed era i governmiitl to havi an independent vttt tudv ihc inemplovmin hisurinii t with a iew i resionni the 1 nemplovment iniinncc fund to a sound financial basis m particular ixamifij thi c as to sources of drd i corijc and rnancinj and lo make re commendations thi non ind to report buk as practicabh the gov ernmrnl w as told also that the canadian chamb er is urging it member boards and chambers to lake the lead ership in their communities in encouraging public interest in labour management relations and in particular in seeing to it that odsfsrig laws are en forced by the appropriate law enforcement p- ncies other highlights in the cham ber s submission covering most of the top economic issues of the day were policv declira ion on government spi ndin and taxation and inlirnati unl trade ll told vomr fort ix policv state men is and n solul ions were laid before thr gov ernmenl b the canadian ciam i ber delegation as representing the majority views of over 750 boards of trade and chambers of commerce with an underly ing membership of some 125 000 businessmen across cn ada a revamped policj declarat ion on government expcdditurcs and tsutation xjtvssed the over ej expendit- to the cosis of domestic proriu his md consumeis on lrle chimin r liev tjkin note for thi fitl time of regioml trade blocs develo pin around the world ururt the jvi rnment to studv their implication- and to keep can idnn pnelueirs inrornieil of the npportunilit s and pinbleins th it nii be pri si n t d rvisd policv mi cducit mil was din e teel a husiness it if it nr i m h olh r ihm thl lot il bin is of rridi and hjmh r if 4vm mi mp induce prominent busi ni smen to run for offm on school bnirds and to active support the improvement of duo t ion in the local conim unit whocpsi preseason tilts put bantams in spotlight the georgetown bantam hoc kek club apparent out to ditp licate the midgets current win streak are taking on ill conn rs mi pinnn the in hibit i ir ears jjack bantams posted wins number two and three over the witlccnd houncins ttrspihr 41 in the return garni ui ihfir home and home two eame scries and thumping port credit b the same eount on sundu in port credit il was 1 0 for georgetown after one period on johnnv dams goal from tn vor smith terrv ijine netted i pur in the middle frame nff passes from jdck nidneon and irn saunders capped he f i orgeiown scoring in the i ihiril from taavne reid reg pope addrd the lone hespeler goal late in he period from john macdonald georgetown penalties were picked up bv w reid 2 mm i utes for roughing and smith 8 minutes for fighting eaton and j urten of hespher drew 5 and i 2 for fighting and tripping the bantams locked up num ber three in port credit s s320 000 shinev new arena on slug gish ice with terrv lane rod iresswood jack gudgeon and itohhv kemshoad the trigger men gudgeon picked up an assist jack gudgeon leads the points race with 2 goals and 3 assists terry lane is second with 4 goals johnnj adams hod presswooti lairj saunders don me norton bobbj kems- head all hae one goal and vtkfm reid and trevor smith each have an assist wayne davidson jack cun ningham mike cummins lome cofell d hacfarlana doug vtvtavi and wyne rlddatl round oat ute team i cs slide tooi ra to b avtra carwful whm drivinti in winlvr slow down pd limiti wr 4 for good driving condition follow at x safe distance wmh p of won top kkr windshield cleai amjw mini tt5takb at intekvals mm mi of fn tg pvmp shakes ton ott brolr koclra ou and ramt skm use good tires or chains f m cfxtfflmrow i i jfl utsuxahce at assocut associate ow wd wtiwlae mtlm o somis this is still a critical election a statement of policy this is an e ution of cliircut simple iue no red herrings no sccu srfti ns jmiiml aiitikni in m il i mpt to confusf the facts can chdnxe this on pitmnt piolilims tan 1 explained in one simple state ment high taxation caused by too many houses nd too little industry this is not a question of who i for or against delrex developments ltd the original agreement for the development of the new part of town was a wmidi rful idea i nfnrtunatel the original plan is being for gotten othin2 ran he achirscd bv at empts to divide th town into two oppo inq eainps lie li ire ai e a n put of gemgetnwn and can onl be m sulereil as muh the rrsidents in this mea face the same problems as everjuiie elm rapidlv rising taxes taxe which are reaching the stage where capita invisted in hume bv aviigp income people is hring thruicnirt rj ihe increasing tax burden a 40 60 indusinal residential ratio is not an unreasonable stipuation nor ran it he ealled victimizing the aubdivider this ratio is being mamtainetl m nparb progressive towns and should be used as the basis for our expansion this expansion has not been stopped to date and buildirrg lots are still readily available the only thing which is not available is adequate induslrj the town has already made considerable concessions from the original development agreement the limit has been reached the town should cooperate with the deeopcr as far as possible but not bevond the limits of good mumqpal management there must also be cooperation from developers where can an such companv go to find an area which is not now governed bj the 4060 ratio there is no amih compact as has been suggested anv fsmilj com pact whkh has existed otm ben in the iftw 9 council the endorsers of this policy statement believe that some new facet in council are necesaary they believe in the necesaity of a belter industrial ratio thev believe in the urgency of strict municipal economj apart from this there is no familj compact the candidates and nominee who support this policv owe no allegiance to ati group or organisation and are not committed in ai wav support the views or ictlona of any other candidate or future member 01 council this policy statement is endorsed by- ian cass candidate for councillor john elliott candidate for councillor j h emmers0n candidats for doputyrai tut harrison candidate for councillor john henley candidal for councillor w f hunter candidal for cownotter ern hyde nomina for mayor harrison wood candjcuta for cajnisjilw

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