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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 17, 1959, p. 1

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telephone tr 72201 ffcwm r 71201 to place wat 4 in the harem the ukfc- t way m toy er tall easily and georgetown herald for fine printing a century service publish- era a printer b efffared by the herald te oaeraetewn and dls- aharind a sewd one mum port office dofrt ohm qeotoetown ontario thuftday december 17th 1959 single copy pete tn conta accuim hyde 1960 mayor flashettes lead santa parade an extra mature of the santa parade this year wasa visit by the hamilton flashetles who impressed people atcng the parade route win their marching and colourful costumes despite rain the parade drew hundreds of spectators along the route and the usual large crowd downtown to see a wonderful collection of floats photo by jays studio georgetown what council did water system extension here engineering firm will supervise council on monday engaged the proctor redfern engin eering ann to supervise a wat er extension which will add an extra deep well to the present town water supplj discussing this with air pro ctor it was agreed that onl one test hole would be necessarj to prove the water source which had already been determined by previous drillings a b law was ordered prepared to finalize the matter asked bj cr john elliott about progress on the new sew age disposal plant mr proctor said the tender has been award ed to pnd construction some time ago mr proctor had asked that a water line be extended to the new sewage plant location but council has been evasive on the suggestion on mondav cr hjde said this would hae to be discussed- by the i960 council previously he had stated his opposition to spending monev to instal a water service which is only nec- cwar as a drinking supply as a nearbv stream is available for other water purposes cr harrison said at monday s meeting thin as the plant will onh need one man or main lenance he can t ee expending a larje sum of moiuv cr hvde estimated this at 15 000 for a water extension rain- dampens parade route santa pays annual visit warn sober driving or police will pounce death in man cases will sup in to replace- tomato juice or coffee es a soberer for the life of thi partv this hoh dav season ua thi warning issued this week bv chief con stable roy haley whose depart ment ml be fated with a rash of drinking drners until the end uf lhe fctm season thi drinking driver is a potential munltrt r he said innrami or indiffertnte to the circumstances that are like- ij lo follow when hi g ts be hind tin whtel make him siuh but it takis two components to make the murder wiapon his car and hit ikon the tiivtra the chuf wainid thit mot onsts who are found to be in toxualed will he dealt with to the severtst extent of thi uvv not for just violating a ode bnt for endangering the lives of his passengers or the pass engers of another car or ped chamber active in m service projects a number of seasonal public service projects were rcvuwodi at a directors meeting of georgetown chambir of com merce last week at north hal ton coif club i meeting for luncheon under thi presidency of jack crich ton the directors discussed tne j christmas lighting contest for which prizes are again bong offer ri to householders whose decoration srhitnes are judged whos net rain rain go awa chor used georgetown s toddler pop ulation and officials of the an nual santa claus parade co aponsorcd bv the uons and the firemen baturdav afternoon but jupttcr pluvius turned a deaf ear and saturation replac ed mother goose as the parade theme the inclement weather how ever didn t dampen the spirits of some 1800 members of st nick s fan club who waited in line to greet the jolij old elf and accept their bag of candies the procession itself was made up of twentvone units headed bv the guesting hamil ton klashettes under the direc tion of betty feist whose bat on twirling feats have won her 125 trophies and 225 medals since 1954 onlookers saw thi rest of the parade pass in this order cm derella disnevland three men in a tub bovs brass band snow white snow man clown s and car mary man king ar thur and his court mother hu board indian camp red riding hood fire dept clowns drag on midget cars snow queen girls pipe band santa s help ers santa claus and candv tta gon judges dick miller of sloniv creek jim robertson of hamil ton and ab tennant of scar boro all former georgetown lions chose the provincial paper float king arthur and his court 1st in the industrial class the chamber of com merce fluau alice in wonder land 1st commercial inri the hunters and anglers float little kid riding hood 1st social the prov incial paper float was also judged best over all float in the paradt the procession startid al the dclrex market centre proced ed up the highwav to the main and guclph corner down main to the downtown business sec tmn and nude a lomplele loop ending al the john st arena where it disbanded bui for the distouiaginj weather conditions the parade prohablv would have drawn a leeord trowd find best people in municipal word mayor a tragic cndinj through fault of thur own if a drnir his nainl foi the s nlofcin winch sins ses the life vou savi mai he vour mn hi sh mid it kist thn iuh int rcsiw dyinkin r spiel lh safih i othtrs make sun whin thi oih r an wishing ith oiht r a hippv 1961 mxt var ou ii h with hcni to nroiistrurt a t commirrttl tiki u d and m cleirlv next paper dec 23 next wik s hirild will t issued a di earlur and will be published widnisdav noon adi erti sirs and thosi sub mitting n ws cop are a ked to hive this at tin utfuc b mondav at tioo pm in rdrr that thin will hi no d lai in issiinn the herald on thi arl ler dite hist liual plans wire made for the floal in saturdav s santa claus parade which proved to be a prizewinner the second j ear in a row it was reported that a mw displav sign advertising eo- rgetown is ready for intallat ion at the eastern approach to town the sign is larger than the present one which will he moved to the western highwav approach later in the season the chamber is again coop erating with georgetown urc department in distributing t is io s and donl s for christ mas tries to all dealers ask ing them to tie a tag to each tree sold brampton bants blank locals probably the strongest ban lam team in the area bramplon bantams had their trouble with georgetown sundav night when the managid onh a 2 goal diffi rence in hhankiiik the locals 20 brampton powtrhouse lit kid georgetown 101 in thur first encounter and mn to tk on mil dt tea ted th brampton midu ts m an exhibition game the mi usiiallv pou in attack wa il mim equillrd b the stnuic di leiisivi work of the uk m i iian was a siindout m thi mi iniijt town provid id miun lor the purl ndil baniaius hin last vof dnesilav nivht downing the p s 42 iiinmins irom ititd and i iimmjiim and kimshiad from uhriinp scond for georgetown in the first pi nod and cummins ijjiin from cofell and int from gudgeon and adams in lh st cond port credit lallud in lhe first and scored the onh j nl in the third milton plavs hiic suntlat night game time 6 p in sausages not steaks must pay way hyde i960 mayor couneillor for three jcars anil water committee thair man this jear ern hvdc will be georgetown s 1960 mavor mr hde accepted an accla mation last night when he was unopposed in his nomin anon to succeed jaik arm strong as the towns head of tivic government councillor em ihdc will as sume georgetown s top munici pal post in january when he be comes the town s mayor unopposed for office when a nomination meeting was held last night mr hyde accepted the position in a speech fol lowing close of nominations in wngglesworth school auditor ium at 810 pm ft s a great pleasure to ae cept the nomination and i feel 1 have mj job cut out for me to follow the high standards set bv mavor armstrong said mr hvdc as he was introduced by clerk c g benham who acted as chairman for the meeting mr hvdc said he thought people had heard enough about 6040 for awhile and he would not mention it that night i hope even one realizes i that lhe 1060 council has a hard row to hoe he continued taxes are high and 1 cant sea them lower for some time to come the town is going to have to tighten its belt and have saus ages instead of steak he thinks with no frills i nope taxes wont go up but if the do it will be lo par our wav he continued saving that it is not healthy for the town to continue carrying a de ficit at yearend tightening the purse trings will not mean stagnation in town he thinks but instead can mean better streets storm sewers curbs and pavement in the long run it will also en courage the industry george town needs and is looking for he said 1 11 do my very best for georgetown s good and i am confident the 1960 council will give vou good management he concluded milton too strong as raiders bow 94 tuesday milton helped the raiders do defense where he belonged and finale and each drew five and some stock taking tuisdav scrapping the third line milton two for their trouble george- night and the 4 report that didn l show it but thev were town drew 7 penalties to mil- cimi back painted pi inn for fans who l twi en the lint s i h thi addition dil miilhnlland and night t m ha i it juiu pllvuil w lilt i ill unit- sit hilp thi conn likt thi di mined mu hum for fi hi lnl imcclialf v laiin gloomv wi akt r tlit n their pottntial ton s 6 can n art with it ihur high coring onllia nipir jack price ot l ih vhtn thev stepped from b on mil i hocki v the raiders nc nit i i on ekmhli t acquiri six hllr afttr import- hit nve vet lo make lor mv mm i in that direction di rs l iv tu now il was 42 at the end ot the st twinn minutes mulholl nd shuker peterson and han here friday sh 11 ii highway property site planned new garage pi i he t diiu rs ii the ndhirts bodih mi tni nrs ot evt rv oth in lhe loop who mav pollen in tht list vi v ho owns the throne ton n fiim d to scan hi ir tjirti ilishcs i ni ng for ingli months hut mi icfon was tht licking its ilib and home uniunkham notched thi i r s tone talh in lhe enori as miltoi i ad roberts coring imi s and brown twict- the raiders best fratm minds each timi mi diffennei pattirson making his n turn a toarh bolstend ftie ilub bv in hint ron luvlxn biek to the the third when the giei n clad- off the si and pntud nunther 4 i ullen the marksman at 10 h irlctt and bud vartv trad id knuckles in the heal of thn itmporanlv delaved b zon ing teihnicalities a property on the highwav has been op- junior oned b a brampton firm jamie aerowat motors which plans raid l0 huild a car distributorship middle according lo m f hunter strilcheil thur wnose rcal estate firm negotia- thrce ieti tne a propertv slight h under two acres owned bv bli moody ts mvolved in the hich is conditional swan song for mavor jack armstrong completing his eigtf th term as georgetown s major was made on monday as 1959 council business wound up with full threehqurschedule the mavor announced his re tirement at the recent nomma uon meeting at the conclusion c the meeting mr armstrong spoke briefly his appreciation of cou ncillors efforts and the coop eration ot town emplovctn dur ing his vtarv in office i have mixed feelings about lcaing the council tabli thi mavor said for 1 have found i such a joy to be associated with the best and by that i mean a group who dedicate themsel ves to public service to their town and countv weve disagreed at times said cr em hvde but 1 want to sav that vou havi gien won derful leadership and we have all gained from it after the met ting the mavor and mr rmstrong entertain ed council and town officials at a turke buffet at thtir home on parkview bhd ice storm strikes hydro lines suffer a texas born squall that hit here fttdav afternoon and lam ed until late sa was res ponsible for power failures m georgetown and district ner hi week end when heaw tree umbo weakened under the weight ol the storm s wet cargo and came crashing down over hydrb lines power was off in town fori vanou- ptott up io inrve k hours while the glen was withj out electricity for almost ten hour some rural areas were uett powerless for approximate h 10 minutes saturdav night although th storjji wreaked devastation on hundreds of dis tnct trees the fantasu and ef feet it left in its wake sunday morning captured the shutter bugs and siteseers the be jewelled trees and fields ght rermg m tne ongnr sun present ted a wonderful apology i slippery hill three cars get tangled haadous dnv ing conditions caused a three car collision on maple ave west friday night opposite the pumping station the chain reaction was touch ed off when a westbound car started to back down the shp- perv incline after an unsuc cessful attempt to reach the main st interdiction a 1956 olds driven bv sandra scott of 103 maple ave was follow ing the first car and stopped when the car ahead failed to make the hill mrs bill hacroft of 15i parkv lew bh d was dm ing behind the sc tit caf in a 1956 m when the scott car stop ped mrs ravcroft swvruod to the left in an attempt to avoid colliding with the back of the olds but was unsuccessful the fourth car a 1953 chry ler driven bv kenneth joseph lav ell of 15 hvton st kidded into the mo and slid off hitting a cement wall on teh south side o the road the totel damage was estimated at 850 the i driver of the first car left the scene unidentified cp jim bilsborrow the investigation stress safety in schools emphasis on safety is a program of georgetown police association and the rotary- club and recently the new ken nedy public school received its elmer pennant in a ceremony- at the school pupils bonnie white and bobby raid hold made nw frr left to ght school board chairman edwm wilson councillor anne curne board secretary james f evans i constable tod scott rourtan john d kelly and principal hazen alien photo by jay a studio georgetown held the a build ing perm it being sec- tre sheet ure i ullen vnunber council appro vi d a recommendation of ce r getown planning board for an amendment to the zoning bv law which would allow public garage to be built in light in dustnal areas one of eviral change- involved in an amend meut to the bvlaw it is pre enth in process of review by thi ontario municipal board the new firm was readv to start building operations m mondat but construction has been delaved pending issue of a permit which until the form alities of the bv law amendment are concluded cannot be is sued bv the town s building in speclor j the propertv has 200 foot frontage on the north suli of the highwav in the svkes lool plant vicinltv a 60x60 build ing is planned bv the firm on the propertv alliance paper staff christmas party fortv two bravtd the cruel fnriat night elements to attend i the annual christmas parts i sponored bv the alliance staff association the catering atafl al the lodge out did themselves with a bountiru turkev dinner after which hi fi recordings courtesv l of vic davies of brampton set the mood for dancing door prunes wrre won b jac ob browers and helen rtn strong and manv of thou at tending took home prices vron m novelty dances and games i a committee comprising riy robson linda lit no and mrs george grasbv arranged th

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