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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1960, p. 3

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ylaw ho 59- rn ofgeorgetown a t ev s7t fcestricsed ae wtttkeas bylaw no 5781 ju taaxscdb thj-uu- the lllb dv november 1s7 and a application was made to the ontario kttiniclpal baud for approval thereof ahls wlujihailal hanw bifij i the ontario atuolcital bowd the by ia a wander ed and 4uued objections wrr utd on crii porliuo uxv w i awp vuulhas lb oiario afuucipj board referred uwy munium vf lb said bylaw lo thta council lor la jahbar tiifc- alaotatidv jlnd wkkhtai detailed omuidcthtiud be urb hiad of um laid uau of lb by li by the ceorgjowd pup roiam beard khd this pwmul at ll to othtrr tunu rud aa 1 rult this eunudretion tjow yuult u- hie mu kicipal turyorstlou 0 the town of ceorgelowb iicu hut the fauowug amendments inj tby u hereby niad to by law so 57 411 1 that in soning map re ferred to ta section 4 11 be deleted and lb aonitig nup at tathd hereto b subitilultd in iu hlac x that section 4 11 h her by delated m it nlirly s that saltan 4 1x13 u weby dlted in iu allrwly 4 that lb following words ire hereby dlet4eiea section 4 ux3 provided that wbre the nonconforming us is of dwelling for dwelling purposas suoh us may be resumed even if such um u discontinued or um dwelling bmqkui vacant 5 that tin followiagwords ure hetvby deleted irwuiiiii u of wtion 4 12 3 1 and notwithstanding clause 4 122 aubiactions 4 122 1 4 122jand 4 11 tj buildings which at the peaiiag of ibis uy law were us ed for lb operation of a farm mar i garden or greenhouse bad or yiursery on land which i aoned for residential indus trial or eommerelal purposes way be utad enlarged rebuilt r uiitablt new builrimgi rec idw long as thry are ud for tha operation of a farm mar feet garden or srethoiuc and i r nunery that section 4 10 is here by aibfcoded to read as follow kfmuve dale this hy law ah 11 come into effect on the date that it is paited b the council subject to the ontario municipal jfaard approval 7 thit section 3 1 1 is here by amended b adding thereto th fallowing mjcuod which ihall he known as scima imh which ihall rvad as fol iowd where la this hy law ungla family detached dwell ing is included in the permitted uses in a ton and where no public water services and no unitary sewer services are av aiuble the minimum lot area thall be 13 thousand square ft nd where public walev ierv- icea are provided he minimum lot area thall be ieventy five hundred square feet ontario rl k703 th ohtak uuhiclpalt bervby kmodcd lo read as fol uw side utd hear yards where such yadj are abutunjf a street tine the talnimual dis- uoe betw4h the buildings and the suit une ihall be m feet btberwue lbe toinimun mar yard thall be 30 feet 18 that bcuoa tixrs u hereby aintiided to rad u fol low rar yards in a cen tra cununercial iine c2j e umimuni rear yard of twenty 00 ffcrt slal be maintained clfir bf all oburwctioat- iv that seftum tiilo- i thervby deltli lo it eouiely 20 ttutf lbe words id wuoo 7i 3 fcrenewby deuud in tbelr twir entirely and the following bowtd bereb hvpoinu rtaday words substituivd tberefw be 2nd day of jaimaar la0 in ike mehw el sectle 17 a wl trial manmieao act ij and in tluc afattkh or m dpli- emboo of use corporstioo of tbe town of goorteiowe for tiaal approvl i ua beairicied area byuw mt witn the exception j 5tuna lo 1 1 luil u lxrl and 10x31 paaied im lllh day of november 1bt avoftmatrr fo huulmo thjc ontaw0 a0nlc3paju words substltu pkrkrtig one off sbct or ug sp abell be itrovlwud fur acb tivv euuuy- of nuni muu abilt or fur eb 1 w fct of induuml dear ace whiebeber is the grelr 21 ttul the word jll sctijzf yuu buby deulcd ujjhrw fiitlrtty and lh following words suulltbfnnvrefur leading onlofnng uparnf ll fel by 23 feet with a clear height of 14 ftl fur iulwo jjusre fet or lru of tut but nut or eulblikhmehu un der 3 000 vuuar th iiithat wlion 72 11 ts herby amended to read a follows tcrmaaive usi jboji for th rpair alterably or manufacture of auiall goods and wares laundries printers cla ner and dyers storage ware kous public uaragca and tr vice atalions mtaeh are not ob noxious as dml in section 3jw within encjuwd structures or buildings u that saction 73 1 u here by amended by adding thertu th following aeetioh whkh ahall be knowa as section 7j1x which shall rd as fo lows notwithstanding anything herein contained the follow ing lands may be iwd for the trectton and use of a tingle family detached dwelling in ac cordkiice with the provlmons ol and subject to th nequireinenu of section 3 23 the lands hereinbefore referred to may be more particularly described s follows all and singular that certain parcel or tract ef land and premises situate i ing and being in the ton of george town in the aunty of hilton and province of ont and being competed of all of lot 4fl ej cept the most northeasterly ten feet throughout from front to rear thereof on the northeat tidr of academy road in the said town o oeorjetown accor ding to i ian 132 for the aaid town 24 that section 10 1 1 la bar by deleted in its entirety 25 that clause i of section 102 1 1 is hereby deleted in iu entirety 25 that clauie f2 of section 10 23 1 is hereby deleted ia its entirely 27 that section u 21 is hereby amended to read at follqws accessory usei park ing gariges and accessory buildings as required for the agricultural uses permitted 28 that the words in section 112 3 are hereby deleted at user hour in tqodk to forenoon at the council chanv h georgetown oouru for the boerlng bi an bertiea inter lod in auppurtlog or oppoein this application uatru at toivblo tnbj mtb oy u this bblke bi aua directed 6 the attention- ot owners of brotherly in th townshlt of kaqueelng wbom lands abv sm the land to wblcb this hyuw no 3701 aiplus a copy of churchk1 comuni 0 tclwroom ot mk under the coral uue llehttage tne c3c wlppre- aent e oaxsea of hajtfbour bins ed procrmm bolfi4 la drama b canadian cborcoea thetu kpn thu sunday jnnuary lotb at 300 tun- tt baxnu- cnurcoea represented in the aoriee are anglican lkaoerut baivetiea amy ft art catho lic beoust united ckwrcn preabytcnan all naeoibcra ol um national ttelicumi advis ory council toftmy lawtt tttttis to hisw school sscttoaj a meeting of lbe bew wtnoor eoction a fc ivjumoi was behw 1 the uordw pauic ackool ol wednesday evening decanibor sofa wth it pveaenl mr j lull wna tebd u chair- nun for the evening lata- jubil walue tave the aectetary and ueanirers report three hew uuauei had to b fleeted fur bylaw no yro bi avakubl fur inipwrtloa ia the office of tha undertixned clerk treasurer 3fi mam street ntb ue new achool aocunnr tbey were- lr ke qu toruro yeara air ainrtia soutbwood fur two yoart and hfr j hiu tor one year birthday greeting to katay crextoo who will bo oigat yeart old on jaiunu j mis- the norvnl united church choir attended st stephen s an- glican church candleiighl aer- 1 vice on sunday evening janu ary 3rd they preenlfcd two hour of wonderful inspiring tauic and wong bf k in song and story h the choir was led by kathleen coombs atnd the organut wmi ronald laldlaw keith ula atltndtd the uort c6uu laat week at the oac at cueiph bj tphei a ataclkoau qburcb akifikfgatiil held 4hetr ajibu christmas supper on wednesday evening ijmber 3mh mirir the wuopcr evry tkue enoyed the nalivily iy but on by the siewarttown arid ftomby church choirs tb roovbined fccnior ehoira sup- pjid the tnuuc a ltd the jualw rliri acted out veruon of the ftl time mktfy play de sictlng the utrth u chrul bvv k uaxwrll read the chrut njki story mrs al mye ami mr llarol i ktiin jng the loio psrtw lls wire gaen from thi- chruliuas uc to all llu- un t lim hw tms mokmtowm motalo no reasonable offer refused stort building merchandise bargains galore v on mens ladies and childrens wear kentons cut rate 3g hlalrj stftut noct4 tiao 1 come in and bttowu atkufld dy beboo ueuibrrs tow al lending sunday iw4tl tk irtaii were ilrtuda urdley cberl itradlfy r ilrvn jtrluy valda koyce wayne 1 suv au llrfclley valerie uoci- an 1 lluwarl ltradle mr and wri sa watare and tbax th buad iniq liaii baw hom lhrisunas wek on wed neilay evening december so forty rvtativrs and frunnj wld a bouse wanning phy for thrm sirs alan parton was us charge everyone anjyod ibw ganvee of euchre lunch ws wrved and then sua and ualda opened thlr fcoaay gilta that had baan gien to thenr with all the beat bf good wub- ee ia their new homa that hectlon 3 t 1 is fur their entirely and the following ther amended by adding thereto the following section which ahall be known aij section 51 1 c which shall read as fol lows notwithstanding the provisions of this tly law to the contrary a a building that by reason of its sue and age has become obsolete unsuitable and unmarketable for single family us may be converted to a dup- lex or a multiple family dwell ing provided that each dwell ing unit to be established therein ahall be a selfcontained dwel ling unit of not less than six hundred squar feet of floor apace and further provided that no major exterior addi tian to or alteration of such dwell ing house n made that will ma tenally alter the external ap- ka ranee and character of the tiding as i detached dwelt ing house 0 that section fl 1 7 is here fcy amended to read u follows notwithstanding anything in this by taw the yards for any building erected between exist ing buildings in the same mock ahall correspond to the average between the required front yards and the yard established by the existing buildings 10 that llaus c of section 510 li hereby amended to read as follows the maximum building hight or an accei ory building incidental to- residential use shall be fifteen feet 11 that clam al or sec tion 5 1 10 is hereby deleted in iu entirety and clause b shall now be known as clause a and clause c of section 31 10 shall bow be known as clause b 12 that the words for in alitulional building arc hercbj deleted from section 3 1 13 13 that section 1 13 ia fur ther amended by adding inert to the following cause whic shall be known as clause cix- re lid en till buildings uim mum area 10 ft x 20 ft pc dwelling unit 14 that section 3 2 3 is here by amended by adding thereti the following section whic shall be known as section 35 312 which shair read au follows notwithstanding fhr provixiorti ultiiis ey jbwlaihu contrary a the present non conforming ute or parts of blocks a and r may be ex ton ded to the whole of blocks a and b all according to plan 534 georgetown 15 that the lot area in sec tion 9 24 5 is hereby amended lo read fl 000fure feel in stead ot 3 000 square feet as heretofore i 10 that the fouowlnvords a hereby added to the first paragraph of section 524 9 lllolmanj area- 10 it it 20 ft it that section 2jv7 w words substituted therefor yard minimum set back from street line shall be thirty five feet for dwellings and garage buttdtngs and one hundred feet for other accessor buildings minimum side jards dwellings and garagtw shall be ten feet other accessory buildings shall be fifty foot j 20 that the loning map at tached to zoning by law no 37 01 be and the same is hereby amended to cop form to the ton ing map attached hereto 30 that by law no iolfl is hereby rpealoni its entirety 31 that thlslly law ihall come into effect on the date that it if parted subject to the appro val of the ontario municipal board by law read a first second and third tune and finally pas sed this 5th day of october 1030 john t armstrong mayor c g ilenham clerlr notice p r m ot8130 thb ontario municipal board in ttu mllur si siuu 7a l the planning act 155 and in tiif hatttr of in anpll llon ol th corporation oz the town ot georgetown for ipproval of its reatrictml are ly law 5037 niued th 5th tay ot oclobr 1050 appointment fob hearing the qntaiuo muwcipai 10arp hereby appolltta lrlday the 22nd day ol january 1060 at thif hour of ten 6 clock in the forenoon at the council cham tuu georgetown ontario for lha hearing olall parties inter cited in aupporting or opposing thla application datotriifthtbrthtintttrf day ot december 1059 wcvera asecty tkti notlc ir also directed to the attention of owner of property m the township ot kscjueelng whose tlndl abut on the land to which thia by law no 037 applies a copy of uylaw no 5037 is available for impaction in the office of the undersigned c g 11enham clerk treasurer sb main street north georgetown ontario

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