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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 19, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson niwspakrs umith fumigation smaang the communities of georgetown glen wiuhsms norval ljmehousa hornby stewarttown ballinafad ashgrove terra cotta page 4 thursday january 19th 1961 editorial comment onthly taxes good idea mayor hyde s suggestion that municipal be paid monthly instead of the pre- t three times a year has much to recom- nd it as the mayor said in proposing this fitly it would be a two way advan to the town treasury which must f on heavy bank borrowings until mid r when instalments first stait to come and to the individual taxpayer who find it easier to budget for monthly ents than to find a larger sum of y a couple of times a year jne public servants each year when we attend t a sating of the fire department we are by the fine public service given by men on whom we depend tor protec- nof life and property whenever fire and as pointe out by a speaker at ting this vojonteer group is provi i service for atown of 10 000 just as itly as they did for a community a arter the size -i- and on the same basis only token payment fortheir services we would imagthe that less frequent tax payments originated in the days when ontario was largely rural and particularly in the mixed farming districts today mon thly payments would still not meet with toomuch favour but id a town where a majority of men are being payd weekly sal anes mortey which must be paid in taxes would be better allocated each month avoiding temptation to pend the mo ey on something else and postpone the day of reckoning wh ch mus ome we or plan and hope to see it adopted ihs year the department snows its efficiency in the way the annual meeting is conduc ted procedure is businesslike and tothe pointparliamentary procedure is followed no words are wasted and election proce dure follows an estanlished form from which there is no dev aiion it is custon ary fo seeial of tne visitors to compliment tne depart net on its efficiency and ei word is true modern insignia the new trade mark of the canadian national is now making ts first appearance on insulated box ui and trm ks de eloped by toronto designet allan u mnj thr wmhn is a continuous line foi nnng tin it tit in cn it denote tht role ot i inadian national in canadas development the move ment of nit n nuit i mis and messages the new trademark is the first step m a compn ni nsie re design program that will reflect the continuing moderniza tion tip s siem bright colour be hemes incorporating the new trademark as own in s liuck ind model locomotive will eventually be applied to all lie nib of cn c trb and coaches signs telegraph forms stations letterheads umfoii- n i aiuerlibing the n design program is aimed at building- and exundm ht reputation of the cnr is a comp iny interested in providing good service ind merchandising it with modem marketing methods controversial corner i cannot see why driving a highpowere boat under the lo fluence of alcohol n any more excuseble than driving a oar while unpaired i cannot see why leaving the scene of an accident on vater should be any more acceptable than failing to remain after a oar accident it seems just as evil and reprehensible to leava a man to drown as it is to leave trim to bleed to death by the roadside last july 12th in red deer lakean 18 year old was drownecraifer his email punt was smashed into by a 15 ft j boat with a 35 hp motor tbe boat driver returned fo shore i diately after the smash and apparently made no effort to save the youth from drowning r appears that he was not only guhttr of handling hjs boat m a reckless and irresponsible manner but also that he left the scene without attempting to save the life that his recklessness had endangered furthermore doubts wera raised regarding bis sobriety it is not idle boast town has a tire depar for o say thd george- cnl second to none canadian of the interior tack ting the elements on hit own term late found guilty on january 12th he was tried and found guilty on a cifarge of criminal negligence the jury for reasons riot evr- dent in a report of the trial recommended leniency and t justice g t walsh an nounced a sentence of sixty days in the district jail at first sight this s a cr i imn all j inadequate sentence for negligence which results in loss of life however there u more involved in the case than that on the one hand this man could be the tjpe who will feel this life on his conscience and who has alreadj suffered and will continue to suffer be cause of it it max be that this was one mad episode in the life of a man whose character eisentialu humane and con siderute on the other hand he ma be a complete moron lack ing m human responsibilities ami awareness he ma he without remorse for the terrible ihmg which he did evtn without realization or sense of guilt if the latter is ihe hill hrsl tne caw the sentence is futile and dam i because u neither punishes nor mi i see restrains i yes its news we went quite taken aback recently a lady reader of the herald gave her intbns of some of the items we class as why personals was one question we hope our friend is not a typical for if she is we ve been fooling ives for a good many years with the we put into gathering these bits of which we feel collectively are so im- arrt to the readers of weekly newspap- when one stops to think there is a ith of information ntained in the soc column of a newspaper sometimes of former residents are mentioned it brings them to mind of their neigh 1 in town everyone has a healthy cur ty about the comings and go ngs of r neighbours and there s a def n te rest in knowing who has been on a m trip the beach where a family reel spent the r sumn er vaca on ho le town where someone weni for cnr smias and it has happened on o is o i n di someone new in town has made a rev ac quaintance by not c ng that someo le from their old home commun ty is al o i v r g here conversation tnr ves oi suot s ot mutual interest and more fna o ce wnn strangers are introduced we can in ag ne lomeont say ng oh e you re to r btankville i have a bro ier if you know him to us the attract on of a weekly ne vs paper is that you do t nave o d e a v o lent death cornm i a felon or be nvoved in some maor disaster irj h f ne lews pag es nor do you have to be a b q so al piop leader to be included i tne soc al column iun the herald s a paper by a d fo every res deni of geargfiow add u r mnpr and wnen yo pro e i te o i s e io you o l r by pr q q te re contrary the favojr s a i on yc jr part l that snap we had there didn t it thi just make iou feel good u hi wir can n aim wertnt mi gbd vou in mom win a full bloodld anadun think the pari of the hard inmr core ot turn ik i u r cuuntrv and not one of slmd tin those imitations who live aw t blul ht r hwn in placts like miitlu m thiv 1 pr i l nil should sir mv ic mil hadda shove the loodv th lit out aain dw manv gillons ja liceinbir that s the straight fop ird man s i j t around here in ti r fn m thr real two c om mnts two comment made during this sad affair gne much room for thought immedidteh after the unnecessarj accident he was asked wh he didn t go to the assistance of the drowning seem and aiico wli i no kn what horn t itrair who move i outh his answer v repor tcr to hae been iook what he to me if j a lot like did to my boat there if ever i by others 1s the complete re elation of a hard bit the basic philosoph of man i their time north americans a oun in the early man with his life before hn the convicts has ihi nslupulk and nt sleet about the bain wand 5 why i wit in toronto latt weekend and i felt like a hard bittan centurion from the prov meet viftltlng rome in hie mid die ol neros reign you know p wln en tomathirtg they didn t have vtip away to one lousy little inch of stuih l let alone any know you d p chl hardly know it was winter ea cept for a wind blowing up ihe l concrete canyon that would tn i l cut the eyebellt out of you n r ill llsl ihl t lh our country s deep touth when the temperature i often awa up in tlic 20t not to mentnai the traitors renegade and peo ugh money whi florida end cal the language u who had to face tcr fight of it i like the cowboyi wild west oi who were dumped ashore in fulu drow m 1 ml tht man re- austraha or the flrtt monkeys sponsible is vorncl about the who decided to come down out hole in hi- bin i know of no of the trees and have a whack mir r trinj jinpl of tin t it ross inhuman revolting mat i eriali- domir chatlei ihe district at a glance undi i streettvilie i ft 1 i soeu t a point whn a man whosi fiinih is huncn and cold and without shelter commits some crime in a last ditch attempt to provide for them but this was no the cast the damaged boat j ptauhing j non esm hlial hi appai of the world who live in grind ing poverty and perpetual bun- ger precious few is the eb- yktaa answer even in our own country bow many ot us who have jobs and money are really worried about those who are un employed and living in despair and wanf who is worried ab out the thousands of chinese people who are ldcely to die from starvation during the next few months our own elected representatives are still en gage in futile pointless discus sion on whether or not we should recognize the peoples government not on how we can help some of these starving people to survive worships paper what aunst- of values will our children inherit from us if we worship onh the pieces of paper issued b the treasury de partment and the things they will bin what can we say if the grow up with the belief that their playthings are more perhaps lhan 1 itself the second comment which 1 raises quite a different que- i lion was made b the defence courim1 during the trial he said that a heaw sentence would not benefit anjone not the bojs parents or his rela- ue5 thrs stems rather a pec uliar argument for a legal man to put forward 1 cannot see that anjone eer benefits from anj sentence imposed for a crime the sentence for murder aoes not put life into the vic tim the punishment for assault is of no benefit to the assault ed the rape of a virgin child does not restore her virginity the prison term imposed on a thief js of no benefit to anjone whatever the punishment as- ced for a crime is meant to bt retributie and deterrent not tngiful and vindictive such a fathcadtd argument put i forward b a member of the to loga profession makes one fear our for the sumval of justice a plea for a light sentence could rn made for any crfminal on these illogical grounds if followed through to its illogical conclusion the law would no longer deter the lawbreaker justice would collapse and an arch would soon follow tht re are mam aspects of hieh are disturbing undible and of lalisin of fin ill m i l 1 however this is on idi nt which emphasizes i hi tiin nice sit for icgisla turn to uvi rn and control the opi ration of powtr boats on s after this the continued opposition of the of it because don i think we can afford it tene green pnnce charles we should sta out of nuclear eapunf but go ahead on atomjr research for peaceful uses dae hart arietta street yes i d favour that let term nuclear dlub ha canada transport to applied t the n troops and weapons and l s nuclear weapon wouto them fever canada staying out what do you think kit two great twu ri t ibh rits rrrur ir monarchs yoal anniver janiwr this on bathini into tht f up tn tht i ir s e is at i r a iin f m rt inn niru v jllth ld jamlr 22 andsun hilu than t0 jcir did n janu ji a i fllh jt i erne vr dud trouble s about the b ii i fortunate that in the real 1 11 l i heart or the country right in in rich the interior there are plenty of i rikht ut f the old breed thai mecti the good old tanadian winter lace to face look it square in ve ttm ne talki about it people fearlesily and inceiianmy i sled h tin 1 1 u tounril last mibdmsun similar to is heen sug onngenlle the pi n hj orange tek the hila aocalhtd club j crawford r r 3 or think they 5hnuhtbr m it mitchell joseph strct d be in favor of staying oul mrs t re yes i certaml macintosh mdntm ihl words of the wise there is m love t stronfi mixture of humanil gtru rns ity kindness friendship eteem a d a nxjimuh at smdr nhim h forile hmt oftrr mgnini miic 1910 ihe bi k of hikiwirdj1 p tints ml hi 1 r r w ts fiiiuii i ir his kinij qiidtities bur was no famous in a quitt difti rtnt tiitlll up ittir of he w rid litu a in i pru ml atui his itself becom true way f life and hang about the toother ringei of eikimo land working for mon y of ell thing a nd eating it off out of cant juit like the rest of ut 1 hi v d 1 m 1 111 thev lni 1 l th ir old mi l nu and d kih th hilt thai mj it i in le i i om it ix idi i hli hi in f r ilvi dav iliiii o spr nonexisti nt 1 horn of tin st modern frkimus hj l ilpp1 f i ill 1 burlington it irluiftin nirtation di part m til will turn imik the eakn djr iotnt- hft ljts laler this 1 in nth t i ricinl meeting j thi dtpiiiinint decided in in s ill s 1 khts hi hiirlinuons liilril pirk rosrnrbhnf those umilidi jt tin turn of the n shippir more iniporjiue than a til ii- slup to cnnsidi i own philoopbu before i the eas hnt f condtin nst how main of u- are more i interested in maintaining and j 1 increasins our own mitenal 1 ontario rt sort operators to the holding thin we trc in pro pacing of such legislation is iding a helping hand to the mm astnjv difficult to under teeming millions in other parts stand i what proved to be a mir aculous escape from death occurred at huttonvilla pond list w t l k percy laid- law norval district farmer while leaving the pond with a truck loaded with ice just got clnr when his truck and load crashed through the ice into ten feet of water of 10 and 25 years aqo echoes n the page of the herald january 17 1951 and january 22 1936 10 years ago ie of nine applicants for photographs ot liberal rally iiili i hi there none of thu mincing around in to robber for ui the only time anybody m the great interior wear toe rubber u to the new yean eve dance and we all lose them that night rett of the time we wear big rubber boot to tbe knee trou ert tucked into them in rather dashing fashion in riporltd seeking for plants that would mble volga and mosk brampton i and fin subdiv ision veiled tht pro which is boundid and second i in the follow mg message condolence on motion of coutull mondav night w the position of secret ir of fir irdul to the governor gen north iilton high school it olt nva please convey district board it ol gordon m her majtstv the queen and brown hjv choten for lhis of the numbirs j the rojal fam fict at a bmrd miplitu last t sinierr expression of svm- wednesdiv hi is a fnrnur pathv from rrftmbers of coun- bonrd mtnibir and n pwees i r ar the citizens of george- adatn spnut of milton town we mourn the death of l a gracious and beloved sov another local man has fc gcorre v joined the ontario provin cal police force cleave vaccinb wilson whose pan nl mr and frst vamiiws mrs seward wilson hv on of va uelph stmt joined the force m pimm house tjpes are use todav but the north before hnstmas and irs 0p bo discnvered is atill presentlj stitioned at uelph ont of lhe mosl e and th r s nmi of this wh around on bire pivtjmnj u tint s not living it s phving post office with no irirls t p this wiv wintir 100 the driviiu lloul it n ire ilki i skd i ku tldh ib i pliiiiiint boird has the idea under consideration acton hnndri d arton itched approxi r itknf thi id uh dirtidoii sou a whin vou tt t toj i put on vour brvkfs hilfwij jmtjiw llio ii hnri swivilmjj likt pilot or vou do g md vou can t sn inv dnertion for sno 1 stoppit thing in ihtiks o theres none of thi panty- wiiil talk about the latest plays and ballet and music and other exotic tuff those southern people in the cities talk about in winter our talk it rl 1 ikk chmlnns tins jo up in smoke dur ui aelon t h nnbi r of om mines first annual christ iius trn burning pirtv lst ul dmihnuls ind cof fi wire supplud trct to thi onlooki rs mil cton lin irncks and unbulance bnjide stood bv just in ci i the tntlitainment got out ot control milton fu aiumpt b the luuiii town to hivt a curling club is a dead duck in the words of milton coilhcilfwe the pur- ii q mis bialnce hume md miss mint lindsav enter tamed a number of teach ers at the former s home on main street saturday those present included mrs joseph dwer miss mildred eason miss marion hepburn miss lin nn campbell misses martha and graeme brbadfoot and mksts rouena and wilma stull nation against smallpox h means of cowpox vaccine wis introduced into frncland b dr fdward jenner ii 1706 but thire was a loaf light before it came into gen eral use 25 years atio some vandilous person broke one of the lights on the front of the new post office last night the ptpet ralor of sin wanton demnict ion should be several dealt with the georgetown herald published by thornton newspaper limited georgetown ontario watter c btahn managing editor garfield l mcgilvray productioq suuenntendent office matt aueen bradley tertr barley john othvier advexthung v plant staff beaver bariu block l m uark dave lasting b baskrville liylea guahv bob macarthur member of the canadian weekh newspapers ii open up a full line of ladies wear children and men rubbers also mens over alls shirts etc in the roney riimk on januarv 291 h the cahmman malft lppd to th boo h im clnh sl s pparrntlj oim are crdm nvufd lo rail and md theonuro i 1 l i- ulu 1bfu alnalr dlvlslod ok uu wwna ipbmu w iw wiv iit laian- k sl sill 1 u9 of the sturdy selfraliant their beads inspect th largi

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