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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the communities of georgetown glen william norvsl limehouse hornbw stewarrtown ballinafad ashgrovo terra cotte page thursday january 26th 1961 editorial comment bhod donations not all the mall ottawas answer to the shopping centra as seen by chaplean in the montrealer the local red cross branch is perhaps best known for the blood donor clime which are rftjld twice annually but its ser k embraces much more comprehensive program than mat i those who read a report by presidenl rosemary jordan m last weeks herald would be impressed by the many places where red cross serves a community and members of the spciety can be rightfully proud of what they do for their fellowmen the loan cupboard is perhaps not as wth known as it should be this is a sup ply of sick room equipment which is avail eble free to those who might need j1 alsa helpful is a group of volunteer dr vers whc will transport patients outot town foi treatment when required many jobs to do president kennedys role m world at fairs is one which we do not envy the new president musi immediately make policy decisions which will affect hse refafons between the usa and cuba important in itself but even more mi portent when one knows mat whatever th states does there could set a pattern for its relations with many orner nations in south and central america at the same time he must establish new relationships with russia in an attempt to ease the tension which has affected the world almost since the end of world war m and if we were in his shoes we would certainly be persuading the amen can diehards who still refuse recogn ton of lb red cntna government to stop their futile battle grant china a u n seat and attempt to find some common ground for discussion with a government which may w be to their liking but which must be accepted as being the one which will gov wn china for years to come on the home front a president al ways has more work cut out for him man h could ever accomplish m a hundred farm of office k no practical value reprinted from the milton champ on north america in the i9rh century ws by all accounts such a happy hunt ng ground for medicine men bogus inventors and charlatans of every k nd that we have often been moved to wonder in our super inte est in the instruction program at the community swimming pool sponsor shipt3f first aid and home nursing courses and aid to victims of a house firewere other faucets of red cross work which did not receive as much publicity during the year as they might have and it was pttil li aily interesting lo note m aaiss jordan import that a missing persons bureau bulleti 1 poie 1 locally had paid off in pulling a tarn ly of new can ad ans in touch w th relatives in another part ol canada red cross s a community activity which deserves your support financially whei asked during the yearly campaign a d pnys cally and morally at other i mes new flareups in the bittet integration battle in trie southern states must be sol ved and solved quickly if the emerging afr can nations are to be i eve that america is rhe land of the free that t claims to be racketeering particularly wnerett has inf itrated labour un ons must be stamped out if present leg slation cerrmoi deal w rh gangster so well known that l fe maga zir e could run a couple of pages of biog raph es deta i ng their crimes then it is pas time that the slater overhaul its la vs and stop allo ng bg time cnm rials to laugh at the laa and become a f r ghlen ng men ace to the very framework of government we don t expect any m racles in tiie world scene nor do we expect mat pres dent kennedy can in a few short years overcome ge ierat ons of qnorance and racial prejudice tne best we co jld hope for here s a slov but stead proqrps but we could expect fas ar on aq a st the ga igstors v o make far h ir ler task masters in so i e ur o k i ons don any ma wjer a desoo n l e ps i it s en encouraging sign that the pres aent nas placed his brotner a i a knowledqed foe ot gangster sm in tt e important post of attor ney general sugar spice dlapndad by bill smilsv iso madam mr diefeobaker does not rive away trading stamps every wednesday at 3 oclock controversial corner new president takes over anvuui who his bun a pijiiiul observer for an lint of turn liii unit to ixput uttk but plautudcc tluhui a rliitoni from pohtriius during lhur inaugural spcutun ir dint john h he niii iv much tied in rimiig abovi tlua nuaii av aji dunnj his sjkk1i lail rridav thin docs not iisi forh au h nr unfiriiinatlv dipc riding on how ou vuw it oui sin oft ic whuh will pi niul oiil man to diltrini nt whither the wo shall luvi pi m or war hovtvtr tht priiiiunl of tin i nil s ilt- probiblv h is as nnitli mflmui i anom m hit ili world in promoting pi ictfiil mximsmi sen proposals w hut ul ixilil mil all 1 pi list in ptttion in t brui lo dcslrov th attaolute 1 if mr ait ion tint vrv hartm fiansporf d pai llial ttu nt w pitsi ui nniitigau tor th fist lime lhioh thudrrwr mi n al 1 ull nulai pr i irovmual lilt w ii llkl nuthud in obtained b s attion will crt ited b thr advertisers lay to a real extent in their lux un us abundant sudsing ac lion we can all recall the sun ptring oung lady in tier bath eojly decorated with soap suds so that only the permitted por turns of her anatomy were visi bit 1 suppose it was only nat ur il whin detergents appear 1 that the manufacturers felt tht could only compete with so p on a bubble to bubble ba ss mi to spiak therefore whin sink blub and glub etc ttinip on the market they in eluded an additive which while miking no contribution to the cl inmg powir of the product 1 i provide the foaming suds so dt ir to the housewives heart of i smi nst also fir tht taki n lo pnvnl iilol of arms itlirrtnii of this jiol bsi imi powr m pinmts to obvjoush iniqua ni urns uiukr i lified appliimis it is poinlli ss rol of all na for tn it to spontr safct nilv tan iui ainpalkni to redin trific fir daths li th ny tin pr ml 1 1 o ptnnil dl-ivir- on ill ami w are mcupiblc of ri skt1 jlit alone undi rst md n tion fundammlil ins ruiti ijis i hichw iy iwlr mr dt nl m no se h be he lor way if our grandparents weren t more gullible than any general on before or e however the follow ng tern laken from 4 musty copy of a boston newspaper wished in the year 1873 would ser to dicate that there was after all a i m o what even rhey wou d swallow a man about forty s x years of age giving the name of johue coppersm th has been arrested in new york- for attempt jr9 to extort funds from igrtorant and sup rstttious people by exh b t ng a ri ce wtltch h lays will convey the huma voce over meall r wires so tha by the i ste ler at tnc otner e d he c the instrument a teepno e n en s v ously interxied to r ate e word egraph a d wr t i ontd e ot n o kro v of the success of the laier situ w tnout u ng- trie pr pies on wh ch it s pased also w 1 thai und rp niltf not h mvti poll ita s rv xj t fin 1 our i t ml l it wl 1 hi i n inch i nff the rs ho th it tin li phi vol it consist of ill n wilh soft shonl h ti iffir mt found ghstaning froth lnforiunatch dlua glistening froth which clogs up the wash in michine and requires gal ions of water to wash down the tub iko clods up sewage dis posal plant ow that detrrg nls are eslahlished public pri asiir should be brought ag nnsi the manufacturerb to rcilui this pjnsitic foaming ingredhnt if this is not done mav find that the millions f d ill irs spent on costh sew li disposil plants isnt enough i w m i hac to spend further mill ons of dnllirs to dispose of iptri 111 s of cuhic feet of use hlv which our wives t llroad wasted millions dollars when the bought original product siimmc up tht c t rcckliss c is ol mr jnnr a parmunt ofgw chamber annual -wednesday- we rnposs tile i we w rei ri laf fs and for ed peop e t d ix ot o apprerie be conqratulatt d a ay be do j jvitti dot gnals oitre morse code posstble to do so the h no practical value tne a id thil 1- iik ul of r milt of lilt ic and dt t nj titninl m mbililt to this spat check i it s to be hoped be prompt and as an exa npk to of fellow the mail bag illo and the sam asks what is minor tax rise 56 stevens creec georgetown ontario january 23rd 161 georgetown herald georgetown ont llbe editor dear sir in my speech on nomination t i slated that i could tor a tax rise of at least fixi t in the year 1861 in kiep- ftotf wm the lever report that the five mills for the of construction of thi jewer and disposal plant uie agreement belweert the and the ontario water i commission the com first come into the deorjte rates hi 196 the lr also stated that there be a 50 per cent increase existing water rates to for ttie maintenance t was pvbliabed m our last o cwb paper that the ratea wtwld be going up 1st 1061 fulfill half of what was predicted r lever report i moat my i wry cagey gr- of the to a i com hnatih ull will hive to o up 1 hopt the people of this town will not blame the wrong persona thin agreement was enacted in 19 9 of which only three councillor mill exist hi worship the major slat d i in hi nomination spec h that j if there was to be anj tax in i crease this year it would onh be a minor one what t minor or whose budget will hae to suffer to take up the cost ri the disposal plant it sun u can t b lhe road budget tnc tui our road art gitung much worse instpjd of bitter so 1 wish him luck for tin taxpavcrs msilf mclmlcl want to know where thr riti i on tax rnies is going to end and 1 can alwavs saj 1 told ysu o yours truh bill richmond wor05of the wise n in indeed a desirable thing to be well descendrd but the glor belongs to seek si000 for blind the amdian valional institute for the blind n now conducting its aniiml campaign to carrv on work on behalf of the 87 regis t red blind pirsons living m llalton ountv approxi mau l s1mmh is rquind t priwile uiri s to tin futil sikhhess persons in the rcnrgetown rtislncl the l nlb provides fre of charti a c mpltl r mic priignm for all sicln n onmiss rnki ti enn was fnrhss and in m tn of th dist 1x1 m1 n p outslandiiif iiiupixhmsini o un s of bri 1 r ur f r otbi r nni ii th bo b union t idirs public scrvinl and liwrsj 1 imi ih i h ilins for the annual tnik ind election of of rs wen drawn up at a ttinj of directors of the nitibir of commerce last sd at north halton if club ctmg next wed iv will feature a panel ission with hitori a rnuple of other outlining some of the nits of their organ n the director voted to recently i decided that some- my curling shat uvn 0td a coupla of times thatl 9t on one of tha curling turns and curl in fact the other day aha bought about eighteen skeins of that big heavy wool and she s going to knit me a curl ing sweater i told her h would be fipohed just in time to wear when i became a skip and she seemed as pleased its punch shes going to knit ihi curling stones and scotchmen and brooms and all sorts of things like a moose and a polar bear and a pair of cross cd golf clubs in case 1 want to wear it golfing and a fish erman pulling out a big trout in case i want to wear it ash ing on those nippy days half th fun of flood out door game like curling of course is getting ifca terms right theres no use taking up a sport unlass you know what youre talking about why- sitting around with tha lowi and talking about and nd rinks and spiels and spare and the drawgame as opposed to the knockout gams has done me a world of good i can feel my cles tuning up my lung de veloping and my back straight s and it s done wonders for tem is toned up my outlook my coordination and judge- l fresh and different i fsel menljlwas actually beginning lo feci that i had lost that close liaison between hand and brain that 1 d had for years but tbe- other night over at the curling club i pulled off a couple o shots that had them all gasp i felt about eighteen years thing must be done to ward off old age and complete dis ability i realized i must have some recreation night after night 1 sat in my little hole in the wall up to my knees in unmarked essays halffinished lesson plans unread examini tion papers and all the oter paraphernalia of teaching a paperhappy profession if ever there was one slumped over my card tabic cigarette smoke thick as egg- nog i could see nothing ahead but stenographers spread per manent curvature of the spine cancer of tha lungs and total blindness for this i thought bitter ly 1 left the even lenour of my newspaper work where the only things that threatened were hypir tension boozer s nose my trick knee my bad back a heart condition cancer of the lungs and the odd punch in the face from an irate sub fechber it was time ts act and when i make a decision theres ne- hesltancy in carrying it out it was only four or six weeks after i threatened to do some thing that i joined the curling club ive never been sorry ijnute pnywhote sys- j fresh and different like a new man it s not that i ve done an curling yet oh no after all im new at the game and i m just sort of studjmg it up i m not one of these impetuous chaps who hurl themselves into old again when a couple of the a thing and then make a mess old timers clapped me on the of it i mean 1 wouldn t wantjbaik and told me they hadnt to just go right out there and i seen anybody in years sink the clrl as though 1 knew all pink ball in the side pocket as about it neall as i had done most of us older curlers dont bother why i could go out there going on the ice much too nd make a complete fool of darn many women and young myself if i didnt go into the fellows but we do enjoy our game thoroughly so ive been game on the pool table in tht reeding articles on th sport clubi nd looking at some of those beer ads describing it and i m jutt sorry i didnt take chetting quite a bit about the up curling years ago but ifs roarin game with some of ideal for chap my age even th boys and i must admit im when hes new at it some getting the hang of it nicely i middle aged fellows go flmglng themselves about on badminton the kids encouraged mv en courts others play squash jr t hii si asm and did all the could handball to keep in shape or to aid in getting me back into j do boring calisthenics or work top physical trim the bought out on a rowing machine some me a curling broom for christ even go to the lengths of walk mas and it s a beaut one of ing to work theft all very those rial twodollar brooms j welt if all youre interested in that the regular curlers use is punishing yourself to stay it s the handiest thing you ever young saw for sweeping off jour gol oshes before ou come inlo the but for a game that develops house much easier to handle the mind as well as the body than one of those big awkward th it shirpcns every faculty kitchen brooms i heightens everv experience hi take curling give me a cold and my wife hes certainly winter night with the hoots surprised me she always seemi and holkrs of the curlers in little cool about my going the frosty air the resounding ashing or golfing or deer i pock of stone striking stone hunting or playing poker or i the color of the costumes the t turkey rafflei or any of the frenzledbattet ofthesw athletic events of that nature and you ii find me right down in which i used to participate there inthc billiard room with but shes keen es mustard on the rest of them 10 and 25 years ago echoes th ills p itu lii in to- maps printed ntt t not 1 fliltd but ik i ik con id he hi t m not the ruli win n i ism s without t polu kirn to mioui imi us of sorr st ite of i s justice d us administnlion sweeping reforms i foresee some sweeping re mis b this ven voting md n wialthj ni w ittorncv fit n il and hop th it sow ose genllcmin who i ist hive so proud 1 b tin it d spinhle pnsl in 1 jur for ever blowing bubbles hen dclitmtits onwn ilh appeared on the grocers ejicll tht rwd to compete with soiv products the appeal of soaps for distribution to service si itions as a public ser tce to motorists co op- ralinj with bantam hoc- k wt t k it easter the ihimhtr will p iv costs of two street banners to pub licue this event which will draw over thirty visit int l ims to compete jn the tourinment tr nhlr hit foi 1 the istcf will thir 1- ons hv plularh ancestors live and bear it she at sickbed wha1 do you mean you hae nothing to live for the housp kn t paid for the car tsn l paid for i the tv set isnl paid for g town and llalton t ountv such as lihran sen ur sucinl st n ice pre school blind child care eje bank res arrh christmas rifis and recreation such an annual picnic where there is no other source of in come other than govern menial pensions the cmb provides emergenev finan cial assistance modern living accommodation for sightless person is available at riarkewood and other cnlb residences ubtful futures we tnav dip rn ite the huj person il fort j urn s of tht kenned fnnih but at leim tht re is tihi con srtldtion thit thev will he dif frnilt ni n ti bin t un for e reck jitimtj hoffa stirs roebuck and all the guilty dpt of transport lute ajnn a court trial of a major driving off use his i wiled a driver on tht raids of ontario who could n ith r sgnk nor write fngltsh court disclosures of such persons kav inn driving permits occur fir too often whin one cbtisidt rs thtt onlv a small percinligc ire brought into court in this case the driver was responsible for the death of one person and injur to eleven other what action one cannot help wondering merry menagerie by watt dltmy tbgjy both hqn fa t2s9st ll from th pages of the herald januery 24 1951 end january 1936 10 years ago a motion to build a new si boo in tht northern pari of halton and to add a gjnasium to the milton school found little favour at a miet ing of the north halton district board in milton monday tht re was a suggestion that if mil ton was adamant in refusing to cooperate on one school the town be allowed to withdraw from the district a canadian nat lonal r ni wais scctionman for ovir forty vears emanuel mike lorusso has retired on pension mr lorusso was honoured bv fellow emploees on the rail wav on saturdaj when tlu gathered in the station rn the evening and presented him with a leather wallet contain ing a generous sum of money as a farewell present skclch phns for eorge towns second public school are expected ready by the middle of february j b par kin associates are working on the plans now the new school will be bmtjrto propert lions the htghwav which is being bought from jack tost 25 years ago a farmer driving a cutter near btcwarttown mondav it tempted to pass a transport truck which had missed t he road in the heavj snow fill the horse reared up and c in ing down in a snow hank dis appeared completelv it took four men some time to dig it out the first money order pur chased in the new post officer was for a renewal to the herald from mrs edwin h hicken i found stella parish star ring hiv francis steam boa hound the bend starring will rogers and t6p hat star ring bred astaire and ginger rogers fewer jobless here than one year ago the n u m ber of unemployed persons in this district was 1741 al the end of december- i960 on dec 31 1959 there were i 115 pirson registered for work a i the brampton office the brampton office serves chmfuacousv calcdon all of dultrrm countv part of quting township includui denrgctown as well as bramp ton heart of moslem mecca is known the world over as the centre of the mos lem religion and the birthplae of its founder mohammedsthe book of knowledge describes it as one of the capitals of saudi arabia an ancient city which his stn little outward change since its foundation georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn managing editor garfield l mcghvrey production superintendent office staff aileen bradley terry barley john ollivier advertising plant staff l m clark dave huting a baskervule myles gusoa bobmacarthut member of ti pana weekly n ajsociaticm ud division of

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