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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 2, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited puufcation serving the communities of georgetown glen williams norval limehouse hornby stewarttown balllnafad ashgrova terra cotta thursday february 2nd 1961 editorial comment why shortage of ministers the anglican church n faced with a desperate shortage of men training for the ministry according to information relayed on sunday morning by a local man who t studying theology and while we have checked with no other churches it is reasonable to assume that all are faced with this shortage what to do about if there are many reasons for the shor tage and many measures which can solve ft but to our mind one of these is money the sad fact is that for the training period and the money involved when a man plana to enter the ministry he is much better off if he enters another prof oss ion to be sure there are more reasons i money why a man would want to be a minister but we are living in a practical age today and faith no matter how strong doesnt put food on a minister s table or clothes on his children s backs a few decades ago it was customary for ministers to receive little cash and to subsist on invitations out to dinner hand- medowns of used clothing and an odd pre sent wben a member of the congregation felt so moved people in those day got ust what they deserved for every minister who felt his faith stronger than his physical needs there were others who sneaked in the back door of the theological colleges as a last fesori after failing at other jobs and who were graduated because men were needed so badly that half a man was better than none the situation is changing today but not as fast ahcl not as radically as it should if our churches are to continue strong they must have strong leaders men who do not have to fight a constant battle to keep the wolf from the door and who can live on the same social plane as an average par ishioner j set a decent salary scale for ministers and there won t be many shortages we wager touch football anyonb good response in letters an appeal for letters to the mail bag has brought some interesting ones which appear in this issue of the herald we hope other readers will use the herald pages to express their views tn fut ure the herald as we have said on many occasions is not only an instrument of pur veying news of the community if can also be a vital force in promulgating ideas and lln constructive criticism of local and nat ional institutions one writer has a point when he says are today becoming lethargic in our thinking it ts easier to watch television than to read we have so many modern conveniences that it is easier to drive a block in the car than to walk the days when everyone took their politics seriously seems to be on the wane and we have a great number of people who are not inter ested enough in who speaks for them be it national provincial or local affairs we reiterate that we are pleased to print all letters received with the proviso of course that writers keep within the bounds of good taste and refrain from libel and toopersonal attacks on their neighbors and provided also that the writer s name appears with his contribution when it is printed controversial corner inner fore many of the extremists the artistic world whin askid hyd sugar and spice by bill smiley j if there is one thing above alt others that i loathe des pise detent and abhor it is a household budget i know this is wrong i know it is a weak riess 1 know my bank man ager will wince when he reads this but i can t help it i would rather end in a prison for paupers than have anything to do with a budget p k thar is a rmon for- my strong feelings toward these harmless hoifhol4 hoajfos periodically my wife insists that we draw up a budget if happens about twice a year and around our house it always produces strained relations mounting tension and a roar tng fight in that order dui ing rough idt year i have of where we htund rmnciallj and i keep it de tnents hareyes glitter iii liberatelv as roujh as possible it doetsn t lake- ihu mind of a magnate to figure out that five from four dotsn t produce a plus bit all riffht so im apist 1 bur my head on which the cruel waves of life are shattered the bringer- home of bacon the captain of our little ship i am revealed as a sort of village idiot an inept burden on the slim shout derfl of my spouse a clay foo ed idol a juggler with shaky hands and an utter economic flop dont ask me how all thi comas about in the mere draft- ing of a budget fs uncanny my wlfeslts there scowl dmps ming as the evidence mounts i squirm lower in my chair while frying to look keen irv terested and dedicated to bal ancing the thing every time she thinks of a new item for the expenditure column hi lights up like a pinbaf i- macrf in when she comes to the refreshment and tobacco depart- in uil sand and if there isn id around a beaker i know the mortgage wasnt paid last year the tmxmt are a disturbing aspect of air safety the i lit two months have products jii alarming loss of life in plant trishc th re is little doubt lliat pn si nt dav travel at hith spied both tn hit nr und on the round contains a cer lain clement or risk which most qf us ippi ar to accept on a it wont happtn to me basis t also assunu i im ilmi lii il etr thing thai tan w duiu to rnakt fhinj as saft is possible is being done on this point 1 am not indicates visually 1 litre is which imlu iti ship an ipltttlv con aireraft in in lismn lb si public of th in 1 j pirdw i ih they produced this or that monstrosity are apt to say some inner driving forcl would not let me rest until i had done it well now i have a live yearold daughter and she used to have an inntr driving force which made her crayon on the bedroom walls i wonder if instead or stopping her we should hive had tht walls framtd she hid one of those attacks this as rt ma i still hope his wtck thc often come in at ion lictnui allv our apologies mr trott a mail bag letter from photographer charles trott notes poor reproduction of a couple of front page pictures of e masonic lodge installation recently and we are plea ted to comply with his request for an ex planation the pictures were printed again irhjast weeks issue this time looking as they should and while we meant to write in explanation this we neglected to do here mrs pictures in the herald are prepared for reproduction on a scanagravmg machine an electric pencil etches the picture on a piece ofpiasttc which is buckled around a cylinder on the machine there is a set on the tcanagraver for light and dark a num ber of pictures ere scanned et one time and the operator groups these as much as possible to get setting which will give best reproduction to all the pictures sometimes he slips and in this case too light a set was used for the lodge pic tures and the lodge officials came up wfrh blank faces to add to our troubles wnen the herald is printed addition ot the plas tic pictures is the last opera on and if as in this case reproduction n not good it it too late to scan another plastic it is an equal disappointment to us when mishaps occur and with this explona tion readers will realize what happens on those occasions when pictures do not turn out as sharp as they should the pilot of a p exattlj when given tinu thi given both by sn on a chart an controlled ptn traits tv move of tht plane or ship a chart of the course whuh un rolls automatical in front of the navigating officer he cm see continuous mil an urate ly if thore is auv dtviahon from his routi pi in or holdim pat i tern hit swi m dtpmds hi i tumi a lattice bnm network sit up prt dutlit b electronic ground innsmit i s lo tors ind p unit pt mh nt of vim j md ptri hililv itoiig their dec that we will have more exhi f hie flying bitions al the librarj orld cannot i dtci after this week s ordeal she i announced triumphantly that i we were going in the red atl the rate of s50 a month that i seemed to make her feel bet i tcr it made me feel a lof i better too from the wayshvd i been acting i figured they were about ready to send me i irdue weve had five bills off to a place for retarded child a row from the dentist and ren used the discount then shewent into the next i part of tht ritual which never f varies where were we going 1 to cut down i always suggest i paring the food bill those kids would be a lot batter if they ate man porirdge and i cheap healthy stuff like that i always say this merely leaet to an outburst in which she i claims that i have ust accused her of being an extravagant i and wasteful cook this puts i m on the dafenstv which has been i iy hip pocket for three weeks but these things dont really bother me too much ifs when my wife gets on one of her financialgenius kicks that life becomes pretty ghastly around our place she invariably does it when shes in one of those owly moods in which she won t even take yes for an answer of national the mail bag a disappointing exhibit i ibruv oftm k are lo be congratulated fr thi r eflor a vi huh rsiilkd in tht exhibit ion f paintings bv the troup troup of can i i mm i li it of litis untun quit commonplace unit ss tint 1 und th the rhi col why the blank faces in front page pix 27 norton crescmt lanuarj 29th ltl dear 1dilor ptrhaps through the m hut of jour paper via iht ma bag juu would bt so kind an explain to our fntnds lot ilh and throughout the world tin is actual fact as to my know ledge our paper is re id i midwinter when mv resistance is low mvwav she sits down linnh and producer lols of p pi r and a ptniil tht n she tompilts fantistic lists of stuff lurlhitil from tires to toilet p i r r m oil i i orinles put all up and adds 1 turns lhat if 1 h i f pi i decca navigator the sjslem is cillid tht ltt p rlriuun ca navigator and its hllico ncu j nun work alrcudj i u nds from ui j m 1 adian i- isttrn wakrs tvir tht r n atlantic all over fur pi and lu iik i more nctntlv rihl into tin wa l tm heart of russia in tirlini pr v 4 jrtisi i t mini ing tests in li7 it was found irn i that the maigin of rr r in tin ma 1 n i lccra svsttm ovtr tin duration shis wt a r of an ml mm cros rtv s uioni i hibit n of ihi tctded th linth of the run 1 1tll j nillsl ls itist- wild hud ichiiving pittor ind aim l pho irv but precious im wis a dt of individuil inhion rhr m h appi al or pubh hid j inu il ami ptrlnps ri brilt and l s a i blank fact s produced oi v our papt r 19th lmil trait mi as 1 w i phi toriph i nitrr tunt that inn ird bv folks enqiiinn h id gone ainisi sumi ed if the tins ind f i froi phom it h th pint and thits exactly where she wants me now the pencil i stabs the paper relcntlesslv anbl comes the inevitable question do vou realize how much you i spend on cigirtttts and itl ls it always does t opptd smoking andl gjvi tip im pre dinner bottle i this takes aboot two hours of ale iht budget would bajf i during which we discover th ance the sun would shine every 1 1 following that i don t know dav and ni familv would love f how much life inturance i have nspect and obev me st that i don t know how much promise to do it th taxes are that i can t re i member whethr or not 1 ve next day the old lady feelsl paid the interest on the mort so good about having balanced i gage and suchlike the budget and reformed m that she buys a new dress sol iirhip th it s win i driad i reckon that if she can afforll tin i sis mi s much with new dress things arent sol i f w lr ki s f tin ptntil i tough and i slip downtown and in li in humid insti ad of pick up a large deck of weeds tin inn kmdlv mtntor of the and a small bote of beer andl fun iv tin onh on with both were off for enother happy till in lb ir unci the rock budget less six months the used by al irtid ai or fur i s arlms i of roups work nm it w is 1 im iindt rst ind whv had in authoru levclopnient ndnn punt ed to pro tlu sugar spice writer most widely syndicated v the mail bao thinks editorials could stimulate letter writing 36 bvron st tjear sir in last week s issue of the herald you expressed our con oern of the lack of mail bag letters during recent times i m sure that jour readers must bey noticed this too but 1 won r if anyone has taken the time to discover the reason for it the lethargy of the public is not local but nationwide and is not confined to letter writing m general attitude of let condi tions be s thej are is verj predominant among the canad iao people it is mv contention that it has been brought about in part by the lack of inspiratio nal leaders one cannot exclude of course television the mechani xation of simple domestic chor es and our general ngn living standard that is causing us to be overweight and short of physical stamina fxtrcise u viewed as distasteful and un necessary because there are new machines available to stim uiate our muscles without txer tion but however lo return to my former contention it is m he lief that if president kennedy proves lo be the great leader he appear to be in embryo then i am sure he will become more endearing to the anad ian people than will our own national leaders las fflfh that it political and eeononlieally tegrated with the 1 niled stait s it sesems thaj i am drilling awa from mv original mlmtnin in writing this letter but hit point i am trvlnf to make is lhat the publit must rw awak ened to lake an interest ouuide their own private lives the peo ple must bt made to realize that it is thtir democratic nghl to speak their mind and a goofl healrhj t xchange of nteis nr do much ood because of the present ad ministration s large majority i believe thev tonsidt r the m selves to be beyond reproach and do not have to dimuss tn front of the general public why the economic growth has stood still since 1956 why thev have failed to produce a balanced bmtgst since they came into power but indeed have bor rowed 2 1 hlllmn to supplem ent taxation and what thej m tend to do to combat unemploj ment on a short tirm basis since ft is nn comfort to those who are out of work lodav to know that lnj term policies are being implemented to in crease employment powibl tn a year or so your recent 6vnopsts of a speech given bv our own fed eral vip as tvpical of what we hivt come to expect from tht conservative part it ap- pears as something written by the ear 46 b c was known fc the year of confusion be cause the calendar was three months ahead of the seasons world book encyclopedia ex piains that the roman calendar i would not attempt to argue a political machine contains ho was changed at the whim of fce pros and cons this situ i conslmclive ideas to combat politicanc to adjust thawl ttion bul it would be a short step our most serious problem but p to the seasons the vrar item it to becoming nttrely doea aixempt o discredit 46 bc wh yvts 15 months 1 ibcral party that small represents tio i voire can scarcely be hiard let alone carrj an vvtight 1 he facl that there an lo be further hoval commissions of fflvernmen sponsorevl societies set up is of little consolation to those people who are out of work or for those wh have work tod a bul are not sure that thev will have a job tomor row or next week i ft 1 1 sure ih it ihe etononiv would in 41 ven a shot in the arm if the working man felt his job wis more secure and he could fin ance his needs with more con fidence in the future so now ou ma ask what does all this have to do with yojir mail bng mv point is this people have to be encouraged cajoled and even provoked in to doing anything in these tim es fncouragemcnt could be in the form of caih prizes to the letter writer evoking- t response provocation could be in the form of stirring editor ial columns and more contro- verkiel cohunns witt politic and international incidents be ng more conspicuous i am not casting am aspers jons on votir format but hop ins mv comments will be help fill in providing vou wilh ideis for a tmiulanl yours tnilv brian t boyd and is now bt tug instilhd 11 hussiin ii km s it was usid jttfar haek as 1q44 to mikii lh mlud landnij cnfl on i ij ii is usid bv in itl one mill1 sttd that nust have bun mult nv m d 1 s f iv ntt humorist bill smiltv whost column migat i knighl of luinhus ind u j s li lfs lillh wpek lh ntvvspiptr hi- won tb me cnnsnlink trntlrman satt- il i r luisj indicated tn mnrp papers thin inv the sime would hive hipptn j ji in t lunuiist harsh photograph now being read in hi nwspapers throughout th country smiltv is loveirsold mil siva hi feiuevtrv el i of it al cputation althoulh aflt r sit f imt hi lh w up thin ind jn luati from high fks d win 11 hi was too old to pi iv on the fool ball team anj f being jt ic it fn ti b ihi i mil d st itt 1 ilol 1 oflu lively talent l h pe thit the ad n of our galltres mf tne r tun rmms art now of yjllr p r 1 m tt livb taunt j r frunds ttlii af rs wh invi soim cinflucnc lis n thankins jou in a ilmtm invhod of a prml rt l 1 ourv trulv 1 im hi 1 im of abilitv n lish in l hi- disnirbin fut calendar chances it iml ti 1 iml 1 aol comes giitling n ami ricui raiecled syitei two jtars il il i mi of tin int malm avi itiun urkdiiiiilion ihu both n jt dt d tin deo 1 aition svsttm tht re is ons for its rt jt ction wire 10 many people involvtd including myself political and not bistd on merit the dim systim was conct ivcd in principal neir 1 20 years ago bv two amir icans the reccivt d no sup port from the i s government and took ihtir ideis to britain who wtltomitl them with op n l03ljllcijcciil svsttm was developed and produced and proved ttfttlivi at tht 1cao mi eting di spitt strong prolcvls bj brit nn in alter native u b sjstem was dog maticilb support d by amor irs and finillv idtiplt d bv lhat both t mida as so frequently happens in irnngiilir disputes involving lintnin ind tht v s failed to provitle anv rcil sup port for the dt cci system in im opinion there were too m mv political ovirtonrs to this die sorrv page mr etliloi hd xpt rts tpnscd i quite number of phoniei 10 and 25 years ago echoes ind cbarlal in fnnm of tht finjt r d ui in rs of the ihstricl 1 in 1 there of phtmits implt purptise 10 and 25 years ago from the pagei of the herald january 31 1951 and february 5 1936 10 years ago a f 01 nn r emplojtis of i luwncial 1iipt r i td in ri allin livv his a nt w pos 1u011 as chitf cniiiinr with a new paper null whuli as opt n iiimo b c hi vvint off to inivtrsitv of rironto and connntneed ours m h nor r owlish in 1041 in joined ihi kcai- ilid train- 1 1i1 1 fiehu r pilot he flew with tin ticlieil ir rorce 111 norm intlv ntd wis shot down on 1ridiv un 13lh of october i 1m4 lit sptnt tht rest of the war in i dernun prlson camp i returning to university in 1945 he fell in love with a girl i who has skice become famous in sugar and spice as the old battteaxe a serious illness delayed graduation until 1949 that year he fell into the weekly nwspaper business and for the i next decade was editor of the wtarton ont echo during thai i period he began writing lust for ton a column in which he said exactly what he pleased mi hbourin editor cori tadoin of the durharr i t hit unit iskt i if in mithl list the column s mn hilf a dozer i jit s wri donu thi same tht herald wis ont of thtm stead il iht itihinn mortised in ptpuliritv t 11 il ihi probltm- of dislnlhilmn bis mi so big that i sin li mini nl with ihe toronto it it trim ni vis service fot i mtionil svmluitioii of the column sum thin it circulatioi lus nn re is d stndih last year bill decided to try something new went to teach i ers college and is currently regaling the students at midland i ontario high school with his own peculiar brand of english hi i claims that teaching i about as restful as working in a steel mill f tin smltv hivi two chiiilnn hnih ml him 13andl ih ti iv prnviltil n lot of mitt rial for tin column in the past itt dirs of sujir and spice are somitimt infuriated oftcr unused but 111 vir twred as the pertlsi the prosi of a man ded i irilitl lo looknil it life withoiit benefit of rosieolored glasses banc integrity anv ailislu inttliuin wheth er it bt painting stulpturi wn tint or music must hive a insic mlt irrilv or it is worth liss tin punting the music nr whaltvtr mttlium is used it must a local couple mr and mrs a mcbnde wire interviewed on a hamilton adio show slturdiv while din ng al the thicken roost in lhai it 1or mr mcbnde it wt first di ihi hamilton the set ond annual burns suppir was held al the irtm list thursdav night limit r tht mspicis of the ceor of hospitil at j m l n iip ht h id ion n nca thi nlv lr travi 1 irn whtrc the decci jstem is not in use conduct enquiry isimir if it hi ago of the arti mrk if m tj bt t- arl a a result of rt rent tnge lnmnu music waler dies the 1 s is to conduit an the nvirsid irlicli cnquir into tht whole field of betur mat iines or 1 air navigilional and conirol tigurts on a c ikt then it is aids it is to be hoped tint craft man ship if it is rocttand this enquiry will consuhr hi roll music fine r diuhing on real technical merits of jhc 1 inv is mc inmgli ss chunks of equipment ind the ricomm nrt bidlv twuldrd chv then it is abena erf th men who ft the i probahjf j unit san where ik in almint f to sa j or the p icl if t is con on mnndav tveniii thin it local laons club had it is pro- fintst and besl itlindid nlnurs of meeting since its inception fivf v in the jeartt ago the first presidt nt injsugar in ibuni ill th ids tr il of there f higvs nd 1 sitisfv thi scots is years m on da 1 at mnnd use uncil met t juiinrv aiounls for re- d li f pud to local residents tot died stiol dr lenrmonlh i is rt ippointt 1 milk inspect ir nt a salarv of s200 per an or the hub uon v rant was toastmaster and lions pros idenl v h long evtendtd a club welcome to all and rt a 1- the local botrd of health i telegnm of felicititions fioml n ports 14 cises of ger district ovrrnor ri id mur mm meash this month dock land 2 easea of chtckenpox georgetown heralds published by thomson newspaper limited gtorgitown ontario walter c biehn mimunr editor garfield l mcgllvray production supennlendent office st iff ai loon bridlev tom llarle john ollivier dvertising plant staff i m clark dave hasting b baskerville mles glls bob macarthur member of the canadian weckl newspapers association ind the on tang i ditision of the cwra

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