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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newsfams umiteo pu1ucation serving ths communities of gaorgatowfl gton williams norval umehouse hornby stawamown batllnafad ashgrova terra cotta page 4 thursday february 9hi 1961 editorial comment other things important too downtown parking facilities are ad mittedly an important cons deration to mer- ehanta and have been receiving a justified share of attention from the downtown rnef- hanh association and council but in this age of rapid transit plazas and discount houses we tfnnlc that much more man parking shoulclbe considered by merchants who intend to continue in bosi ness profitably in the future we were perturbed by several points wrmn a special meeting of businessmen was called last week a plan of such mag nitude and of such importance has been proposed the letter said that we summon the- entire merchant and professional body to the meeting there are over sixty such in the down town area thirty businesses and property owners were represented and of the thirty people attending only 18 stayed un- why were concerned what concern is it to the general pub lic if the downtown area recedes a vital one from a lot of angles a town thrives in the same proportion as fts commercial districts they are the showwindows of a community their tax revenue is important they provide essen tial services which would be missed by residents and a large percentage of public positions service club memberships and community positions tend to be filled by businessmen h is then a matter of importance to thejown council that ths business district thrive and expand and council rs nghtty interested in helping where possible with advice ideas and such money as rt is sen sible to spend from the tax treasury the herald is concerned too prom a public angle because again a commun ity is built around its industry end ms com mercial establishments and from a selfish angle oecause no newspaper could stay in business long unless it contains a reason able share of advertising from which the bulk of its revenue rs derived but councils like the lord tend to be mora interested m helping those who help til the conclusion of a meeting which lasted two hours as a businessman wa would be the first to say that one could ever expect total attendance at any one meeting nor do we deny that sometimes there are two engage ments in one night which must be met but 30 equally disappointing besides a poor attendance was thai a maonty of those present seemed relatively unconcerned with anything other than better parking there was little comment on a radical proposal to widen main street or to think about a shopping mart there were no proposals for any idea which might be a business booster if appeared only that if a large government grant might be avail able for downtown reconstruction there could be some interest but when appears there isn t that s the end of the tnatter mow ifwft can just get fed to talk with a harvarp accent ivy league uncle sam sugar and spice by bill smiley s themselves and if merchants ara them selves not constantly on the alert fouview ideas they can hardly expect town council to spend too much of its time deliberating the pros and cons of matters which will help them we would like to see a solut on this vear to the traffic problem but we would equally like to see some ideas like the christmas shopping promotion continued collectively georgetown merchants only hold a small percentage of the busi ness available and we would like to see more concentration on encouraging local folks to buy at home there could be coop eration between the town i three shopping districts rand friendly competition at the same time without any paradox and if merchants follow a continuous policy of stocking th right goods at the prices which will draw customers of put ting a share of their profits into improve ments to their stores of advertising what they have to sell and particularly in the smaller stores of giving personalized treat tnent to shoppers and making them extra welcome m the stores we will have a bus mess community second to none controversial corner support chamber of commerce one place where georgetown merch ants have fallen down is in support of the chamber of commerce this is unusual because in most com munlties 1he chamber draws its heaviest support from businessmen and yet year after year the chamber s membership eommittee reports little success in selling memberships to merchants or in persuad attenda fe wmee h ngs- dm the year by coincidence the annual meeting of ihe chamber was held the evening before the businessmen s meeting and that night the total business andproperty represents tion from merchants totalled eight again we do not argue that all mer chants can or should be active members but it ts jit tie to expect surely that everyone should at least have a token mem bsrship and that a large percentage could display enough interest to at least attend the annual chamber meet ng this to our mind would be an excel ir merer ants- to do the r community a service this year by o n ing a group wh ch more than any other is dedicated to keep ng georgetown progress ive growing and prosperous a book everyone should read decreasing moral standards in politics in busimas in law enforeement and in tradeunion leadership have frequently been the subject of this column now available in book stores and pub lic libraries everywhere is a book which provides more factual evidence of this creeping corruption than anv other document that i have rud the fact that this book deals with e virus and people tn the i nited slates should not product any smugness in this country we cannot sa it couldnt happen here it could and fill unless enough of us are determined thai it shall nfll while in prison and for a yeir afterwards the stived on th union payroll 140 000 many caiet nd m on inert are manv fulh documented cast enemy within the book in question is aptlv titled the enemy nilhin ii is wnttin bv robtrt b hen nedv and describes the actiw ties of the senate select com mitttt on improper activities in ihe labour or management where horn t teamster official field bob kennedy a chief have opposed hoffa and his counsel of this committee i gang of thulj most of them manv people myself includ i haw bctn beaten down by ed must have formed a quite superior forces the fijht is inaccurate impression of the a dangerous one and the chan activities of this committee ces of success and continued from reading the newspapers good health are small and watching tv coverage evtryonm crushing indictment t investigated b it is true that the committee the committee were condemned provided a crushing indictment of walter heuthcr of lniled of labour leaders dave heck autouorkcrt mr kenneds has and james holla and thil it this to sav he and the uaw exposed the corruption kraft have made mistakes but as a violence and dishoncstv of general proposition the i w many other union leaders it is an honest union ind vy titer is true that the close asxhia rcuthcr is an honest union of tion between the teamsters un ficial an attempt to equite ion and many of the bluest rcuther with hofta will fail crooks gangsters and raceteers m fact did fail in the 0 s was estiblished be beyond doubt something rather frightening is happening to the steady re liable canadian citizen i don t know what s behind it but its both unnatural jpnd unnerving he i b 16 enjoy the winter 6r at least he pretends he is for generations canadians approached th wlnhr sensibly whan hm first snows cam they put en thtir long underwear gloomy look and a long strf- faring air and stayed clot to the fir as possible for the next six months winter was something to bo lived through end there was no nonsense ab out enjoying it but this dour and honest outlook has been completely shattered within the last few years every week end thous ands of people head out of the aties with their skis and couple of crocks motor clubs hold races through the blinards over the icy roads curling rinks are crammed people are spending week ends at their cottages tramping through huge drifts to get in to them the other day friend told a he had taken his family out id winter picnic i day the temperature was about eight above he dug now built a fire and heated some stew the aging and a little frightening kd loved it he said no ants a min with hollas power and no flies and almost no fing- position and so corrupt can ers on the smallest boy by the not survive in a democratic time they got him home society if democrjev itself going to survive i wist were so sure of the result anyone who wishes to press opinion and to be inform mittees activities was the am encan federation of labours j for alcioj encouraging imally mr kennedy nukts rol statement which is encour i ladies are named quean e carnival and are aever hve same age in while v f young ladles who knew are equally as aoedjoaklr not named queen amtani or quite the same again where la it all going- to wheal are we canadian to stop running around with zen grins pretending we love our big white winter how soon will this sterfcathonsense collapse let us revert to our old hagipg misery i for one cant stand mutt more of this jolly healthy affair that wo are trying carry on with that frosty termagant madame da wi who has been planting her feet in the small of our backs for lo these- many but it s not onh the voung who arc revelling in the ele ments these davsi fveryone is infected staff members at our ed on the thornv questions fac- school have organized a hockey ing labour management and team you should hear them sit government should not fail lo ling aroudn bracing they mav read this bok be short of wind on the ice but i also recommend it for read thev re ml when thej don t ing bv ontario labour minis hive trie skitison most of them to the tunc of ter charles dalev in the hope haven i plived hockev for more that he will feel less inclined than 20 e-ir- b i thev are as to appeal to hoffa for assist r as the local petwees in ending a canadian la buur dispute as he did elderly gentlemen 1959 we can do without that ttng at home with sort of help in canada plp- 4nd mpftmn njoying the peaceful twilight of their years mav oe found on any curling rink dashing up and down as 10 and 25 years ago though the devil himself was f after them end sweeping as r jf fj t ct i though enoina pectoris was a the other day i i was out with my was learning to ski rather gerly i was egging htm en try the steep slop lots you do it big shot if rrs easy ho suggested thar no way out i put on the sk swallowed once closed my es and pushed off my s flying out behind me later without once having oned my eyes 1 found i et the bottom still on my feet who tropicel fruit m itnml lid i the pages of the herald be at hoi who should i knitting bootees yond doubt nevcrthelesv this this book establishes beyond m not a book devoted to a con i doilbl an ippa numtrr of i usurer and garfield mcgil damnation of trade unionism cam m wmch union 1 i i a book devoted to facts most of them unpleaasnt feb 7 1951 and feb 12 1934 for their rand children mav be i sun hurtling down some near 10 years ago perpendic ular slopes bowling f m everslhing in their paths 0 t the anuil meetin of from fellow skie r- lo small trees the lvsqucsing agricultural societv in the community winter carnivals are spread hall slewarttown on tuesdav mfl acrost the land with the nefirti ruutrkoii of norval was sp of bubonic plague at chosen president for his second theie a taw good looking young term p w cleave was named i have always maintained j eumpanr management leading irackeleers and public officials vrav secretan g the buck store gutud lv lesser known w irked together to swindle and perhaps more important than ehp rink and file union num the almost unhelievabk dishon htrs explodes the mythol esty and decadence of beck and populir in some circl hoffa are the revealing facts the- lesser known union men oppose rt him these mm risked poser tv beltings disfiurment and threats to their families in their opposition to corrupl leader ship thil the were re il risks iv triple ills dikumt nted t the oregon straight is the t starring franeh ot tone hircn morley and rohson irishman love v j i starring trink melt ugh and n active member was hoi oured i pilncn r 111- harold met lure onh elur ter member of the oeont town i ions huh who i he the mail bag controversy heres views of one writer 56 stevens cresc georgetown onl dear editor upon reading mr cass contro versial corner we read one mails views on controversial questions here are some i would like to put forward l isnt it a fact that many people who pay lip service to racial equality are never-the- leas prejudiced against jews negroes and other races dif ferent than their own 2 not right to blame can adians a commonly heard remark about the economic penetration ef canada by us interests is canadians won t spend a lar in any venture unless they ee five coming back this is not a true picture as far as the average working man in canada is concerned he is on a par with his counter parts in the us he lives a mortgaged bbme drives auto oo time payments pays high taxes and even with a working has little cash on hand this is not the business pic ture however and canadians an hampered in investments by the fact that the bulk of our atarkets are south ot the bor- to set up competing bus r baaed on exports would aaal flmwifl fsuuxe sod rum or the sale of the com public attention and then wr pans to the ls controlling hear the hue and crv that few remember factors eventually labour has gone too far as of todav more than 50 public fails to of all profits from canadian business go to owners south of the border let get the picture straight and don t blame canadians for lack of enter prise s its a small world it s also a lough world for the american businessman fvery tune he comes up with something new the russians in vent it a week before them fand the japanese make it cheaper the lint thousands of contracts are ed dailj by mutual agreement of labour and management our public communication media have a great tendency to play up strikes and strife et fail miserably in educating the public to the past practices organized labour has elimm ated or mentioning the justice and decent standard of living organ i7ed labour has brought to our canadian societv w 3 richmond weighing the coal in this day of labour manage ment relations it is surprising the ignorance of what organised labour has accomplished for its members over the years not too many vearsago con ditions prevailed that were shocking to say the least pay off s to foremen to hold a job working hours ranging up to 16 hours a day in cases of layoffs who goes and who slajs was left to the discretion of welgtr thecoal management length of service in many cases meant little or nothing justified grievances dare not be mentioned labour has made manv gams which could not have been ac complished without organise tion in some cases we un- fortumtelv have strikes when the two parties fail to agree ta tomes to tba forefront of ma know two partners were engaged in the retail coal business one took m a revival meeting one day was converted and came very religious about month later the convert iced that his partner wis down in the dumps he told other he would feel better if he accepted religion his partner retorted if bcthget religion who is going fair warning if only more orators would have the courage k announce when they start to speak as i understand it my job is to talk to vou your job is to listen if vou finish be fore do i hope vou will let people remember bar nej matual one time pre sident of teamsters 1 ocal 4b thrown and union afftirs because he would not take part ie of hoffa s deals this was achieved by collusion be tween the lawver of one of the major employers in the area and hoffa s friends in the team sters opposed clique who ever heard of clyde kuxtitn of local 823 w ho op posed one of the reck hoffa clique as president of the local h was beaten unconscious with a hammer the union presl dent callouslv admitted that he had ordered the beating amos reniker joined the group op posing the hoffa supported president his house was bombed led protest hoyd hook led a protect a- ii n st two hnffa sponsored of ficials who were taking company pay offs for not enforcing the contract from that da be was a marked man threaten ing phone calls were made all hours of the night he was followed b car wherever he went his wife broke downand had to be sent out of the dis trict finally he was fired by the company who wen appar ently quite happy to keep the union leaders in their pockets and b ytheir pocketbook the two union officials and two others were finally convicted j riger is expiniling business to thai although hoffa rniv be include the mun st premises touih he riallv takes cart of fornierlv ooeupied b helens umort members gift shop blindly againit another important point whuh should ho riitninbir el bv ill those who are hlindh trains trade un mis ls thit the ci mini tie e ep im el improper activities on the part of at inm lifiein oltornes and fiftv companies an 1 corporal the ls with the exception of tennessee no bar assoeia 25 year ago lion or management group has uken anv slips whatever to at a melting of the geor dwbar disapprove condemn getown hydro commission i fine or expel am of the at- wk mr j b grav of torneys or companies involved lnwood was engaged as super j onlv group which has vol intendent or the local hdro untanly attempted lo clean upsstem to succeed he dirt exposed by the com 1 sler 0 fire starting in a storeroom complete razed the farm home of rrcd park lame- is being remodelled i hmw 1it fl afternoon renovation has started lt neighbours minaged to remove roval bink and don bit he grnler nirl of the fumi hire before the house was bur neel damige was estimated al w000 at the 20th anniversary dinn i of the club last tuesdav he re ived his 20 e ir chevron frem j linn bill phips of brampton bounlv stirnn ghlon chrk chol tone 1 mystery memnl house near milton when firemen experienced shortage of water in bat tling the blaze the king calcium co came to th rescue with a 1 000 gal tank truck brampton shopping hours are the fuel for fierv meetings between dow ntow n merchant and mall merchants in brampton ith vail merchants were outvoted in their bid to have stores re main open thursday nighl oui some have threatened to keei mutinv on the c harles ijiu hie and fran chapter 7 of their doors open anyway- lor merry menagerie by walt dltnty the district at a glance streetsville for the sixth successive year thp streelsville lions are spon soring the project of seeing that all streelsville children between ihe aees of 9 and 12 have the opportunity of taking burlington committee has been sel up in burlington to explore the need for familv v there tbe burlington service clubs are all taking part m the survev which will first test public reaction and if feas ible campaign for fund raising words of the wisl acfsrif ill t pn the charge of taking money 1 wow what am yom an wlnrjhint houdt ng lessons at the famous gus ryder swimming school oakville the reluctint russian trade delegation shown trifalgw twp by the in dustrial development dir ector don cookslev last week decided to wait f6r nciprocal trade ararnge- nu ut be lore building kl orangeville i orangeville s town hall may j he in for renovation a commit tee which ha studied the mat- tw submlvtfdr a report to or angeville council recommend ing the renovation milton r eight people were forced to flee their home list week as fire threatened to dee- troy their two stony arm it is not death that a mat swim should fear but he should real never beginning to live marcus aurelius georgetown herald published by the in newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn managing editor garfield l mcgihrray production superintendent office staff aileen bradley terry hart john ollivier advertising plant staff- l m clark dave baatutf b baxkerville hylea g0m bobmaearthnr member of th weekly tfewapefar association and tba ot divisio f

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