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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1961, p. 8

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business administrator made permanent employee would advertise for more school teachers mm acton free iress photo very convincing roles played by adrtenne nurse of norval junior farmers and by gaorg robinson of acton junior farmers earned them the top actress and actor awards friday january 27th at haltons snnuaf junior farmer drama festival above george e elliott presents the margaret alice elliott trophy to miss nurse while mr robinson looks on holding the j e whitelock trophy propose five room school construction at silvercreek esquesing school board is split on the decision a proposed 100 000 five room central school to be erected 1b the silvercreek area approved b hsqueiinr sch k1 hoird the decision to erect the new school and close two mdepen i dent schools was opposed bj two members and carried onlv b a 32 margin following a lengthv discus i limehouse area residents made ion approval wasgjven bv ii decision regarding their pre chairman tjcbtes and trustees ent school status un k armstrong and m mrs rmsirong in pointing sprawl with trusiee s r j out her objettion to this told cunningham and s brown vo number tht limehoub area frft in the negative had always been independent during the four hour meeting and shouldn t be considered all six public school trustees plus aspirants will stand to be elected to eight public school board seals in december discussing the ruling by which the board will lie extend cd to include two new members because of the 10 000 plus pop ulation school inspector r f rwnhnld explained that the time members recently elected to two year terms will have to sjand again at the end of this year should the general vole sys tern be dropped in favour of ward voting an enlirelv differ ent board could lake office aftir an election the complete lack of continuity irf planning which could occur should such hap pyi was guarded agamscbv an action taken earlier by the i board which would alter a school bvlnw to make the busi ness administrator a pennant nl employee the currenl business admlnistrilor s position has been subject lo iarl appoint ment mr born ho id nutt- sled that the board refer to the trustees council for further infonnation a sumion from tin ouii rio schoo1 trustees council to attract more students to tin teaching profession is bemt considered by the board in a letter the council outlined i plan by which the board would advertise the advantages of a public school teaching career and even suggested that the local teachers hilars schedule bcifiubllenid six hundred ind twelve dol i tars was allocated for pavmenl to delta craft for the consiruc- lon of nine portable project tables the all purp e jbles will fill a need at keniudj pub ic school farm nrws explain program at farm safety meeting by j a i- representatives of the hal i ion rami safctv council were ippinnlcd to the provincial coiifennc of the ontario harm safi tv council held at ctuelph on 1 thru try- 7lh and 8th this jeirs director from ilalton to ihi ontario council is j ii i ivlor of lturlington chairman of the elallon safety council i tu ontario rann safely con fi re net is the jrd annual event designed to point out the im porlaneo of f inn safe in ontario al the ontario conference the i hilton prornnine was outlined by mrs evelyn ootes mac sprawl and agricultural itopi restntativt j a fnncis heresa sznile bi yzci ww the tix yrmr old uy had jual t started in chool and wu boost 1 i ing to hit our year old bro ther how kki he was al rred hen oi younger one i piled don bar rage r n thr mlove aey i r lodkcd at uw ive brand name tzlni tecoimb i vea he hid at n i htun p n child when lb coming up with bin nniwer nor can you stump u with any par tlcular dry cleaning prottlim j you might hnvr epially j tday with so many miracle fnhrica an uie market ipcclal dry cleaning skill la needed you i we have the now she stressed the need the new school for pupils pres enting under the jurisdiction of the board mrs armstrong reminded the mejnbers thev were responsible for educational facilities and should keep this foremost in lh ir ii inds she agreed s nn peopli sould not t loo happv with higher tais but stressed the neci ssilv of providing pro per ed icational ficil ties for each member of the board was given an opportunity to air his view and hear suggestions from inspector r f born hold mr bornhold forecast a pos eible enrolment next septem ber of 118 grade one pupils throughout the hmtucsing school area and told the board tiley would either have to pro ceed with a five room ichool or find temporarj actommoda tuon for at least two rooms during a previous meeting the board had agreed to se t k township councils approval to build a two room addi o norval school but at the spec schools and in keeping witn ial meeting this resolution was the boards plans build a five rescinded mi favour of the pro room central school in the sil posed five room schihil vercretk area the board will seek perms mrs imstrong tattd if tin ion from the dcpl of hduca i board continued t add ro mi- tion and township council to here in i dhere thev would soon barve the new school erected i have ten room schools in tlie and financed through deben seiith end of the township ind tuxes no central school svstt m in the esquesing s first feminine north portion nc hid j kkburn hoott i tiui mount ii i pone achool board sbirle armstrong stiu k her guns throughout tin mi ing stressing the need for five room school in place additions year after war s suggested that al fivto thi room school was not neeesarv immediately it would be n quired in the near fut ire she lotedlfuture planning wax pari of the boards duties schools in opposing the new school than on trustees cunningham and brown wcr fil uggested the board wait until record brow ttslid the boird posi iv decision until after a 1 report and proposed budse fir future pn jprts a re submitted but ihur n s lilim effcci was loit in favor yhjobion i s ek approv il r ihe tiew cenlril sc nool im il d alal ftixted to provide the selection of a director of nursing is now the biigeyl 1m mediate problem for the new hospital with an administrator arriving in town next week a laru share of the duties con tini nt to ihi opt n in l of the il spual will i as on i aid w th the irnv il of a director of nursing the staff problem faillil ittv nev h spual wlll le zr ttlj ri ductd ilu ipi rn u ndi n of eon att bn givtft another monthlv progress report and we prim pirts of it for vour en lighten in n as to prorem of the hopll il 1p to the fii of i iip nun th per cent of ihi masonrv walls havp laen completed at pi nt nearlv all of the lath int his bet n finished the total figure of ni tal lithing be in 00 ppr cj ni old mm w un r with his sub zi n ti mptralures held up plasternik for a couple of wee ks however the phsterers hope to ah nt for spi i il the mail bag thinks politicians are not favoring the average man 56 stevens rtsc georgetown ont tx onipli tih fir ishi 1 febr r j th u r m fl in is over ii lf iipliltil it pre sin at 60 per ei ni p im the wiring r ughmg in all f mshed and 85 per eent o thi h aftnc is roughed in stinliiers hai imv i as hive the w iriini julmi uid the 3 refrikirtlor bi v v ire csutnplrte i ll interior dimrs will be installed bv mrch the measuremenls tf c ibin fts and ctipboirds hive been t km adi the kitrh n in i ltion till be made whin n quired in ibi i o he urtrn mnl r riu h vi irr vi i tlie i it l railer speeds service toronto to stratford fast rt urn rawnar mrvic to toronto from points n th canadian national stratford- toronto una it announced by m e doka c n regional pass ngr salas manager th new sarvic wih begin monday february 20 and im prov ttra fapttd tim to tor onto by up fo half n hoor from many points it will op erate daily except sundays leaving stratford at 0 am ar riving toronto at 10 25 am and returning from toronto at o 10 pm with stratford arrival at 8 30 other changes in stratford toronto train srvic cut th elapsed time of th evening train no 34 by 20 minutes so that it will arrive in toronto at 7 10 p m the later train no 36 will arrive in toronto 15 minutes earlier it 8 35 p m both these trams will continue to leave stratford at th same times 4 35 and 4 50 respect ively as at present a further change is that the 6 55 a m torontostratford train no 27 wiltoperate saturdays boosting if schedule fo six days a week conventional passenger equ ipment will return to th stret forgodench run and will con tmue to provide service on the same schedules es the present railmer dedication service in st pauls baptist heather patricia infant dau ghter of mr and mrs robert mcveihv 38 ijingstone cres cent was dedicated to the chur ch in s pauu baptist chur ch on januar 29th rev e a pinkerton oftict ill d and mr and mrs albert lassen were the godparents the honour and significance that was felt bv her parents godparents pastor ind congrp gation probably didn t mean too much to htui heather at the time but in later years the fact that she was the first child dedicated in st pauls will im puss itself on her mind as a ni morihle occasion only to armp1tsi t h wa the voung w host di rmatologist advised hir lo tiki a milk bath next morning the milkman knocked in the door and asked ladv are u sure you j w mt 4b quarts of milk yes he replied ilsteunzed he inquired she said just up lo im armpits the georgetown herald thursday february 9th 1961 page 8 jff- young liberals plan halton organization tucsdaj evening lanuirv fl saw the rcsurieriie of tiie youne ldberal party in halton coun ty a meeting was hi id u the home of mr bob blake tlb maplehurst ave oakville n encouraging group of 20 people were in attendance mr peter cadtau rxecutivi seeretarv of the youii libeial federation of canada hew in from ottawa to help ge the meeting the federal organiza tions personal blessings 1reli minarv plans were made for the younj liberal part s in augural public meeting planm d tentatively for march 10th 1961 at oakville anjone interested in more inform itiotn about join nit thes dj namic orgrmujtion should contact bob ulake vi 55758 dancing this friday a sweetheart rose corsage will add the proper valentine touch to a party gown at the iode valentine ball for valentines day u i di i itn i ol i of lit i hut mi polk i phnt norton floral jv 10 main st n tr 7 3582 sfm e i h 1 toe editor dear sir into whose pockets will they dig lb conference of provincial premiers witb the dominion bigwigs and their boss prime minister diefenbaker is long past history but is som thing to make us all tremble i have read their dissertations and their threats and i m afraid that h all bodes no good for us the common folk not ne word about economj or exploit ing our natural resource s fur our benefit no not at all our own premier savs that if bis demands ere not met he will put on a sales tax to get what he wants ft it seems to be assumed ihit the public domain is ours no longer but belongs to those who are getting rich at our expense look at gas for in stance we got gas as cheap or cheaper when the ras companv was getting it from coal which tarey had to huyow it c imes front a hole in the ground and i we owned the ground till it was given away or almost that ifuve remember the natural gas aeandals we are paying the price for that in our gas bills oar forests are being denuded not for our benefit but for those who pay a pittance for all sm lumber and wood pulp they a mi hi imld t it fir vi- aim awav and then paj fancy prices for the steel producu from the usa where m g ies to be smeltered anti fabricated the ontario hvdro paid mill ions of doliirs fur powr which was enerated bv our st 1 aw ri nee river and are still paving finallv it is paient that what ever decisions are arrived at ottai the last eiiir fur weilth is i rts and what doe who dues the digt is who u pas ill dip was ber and pav tni ind tin tsl hdiral one r minimi f coir- s die bij ihitj md anvone wlo his not orinbuted is iriied to do so more and mure organitatiom bethev larg or small are helping out this was illustra ted recentlj bv a sizeable dona j tions from the cloverdale hts itatepajcrs ssoc nd a don i tion wis reciived from the letter amers at the post of fice who had received a small i sum back from their hcadquar tcrs and elected to give it to tho hospitil a donation was j also received from on of th omplovee groups of an industry in actoi these smill amount are list is important as the bifj ones and ev erv nc is urged to take pirt in this gr it pnijeu her secret for sales w alii r low en telb about a sal- kir4 in a ihain candv store who alwavs had customers iin ed up waiting for her while other salesgirls stood twiddling their thumb th owner of the ihun nnli hrr pipnlnrn and n ked her secret it s easv enough she replied the other girls scoop up more than a pound of candy and then start taking awav 1 alwavs scoop up less than a pound and then add to it don mom are ill local banks i treasurer mi i rcid oeirt the accepted ir direct arnold rathbun sun life of canad 1 2 gower court georgetown triangu 74792 travel notes easter in new york go by train oh air wd choiu ol holli laavo thursday eva g march 30th returning sunday nighl rail 9q from 5 r returning moncfy night rail llcs from h3 john r ba travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel tr 7 52u mill st right off the boot tl iod6 ihoso doys ore qo lo a woqnj arr v nr b t d fferenl from earlier orr vols for one th ng they vo got a now engine that delivers 10 tore occelerat on and pass ng power and a new heavy oxiry tronsm ss on tthol w ii land up lo olmosl ony abuse w th new qoar ratios sol ci d lo d i v r every ounce of the extra enq no pownr lo ihe dnv oq whels vou gl btl f por formancp wilh the same cjas conoy i the first gear rs synchronied now yott eon d p nto frsl on iho move iij1 a eowy as yon onooqo the olher three tl re liave b n nnny oher nj ovm tnts too amonq the most ruc nl 3 bimitjr tiootnr ond fully udiustable seals we re constantly seel nq ways to movo the volltswaqon more et c fnt and when we f nd them we bu cj jhflrn n so for we hoven t d scovored how wo cat impiovo tho base des an of our veb ees thot s why thn latest orrtvols icto fesf like tho ones that cams ovor last year the yoar before that try as we might we con t upset the log c of putting the driver up front and tho eng ne at the rear it provides bertev trod on in mud and snow and the load ndes cradled betvfooei the wheals look at tt e maka them eas volkswagen ond unload nq ions big double side doors ond a reor door or to load than ony von evr bcittt st ii deliver the qoods for less less loading t me and loss runn ng cost your dealer bos tacts to prove t come and dnv one of ihe now vofkswoqoi this week volxswaoen cana0a ltd hmm an row eeist voswogu iwltrs they art port ol aetwork of 331 thcwei vw samct reattes ridkt ntn cseeea m gilmore motors guelph si at rexway dr tr 66782 tr 73951 trod between nations ra two woy street west gar omrry h one 6t canada s best customers and every volks wagen sold lo thll country helps canada to sell germany mar canodton good

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