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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1961, p. 9

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th 0eorobtown herald thunday fsbruiry 9th 196t doreen murray of canadian national telegraphs displays a drawing transmitted or canada s first public f icsimile r vice known as wircfax the sen ice his been opened initially between toronto and montreal and provides mstint lraii mission of drawings letters sketches and documents wirefix is operated by canadian national canadian piciftc tele communications v ho expect to extend it to other centres us demand for the service increases the greeks had a word for it until the longawditcd can adian dictionary is published ontario residents will continue to confound acquaintances out side the province when talking bout electricity odds are in a conversation that a resident of the grand old province will use the word hydro when he means elec tricitj in fact national elcc trical week could prebabk be called national hjdro week in ontario without raising a single yebrow grk for wafer to most canadians outside ontario and english and am en can dictionaries support them hj dro is i d reek word meaning having to do with water but their ontario cousins arent speaking greek when they refer to turning on the hi dro they mean elec tncitv- the story of how a pureh regional colloquialism such as hdro has survived in an age of the mass media is linked closeh to an institution also peculiar to the province the hydro electric power commission of ontario for ontario ii v dro aa it is popular known has been in the vanguard of on tanos economic progress dur ng the past half centurv so much so that part of its name long ago passed into common use as a sjnotijm for elecin city drop tha word how firmly the word is en trenched in the voeabulan of ontario is illustrated ta an ed itonal which appeared in a toronto newspaper in rcph io a suggestion thalhdro he dropped from the n yn of the provincial power cninnrnsit n ontario without hdro it would be like romeo without juliet the iafs without mahovlich unthinkable who cre who cares if wsiiors emit figure out what the word hydro means if the wdnt to cnjo ontario the ii just have to learn the- language hj dro is an important reason for the provinces progress an j well being of the people the editon il writer s c in ments are a reflectiin of the vital role ontario llvdro uid the aixoiiiud niunicpil elte tru il svsums plaj in the lift of the province never stop together they supplj 1 8h0 000 customers sounds of con struction never stop on 11 dro s province wide sstems is a c in tinu il program of ttpuisiin is ncceaaary to supplj the con stanlly increasing electncil needs of the homes farms in dustnes and commercial enter prists- of the province s where do the billi ns of kit w itt h urt pr dure in 11 in ejeh jeir ldu in of e hit e consumes the li ust part equalled by few but ihe residential cu t m era in ontario use clcctncitv at a rate equaled by few other places in the world thcv hive incru td their c insiimplmn b almost 60 per cent in i sinjje decide sinking as this in crense is it his been surp issed b ontino fjnntrs who hive doubted thtir ivirage consump tion in the same period and now use more electric energj thin their urhm neighbors what pirt h is hdro phv cd in ontino s growth james s duncin ontino hvdro chairman summed it up reeontlv thil the missive genent n of low c st hdriulic power in this province h contributed tn i nnjor d trc t to the re nlarkable devrl pments winch hue taken pine in ontario goes with jut simg it is not by accident in t the slmdard of in ing of our pi ipu his ijinr up hv 60 pi r tent during the 1 ist two dr c ides thit per c ij la incimt is hirher th n hit mtional av erage that w pi r e nt of our homi s ire eliclriheri and thit iver 50 pi r c nt f cm idi s industrnl output is produced here make electricity work for you in the home on ihe job in the community m re thin an educational slokunylo livt melter hec trtcall is hide ed the twent kth enturv w j ol life at the touch of a linger i lectricit goes mstantl io work it speeds the w irk of millions nn i etiubuh evwvfinc t i nj i the highest st indjrds of hvinj in history thi nitum is more productive lualthur tuppli r wealthier ami matt sunn thanks to thi multipli tasks cetncity p rforms in sen nc ind medicine t u etricil lyis also enabled mm to xpl ire areas that wire former in accessible to d iv s childien ean look forward to a lifdiuu in which eh ctricilv w ill nuke even greater contributions to theirwav of life mtctncltv stands read to irtitt more jobs even wholt mw indus tries look mi forward the ih llities of elettncitj seem bound less to get more out of life get the most out of electricity la your home winng overloaded now it it reillv adeqmte to handle additional appliances start now b having v ur present wiring inspected and adequate wmnj installed by our experts aj- yoei planning a nw home why not ht il lctnt ally lf th clanit th quietest the most efficient tour home it always warm th easiest way possible by electricity electricity sparks the g r muckart co ltd plumbing heating and electrical contractors est tince lwi 15111 st tr 73592 national electrical week feb 5 feb 11 lowest power cost in the world canadian homes use more ileclrleity for less money than jiiv other people in the world rni on u pi r capita basis can jdi ins use more electricity for lull purposes than almost every oilier nation tool the- actual cost of lighting a home can be almost netlieiblc todays auto matic laundress does a thor oiilh job on the family washing and works with a will for some three hours for leal than five tents electricity today domestic servant with the progress 0 elect ncit power in industry and its stquel of better paid shorter hour jobs the supply of domes tit servants all but vanished if rem this part of the globe yet thanks to that name develop ment of electricity lunadl in housewives hive more and better domestic bervanls than ever cook laundress upstairs maid downstairs maid the avenge can adian family now has it ctrlcnl equipment equivalent in hum in help to a permanent staff of at least nine and as many as thirty servants plaw hired man on the farm the real work horse on the farm to day is electricity in an over increasing decree it contributes more than any other factor to reducing farm hour and making farm work easier faster and more profitable farm homes can now be as modern and efficient as their city counterparts electric power provides water pressure banishes the dimness and dan ger of oil lamps and ends the build dam at orangeville as flood control project this eir miiks tin ihlhi ning of in iverall hood control pldn slid a m tntniwa ehairmin of the credit valley i oust rviiion authont il thi jan 27 ward four ratepd ers meeting in meidowvile the plan w is spjrked b ffurncinc ilia j md jnnlw die building til a dam n w under construe tion at orinee viilc with the help of th federal governme nt s winttr works pronriin the mirsli is being cleaned out and st me log eing done to prepire for thel hooding when the dim is reidy mr creen iwav slid the au thontv startt tl is piontlis in the vallev with no mintv and no expiri nee onh a 1 l of ptople who were willing to pitch in ind help he el ib r hed on the hopes mil phiis of i the authority foi thjulure i slides were shown to illus j trate the prevention of erosion and flooding during spring breik up the slide s also show cd aspects of the work being done jo make everyone conser valion conscious m the future i nther emmerson of meadow vale introduced the speakers and told of the work to prevent pollution in streams and lakes 1 he conservation authority ntw owns about 330 square miles of the valley and plans to expand as time passes a dam at georgetown is a pn posed part of the project farm news forage production is theme of crop group bj j a f ilalton s 1961 programme for ihe county boil crop improve ment association will centre around forage production president sam finnie has an nounced the date for the annual lliy show and seed display day as thursday mirch 16th this event will include classt e for quality hav seed for sale and a speaker on mtfdern meth ods of handling forage this year the hilton pisture management competition will be expdnded new ft atures have been idded to the pro gramme including a chinked prize lint the mmatt d pis lure competition is disuiild to point up miniifem nt pne tices on each firm but will allow for more efficient use of forage crops the secretary or the halt m crop improvement ssociilion j a francis outlined a series bf projects to be cirned out in co operation with the crop improvement asiocntions in peel halton wenlw orth ind lincoln counucs the pi inning meeting wis held on wednesda february 1st at the ontario department of agriculture milton dullness of isolation through th media of radio and tele viiion electricity milks the cows grinds feed waters the slock and does dozens of other daily chores the ilred hand is n wired hand now tireless versitilc year round the w est pud hardest working help t hat ever contributed to farm prosperity electric heating for homes not long ago j w kerr i president of the camdian h etncal lanufacturers assoc lation predicted that in ten yearn a full third of housing starts in canada may incorpor ate electric heating from the standpoint of initial inslnlla tion and year round operation electric heating is aliciidv teas ihe in all except the coldest provinces and at a total cost competitive with systems fired hj fhme thiijjt of it no fiirnjee or chimney no llame fumes or ash a cleaner more convenient and yet more ef fertivc supply of eomforatble warmth thermostatically con trolled in each room ideal for evtrvone and a godsend for those with respiratory condit ions and look what comlngl the canadian people will be offered an ever increasing num b r of new electrical apphan tt and equipment in the future s many indeed that space permits scant mention here of but a few home improvements will include lighting panels mural television electrostatic dusting wands ultra modern jstems of heating and cooling soon electricity will melt the snow on curbs and high wajs just as it does on drive vi s wash the dishes through mnd wave action irradiate oods and pulverize garbage to pow der home precipitators l will rid us of all domestic dust ind dirt and electric toilet s3 terns eventual eliminate the 1 need for srwagt disposal plants youll live better with full h0usep0wer fif 1ive hflllh 7s electricity sparks the mike sure you are taking advantage of properly planned seientificallydeaigned fud housepowor full houaepower 7 means that safe complete warmy its installed in your borne it means that your home win be completely equipped with enough cireuita outlets and switches to bundle future expansion and additional appliances youll lrv better electrically today and in future if you plan full house wisely now let us advise you full housepower for your homa robertson electric 52 norton crescent national electrical week tr 72924 feb 5 kb 11 youll live better and safer with adequate wiring now more thin eer before we need adequate wiring in our homes so min mire jobs are dine todav bv lrclneit so m n more hn o inpli ish i trwi the hiz ere t to electricity sparks the ard of fault be ignored li tikes so liltl time to hd miur home cheekcl it takes so little time f r fire lol1rt ou lose so mueh hie voir pwwer wiring lonkid h mn cih tts for an appoint ment dave williams electrical contractor 19 elgin street triangla 7 3312 nat onal electrical week feb 5th feb 11th are you getting the most out of electricity mike sure sou ire 1 ik n k i itare of properly planned full hou rpowir this means irnl safe complete wiring is installrd in v ir hime your home will lo eompletp with enoiifih circuits oitms and switches to handle future de manrts plus em uch fuses to supplv the extra margin of srffetv pi m wi h no let us advuo jou on full house- power for our hi m electrical contracior john lenz residential s commercial 65 mill st tr73414 nat onal flectr cat week feb 5th feb 11th heavenly the heavenly comfort of a warm relaxing bath at the end of the day is something you can enjoy when you have an automatic electric water heater with a modern automatic electric water heater youll have plenty of hot water for all your house hold needs yet it costs only a fewehte a day to operate you get more out of ufe when you get the most out of electricity live betterelectrlcauy mohl ciw ww ucujl georgetown hydro electric commission water street georgetown national electrical i electrici week february 5th to 11th sparks the

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