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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1961, p. 4

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r georgetown herald a thomson newspapers umttid publication i serving rho oommunltlw of georgetown glan williams norvil limftbouse hornby stawarltown balllnefett ashgrovd ferra cotta thursday february 16th 1961 editorial comment off the beam mr c- we sometimes find ourselves in dis agreement with columnist ian cass but never more so- than this week when he comments in controversial corner on jiro- jected amalgamation of some large british 1 newspapers there are points of argument certain jy about whetherjt is good to have control of anything in the hands of a few men be it newspapers clothing stores or manu facfure of furniture i but when mr cass refers to monopo- flghtlng for the public mind and per iodicals dedicated only to increasing ad verhsing revenue and to brainwashing the public he is way off the beam does mr cass think newspaper pub lishers are any different from retailers of merchandise from lawyers and dentists or im anyoneengaged in businessof any kind we for one are not ashamed to admit that as a private businessman until two years ago we were vitally concerned with profits and as an employee now of a 1ar fler firm we are ust as interested in the balance sheet and we think it is quite possible to lurn out the best product we can in a news paper profitably without sacnfic ng any gone are the days a new 5 room public school at silver creek which r proposed to be erected by esquesing school area within the next tor or two sounds the death knell m north halton for the little red school house the new school would mean closing two more smaller buildings in favour of the idem consolidated structures to which tudents are transported and while nostalgia makes us heave wgh for the disappearance of the itttle ntry schools one can hardly argue that y advantages which accrued in them are t then outweighed by this new devel- ent m the last ten years consolidation is important rf for no ther reason than the virtual impossibility securing teachers to guide eight grades a one room school no matter what the y might be that type of teacher is as ex- nct today as the man who used to work integrity or trying to brainwash the pub lic to get down to specifics it is our humble opinion that incorporation into a larger firm ha bean of benefit to readers of the herald there were economies in the head of a small businessman which sometimes were detrimental to a weekly newspaper read ers must have noticed the increasing em phasis on news coverage in pictures which a decade ago was almost nil increased staff has given readers more for their money than ever before in news content and has in tact added such columnists as mr cass himself to our readership advertisers have benefitted by belter machinery and a more up to date printing process and the herald staff has now benefits of an jnsurance and health plan hardly possible for one small business we can assure you that if the herald is an example there is no brainwashing no fighting for the public mind our main endeavour is to turn out as newsy and in formative a weekly issue as possible and make a reasonable rate of profit to foot a large yearly salary bill with a bit left over for the company shareholders is there any tnmg too wrong about that the dark at in top of the stairs sugar and spice by bill smiley did you read that big blurb about me 10 your local paper recently it got headlines like this iirmarojjreeklles sugar and spice wolumnist most wi dcly read in canada thats pretty heady stuff td read about yourself however if didn f im press me much as i had written the story myself lauding it to the skies became he agrees that would become boring after a bit theres nothing berlna abeut ineret notntng berina a the letters i receive front daft they wann f dly and personal end they are not trying to grind en axe er haw me grind h far them they coma from ewer hie it said in the story that this country column is now running in one hundred and eleven newspap ers across canada lets have a look at that in round figures round figures are tho orijy sort which have any attraction for ma and most rod blooded col umnitts except woman feel the tame way supposing the average cir dilation of these weeklies is 2000 that means there arc 220 000 subscribers exposed to sugar and spice heck lets make it an even quarter million and let s say an average of thrct persans reads each paper in hich the column appears thats a fair figure all right jw and entitled w i from mrs james nlckeraon of west rortbury mass men tioning acohnm she liked be- cause it reminded her of old times in nova scotia from wal ter starhef oxenden ontario claiming id make a good mp and wishing a happy new year from jack cooper of vernon b c saying hed just celebra ted his 69th wedding anniver sary feels great and reads t column because ttn a dt good writer from jack cornet of la salle ont whom i have not seen for is years enclosing a book hes written on curling containing nothing but blank about curlmg controversial corner rhut l igazine itli i s have three quarters of i million potential readers of thi column each week ah let wouldnt it be something w us make it a million and be sugar spin done with it d how pierre barton what he was up against end when i gat tossing figures wrot th m lik this around m my head i sm 1h eabth st mid- start feeing pretty important j o- kwm d tv by george i think there arent j wno million ny fellow writing a column th driv t in which a million or two r mr sixty or seventy hours at his ob or rhe housewife who used to wash by hand bake her own bread and make the children s clothing only flaw in the consolidation scheme is one which will appear if another depres sion of the 1929 variety should overwhelm us for with only a few larger schools we are committed always to provide iran sportation for pupils which is a costly un dertaking for school boards otherwise despite those who think the oneroomers should be retained because mr x or miss y went on to feme in his cho sen field after graduating there are obvious advantages in both teaching and accommo dation by grouping rural children in larger centres and a school bus is a much safer method of travel than youngsters strung for a mile or two along busy highways in these days of speed more nonsens e on divorce once again proposals to nuke some slight improvmu nt in our archaic and stupid divorce legislation have run ititu hi of politual inertia filibuster action bv thi ur mp arnold peters and frank howard succeeded in pushinj a bill through the commons giving jurisdiction in divorce niitltrs lo thi st n ate this bill is now stagnant in that normally stagnant puol of canadian politics the senate lnless attion is furthcoming from the fads in an atmosphere of tinier ideric and good fellow ship was crazy large bite s ni doubt that our market is flooded l publications ami that for which a million or two hlr t ir t iking a larft bite pp waiting feverishly u available advertising rev aaeh week just imagine all v t desk and then is no doubt that people from yarmouth t i siinnil if ll uildllll deptndint i thi senate on this bill continuant again threatened renewed threat 1 the comments on this renew td threat made bj senator ar thur roebuck head of the sen ate divorce cummiltte and b robert mccleave head of thi commons commill4i are en ougjh lo make me want to cij aofth into my flaggon of sack it is outrageous they said to make a political football of this there is enough mis i of lh filibuster aclion the most dangerous monopolies ns to chilllwack bc fight that is is in to paper first ban i the ptnod b on wod is on flags iow to deal uith this in mind i net out is a difficult 1o impress the familj with the i be easier famous personality in its midst ion has fin f v know there are a mil linn people reading sugar and pierre this weekly mall him i am ariam nt the mus odhams pre in n it tain niiv inirn mi r i inothtr gniup nl last iiw iht end tl th n i icle a line indt pt niluit i paptr tins uust nrnvi w irb the dail herald w although not indt pencil nt represtnt the unlv oftitiil of the british ijihtmr liri that tnd it rlift rs frm otht r british papers harvh sentence latum lb bo inane il is be r wi have n n cause the committee headed f harsh dtiin m si utt by these gentlemen are in m out in the i n to active and futile it is because pan execuluts found neither house will come to prilp tixing in the eltd pigeon holes is litlle doubt that thf ion will produce con spice evt rj week i ask uung pretty good dad the says 10 and 25 years ago echoes hi itrlups i hi hy from the pages of the herald ear go to fh eplorers feb 14th 1951 and fab 19th leighnde tonight 1936 i try hugh do you reahie ery in the world already sciniillating poppjcockl so i nan it is because divorce what tegi- id foi stripping it comn h nt u u ilk pinion holi s which iliffuull mitttn poppi d imi forgotn mail- th- my column is read from issions eoal t coast i enquire s inlo how come we- cant afford tv set then he wants to 10 years ago this hid w hex i tint i i different a list if is red hot firl how ri idrs think f salarv raise averaging s300 each were given to teachers at georgelown public school when the calar schedule il i e sed at a board meeting still set king some x thursday the new ached- 1 approach the old up f t mlnunum 1800 and a maximum of s2700 a piinihv but still setking some flood downtown gets a blastin o s becau come i grips with the matlt r that so ln much human miser exists in broken up families and deeiu ed children co nipt li v prnid moi fin il nlu send blasting of the mcgibbon hotel has been almost like the opening saluie m program of renovations in the downtown district some of the improvement has been coincidental as for example the new front dn the herald office planned for many months and finally completed last week but the sanding firm has found geor getown a fruitful field for work as hrsl o ie then another bu id ng owner dec des to re furb sn the brick and stone ot h s exterior it will be an encouragement to coun cil s plans for resurfac ng ma n st and in stall ng new s dewalks and dra nage to see that merchants are spending some dol lars on mprovements too and we would guess that after the sand blasters finish their work there will be some br sk sales of paint too to finish off the job and en hance slore exteriors to lietci the puhln should cerldinl bt dialt with there is no ariimtnl hen vi i how much mon dantruus in monopolies in the disi ruination if n s and information brm- w a h i n g a gnat solium of i he pnss ridi telcmmim ind ptnodicil iuhistr is ilreuh and opirattd l groups and combims mit f whom bee in to b dr dinted onh in men isitie ailvirtisinn nieiuic and lo brainwashing the public into being wjialutn d uncnt icil miimns monopolies fithl in for thi public s dollar nnv be bad onoiih hnw much worse an mimopolii s fihlinc hired u nottsoweii eitablioil d fr lhe p md royal com mini ovi niping condone de tertian one is forced to the assump tion that a majority of he sen icir administrators eif this coun tr are quite willing to condone utmfhon phvsical and mentil tnielt one sided insanilj and phlishni boasted promiscuity without raising a hand to protect the innocent member of the mar nage alliance one must also assume that hoth houses agree with the present sjstem where h a divoree ma onlv bt ob taintd if supported b evidence nt unfaithfulnes thai this ill nee is frequtntu m tnufac iti i pi rhaps thi ik mirkil in unfu ion in im mow th uptrluial kntiwltilge witt ninlil btimiilition thcj mini a rt d hot silling job for ht imrinn n of lift i loiiht if tin existing canadian n ilaniit puhh hers can do the irni lor lh anadiin w i iilh or without lib competi papers do i ung the column that rtmtndi me you for got to put the papers out with are the garbage this mornmg the he mail bag nt require no furtht r cinn as landed b more i sses and iniliiiti x i a- the minimum qu ihfiratmn upports loillpulsory jfur tranmt for sklllul jobs ducation to age 18 and fr 56 slitns rise georgt town ont tru lfr editor whith maj lead lo skilled t ing and uork in 1957 58 the total enroll mini ii graded classes u about 306 000 pupils if the pre sent drop out continues with out chingc then 13t000nr these will drop out betuetn tht firm jear of high school and junior matriculation and 95 000 more will drop out be tween junior malnc and um ersit production processes and the organizations behinijt them are constanth being altered as specific applications are found for new basic discoveries and the new methods are bringing education and jobs most people todaj feel that r ultimate survival could de- nd to a large extent on he uallty and extent of our scitn resources and technical owledge in the last few ears any people have expressed ncem that we maj be falling hind in this matter of build lng up our pool of kiiowlidge and skills canada has spent and is pending urge sums to supplvs fundamental changes chooling or various kinds and mdustr 5 occupational requi it various levals howeter rtc m more complex opera t ttudies offer disturbing evi tions demanding more skills sence that a slartlme propor 1 knowhow on of our jouhg people an ror instanee applications tailing to take futt adanlag of of elettronics have 1 n t roast d iveo the second arj school edu the demand for advanced know jatlon available let alone ti n ledge and training in electrical inttlng in the professional occupations and related trades training at our- universities the situation is well known the dominion bureau of mat to teachers and guidance coun reports that one third of i sellers wbo trj to steer their pupus drop out of school student mto courses which iln o an e j school match tm atlon and sometimes with t completing that and abqut tblrdt of all the pupils v tohool before junior ma illation only one fifth sf tbott who started in eletn r icbool obtain their sen vrtficulatioi m spile of jukt that aenior matneula- aptitude and which lead to careers where employment opportunities are likrl lo exit lito these facts are related tv the requirements of oppur tuntties for emplojtnem in canada the true significance of this dismal drop out picture becomes fully apparent in rec ent ears there has twin an 111 cnast in the tolal numtur of opening for tin skilltd ml semi hkilitd orcupitions in tht semiskilled or unskilhd calegorj those for which the tir drupoiit from school must to a iart extent tinnpete now at count for onh about 31 percent of all jobs mechanization is also having its effecti on office employ ment new methods and equip i menl particularlv data process ing equipment while creatine i a demand for clerks with j changes such as thtse in mind employers are hiring new wor lers even for jobs requiring little skill on the basis of their potential for future develop ment its this reason ftliv i am very happy to see that the gov eminent is irving to enact leg 1 slat ion to raise the minimum age of leaving sctlonl from 16 to 18 bll i kit hmond four will be citizens judo w cory heard application for canadian citrrenthlp from four local people when tixtytwo auch application from all ever the county came betare mutt c01 ntiripattd bv i his i 1st and no douhl other canadn commissi mi on coming in for from polituiu p per magazine moguls have bet n rrndc placid individual rk of the cnniin the rnvil shi pllblltltloll- is ivtn criticism from nt ws inlj the situation which now exists demands in effect thai nonmllv honest and respi cl able people mils i connive and lie that thc must be pirtv lo tht faking of evidence of the most sordid kind and that thc must be raked over the coals of publicity before the gauping be scrapped public otherwise they cannot 1 n firnu wnt obun a divorce spnse immoral racketeering unutual mnnr i am certainl not in favour the comiinssion chiui of the type of immoral racket j gntlon 0 1 irv idiioi the district at a glance brampton hit knmpton lions staged 1 uamronomic spictacular tues- in tht mi 1111 at the clubs mini il alinlini buff i includ d iiwgima bullmoiihc north rri hi ick bur bruce penin nla tnison reick m iimtain i piaee rivtr buffalo f following in his dads foot steps gordon bud hard- man son of mr and mrs bob hard man normandv bhd has joined the armv he was sayi an i had to go out in my homo on leave last weekend dreuing gown in the wiow and from birnefield camp king- a i nearly broke my neck on stun thoia back steps when are you 1 bt vftlean son ronnie and their dog laddie bad an interesting hunting experi ence near norval on saturday ronnie and laddie came on a wolf near the branch of the credit and after chase ed brought it down with two shut- going to start looking the house like rhis is rallier dauhtn but doesn t eompletelj dismav 1 tm like an old prize fight who has been knocked thi canvass so often that his 8 blasts onlj back is more tender than beeztr i just wander aim mumbling to mvself that some dij 1 11 be famous and then the 11 apprecnte me hv gnlh and thev 11 miss me when i die and stuff like that but i mutt admit 1 became extremely depretted the other day i was reading pierre bar ton s column berton for those i found in the animal pellet v 25 years ago f the cvr is running another cent a mile bargain excursion to different parts of ontario this weekend targe crowd enjoed the first annual dance of the junior orangeville ftaquet club in the arena flv dav the patronesses were outside the limited ranga of fth mrj fle mrfi w jy toronto daily for which he mfs p blackburn mri works i a brilliant product of ijiws0n nweil dance mbam ere miss edna harris and sujgi s issmn shnulrl wett coast nvwspapai currently the hottest dally c6l mtivtd into umnist in the east well in this column 1 a reading he was hraging mod estli about all the letters he from reiders that if eering which exists i some ih otuwi joumil has et r a frt areas south of the border where uinlv handled hr imisii 1 a 4hc divorce is easier than obtain j tions in an mm sua 1 m mm r skvwiv ing a dnving permit if you have the cominissiim has bet n id hsi t the money we do not have to virile controversial ac uhtn a go to these extremes i have c and newsworlhj the id ind no desire to see a reno in apparent weasels in the wood jbililv canada with legalized prostitu pl emerging from tion at m0000 a shot 1 villi for fxorcise drive iii sauirdiv on uhci si in me in nat survival techniques sch mt simulnted the s rule 111 hit evtnt of it attick on toronlv burlington ik 2i car pileup in fog south end of burlington kt pt ptilict hopping t k the pileup si irted traclor tniler jackkinf went off the reid vis wis almost rem john scrvmgeour miss el- i canor right and mr gordon i russell a at the gregorj tneatre mad love starring peter lorre shipmates forever 1 made me feel bad give xir starring dick powell and rube him aft weak among the new canad ians are dirk richard oebeer and mrs hotake lucy reboer ef 2 main st nofth mrs ant in gles ef 72 king st and mrv antoinette margar- tha maria peeters ef glen wdllama quirj into thp domination of ihe canadian magazine field hv n tht th pw th oounlr bem the prru tm 1 to fortune gniup ind reith r s digest the chairman s milh ods of dwaliiir with nprcuili hehllf of need of revision the fact remains th divwee laws are in desperate need of re visrnn revision now not in two vears the consideration and approval of divorce cases j pphk belong m the courtk and not tn mugaii i- in- widely criticised and usptt ev idenee ihtt the commiss should be disbanded oakville to curb expensive high sclu ni building program nikvillc louncil passed a iiintion th it he high school ixiinl ht required to con sult with council prior to ordernif pluis fur an n school which thi linrri i hi it mplitoon trurtinf a lakcjujiundred thousajid bcr ton and i have the same circu latum ills mail averages 30 lellers a dav mine averages 10 a month aim 24 of them are bills otfers from magazine s and final notices about insur inre premiums that convinced me that id never be a really famous col umnist and i felt pretty sick about it i thought lt be cause im not controversial enough oh ive attacked in my day such thmgs as mother hood me protestant churches the home social drinking tern perance sax and the weather but i iutt cant seem to get my teeth into something vital itke used car dealers or vacuum cleaner salesmen the sort of thing that gets people woric keelcr a wicked woman star ring madv christian charles bickford and jean parker words of the wisk nothing will ever be attempt ed if all possible objections must be first overcome sam uel johnson georgetown herald parliament quebec and newfoundland have no divorce courts as long as an mno cent woman with children to canadian identity th c wtr forme then i began thinking beardmnre and ompiny are the sort of letter i do get pling to eliminate he from readers and i felt better acidn support must remain leg tied to a husband who has to recommend wajs and means deserted her beaten her starv b which the government could ed bet become insane or be act to encourage a genuine can luul odors produced in he tan coma a criminal or drug addict i adian identity ua our pi nod rung process the companv as long as thia situation re- ical press also to investigate piunpini air to the bottom i mains i cannot understand how problems arising from thi sale rairv 1ake to raise the warm and do vou know something 1 d trade incomes with pierre berton but i wouldnt trade mails 111 bet most of the let son arthur roebuck or robert of publication edited oulsiile witcr to the top where thev ters be gets are either hacking mccleave mp can sleep easily canada njbodv whn pprr hope it will moll the ice and his column to hits because the in their beds at nighl ed such a commission to get at allow the foul odor to escape reader disagrees with bun or published by newspapers llmtteef georgettm n ontario walter c bhn managing editor garfteld l mcginnay production superintendent office staff aileen bradley terrv harley j olli a plant staff l m clark dave hastinea b baskerrille myltt gilsoo bob luearthvr member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and th ou division of the cwna

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