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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1961, p. 6

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jr rcup tnra cabinet he made himself is arnold richardson viceskip of the regina richardson and arnold has the only key proof the richard- axe determined to make it three scotch cups in a row when the world curling championships sponsored by the scotch whisky association get underway in scotland march 30 to xl this year the third of the international event pkxm of the united states will take part as well i and scotland review years activities when congregation meets faram ritchie become st jofirts life elders veteran school staffer marie lindsay to retire the georgetown public 1 teacher wxbb the longest fr- j of service on the current staff miss marie lindsay is re urine a member of the chapel st public school staff miss lmd ay tendered ber resignation by letter at the last regular g of the georgetown school board tn her- prison school and it was ac- aepted whb much regret miss lindsay has been teach 4g school for thirty nine years nd for the part thirty seven years has handled primary grade classes at chapel street during her time here miss lindsay has taught some 1200 pupils her resignation will e effec tne the end of june commenting on the retire ment board chairman ed yd son said miss lindsay has been one of the most faithful and most respected teachers the public school board has eer had on its staff a mil ton resident miss lindsay came here in 1024 the 36th annual meeting of st johns united church was held in st johns church hall on monday january 30th col lowing delicious supper sarv ed by the ladles of the women s association under the leader ship of mrs verlena sinclair approximately seventy adults and forty children attended following the flipper the child ren were entertained in the church parlor with movies rev jan fleming was chair man of the meeting aod follow lng a period of devotions gave a general report on the life and work of the church in 1s60 it wgs nved that there were fifty baptisms fortyone belntf infants and nine adults twel ve marrfati- core monies were performed and twelve services of burial conducted during the iyear twenhsix persons were received into membership by profession of faith and thirty nine by transfer total mem bership now stands at six nun dred and fort four persons r j b hicks mr h c lewis and mr r h hansen were ordained as elders in i960 mr lee king church treas urer presented his report for the year i960 which showed current fund receipts in the am o u n t of 20 634 48 w it h 6060 49 being total receipts for the missionary and maint enance fund the year ended wttha small urplusinthe cur rent fund account and money in the m m fund be ing turned over to the m m department and allied fund al locations reports of the fin ancial operations of the w m s evening branch arid afternoon auxiliary womeiks associa lion sunday schoolhigh c c g i t explorers choir and junior choir were also receiv ed alan prouse sunday school superintendent report ed for the sunday school stres sing the need for more teachers and more space for classes the average attendance at sunday school stood at two hundred and sixteen mr a maclaren a chairman of the session nominating com mittee presented his report which was adopted and thus mr s t faram aid mr ian ritchie were made elders for life with mi fred masterman and mr tom darcle being jnadc elders jtor a five year term mr dave hastings chairman of the committee of stewards nominating committee present ed his report which was also adopted malting mr jack addy mr fred bolton and mr how ard holmes stewards for a per iod of three years with messrs m allison lee king d latl tpor k mccuuliy n nelson j nicol and t nlvtn being re turrttd to office on the cfimihil tee f stewards for another three year term mr ernest forgravc in ing rev fleming and his wife for their ministry mid leader ship paid particular prajse to mrs fleming for her wqjrk m the sunday school and cgjt mr a maclaren expressed his and the congregation s deep ap preciation to mrs c buck mrs j b hicks mrs g armitage and miss gladys ward for their faithful service in the prepar ation of the communion ele ments during the year a glow ing tribute was paid to the i choirs and to mr ken harrison organist and choirmaster by mr h c lewis mr tom niven reminded all present the sacrificial service given by the offteeriland tefteqf the sunday school and offered the thanks of the congregation the faithful and devoted work of the church caretaker mr wal ter roedger was recognized and appreciationexpressed on behalf of the congregation and the property committee mr george armitage clerk of session thanked the treasurer mr lee king and the recording stew ard mr cecil davidson for services rendered in their cap acitieb as officers of the church organization in closing the meeting mr fleming paid his compliments to mrs robert harris for her capable and cooperative work as church secretary by dorothy arkbr outer pace must w ipvnd bil lions to do likewise god has given us a book of rules to guide us that book u the bible and in that book we have an example of what god did to the babylonians be cause they wanted to build a tower so that they could make a nam for themselves we can never forget that punishment even today we still have the confusion of tongues our great creator dots not change his purpose and if the desire to rule the world was bad in his ejes then it is till bad m bis eyes too long have we been dnfunj wa from his word of truth and guidance in matthew 24 jesus tells us his surprise in arriving in georgetown from the old coun try on a hallowe en nignt and seeing the canadian pranks which were uncommon back home a quiet home loving man he loved his game of euchre and 1ns chats with a few close friends he had also lived for a time in windsor where he was emplojed at kelsey wheel his wife alice tabernacle died 28 years ago he had an apartment on john st for some years and lately had been mak ing his home iwlthniembers of his familj v he leaves four childrehrmr albert kershaw elsie and mail bag blames greed for current recession and unemployment apt 3 45 mam n efforts to place georgetown ont february 11th 1961 ber editor- ir a taw weeks ago you deploy d the lack of letters from readers to your mail bag col vmn a lack which brought un i mediate response so i venture 1 a hm lines which might be of interest to your readers i- last night i tuned in bo chan fael i tv to a program eye r witness to history it was fdealfng with unemployment in j mm us and gave a graphic picture erf what is happening over there as well as in some of our canadian towns and could very well happen right we in georgetown we saw the crowds at the wmnpoyxnent offices the line- j of the calamities of the last p of hundreds for parcels of days and one of those calami food surplus handed out by the i ties is famine ttf are con government we were taken stanlh called upon to give to fon a tour of the town where care so that the hungry may p factories making furniture be fed in othir land it was i etc are now closed down a shock to see that broadcast saw the windows with their i from the us because 1 realix i reading- for rent or sale i ed all too well that i could be ws toured the once prosper here we hrvc onlj two good w cho areas now al most sued factories here what detected drug stores closed i would happm if thex wire to cheshire mrs george flelch tteodanta at beauty shops c down is not hard to im er fred and jack ditchfield of passing tfae time by dressing agine in reading our council jleigh v each others hair since there news a few week ago i learn itev ian i- leming of st john s ar no customers to wait oil ed that another suggestion had i nited church conducted the a town called cairo populauon been m idt to our ounnl for funeral service on tcbruan 1st nee nearly 20 000 now oni the nldin of m n houses to al the harold c mcclure fun w0 prnidt mori lis eral home with interment fol we heard an assurance from xhe answer giin u thai re- lowing in greenwood cemetery flovernxnent sources that sunn quest b our worth major pallbearen were francis and j- thing must be done to stop this wdls juu ng u num uonard hulme william hill tmpession before it becomes a o tap r utaus we frank seddon and d iuriss i realue that it is tndustn that and robert ditchfield of win wfinls these and words m need to provide the wot dsor re also ben uttered by ng man wage to pav the i bovemment but many j uxes on the house he already r i j rewnorfng not only owns and until we can get i bervefs jultd wows wmt s answer but what is more industrv we must of nee n i at i cause for noarlj 30 ev bo at a standstill since z members now i bare been living be hae ntrnt of vikh ani mama aur tli we nae piem ot no is and thf servers st georges ur means the workup apartments to satisr anone h ld annual meetink a l mb has demanded more amt lookina for a home i u li g wee increases he wants r th 1t wtrld w j chdeacon s s pay with less wort which sj p ople fd church as the goods be make will pt lesson raad wlth grelt be sold at ever higher prices interest hiyw the common ptnl tt modot1 boide i brought together the rich and i appliances and where t p w onc thought m thrilled to own a car i survival and how so years ago he now wants one the suffering of those less for fct every drfcrer m the famiu t brought out the very thousands of people are kil vst that was m them to help led on our roads ever ear 0 rs perhaps the answer its simple rwiaps we need a lesson eon word greed we are cut too and that lesson could be ttng our own throat hy pur dc iem by famine due to im binds for higher living we can mplovmenl too mam of us m longer compete with world i thank god daily for our daily lancashire native lived here 35 years a town resident since 1926 and a retired employee of smith stone ltd richard ditch vocations in industry a two field 78 died in windsor on are pursuing the vocation of january 30th where he was vis the minlstery and are taking itlng with his son theological training he was a native of leigh i those installed were jim lancashire and often recalled english ronald guyett paul students the guild also has honorary membership of young men and a number of them are serving in her majesty s forces in various parts of canada others are employed in their hodgman thomas parry mich nel pratt neil tost detlef stein others to be installed at a future date are stephen arthur dieter hachman brian hicks bruce hicks alan pet erson steve petto shawn tost david underhlll the meeting concluded with visual infor mation on church history and architecture mrs sydney hulme nellie ot town wilfred ditclfleld win dsor and mrs ernest alcott bdith of merntlon 13 grand children and 17 great grand children a daughter cissy died in her teens he also leaves a sister mrs norman dodgson in toronto and bro ihers and sisters in england mrs peter ormson of runcorn arnold rath bun representative sun life of canad 1 2 gower court georgetown trlanglo 74792 epistle during the service rev kenneth richardson con veyed greetings at the dinner and stressed the work of the t our prices are bread but it is only lip aerioe tbo high no wonder russia j all too few of us rcalixe that cm boast that she will rule the it is god who gives us the hr- fwotid end will beat us in the test no one owes us a living i w 1 never heard of wb must wort f our dail an th part f tfte ui rusga um it i a bread and use our efforts and lmown fact that in wartime what we produce in the way w strikes could cripple i that is pleasing to god if we ltzt w might well ask dont- then we cah be sure of how many of our unions i bis anger and bit just punish i controlled i meat f question becaube uod j are oukinft urday teb 4th with 21 men present the catering was assumed b a number of moth ers of the young men s group- and a roast beef dinner was served prior to the dinner the ser vers assembled in the church for devotions and a celebration of the holy communion during which the secretary richard parry presented seven candl dates for installation into the guild robert evis assisted for the installation and read the that they play in the worship of the church and ih the com munity he noted that the guild which began with about three members has grown to twentyseven four of which are men who are employed in ka cordera i influitrj and tbs others are alberta s dinosaur trail a mile or so from drumheller winds through a dlbneyllke land of hoodoos wheat fields and oil pumping apparatus the latter look like huge prehistoric drakes continually nodding bhetr heads info six inch pipes most enthusiastic chairman of a tourism committee i have ever met don anderson drove me over this winding trail on a sunklssed day it was not hard to believe his tales abbut the happy hunting ground ofr at least 60 species of dinosaur who roamed these hills 100 million years agq nor did it seem fantastic that the smallest dedicated church in the world stands at the entrance to this fairyland which nature has car ved over the centuries from the glacial age through the stages of what is suspected to have been an inland sea to a thriv ing prairie community drumheller tot months had een marked with a big rd cross which denotes a must on my travel map all the way on the cnrs trans canada su per train i had fairly counted the miles from winnipeg where i disembarked from ray obur i chill t to e where i transferred to the drumheller bound dayllner 1 knew the badlands held an adventure i wanted to live i wanted to bow my head in the wee church hunt fossils atop the hills and climb the hoodoos that really belong in a travel fantasia my escort who by the way is also an enthusiastic booster for this village that grew into a city in a quarter of a century was an animated fund of infor mation as we drove over the prairie trail x was smack in the middle of the land of higih heeled boots oversized stetsons oil wells and acres of crops fat sleek cattle rosy cheeked ohildren foreign names on sto res and garages small trees apd tall men but the man who sat beside me sans stetson was a typical chamber of commerce executive a prominent business man organizer and believer in dreams that do come true his dream fa that drumheller which is experiencing the death throes of coal mining prosperity will reap another harvest already it has begun to feel the influx of tourists tourism he hopes will some day in the not too distant fut ure become the city s major in dustry eidence of the handwriting on the wall is the preparation local merchants are making for this eventuality shops are smart miniature china dino saurs roam in most store win dows along the t shaped shop ping area jewellery designed to enhance polished dinosaurs bones can be purchased end children s dinosaur story books and puzzles are displayed in the window of a local stationery store before i describe my trip ar i ound the trail which will fall into another installment of this diary let me tell you about drumheller itself it is a ribbon type of devel opment occasioned by the tact that miners homes many of them now in a state of decay were built in small buddies near the mines as they were opened up one after another at one time there were soibe- thing like 41 working mines in i the area 28 of them prominent producers now tliere are only a few i was taken to see one cough lng up its ebony lode from the hills innards someday scientist may discover a use for coal other than burning it seems it present that then and only then will tus mineral which made fortunes for the few and created saiv4esrorlhe rnsny again becomej national asset drumheller has not taken hje lack of markets for its coal iy ing down it is wooing industry with its coal powered steam- generating plant which serves the district with electricity the red deer river supplies an abundance of water and tfae railway a means of transporta tion for freight its 110 bed hos pital has plans for expansion there is a swimming pool lib rary camp site health cl and five schools most of all lis greatest asset la my mind its citizens those i met doc tors bankers businessmen and attract e vivacious housewives were all friendly community boosters it was a joy to find mvself on their doorstep and to spend two pleasant davs ad miring their dinosaur museum the replica of a huge lifelike dinosaur that marks the en trance on no no 9 higbwaj to their city and to experience their hospitally it was all truly western and savoured of rich beef stew bubbling with ovei sized vegetables we picked hi the ranch garden of its most successful still producing mining executive there s noth ing quite like a western wel come our fiair an lovelier shape jb winter tf ww n u tor haitttyl- jftq meftx faahksnable end ftomtiq id toop your hair taofrt regular vpptthtftrferm will make wn your hair is pratedd ht h weather all rfqijbt slffifflb 550 derex beauty lounge phqhjrjffl- 4kffitwenihjt- b 73326 concrete founation brick a block warit sidewalks new i floors ceragea siu hamilton klnainlton ctwnf ustmm need whvne totangle 73480 tvtr0uue c4lt- 73376 words of thk wis opinions cannot survive if one has no chance to light for them thomas mann but shopping sure makes you cold these days makes you want to take a rest in a warm cheery atmosphere with a hot drink and a bite to eat come to th ntc of it that reminds you of cottage inn main st south tr 74004 saturday excursions toronto national wrifflnf prab far podfl mnwf tttttt a tar dmad ntat mm w um corrupted cardboard or a ttronf carton print th complatt correct ddrra in ink on th frost of the parcel pitt your complete retum addreti is the upp left hind comtr of tbi parctl put a copy ot your mrm inin the parcel t for correct postasa havs the parcct wtijhm st the sea the yellow pages of mi telephone d rectories for ii nm abasias wnp canada post office were still boasting yes wa re still boasting about our terrific used cats and mm know that once you see them youll understand why one thing you may not believe the low price on nw car ef but then prices really are so much lower at st0neh0use sales ltd our february clearance is still oal buy a cad now for just 10 down or use your present car as down myi straight financing on just your no reasonable offer refused on ant usb cam this weeks special 1956 dodge you know youll get a better deal in evhty wav mom st0neh0use 51 guelph st ford falcon thundsnird dealers t 7227 top u p good cms

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