Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1961, p. 9

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ticket to bermuda patrick fitzgerald right here hands the winning ticket to archie gillies manager of guelph chamber of commerce while les loves chairman of the advertising committee of the shop and win in guelph contest watches mr fitzgerald and mrs fitzgerald for msrly ejiane harrison of georgetown as a result of their good fortune vill shortly be iwmudtbound at the chambers axpense guelph mercury photo fan support will wpjksfci deride baseball future it gate receipts important to finance ball entry local support for in termed some backing has already come forward from private sources the necessary 50 bond has been posted and a past debt with the halton as sociation has been erased but the major items equipment i and travel expense will absorb iale a baseball long absent club gatc rcceipu i from the georgetown sports scene is the big question mark being faced by the organizers presently georgetown officially made its return to intermediate a ball competition saturday when an application for membership into the llfilton county base ball association was accepted meeting at hornby thirsty sponge so the sue cess or failure of georgetown s attempted return to good lea gue ball will be riding on the shoulders of the local ball club crowd an insufficient number of shoutclers and the ball team tike the intermedlole- lacrossc crew will meet a lone ly end lynn mclaren who started eventual addition of another nine holes at north halton golf at country club is in long range planning by the the club but will be delayed until capital financing is paid off members of the club learned at their annual meeting february 6th sam mackenzie and e w binkley have been working on plans which would utilize por tions of the club property pres ently in their natural state and members are looking forward to the day when they can enjoy a full 18hoic layout meanwhile the club heard reports of one of its most active -yeapr- which included opening of the new curling rink and hi u meeting av nuniu tii ujiih mvuaicn mtu jmu u j that remains now is an allotted the ball rolling towards base- cndltlbcr 01x011111161x6 section of the park being sought ball revival didn t make the from the parking autonties i saturday meeting but tracey addohus c0im11ltt66s and of course the unknown f barrager and george barber i quantityfan support i represented the town at the as r committees were named b an intermediate ball club is sembly tele rtcmuticn of prtsm alex blackwell at an an expensive proposition and milton was in the chair and executive meeting of the cham can t be carried by a silver col i other centres with a voice in i ber of commerce last tuesday lection like an industrial fast the proceedings were camp ball team the new group wilpbelfvilie oakville aclon bron have to charge at the gate i te dundas and milton chibhouje putldlnf of a new sixth green and putting green demolition of the old clubhouse and extensive landscaping and sodding on the property president ross duncan gve a resume of activity in his ad dress pointing out that the club could accommodate an extra hundred golfers and curlers a greenskcepor doug suter was added to the staff last fall and he will be in full charge of this important aspect of a golf club committer chairmen report ed on their deparments jack malcolm for finance e w binkley for building murt al lison property and ted fen ning social thb dloroitowh h thursday february 16 i page 9 appreciation to urn i far their years work pressed by william hcn edward malison was reap cd auditor for 1961 fifteen men were elected ectors arjd they will their own president and era directors are ross wo harvey chappel fred hel jack crichton ben matutd ross duncan james stewart young oliver hoi ken nash jack malcolm terming murt allison will mcnally and art scott ottawa report bt monthly opservations by sanoy best mp for halton varian bowlers bebruarj 13 weekly high singlei george bent lharlu jenner 284 halton county has some of the finest farm land to be found anywhere however we are not really a rural county any more as a matter of fact probably only 12 to 15o of our population are engaged in farming much the same as the national average figure mind you this hasbeen a fairly rapid change as thousands of newcomers came into our area each season largely into new subdivisions farmer or not the new bill introduced into the house of commons just recently by the minister of agriculture the hon alvin hamilton is bound to affect you directly or indir ctly every canad an taxpayer is involved in the problems of the farmer through subsi dies and of course the purchase of basic food needs this new bill is probably the most basic measure your government has considered to assist m controlling the farm surplus problem low farm incomes n many areas and the necessary rehabil tat on and retraining of those who wish lb leave the land basically this measure is con cerned with taking out of farm production b voluntary means those areas which ma be clas sed as marginal and which n most cases are merely adding to farm surplus problems wi thout producing an economic return to the farmer there are a number of such areas in canada sometimes in large sec ttons occasional as individual farms what brings about thm pro blem well in some case- it is management laek of know edge lack of training lack of the abiht through insufficient capital to applj new methods and enlarge production prac tices in some areas it mav be soils or climate there are scc tions partlj in northern on tano eastern ontario the mar ltimes and other parts of cm ada which possiulv should not save been opened up to farm ing at any time fxperience has shown that this land mifhl better have been left in um ber through the provision of this new measure we feel it ma be possible to encourage timber production in some of these lands which are uneconomic for farm crop use there is ev ery indication that in the im mediate future and in the ears ahead uses and needs for um ber and particularly timber byproducts will greath in crease in other areas such as west em canada new cr ip- like rape seed and newer and bet ter varieties of grain not com i monly grown now may help to drversifj the picture the gov eminent intends to extend the i assistance which has been giv i en through manvwaflln the past to prairie farmers in ponds dams and general water i conservation practices to other parts of canada it is possible that this sort of assist tnr can materially help various parts of ontario i am hopeful that some fur ther cooperation can he wor kd out between the federal government and the provincial governments and municipalities taking part in conservation pro grammes the four ricr vil ley authorities existing in hal ton are accomplishing most useful work an encouraging sign is that people everywhere are hecom ing more conscious of the real probloms indications of this are in the excellent reports of the senate i and lse commit tec 1957 i960 the conserva tion council of ontarios rec ent publication on ianel i sc in the province sept i960 and the proj incial govern rhenl s economic sin lv or the ten eastern cotmiiis of onta no additional undi for parks and recreation anas are essen tial throughout our country the depl of northern affairs plas a considerable part in canada s vast park sjstem a resources for tomorrow con terence sponsored hj the dept to lake place this autumn is one which mill be well attend ed and observed with keen in terest on the local scene land use and procrilion is becoming intreasinch impirtam fvid encc of this was the tumulat mg and verv basic meeting whichlook place last week in trafalgar township the south halton and peel regional plan ning committee met with loc al councils and other interested parties to present a preliminary brief on che problem of toronto to hamilton laki front develop ment possible lake front land for park usi is rapidly vanish ing the tommittee detp con cern with the future needs of a rapidii expanding population were iain out in some detail action should be taken they said b loeal councils while maintaining a liason to war an eventual unified plan for the area such aggressive and fun da mental thinking la indeed commendable it seems to me th it in the development of our local park recreation and const rvition lands a number of points mifht j be noted aggressive long range phnninj will be neccs sarv liason between nuinici pal provincial and federal an thortits might be increased while conservation authority park and planning boird coop eration will be most important additional funds for the koval botanical gardens mujit fur ther develop that secti n hid the federal govt rn me nt mav iwaxsl f example t township at bronte beuh or burlington in its mircsled lakefront project as p irt of i the plans for the future weekly high triple tom grahim 6fil lhirlic lenner 661 george bent b28 season high single turn gnhain 35f george bent 301 season high triple loin graham 771 norm ijoiig 736 season s high single with hdcp george bent 122 sid newstead 317 georjf sandifer 317 high average tun riham 223 bill mellon lid 188 iaul birber 187 ladils weekly high singlet mir j o hahcrty 304 dorein corngan 238 weekly high triple mir 0 hahertj htul trunin season t high single mirt ouahertv ilea hurst season s high triple jean graham ika hurst season s high single with hdcp 341 still need hockey billets the number of beds now available for billeting boys taking part in the bantam hockey tournament here lastcr week is still ehorsof requirements it was reveal ed at a meeting of the sup port group ladies anxtl lary monday the ladies met at the home of mrs bill dwyer 53 maple ave west with at tendance slighth down from normal and planned a lucky draw for the last day of the week long tour ney tickets will be av ailable shortly the la will be meeting again at the home of mrs bob mcmenemj 20 shellev st on monday march i3th milton georgetown novices play to tie at north halloagolf and coun try cluh ten committee have been set up to handle the various activi ties in which the chnmber will i be engaged committee compo sition is as follows crvic dick licata jack arm strong fred he son industrial jack criehton william f hun ter publicity waller biehn christmas lighting les per cival retail howard holmes irwin noble allan norton signs william f hunter allan norton membership jim jons william f hunter bob lane christmas float dick li cata harold marshall halton mutual aid delegates j cn virion les percivai junior chimher of commerce dele- gale allan norton officers of the chamber el ectcd at a meeting the previous week arc alex backwell presi dent harold mcclure past pre side nt howard holmes vice president lee king treasur tr murray henlej secretary and directors william f hun ter jack armstrong harold biirmow bob lane and allan h or i ni as milton wint ahi id 21 2r on a free throw with just a nun imum of seconds t o hi norm scored and tht imi appeared georgetown b jo to 29 but a foul with just on s ord left gave mitt in dtum slra a pair of frt throws jnd he sank both of in m provincial bowlers standing chapp i bovd mrn weekly single mitarlmv three way tie forces basketball playoff with their batks to the will georgetown hih school catirs could onlv go forward and that they did ina big wa tuesdav feb 7 acton high the one re mainiug obstacle between them selves and a chance at the tn school title became just ano ther hurdle as ghs went over them 51 35 in the final schedule tussle to create a three wav ross dlinc1i traffic jam at the lop and force r wiston a plavqff milton the other team in the j tic will be georgetown s first opposition acton receivtd a bye into the finals the well rested locals hustled actons quintet right of the keln tract court after the first quarter nn wlv n with sparkling defense in which weekly triples cowbrough bingham fergus rav met arlni v on frankrujter smithanri ra ham brindford were parficularh brilliant team ron ov rt effort was the kev that opened the door to a fine offensive mjiks output ham mcclurg and larl weekly singlei ftiguson set up the plajs and dorothv munltr the teams top hoop hitler sim carol greensward on fran kru ter finished them kaj leriwidko off for a persnal point total weekly triples of 18 norm hit for 8 mcclurg dorothv hunter 6 teeter 5 rnmcsttrrtnko v carol greensward brough smith bingham lee marj laws and raj had two each again it was coach lynn mc laren i peculiar two platoon s stem that provided the winning boost acton took a 13 9 lead earlj the fivesome of norns cowhrough teeter crimes and smith were thrown in the sec ond quarter and blew the game wide open with 17 points the big switch was made again in the tihird and going into the 4th frame ghs had a 43 to 24 cu i shion after seeing his team return to their preexam form coach mclaren said he felt confident that they willd ro all the wa what put the locals in their cliffhangtng role was an excit tng 3130 squeeker that milton i salvaged last thursdaj in mil ton georgetown went into this one right from the ex tion paper and their plavojf was ijostiv thev shot 72 time but made only 13 of them good for an 18 per cent shooting average onlj 2 of 13 ghsfree throws i penetrated the twine 9 points down in the fourth quarter i georgetovn roared back to tie 2828 on pressing defense and fine individual work h harr mcclurg and bedlam reeagned high average be i hurst hiv mimi don en jcnncr teem standing w lurl t lenner 34 ttill mcdunild ji corle bent 30 bill mur iii llirn llivleck 2tih tom treuilen 27 nm 637 minor 304 eiuced t 313 dav ie bantam 727 to show 708 conteist georgetown novi were held to a tie bv their mil ton counterparts weston pee wees took a 61 shellacking im the local peewees sun minor hockey triteam hockey action was re just one game tue j 7th when milton and peewees railed fltorget however in the other miltnn b ram pi i hwl standings novice lo tin j uk knipi ktmsheid and frank king assesled on goals bj gerrv meiody who accounted for all the local novice sconnj ts though ihey have been able oi to walk all over the opposition 8l during the regular schedule uk 70 icewics have had to settle for cq lies in their last two eneoun i lers over confidence has hi en jq blamed for the let diwn the sunday win bv the re 5 juvenated peewees was their milton ceorjclo bru bantam ipton 14 10 3 eorgetown 18 10 7 milton 12 i 11 scorers lfeegue games novice g i kemshe id 26 norval toronto win industrial matches ii ind teironto wrr t winner sund i in industrial llenkej iction it the arena superior funds posted onl 2 2 iilhes in their clash with the 1 unsrathid neirv lis george hall 4 mi 1 in itilchie netted the jsuuls forh losers while tho l npm n pneed nnrvil wrl fine i il bud haines frill hir j risen nut ken itichut lison each e in i e lice toronto werr three joils lit t tir bin untunes in the other e hilt of the double header filbert anel siwchuck each i picked up two goals and ma iimv ilendtra and mircalt 0 e ne ipiece feir to webster cor el lluee times an i isetl deled a single for the com presstvt of the seison f stan hnnersle got a hat trick t in this one and one of the b team s hardest workers billy ft dwvcr collected three points d witha pairol goals andjm as d sist jim sills got the othe r georgetown gml and pinl robinson 2 ihil lavell and t peter barefoot also picked up a issists i ong from chrke was t the weston scoring combinat r preston is the piewee oppo j ition in a home and home toils k to count scries which slarls the w omha plnyoffs next week the b tcim play in preston tuesila p fib 21st and are back here ein saturda february 25th mon h mel arl me hikhim midden arnold i iws lark whiting 1 ane blair pummins presswood norton blair robinson reid bennett lne bine social end personal i p mr and mrs gexirge like p their daughter mrs douglas n brown and lranddiughler da j phne brown of langstaffe vis itcd one dav last week with mrs walter biehn 26 queen street and mrs william mc nally 22 market st no 1 specialists in long distance moving and local moving packing and storage clemfnts the mover head office 27ldonlandi ae toronto 6 world wide service tor information call ui collect toronto ho 1 1165 branokofficfi and warfhouse 107 kennedy rd south brampton gl 1 7313 kvnnerstev robinson dwer law ii hilts yates memenemy barefoot moody cann howdo save 18 13 14 when it comes to saving heres a tack worl knowing avoid writing cheques against you savings account impossible not at all a personal chequing account at the royatl fft ov use this account tor paying bills keep yo savings account strictly for saving the ba calls this the 2account plan si surefi way to save it makes sense give it a the royal bani of canada the bank with 1000 front door georgetown branch w f baiseh manager for weatherwise delivery 0fj rogers fuel oil mtmrattl triangle 73291 y triangle 7 4072 ni hotid company limited

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