Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1961, p. 5

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w dart doubles art hall and ron cash front row captured the doubles crown at the industrial dart tournament in the legion february 25th runners lip were alex koak mssmg from the picture and tony brunski centre back row on tonys right is tommy lilllefare of the ontario dart association and tommy wallace ot trie i aba it company womens council sees western trip slides mr r t paul prcsidi nt of 1 of wonun ottawa report bimonthly observations by sandy best mp for halton oft of th moat frtqoont question i am asked concerns canadas recognition of red china there seems to be an increasing volume of opinion in canada that whether or not we like the actions of this nation we ought to face up to the fact of lu existence we recognize russia and manv other totalitarian states it u pointed out whoso actions in the past and even today arc far from the accepted standards of international behaviour if mainland china exists and we trade with her and face the consequences of her decisions and actions in asia it is felt by some that we ought to officially recognise her both in canada and the united nations in contract to thii a strong body of opinion in canada and the united slates points out that while there is a free chinese government in formosa we ought not to recognize the more recent regime on the mainland red chinas repeated military forays into korea tibet and bonier actions at other points have tended to make recognition even more difficult at times when public opinion was perhaps increasing in this direction howovar the changing com position of the united nations with increasing representation from the lands or africa and asia make it likely that recog nitipn or red china by the un ited nations mav be only a mat tcr of time there have tain some indications that the ken nedy administration mav seek to anticipate this last week 1 had dmmr at the nationalist chinese embas sv in ottawa where our host dr liu chuh the chimse am bassador tp otliwa and wash inston described the work and problems of his government on the island of formosa or taiwan this isl ind apprnxim atch 100 miles bv 200 nnks in sue his a population of ten to cwvcn million thire ire nnn mount il lis and imcussihlc sec lions but linitbtrin and ari culture haye been developed on every available bit of land now irrigation and engineer ing projects road building oil refining truck manufacturing and other industries ire trans forming the life of the island in the fast few years a most in tensive land reform system has broken up the large holdings and given small areas of land to many farmers two of our members of par i lament fred c stinson from toronto and louis joseph pig eon of quebec who had recent y visited this island country reported some or their exper icnces to the dinner meeting j- red stinson also visited the offshore islands of qucinoy and matsu while formosa itself is some 140 miles off mainland t tuna the offshore islands are within easy sight of the main land and of course have been the centre of furious artillery attack from communist china and the subject of political de bate around the world thos two rocky islands ate virtual fortresses with under ground aclom modal ion for na tionaltst soldiers and their we apons in the motion pictures taken by fred stinson inoteil thejargc colored balloons with attached messages of propagan da against the communists fthese were let loose almost daily to be blown by prevailing winds over the communist mainland tho problem of qucmoy and matsti formosa and rccogni lion of communist china are still unsolved 11 is corliin ihit they will preent largi dens ions in the immediate months and vturs ahead lh 1 stall doolanhollingsworth vows in brampfon church a browns bread agent in miss biltv thomson as town john r doolan was mar bridesmaid wore a lilac gown ried on february uth in st j d carncd whtc carnall011s marys roman catholic church m brampton his bride is the t jacinths there were two former helen maureen hoi i flower girls dibble and loc ingsworth daughter of mr d ann doolan debbie wore holtingsworth and the late mrs and ctrrk white carina hollingsworth of liverpool i england she is emploved m and s cotton brothers store m bram combination was reversed a pton tho groom is the son white gown and lilac flowers of mrs w f doolan also of g the brides future brother liverpool and the late mr in law peter doolan gjv e he r doolan in marriage mr j nuhol white mums were on the was groomsmin and usher- j altar for the 10 00 a m cere were mr t rov md mr j nony at which rev fr sulli power u was a double ring van officiated mr mer welsh cercmonv was organist a reception followed in the the bride wore a full length howcrtown restaurant in th white satin gown with lae brampton mall panels in the skirt und laei i leaving on a motor trip t top her veil was held b a i the slates the bruit wore a white headdress and she car j lilac dress black accessories vitd a bouquet of white carna and a lilac orchid as a corsage tions and pale lilac orchids it mr and mrs doolan are i dlll was a replica of her mothers living at nt cornwall road i wedding bouquet i bramptont fl il to the ilub allocate 5000 first step toward halton county museum the mm are imned in pi lice work and first aid ihcv v o along hith li ic mnuntics and with thi loca 1 police depart mini a mi mhir of the top n in in fii riiniitiun an f trim iihii and m nun incil by endorsing a res with olution from ontario county iebruarv 24lh it her home a halton counu m through the hums of the m vet bicome a rtalitv cimcras of mr and mrs va the setting aside of 5 000 for last month council stem the memhers w taken ihis project the first step was disagreement on this on i tup out tu the vwst coast t iken at nuntv council ths this time it passed of amdi down thi incitic tnnnth although discussion uissmling voice coast and throtuh hie southern i centered around a cenlury in the kelso dam con trip taken hj the c ban liappv 1 clllr pl his mmuti manv of sitid some pl ices shown ind a inu w is spi nt remin inc enjovnifa the new imperial frontiersmen form in halton nif ng opi m d 1 11 mid l 1 hv tin odw ippi is whith hornby i hew parsonage addition at hornby open house open house was held at ailible for the julv 15th gar che hornbv lnilel church i den party parsonage last thursdiv after i boon and evening mrs tlaitt pickett mrs liojd mav mrs clifford wnagusworth m nrs hany pickett greeted thi members at the door it wa held to give the church mem bers of the llornbj pastorate the congregation of firs the opportunitv or seeing the baptist ciurch presi ntcd their jiew addition that has been re- rol orjaniat with a book ccnlly built lunch was servel a a rir service by the to the cightv five visitors wuhchoir sunda evening mrs chrence ford an i mr t tnc srrucc wa held in the joe wickson pouring lea m llic sundav school room and was afternoon and mrs milt m opened with the inthcm o let brown and mrs peio mcrrv j sing included in ihc pr i pouring tea in the evening j kram were rll in f mijor william choir fireside for retiring organist eire i luiston ind n p rt liv mrs donations win il roups from hid been re to mis- lleitu i ri port of the il of women rv and the corres i in rd discussion is tirld mrs t w llavler reid report from the anadun sociation of tonsiimcrs deiling since the tnnsportilion of with the subject of the effect norm1 children is subsiclijed of fallout on hum in beings lnr n rs felt these child which stittd thnt milk provides cn nn n the irans cilciuin whuli hi lps to por m should also be si nation area as a possible sih nothing has men dicidid thi agriculture committer- in whose budget the s5 000 for a new corps of imperial iron a museum was included also uersmen affiliated with the recommended grints to the lcfjon of frontiersmen with lo milton headquarters m i ondon tn s400 lo being formed in hal ton county the men are all volunteers shoo swo ot iton ane cenrilown thi grwil to the unsion programme eludes 411 clubs n rarmt rs w is men sgoo to s1000 halton count james d in ktdti of itockwuod and hilf a bul dozen olhi r mi n have banded tngi the r to torn a i orps for this art a thur immediate pr jects are a st john amhu lince training course and insii tution and tnining of wiler safctv the witcr s ifetv con rse would be simihr lo safe un handling courses the mm mi it it the home of mr kidd il it it 2 rockwood spproxim itelv everv other week sine t it is a milil irv supply their own equipment and uniforms and arc strictly self supporting the coips is dedicated to public service the have bci u n are awaidc d the next held on wit appunlineii i il offic idquarlers high school students inhtcsted m a c7wi ngnig future and pasonal satisfaction expanding school enrolments in ontario for the future indicate a growing demand for elementary school tea chers the opportunity to become a teacher is open to every high school sludenl make your decision now the teach ng proiess on provides great personal satis fact o i rarely found in other areas of employment it presents a cha lenge to those interested in contribution to our commun ty and national way of life teach no me ins hard work but it also means many ben efits such as opportun ties for advancement adequate pension secur ty of tenure sick leave protection and time for travel recreation and professional improvement teachers salaries have improved materially m recent years the follow ng are the salary scales currently be ng pa d n georgetown basic certificate 3 100 with annual increments to 5 100 maximum increases according to qualifications to 6 j 00 with a degree elementary scf ool teachers requ re one years profes- s onal iran ig past grade 13 and two past grade 12 for the basic certificate decide now for a career as to continue your education and qualify an elementary school teacher the georgetown public school board i dtionil t on i held in cauar of busi a rcsolutm tv reqiiestin consider ird the set ret irdi d dorsed bv halton loi the leislitun iv ins i fnnt lo ml transportation children coun combat thi strontiun iniral p irt ot tv conrludtd with mrs ii ims sum t np rt fn bulwlin on inidi in i ship to the mectin 1ircncc hi i to uncil lended ihr ihit child mr ng the pi paul ind lo ill s i si ted dor r in mrs nod loiuhlcn mrs r extj ndi d thi group to mrs who had mide huh siiiool trust rs should it elicti d not tppoinlrd wis he opinion prissid bv conn iinj and farm news helpful crop hints given in pamphlet hi i f t a oung deer made its waj through hornbj last tues day afternoon it was sc i n crossing tne seventh line into ken ella s field jumping the lencc west of the orange hall on to the base line just miss klg a car driven bv mrs arth ur death the deer jumped over i the fence back to the i- lla j arm and was last sien oing j aver the road into the park jadne robertson accidental j ty cut a piece of skin out of his fight leg with s fell last tucsdav night he was i taken to the milton llnspital where he received seven such to close the wound knife when he ty the chi walter braam just a i ullc talk bv the male quartclli jesus shall riin hv the choir with solo part bj rah im porter fuih cite lords praver and org in solo bv mr bnam have thine own wav lord a solo bv mrs don i nin stone the lords my shepherd bv the choir i know an an them by the choir ii sti il iaiitasic an organ sulo b mr braam the anthem watch and prav benediction hvmn hv the the lord s praver thi tn of 1 dc m1 supplk 1 in tin onliri l ir nriiltuif 1061 rnitntion planni d ind yo from the h vh lino depirt lure milt in the niw fe publication tor the tist results brc tun dipirt le publiea l rop ilcc l jtitt bienl can et it br inch on of atncul thisi in the annual u hay hilso vjlimn333i mtsr l cot a nwermam frwoi v i cau moses because every tike he opens his mouth the bull rushes vv v mrs george prestidge sr returned to her home on sun fay from milton district hos pital where she hid undergnnr in operation del well wishi- ire extended lo mrs prcstidgc birthday wishes this week to orwlle tnxton on march 3 i congratulations t bradlcv who won ti public speaking contest at sun dingdale school list week mr and mis lvn mia attcn ted the ontario fair board convention held at the kins edward hotel in toronlo last i thursday february 23 townend w was the church organist for i many vears was presented with t token of the church s apprec lalion by watson winficld after lev lloyd whan spoke briefly i tcr ibli lo ind per n nt mois i tiihhli for corn hv coupling these with itis mm will be bet j the best hy concrete supply tr73510 lanes transport pc v class-c- tr 72521 fin icluded n ird griss instance charter 23 men as club members nt the sitne a hlhvol aftermath mms tin ihc 22nd when the mens club 1eb old viruties th t ngi r n coinnii ndt d list chore of st to tiber- iniled church port l sponsored the local club i dmmr meeting in thi tnn v catered bv the ladies fir tn andrews federation 23 n bectme chirler v our these da this mr vmcc mountforrl wis present at the horn ball lub garden partv committee aieeting on surtdav evi ninje all all uie home of mrs garnet how tn tdcn the entertainment was ror iiscussed and the talent chos ic en mr monntford is in con t uct the talent and advise the m i bomniittee if lhe will be av dan mcka bjkor rred bennett fcwarl midden jack reed ired nor tin frank d rerguson cus fintiiz cameron brown owen moore flovd r moore h irrv in doug ward fleorge ven robert bradlcv mtnnv nldsnn keith mclish lrft keller rex hcslop frink fergiison stin kimberlv conq turner morns cook and n 1 rtcim troilment of li iiiii is discussed lime if vou didn i r tuhle nf smoothing seeilb d for pre em ivs hi sure to read imes like amiben 1 discussid lion the herbicide words of the wise count him hracr who over i les his desires thin him who for the lor ovir self aristotle but shopping sure makes you cold these days makes you want to take a rest in a warm cheery atmosphere with a hot drink and a bite lo eat come to think of it that reminds you of cottage inn main st south tr 79004 twice the help half the worl with our 2account plan 1 iay all bills by cheque on a pcisonal chequing account the low service chaiges aie picpaid vour cancelled cheques are your lecoipts 2 keep jour saings account for sannq add to it fiom every pay as your balance giovs joull gain new peace of mindi start planned saving at our nearest branch now canadian bank of commerci m0rey in the bank means peace of mind

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