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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 16, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the cornmunltlos of georgetown glen william norva1 tlmehoeise hornby stewarttown balllnafad ashgrov terra colts thursday march 16th 196 editorial comment reporting in pictures for the past tvjo years the herald has been more and more featuring pictures in h news coverage ft is a modem trend in newspapers and one which vve would not wish to abaiv don but contrary to larger papers which nave their own picture staff and whoso advertising rates are such that the paper can profitably carry a rsrger proportion of pictures the herald must work on a tight budget and it is not always possible to oblige all the requests which we receive for picture coverage at present we are working on a bud of four pictures weekly where rteces hry we must pay an independent photo grapher to take the original picture rhen there is the cost of providing a plastic plate for printing the photographer charges us ony a nominal fee for the picture hoping to make up a few dollars more by selling pr nts to the parties involved when we engage him 10 take one or two pictures of any certa n vent it should be understood that he is working on assignment for us any extra pictures which he might take are tnere- fore an arrangement between himself and lets fluoridate provincial sanction for the fluondat on an drinking water is good news for on tano people and we would hope tnit georgetown council might be able to in elude it in this years budget the new government bill enables municipal councils to fluoridate water on their own or refer it to a pleoscite intro- uchon of the measure followed a royal ission report favour nq authority for ncils to introduce fluonda on w itioui lebiscite use of fluoride has received w de approval from health authorities including vian in news again the persons involved and one should not expect him to take pictures on speculation or he won i be in business for long there is a further angle to pictures 6rv which we would like to comment a weekly newspaper must count op advert sing revenue for its financial success we have a hard and fast rule against free news write ups prior lo an event a rule which like any other cannot always be one hundred percent but which we must enforce for our own protect on too many times in past years we have uggesfed an advertisement to an organiza tion only to be told we don t need one the write up you have in the paper is all the advertising we need similarly we cannot cover picture news n advance except as an extra for an organization wh ch has done consider able advertising which would ustify some free space as wet f we do then we are cutting our own business throat and allow ing our news and p cture columns to carry wnflt should be pa d for we hope readers will understand when we enforce our rule that advertising ts someth ng by which one tries to attract people to buy a product attend an eve it or subscr be to a certa n idea separate tables many mun cipal health officials the dental profess on too has been active in promot ing an inexpensive measure wh ch would result in better teeth for the province s populat on it has had its cnt cs too one of me most voc ferous s a toronto newspaper and rad o column si whose ur nforri ed rav ngs have swayed some people just as gnor a rice in the early days of m ik pasteur z ng hampered another health measure the small sum wh ch f luor dat on would cost the publ c treasury would be amply repa d in dental health and in denal b ms saved ng the av an tests i the init al fl ght localites are follow ns increasing interest i pproaches the avian 2 1 80 a modified version the plane which crashed a year ago uring tests at the kitchener airport has gain reached this crucial stage and has ntly undergone a series of ground alt in preparation for flight the bra nch id of a group of local eng neers and partially f nanced by local cap tal the av an ma place georgetown on the map in future the des gners have a product which they are certain will appeal and bg th ngs may come from the little plant on the highway where the group has been at work for almost two years perfect ng tne wingless craft hi mail bad uncillor explains is stand on signs i3lh march 19 georgetown herald georgetown ont sr- i doubt if there is anyone in whole of eorgetown who more sick and tired of the ject of advertising street than i am however e issues are somewhat con d and your reporting of mondays episode is likelv nuke them more confused l forced to bring a few facts attention your reporting of events ch took place in council on odday march 6lh following hunter elliott motion to per u councillor barrager lo another sign on his ph street property is to the least onlj an approx ation of the truth consis t with previous reporting of ntroversy or similar subjects u have created a picture or mil pettiness which is not pported in fact your headline over the re- t of the episode read sign aest leads to procedural nibble there is nothing the report to indicate that is not a matter of proced ill ill matter of principal the report goes on to say d 1 quote the fact that the would be approved even cr cass seemed to be a jie conclusion but he aanojed that an hhiit motion was made with prior consultation with him c chairman un mow where m the name of all wonderful did you dream in from i know that business gets pretty m times but real it was only on the previous j mondav that i voted against hanging signs it maveal motors and the brewers retail new store this was consistent with mv approach to ihe whole ques j tion of hanging signs which i must be well known b now particularly to ou you sug gested that i voted against this particular sign ust because i was annoed h a procedural lechmcallitv that would be a great displav of childishness mldn if if ou are intercut d in the facts surrounding ihis tmie hit of unneci ssarv ikultdug gerj here thev an s jns of the type which r rarragir wished to erect nuj be permitted on application to council for authorization in all other such cases a written request has been presented to council passed to the planning committee for recommends tions and finally voted on in council no such application has et been refused b coun cil as chairman of the plan ning committee i have alwavs ensured that committee recom mendations on such applicat ions have resulted in motions in council on the previous mondav 1 had tabled mm ions on two signs which wore pro posed and seconded h mittee members despite the fact that i voted against these motion there was- no contro versj whv should there be contrrnersv this was normal democratic process of the ma jontv over the minontv the fact that 1 was in the minontv is nothing new the hunter elliott motion moving that cr barrager b authorized to erect a sign on guelph street was a horse of a very different colour there had been no application topiun cil for such a sign v erhal or written as far as 1 can see it is a very dubous situa tion when a member of coun cil is able to obtaui preferem- ial treatment from other nn bers of council 1 his is the question of principal which jour writ up dismisses with the summarv heading of a pro cedural squabble i object id to this in the same wav as i voted agiinst free parking tickets for members of i council last vear now discon tinued in view of the fact that cr barrager had previously sound ed out the planning committee regarding his sign and had ob tdiiif d provisional approval from all committee members mvself excepted it is difficult to understand whj application to council in the nirmal way was not made there can be little doubt thai approval would hive been jivcn as for mr rllioll s n mirks linl hm week w hd motions from the pi inninf nmmittic which hi mvself wouldn t mine and this n the same h facts of the matter speik for themselves the motions ir question were tibled by my mnital irtinnr for lemhers to move holland adopts official policy on fluoridation the use of fluoride in drink uif water has been adopted in the netherlands as official pol icj bet a use cxpcnmmtal re sults hive been so convincing add fluoride the information section of the itovil netherlands lmbas sv in ottawa reports to the health ixaue of injda that a commission ch irjed with the task of giving information on fluondized drinking water has heen installed bv the nether lands minister of soaa affairs an 1 public health is chairman j of the commission which will trv i urje local and regional wattr supplv plants lo jdd i fluoride lo drinking water endorse system the british medical assotia tion public health committee previously endorsed artificial fluoridation f public water supplies s as to bru j the concentration of fluon tt up to one pirl per million rluoruh tion projects in the liu ted hinel m are being exui ied and speeded to success experimentation fluoridation has also been introduced to switzerland and the program of expenmenta tion in the community of aigle is being continued number increased the american public health sorv ice in w ishington 1 c reports a fitcatf increise in the number of communities adopt ing fluoridation and in the pop ulation served growing steadily vs of december 31st 19fio there were 1968 commumtu s fluoridating com pi red to the 1 ow at november 1st 1960 these communities serve a populition of 8 477 000 people as against the november total of 37 9j 1350 the number of u s commumlies adopting flu oridition continues to show a slow but stcadv increase major u s cities major us cities which aid fluoride to thi witer supplies are chtcago philadelphia bal timore cleveland st ixuns w ishington san francisco pittsburgh milwaukee llous ton buffalo and minneapolis controversial corner sugar and spice by bill smiley 1 how do you like the teach ing game so many people have asked me this question in j the past few months that 1 1 thought id try to answer it here my usual reply is what 1 1 hope is an eloquent shrug on reason i left the news paper business for leeching was that i thought it would give me more time with my fa mily as a weekly editor i was out night after night covering meetings attending banquets end the like- the only time i hid with the kids was on the week ends as a teacher i spend a lot more time at home and i seeeven less of my family i m locked away in the smoke filled little room on the second floor five nights a week and most of saturday and sundaj i see so little of the kids that there are times when 1 cant quite remember their first names another reason for embark ing on e teaching career was ell those holidays two months in the summer a week at christmas end another at eas ter of course last summer i had to go to summer school end work like a dog for two months and this year i have to dothosema and et christ mil i spent exactly 47vi hours during my holiday week mark the we are concerned with hi i if is the deep basic things like uh satisfaction in a lob well done and uh the rich reward of guiding young lives end uh stuff like that you have no idea of the thrill si teacher feels when bo real- lie that but for the guidance he has given young joe the lat er might have wound up in th penitentiary instead of just re form school and there ft nothing te equal the rich satisfaction a teacher derives when he has taught something so difficult that th sweat is running down hli beck and he knows he is getting through to them when he sees young marys fece light up ilk a flower and he nods to her in kindly fashion when her hand is raised and she esks courteously and intelligently sir may i go to the wash room it makes everything seem you know sort of worth while there s a completely differ ent atmosphere in the school these da5 when i was in high school if a kid got out of line the teacher would clobber him mv old science teacher could clip a large lout right off his stool across two decks and into a irmp heap of rags on the flo r without disturbing a test tube my old maths teacher fa the blow falls the long anticipated ontario sales tax has now been annoim ced the per cent lax will carrv the ontario kernment s total annual budget into the btagennj figure of one billion dollars plus despite increased income from bales taxation the province will spend 180 million dollars more thjn it receives in the 1961 62 fiscal jcar the figure is all the more staggering if jou con sidtr thai net expenditure in 1157 was just over half a billion dollars ond in 1 it was 279 nit ion putting it another way in 19tl the ontario governmcn will pcnd almost four tunes as much as it did ten vears ao i doubt if such an increase cin be easily justified even in light of improved services hijiwdjs welfare and education education a big pro there can be lit 1 that verv few ouldnans lew the new i ix willi n ism many who lake tin u to find out where the s if ii n the conim ittee 11 urth i rmii were the i if f ninril tions hive bv th e m the notions enquiring reporter what do you think it of ipphnlions no such applici i r bee n held up ittee f hairmin as finolt knows very well i t can onlv assume that he wad looking for a way out as for cr htrrajer s unne cessary comment to me in tther words this is a personal matter 1 can onlv suggest that is far as a motion con cerninj- a sign at the harrager establishment is concerned there is onlv one member of council who 1 pers m1v in volved the question of signs mr editor ts as tedious to me as i to anyone else this was not a qilesjjaa of signs it was a question of principal doibt uiui and welfare particularly el lira tion and a good case can be made for such a claim of the billion dollar budpt for 1961 62 edurition will take 270 million dollars and one could point out thit this il to the tolil provincial budget for 1951 iodj tthi ichicving with all this monev how can we measure the success or failure of in educational sjslcm which takes 43 cents of every dolhr of provincnl revenue according lo treasurer james allen so steeply it seems to me that if educa hon costs have gone up m steeplv some tangible results should be apparent lverj child who successfully passes drjde obtains junior matnc or lis technical equivaltnt nnj im considered as a success for our educational svstem after ill this is not a tirnbly hijh in n imum standard for voting j pic going out into this comple korld every child of averilfi biiitj who fails to reach tli s standard may be considered os a failure of our educatu ml svstcm in 1957 in ontario the number of pupils in eradi 12 was 25 000 and uhe number in tenng school was 132 000 if we assume that half those n tenng grade12 in 1957 otit u ned their junior matnculatu n and this ts an optimistic as sumption the ratio of those who reached a sitrsficlory stindircl to those who were entering school was about one to ten of course what we realv win tojbeiome a know how minv of tlnse whn con ing papers end it wil be j soured a two knuckle smash same at easter and then at jus alove tne ludnejs which the end of another year when 1 i am qualified at a teacher i have to go back to summer school for yet another eight weeks to get my specialists certificate but just think in 1963 i ii have the whole sum mer off thafs certainly better than the one miserable week a year i useo to take in the news paper business wcrent for th fact that his tiadier iloan t handle him pro ptrh tlietrulh is that if little johimv siarents had accepted the irpeponsibili ties m the first njce hi wouldn t be the un going will be templed to rfiplinl little brat that he im that far too much money jld his schooling would have being spent on eduction a w chance of success who wants a planned town in view of current interest in some aspects of town plan nmj the following quotations are noteworthv kenneth smith writing in the globe and mail savs zoning bylaws had to be imposed to stop the clutter from getting anv worse until lonfi r mfe plans could be for med bul thev seemed at first lo be nothing but restrictions on free enterprise planners wire seen as domineering so- ci u sts owners and developers iioulid that no one wis going to till them what to do with their own land todaj council numbers cannot fail to be aw jre of the trowing number of people who see the need to esnpe from the drabness and derjv downtown and from the tncless monolony of the sub- and then of course the mon ey is good my take home pay is better than that of manv truck drivers almost as good as that of a welder or a brick laver inlike them i don t draw overtime but think of the secuntv ml i have to do is teach for 35 vears and i get the full pension am 1 ever go ing to raise hell around lawn bowling club when i gel on that pension wheelchair or no wheelchair but all these things are mere adunct to teaching after ell were not just interested in mo ney and security are we well arc we of course were not money is no more important than say breathing no what enabled vou to say nothing but huh huh huh for about four minutes r that old brutality has ell gone by the board now end e good thing i say nowadays if a kid does something that dis qualifies him for a sound belt in the chops you realise hes i not doing it just for hellery he s emotionally disturbed and the kids appreciate it aside from the fact that theyd have a lawver on vou if you gave them a dirty look there s a wonderful new sjmpathv be tween teacher and student iii bet there s not a single kidj anv of my grades refuse to sign of condolence to i were to be run down bv a bull- x dozer a single kid jn des who woulk the class card to mj wife if l nnn kv twill do you think the kennedy administration will help ease the cold war tension bmil zubcr del rex blvd yes i do i tihink kennedy has the guts to try something new fred masterman harles st the answer to that will lie with mr kruschev yours trulj frank golden main st north he couldn t do any worse grice irwin hows on ocsc es i think so that s already tiecn signified by the release of the three american pilots ken nedy going to try awfully hard tom darcie charles st from the start he has made it looks that a he is cer j tauly trying his besl entered school in 1915 pissfdj successfully in 19i7 twelve years later as fir as i am i able to ascertain from fiunsj available the approximate fig ure is one out of six one of four i i don t know whit the prov incial figures are for 1900 but would hazard a guess that not more than one out of four chil dren who entered school twelve j ears ago passed grade 12 last year if this is a measure of the success of our educitional sv stem and i think it is tin en i fail to sec how anyone can feci satisfied with what we arc ach levtng this situation is a fur denial of the old idi thit you can buy anv thing with mo ney the monev is there the results are not there are man reasons for this failure and one of the most important is public attitude too many people arc prepared to ignore their responsibilities to their own children on the assumption that the schools will pick up the slack too many people think that their little johnse would be a genius if it the can f oh jes they can outdoor ugliness the second quotation is from in irticle l john pratt who is an architect and also major of uonal he writes the mid twentieth ccnturj his made its own special con tribuliun to outdoor ugliness thai has been deliberately plan ned lo assault the eve of the hi holder 1 am talking about the flood of even bigger and uglier advertising siens that move blink and flash in all colours of the rainbow reach ing across the streets and down from the rooftops to grab the passer bv s attention in the of commerce they hive iilignanl growth unity lare enough how do i like teaching well say i haven t really time to die- a cuss it right now i have four hours homework to do en ex amination to prepare end en hours work on the school year book come back and ask me in the summer of 63 10 and 25 years ago echoes from the pages of the herald merch 14 1951 and march 19 1934 ten years ago a the march edition of fea thef fancier just off the press marks the sixth anniversarv as an editor for corey herrington local fancj poultry breeder and judge the mail bag to ixwst a main street well now how about that it the county government obsolete in an excellent article in the municipal world norman pear son planning director for bur linglon takes a very critical look at the count level of gov eminent the article is called the countv rossil of admin istration he points out that ca nada has more levels of govern ment khan other industrial nat ions and that the county form is no longer adequate 1 know there arc many municipal coun cillors in ontario who are un hippv with the present sstcm whereby the count s funds are msed bj the towns and town shins vet its expenditures are never examined and criticised by th general public however mr pearson s article suggests that the best form of adminis ritinn would be a sort of bor ough system wlhereby town ships and villages would be abolished and cities would be incorporated into the borough 1 det know what the best an swer is bul fccplhat our pres enl system la no good for an should give surplus grain to china famine nnrval ontario march 10 1961 dear sir whv do we turn our backs on millions of starv ing chin ese a major disaster has struck mainland chini the chinese government prewouslv boastful of its great agricultur al production has made clear the seriousness of the disaster recent months tjphoons floods and droughts have re duced by one half chinas i960 harvest mass starvation is the result meantime in canada surplus grain is one of our largest nat tonal headaches we are happy to sell grain to china but we buj practicolly nothing from that country so china can pay for only a smelt amount of gram thus if we are going to help tide china over the crisis we need to give grain without charge w hat action cati we take we can write to the prime minister and the minis ter of agriculture our icws should also be made known to our local member of pirlia ment it tinada be a little more helpful to the hungrv of the world even the hungry in china yours sincerely lloyd n free f announcement is madethls week of the sale of empire lunch by dave bowman to el mer- hutchinson of markdsle the restaurant was established in its present location by mr and mrs frank penson who moved across from the cordaro building t a local druggist was flab bergasted to receive an air mail letter from mexico recent lv the writer who signed his name mvstcnously v was eup- posedlj in prison as a bankrupt zirt offered one third of a htd- den 385 000 fortune if he re ceived the necessary financial assistance people in other pirls of the countrj have re ceived the same letter twentyfive years ago fj members of georgetown high school board have pian ned a celebrntion thw year to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the school f on tano dcpt of highways will mark the year of the cor- onatton of king edward vta bv issuing red license plates for motor cirs in 1937 it was announced this week f at the gregorv treatre mar burns fugitive starring sv lv la sidnev elcome home nng james dunn and ar- line judge area as heavily populated as southern ontario georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn managing editor garfield l mcghvrey production superintendent office staff aileen bradley terry harley john ouiviet advertising plant staff l m clark dave hastings b- baikervilk myles gitson bob hacarthur member of th f weekly newapipafi n association and ta dii

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