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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 1

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foi fine printing a century ot service pub lishers ft printer it offered by the herald to georgetown nd district georgetown herald telephone tr 72201 phone tr 2201 to place want ad in the herald the quickest way to buy or son sily and efficiently aurhomed as second class mall poet office dept ottawa oeo rgatown ontario thursday ivanlng march 30th 1961 440 par yean angle copy prices ton cent 36 teams in bantam tourney visitors in town 35sss w sunday ceremony inaugurates new st pauls baptist church on sunday march z6th in the presence of a large congrega tion of friends and members the st paul s baptist congregation officiallybecame the si pauls baptist church in a ceremony which was vory impressive and which only occurs once in the long htstorj of a cpuran rov e a pinkcrton extension mis aioner andminister of the church conducted jhe service and was assisted bj rev harold e bridge or toronto who directs the extension work of the baptist convention of ontario and quebec this church began its sxist of the charter membership ence in september 1959 when group were given the right a very small group living in hand of fellowship after plcdg the area and who were mem mg themselves in loyal t and bcrs of the first baptist chur faithfulness m the work of the ch georgetown obtained per church forming themselves mission from the public school into st paul s baptisl church board to use the corridor of within the next few weeks the george kennedy school for the various officers committees an hour sunday mornings a boards will be appointed rev e a pinkerton came to as is customarj the charter the area 13 months ago and membership roll will remain began working in the conr opon for the ntxt six months raiimtj hollowing the solemn jet happj last november the first unit occasion the membership group of the building programme vvas retired to a nearbj room whin opened for public use and on each member in turn signed sunday of this week the first the roll book of the church kk2 limftudauautx wftis sixth game here friday barrie raider playoffs the central ontario hcfekej i eaeue intermediati lit mav be on the line when georgetown renders and barrie 1 ak views tangle here fridaj night in the sixth g ime of the best of i seven group final p monday nights 4 all deadlock which left the barries with five points to raiders three also opened the door to a possible 8th game ir one became neccasarv if so it would make the j final game here instead of in barrie as presenth scheduled the teams clashed for the fifth lime last night in barrie too late for a written accounl but for a streak of bad breaks barrie went ahead in the and some questionable refer third georgetown tied it half eeing raiders could have gone way through the period and into last nights game on even the rest of the frame and the terms at two wins apiece ten minute overtime evolved the locals skated ring grassfire season here fire chief cautions j spring says ttie fire de i partment has officially arri ved fire calls this week bore out their proclamation dry grass on the bank of the cnr tracks between main st and the 7th line was touched off b a spark from a passenger train to launch the percn mal rash of grass fires which accompany the pre summer months that one was early sun day evening and resulted in no damage a second grass fire tues day evening took f brig ade outside of lown lo the proptrtj of claude emmtr son opposite the lower paper mill the grass was being intcntiunallv burnt d off a field and things were under control when the firemen armed fire chief bob boufteld urged anvone intending to burn off grass or rubbish over the holiday weekend to eercise spccnl caution the hisler weekmd is jencrall a bus one for firemen for easter week georgetown is in for one of it most exciting weeks n history next week when 36 teams of young hockey players will be guests for varying portions of the week they will be competing in the international bantam ho ckey tournament which culminates on saturday april 8th with a grand championship game at 8 30 that night but before that local residents will be treated to a full week of play as teams compete in a best of wo game series forhon- ours teams will bo billeted in lo t thai response will be such cal homes during their stay in that the tournament will be town and arrangements have j an annual fixture of the local been made for meals at the sports scene i eion hall with a number of ladies groups taking turns in this important department be tween games entertainment ts being provided transportation where necessary and ever thing is being done to make this a nd letter week for george town a committee headed bv chair imn waller asseltine vice chairman j ick gudgeon treas i urcr bill risher and secretary i paul armstrong has enlisted dozens of other willing helpers to handle the vast amount social s personal miss jessie leavitt 5 ontario dclal1 whlch 8 lnt such stntl his just returned from endeavour a thru week holidav m si thc rommitlei is counting pilirsburi honda where she on sa of s200 booster tickets cialion officials chances led teams have been placed in four divisions according to population this saturday two games are scheduled in the afternoon and from 8 a m on monday games will continue each daj until approximately 10 pm delhi ext tcr strathroy alkerton preston gananoque are some of the towns which will be represented a team from detroit will give thc in ternational flavour to the tour ney a last minute change finds cannington replacing milton in thc c series schedules are available at the herald office or from ajso- are mrs w h philip to make gate receipts carr tilt vour hometown will be playing lea vi it made the trip by costs a main item is providing sometime during the week and plane meals but sponsors are certain youll want to see them reverse decision seek surcharge legal opinion week following acceptance peter jones georgetown the locals skated rings ar- into death struggle with first 0 liability for pamcnt of a alirnrritinil t nrrill rrniirrr l the lakeviews in the first sharman and then rhodes com s12 600 surcharge claimed by lunbkcllallun iu dcilln ocrcrlltb ipenod and potted two goals in milting barefaced theft twice fr construction for costs k ka i a a n u k w f u he first fiive minutes of plav l crucial minutes with the involved in a delav m their the congregation of the maple avenue baptist church holds its first service m jher bu failed lq keep up thc game tied rhodes stood up to completing construction of the new building on easter sunday exactly seven years since they began in the odd fellows mg though the did main barrie breakawavs and foiled sewage disposal plant george- hall on easier sunday 1954 under the name of the grace baptist church 17 chl taln y pressure the finish sure sals town council on monday rever- dron and adults held their first sunday school today the sunday school roll stands at 156 that frame with a 20 margin actually the overtime should g their decision and decided with an average of 130 the first service in the new cnurch building takes the form of m hwn lei dewn in the see- neter nave been necessary to seek legal advice n easter sunrise service when the congregation will gather at 7 a m to render thanks jond as the lakeviews reorgan wtl three minutes to go in the firm had claimed that a burke claims 12600 not couritil liability for the nev- i april 16th eduice the official dedication will not take place until two weeks later on i ized to gam a 3 all tie page 91 dispute which denied access delrex proposal unacceptable unanimous council decision scout ladies volunteer meal i service to bantams semifinals extended speaker combines toronto tie sf protest nerval win explams am consider relaxing restrictions in the area to allow an attached garage to be included in the minimum requirements the property owners said they would contest if necesa- ary any action to change pre- ent housing requirements recently council sided withj peterborough council in asking the provincial government not to allow fixed assessments to industry a letter from queens park i told them that this action il being discussed in legislation which is coming before this cass discussion plan is turned down 54 ter said that assessment tc i leases are being sought fur five v leant h ousts at pri in i don t feel il is our plici to piescnt a counter proposil sdid hit major detri x tin uother proposal lo us d cer rm our ubnut council uridiiniiouslv turned down a delrex dtvelopm nts proposal for release of remain ing resident nl land in the sub division for huilding on mun dav a recorded vole found coun eil agreed that rele ise of more at am lime i land under conditions which tainlv have to be bisid on the delrex firm submitted in subdivision bv law a recent brief is unacceptable the oni motion which ci a cass buike m tlion lo cil could discuss he fell vw offer a counterproposal id ltie bi one lo amend thc subd firm however had a much dif ion b law if anv proposal i ferent reaction as council vvm be considered tn divergent dirictions after cr cass said th it hi i a lengthv discussion council was onlj lo have a com mi thil his trill niiicil w int d to discuss it v niuhl wind up nowhere in a lointniliti mctlinf bui ri lx nit miss if eonsidei it h said cr brown asked if mavor llvdi would nulicite on what ihks council lou id have a meet in lo diseus bow george towns iilhir slow progress could lie overroini i he m iv or s nd he would do so ifttr a v he on i in motion which then was lost on a re lordi d vote which found reeve sarinl and cr brown voting with the movers m v ir hvdc linn said be the regular monthly meeting the combines toronto ser of the ladies auxiliary to the ies is proiding the squeekers 1st georgetown boy scouts was in industrial hocke held on march 20th at st i the third game of their john s tnited church the prcs h 0 three series sundty ident mrs c englebj in the ea team scored four times in don t c tn game which took three reg the meeting was opened with ulation periods and two ten min lav or tn scout mothers promise u overtime periods lo com wlat one minutes silence followed p each team had prev bv the iord s praer mush won one gimc the the minutesj of the previous foruth contest will be at the meeting were read bv secrc arena this sunday afternoon tarj mrs c hart and seconded webster scored a pair and i bv mrs c stephens treasurer ward and w notched sin i mrs she lawr presented thc r for lh combines financial statement tor the past sfi 2j cihen and sa i v ri ma and chuk ta for toronto 1 the luuin ch mi be r of commerce i ueli u in the banquet room o f the d lre rest uir int 11 iv mnfhin addr ssd the minibus on behalf of he inti rested chin ns i roup th i up is brh nd a pp nlid 1 ft i reli brown s ques- of more land month plans members volunteered their ser mccs to help serve meals to thc bantam hockey teams dnr ing the bantam tournament being held easter week it was decided that the date for split 54 agtinst this cr ca sr expla tied mouon w as to s k i 1 action lo a eomn itlll which w mild coi i it r ter propo il bi si in ong line wbub wen in a dr f n i hed motion th j p di 11 w unit di i in id n lation th all mi u v d a 1958 a ri in i i 11 1 50 acres of indn in 1 dec dod hii vii prm sch ii maim mi d n 1 i i il from sal f ii ian plied t i n2 rev th i lh i on 1 mil ll l n mi an ndditi nil s km trnl ss e siik i 1 i and bit i if id di 1 v till jtunidins pvi mi m onsider some counter propos nd th e thoughts con ainetl is bri pf wire not to 10 1 ik s lbs line 1 vi spi nt a ri it ded mi o this a nd bad hoped voilid hi looki rf ai wilhn 1 uul roc imiinti is 1 itcl im ii here t a s ill urn i run ibis d wn in i tin i h pr ipo viiild mi an hit hi fori ii i ii i s blllll it w mild jim c rth piwm 1 tqtul w ul id hi r ti iv in j in i i r six viar if a w 41 i il ain i 1 1 if 1 ct i turk sdld 111 thou h m prum if tb mi ii v be iij overlo ikid mil th 1 in in pur xisi vv v i 1 ul nd ills liss ull 111 111 1 uulri hinder nthci tharf help th rummage sale be changed buihkrs at present he said t0 a 22 i hrtve hiked with one builder t meeting was closed w io cm i peddli the eleven thp scout benediction lot h owns and the more l and h commilt nil the les i ta lo ing mrs o served unch during the to lal half hour oblei and mre ihe ratio burden afasion circle ladies take charge of service doscos combines led thc par ade of penalties with 8 to dos cos 6 whether the norval super i ior foods scries is over won t be known until a protest meet ing is held some lime this i week norval outscored the j superiors 4 to 2 t0 win ihe set two games to one bul the man agft of the losers wes mc lelland has lodged a protest claiming one member of the orvil lineup was an ineligible plaver thc league president tom beckett w ill decide thc mailer if superior t oods wins thei protest the third game of that series will be replaed sunday harrison and pete pomcroy each scored twice for the nor vrtls and don jarvie and bobby hall accounted for the super public met m of the mil t esled citizen s gi imp at the end of april walh scin ski wis appointed vice president to replace fnnk ferguson who resigned his post due to pressure of other commitments but will remam a member of the jivcecs bill houscgo wis then appointed to laki willv scinski s place as dirccl 0cr land owned by delrex de velopments to the site for sev eral weeks caused the extra charges a council delegation had discussed this with the ontario water resources cora mission which had advised pa ment and the charge was accepted a week ago with cr burke objecting monday cr burke and reeve sargent submitted a motion to rescind the decision cr burke quoted from con tnct specifications a clause t session of parliament which said the contractor is not entitled to compensation i establishment of a welfare for dihv for any cause what cent where supplies can be soev or and urged that the i stockpiled was voted when town solicitor be consulted on council okayed cr don bar- hi milter i ragcr s request to rent a build ui look the advice of ow i b t 63 guelph st at 25 lt and our consulting engineer monthlj pi oclnr i rcdfern when we jinpid ihe pavment how tlvt r it s a lot of monc and 1 in icrtainlj willing to see wlni cm be done said mayor hvde as a recorded vote found all members m favour of the new move opposition to anv rezomng social a personal visiting in ottawa witih kar i en scott on the weekend were i her parents mr and mrs art i scott and her brother john i maple ave w theymjde the trip bv car i attending the funeral o relaxation of regulations mrs f j scnven in toronto i governing minimum size of on mondaj were her brother i houses in the rexwav drive rl ana was contained in a letter received b council on mon dav signed b fic property owners on the street rccentlv contractor emil zuber bad asked that council w t sinclair and mrs sinclair mr and mrs cam sinclair 12 carl mr and mrs archie me- i enerj mr and mrs gordon i king mr and mrs fred me i encry and mr moms teeter 1 of erin efforts ilizeri agaillsl tin i it is cmlrirv subdivision bwlir besides lhal mai es referred t which hid jii i down bv ci urn i dipiiu i cized mikin bad no prm u wi md ilisinss uii mini i k ii w lii ii inilusln conies if ih counter pr osil lu w lb lown would deil with nis nothing tin u il shoujrt i smliii n fimnul for homes t tun bo conlmud in ibi u hniwn i is lold that thtre it on nmrkid mivn llv ii n 21 1 ts m li rt wh ch 1 ii niavor crilie 7 d he i in now be kniiill on and that in n t ii m t mi nd mi ui mi i iniiil his iiso apprivtd a ruin tor ilelnx not iivinc jihl lot subdivision in moore j lo its original lt54 nru i rk cnt hi was cnticil too of cr liurki ikid what igii c motion beine presented when mini h idbeen made with thc rmlxrs of the phmiing com bur subdivision ittie had not hid a prior copv mavnr hvdc explained tha sundav evening march ndustrv and 26tb the ladies of thc mission l is for new circle took charge of the ser vice at first baptist church quot d but f mrthw istrv is just mri d pptk prpsxipd trs present townen was the organ soloist vas mrs don living each ston mrs al robson read the scripture from matthew s gaspel chapter 9 verses 35 38 and matthew 28 verses 16 to 20 mrs r corbett gave the praer a quartette consisting of mr ken mccosh mrs don hancock mrs don lavingstone and miss norma thompson tang the lord s mv shepherd palm sunday thc speaker was mrs rudd penalties including misconducts to davis and freestone of superior foods attend campbell clan dinner i fr itnu with which i m not niliar md wc shouldn t te mv discussion lions the and u ho ci i il in f a prepired hruf was the fact that tn 1960 onlv 18 depui reeve elliotts opinion bouse building permits had taking an opposite tack r been issued and hat at present reeve sargent said be thought a substantial industrial increase the same today aa in those there aqe 187 releised vacant the dlscuion tn that point would be announced in the days the harvest truly is plen lots owned bv the firm ind an had anwered the motions noir rutiin for which we can tious but the labourers are other w owned bv other part question ind that whether for hand the credit almost 100 few rev james rudd mrs a mcclure mrs w t sinclair and reeve campbell sinclair attended a dinner for i the campbell clan of ontario thc of acton mrs rudd based her s march 25th in the message on the scripture that 0 mess 0 ti 4ath high was read after sajmg a few i on universitv ave thc iln w s of several sub words about it being palm sun prll and enlerlainment divi i n over d period of dav she spoke of the great wtrc cinu i shart vijs i k h df which had been multitudes following jesus and riqiiind in provide additional how he was moved with com i tqinri inents which eventuallv passion towards them and nd ted up m thr present ub- wondered if people todav wefp division bv law moved with compassion to- the major ended on an opt i wards the many who have never imistic note bj saving he hoped beard the gospel message just iipbell at toronto kennedy capers les which are vacant cr hun or agamst it was apparent to cr hunter 1 mrs rudd expect to fo to india i of coffe i guzak

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