county delegation included in the halton counly delegahon attending the recent annual meeting of the progressive conservatives in ottawa were reading from left to right front row mrs i glen cooper qakville mr sandy best georgetown mp for halton dr carl a martin milton middle row mr mac sprowl acton mr glen h cooper oakville president hal ton county conservative association mr george kerr burl ngton back row mr david t green mi lion mr myrje reid glen will arris and mr henry 8esr halton mpptstan hall speaks to throne address ltis a pleasure for me to have the opportunity of speakm on thi throne address it bas been mv pleasure to represent the countv of halton coniinuouih for tin pam sh nteen years in this assemblv dunn those yeir hi loirn v of hilton ins bun mt hi fastest developing counties in the province of ontirio bjth ml itmt md popuh n v i tt is a great honour to have he privilege of rcprtstntn nth i fine n lint in thi i t nbh i wish to congratulate vou mr speaker for the honourable wij you fill uie poailio resenting her majesty the queen in this assemblv during the years that i have been a member of this sst mblv i hue itched a loi liters come and go todav there are just ten mrmbtrs in this vm nhk who s in ih hly during the session of 1944 in fact duriii lhii mr i it p in la pirtv ha- al ished you might say that partv has been foroltt n bv lht citizens of out trio its a small world mrs o mulder 45 main st south brings us an ucui tilled small world which appeared in england a bast essex gaz ette and wi agree when edward lew of homer cottage ellis road clacton on sta posted a leltcr shortly be fore christmas ht did so with the firm conviction that the post office would in due course deliver it to the liverpool id dress on the envelope but he was wrong it went to leor getown ontario and the firsl news mr i evj had of this was wihen he recei ved his letter back from mrs 0 mulder of georgetown ln a covering note she wrote hen i opened a christmas card your correspondence was inside i imagine in the holi dav rush it berime wedged and so to c inula 1 have been in canada with the exception of three years since 1948 and lived prej viotish in ilton ind che ton mv mother mrs joins lives in ilton and two hints in llit ton hi il is sm ill world and i wish tint i like vour teller u ulil oioss the l lantit for 3d bv a remarkiblc mine ide nee mr icvv has a brothtr hirrv living it 68 suvi ns i re sun georgetown and in a rectnt note iwtk to mrs mulder told her thi ed v ird ixw s vs 1ft is emploved with the last sussex h7oltc and passed the nuir esting storv on for publication payroll figures show five billion record pay 53 million in compensation benefit i he annual report of the 1 workmen s computation board was tabled today in the ontario legislature assessable payrolls reported by 91 750 employe is nintninlcd to a rcc ord high of 5 182 830000 during 1960 255 061 inci dents were received a work injuries and a total of 53 381 451 17 was paid in financial bintfui i he report noted the eonlin uing work of the boards litis pital and rehabilitation centre downsviety ontario ast venr 4288 patients received tpeeiul ized c ire under the ihv meal medicine pioram working with n tipucitj pit lent load the sttiljjf the 525hed centre is domiciled to returning on tario s more stvtreh minted mdustiil leeidt ut tasis to their jobs in the shortest pos siblt time with the it si p iss ibu ihiniiiunt disiibilitv during lftflo manv visitors were received from overseas the united stales and othtr c in idi in irov met s stum of thi visitors wt rt sponsond bv tlu colombo il in md wire inurisletl in eviluitinj the out i i worknu n ompi tisi tion el ind us idnunistralion including the treatment meth ods at the hospital and rehab ilitalion centre as n result of these visitors studies specific recommendations were made to the governments of certain countries by them that some of the principle and practices followed in ontario be incorp orated in their own acts king street resident was native of bruce a biuce cpunty native i human hae 79 died at his lionft 50 king street on march 10th r mr rue was born in elder she township near paisley and tfter attending school in iais lev farmed in that area par the past fort years he had lived m toronto and george town his wife christina mclaren died ten vcars ago surviving are a daughter mrs douglas wood of deurgtlown a bro ther john rae of caledon one grandchild and three great grindchildrcn rev ian fleming conducted the funt ral service at the har i id c mcclurc funeral home on mirch 13th interment was i i pine hills cemetery tor onto of rep of mem we have tn this assemblv small remnant of the liberal party making a feeble effort to ful the position of her maj estys loyal opposition m this assembly just a small shadow of what was once the liberal party you would think bv the re marks of the opposition in this assembly that the conservative government of this province had never brought forth legis latum that was to the benefit of oar citizens and the develop ment of the great province of ontario mr speaker i would like to say something f the legislation that has been passed in this assembly in m time 1950 the hvdro electric sys tem of ontario was launched under the premiership of sir i james p whitnev under the guidance of sir adam beck i will have more to sav about i hydro later the suggestion that the activ ibes of the ontario dept of agriculture have not kept up with the great advances thit bare been made in our agricultural industry is com pletely without foundation in i fact just the opposite is true for it has been through the lea i dership of the department i that such advances have been i made possible during the past- 20 vcars ag riculture has witnessed manv technological changes and in l each case leadership has stem j med from the research of our agricultural schools and col leges the enactment of sound legislation and the distribution of information through the aa ri cultural represent itivcs in very county and district of i the province i far from being inactive the ontario rjttpt of agncul tare is recognized throughout the agricultural world as being 4 a leader in the field i ontario has pioneered manj of the programs that are now accepted in various countries f tin world some of the legislation thit has given ontario a place of leadership follows the farm products mar keting act ontario is an acknowledged leader in market ing legislation with 13 plans corenng 27 crops in force i hc legislation that was first in for l troduced m ontario in 1 w and which has been um the artificial insemin ation act this ct came into effect in 1947 it provitits assistince to i units intlu i ing gnnts and licensing ot technicians the edible oils prod uct act thi ill was nailed in l and provides for the control and sale of t iihk oil products other than olcomar anne the farm products con tainers act fnacted in 1947 this ct provides a means by which producers of farm products mav obtain funds bv moans of a levy paid by the producer the oleomargarine act this ct passed in 1949 provide for the control md manufacture of and sale of ol eomarganne the ontario food term inal act passed in 1946 this legislation has been of out standing value to the firmer of onl ino in providing fir in orderly outm for their produce and providing a ctntrd mnktl place for the distribution of on tano fruits ind veitihhs the ontario telephone act patted in 1940 has for us objective the improvement of rural telephone services the grain elevator storage act this act p s sed in 19sh is to regulate the storage of ir iin in lrain thva tors to i sort thit pro inters who store trim retain it as their proprriv until it is sold apart frt in the introduction of important b milion tht ontano dipt of r cultun durim th pi lo mus has grutlv widened the field of its ictnitits pirlitulirlj in the field of mirktting the tncour agemrnt of qualttv production the export program was hil ted thus requiring ontirio manuf let lire of pulpwooei nit from tnnvn lands this mvp a vtrv 1 irge boost to second irv industrv ihe liberal govern mnl of tht hon mitchell 1- hepburn e mulled quebec hvdro l n tracts but liter rene mkj them under terms perhaps ks fav orable than origin ilh prevail ed there wis no hvdro devel opment of anv size uneler ihe hepbum government which re suited in the iremend us power hortiges in the 1940s tiking office in 1941 the conservative gove rnnn nt of the hon george drew was faced with in acute power shortige hvdro launched an epinsinn program which has resulted in i three fold mere ise of ontar 10 s output of hvdro power in eluded in the power develop men bv hvdro under const r v itive government are the fol low in i st vartvillt 84 iw h i les lo thims 49h 71k l 1 m iu 156 boo it i lleirn i 008 i ci irk kttlh tn4il ht i h ildt n 282 000 sir i im link no i i 828 001 it u siimd ers 1 200 mm i hr ii ml t hilk itivir 20 800 i arv new plinl 1 200 hm ilivntr flooo b tibi 00 100 reel ituk ooto olid h ipid 17 ernment 26 j72 miles of ruril hvdro lines hive bun instilled thcsp lints serve about 340 000 new farm ami himlel dwtl krs over soo million for bin usiiu hie eosl of ruril line conslruttitn his htm p n i out the provincial irt isurv tin hour- of work ind v le i lions with fi ct piovided i m ix i mum 48 hour wttk inl tht t imp ere lit wi m r n 1 its hoiei iv in nt v fur work ers who mow fr mi oni job to mother pamiunts under the stamp credit svstim now ex cetd j million per eir i 1955 the rknnn s n pensali n roird estibhsiud a 500 tied tonvaieseet t md n habilitation rfospitil north of toronto ht re iniured work men are givtn tne mist m d i trn trtjtmenl md vvhtrt neie s sarv evtrv effort is nnek to fit them into new and suit ible oce up itimis 1961 the dept of muhw ivs is spentime ilxnit v75 million 1959 dtpt of i nerv a he sourt es est blisheei hour new depart louts lo is 1st tn the devi lopmt n of th s meit pro vmee of ontirio ontirio hts pitil isiirt an p in be amc tffeetiv t it pupil ctvers ition 05 of on out i in iter reso nt s commi sion t1 ihl shtl l di vel p v ut r blippll s tn w county council county council south haltonites seek rep by pop the age old bnttleery rp rcscntation by population echoed through county coun cil i his month council was diseusslng a resolution lo give voling rights lo the members based on the numbei of people i they represent i at the moment the six mem hers from the south oakv ille i trafalgar md burlington who represent two thirds of hal ton s population have twelve votes while the remaining municipalities with one thrrd of the population have sixteen votes the basis o ri presentation provoketl horftt disagreement with some of thi members fav during municipal electors as the yardstick and others he po pu la i fo u figures the manner of increasii ie leprescntation ilso stirred e bale should die numbii if deputy reeve be increased or should the number of votes given the existing upresenta lives be increased was the fiielion after icngihv hut ine n elusive discussion it was do i cided to put the question on ntxt months agenda for a full scale debate words of the wise money lent to a friend must ht recovered fiom an enemy cicrmin proverb thi 0bor0itown hirald thurtday april 13th 191 page 4 pvph remjyhmss 3oo0uoav5r a6000ih61nano mdapookmehorv per ont i shar 00 ml i t mpnsnit over boo 000 hp have hoen installed in noilhern onlirio comment ing in 1948 the rwcrrtv five cych art i in southtrn ontirio ht in con vtrsion to b0 tvtk hits nork cpntly bte rum i ndt i the the t rans cmida highwav over 1 300 miles lont is eompltltd except for a little paving two routes are provide one north erly through cochnne and k t buskasing and the other south erlv following the north shore of i ike superior the tnns ontario hiihw iv no 401 from windsor to i ho quebec border more thin 500 miles lonj is more thin hilf completed it will hkelv be finished in 1963 a huge proiim his been liunched lo provide for tht re novation and modernizing o ill of ontario s oldest huhwivs rtnis in ud of municipil i roid this vt r in ibmit s71 million lnder ihe formt r i ib inl ovt ninitnt the y ntvtr evcei lev s4 mill on 1930 thi di jit of inblie wtlfirt was estiblishtd bv the ferguson ovt mint nt i liis vi ir it is spin litis ibt ut s75 intlh n o hi ip thosr h u u porinlv nrpermmintlv n quire issistmc rints h ive bet n w hlv inert i ed tn re sp t i illv is to hil ire n s vi i md homes f r the ed 1943 dtpt of tnvei ml publicilv est ihhshttl it has lilelv become the dt pi of commerce antl development 1957 dt pt of trtnsp rt i t illtsht t di mt nt poml swi m est ibhsheel as a chtek on dr silt eater to muiik ip iht t to ul n solvitu problems till ted lo muneipil vv iter supply ind sewige disposal md to inrrv on a progiatn to end p 1 lution of lakes md streams 1955 probition svstem fir eonvittetl p rsons e t ibhshnd todiv ovtr 0o0 ronvultd per sons in ontirio ire on pi obi tion woi king antl iipportiu thtmst ives ind tin ir tie pen i cuts ii costs upw ird of s1xh a vi tr lo ketp a tonvicted per son in pnson is against s50 a veir to keep him on probation there are now ib ut 1 jt pro hit inn offuir- tn the provnui r form institutions svslem overhuilul elinus established for ileolu iks and druj adehtts n expmsion of bovs and j girls schools notably lindsay and port bolster i the st lawtcnte develop i ment opened in iftbo bv ht r i mijestv produces 2 200 000 hp one half of which belerng lo i ontario the drive and energy of premier leslie hrost md 1 tht lite hydro chairmm r1j- crt s itindt rs brought this en i lerjirise into btine the patronage svsti m his been abolished hv ihe tonser valive lovtrnmtnt ii will be rte died tint tht hepburn v irnmint dtsmivstd tivtr 30 000 epl industrial commission to boost industry t mintv cuimil approved the settnil up of a countv indus nil commission consisting of ttn inimhtts who are the w ir dm tht c unity clerk ind one lepreslinnlive from each mun uipihtv the memhirs felt he loe i touncil i ejirest nlattve should bt the induslml com missioner or the president of ihe h imber of commerce sum of si 500 was allocat id in undirlike the programme md a furtlier s3 500 for print ing of brochures i think it s onlv fitting that wt iive short shnft to the idea tint the ountv form of govern mtnl is suignating bv backing this constructive proposal we v ill show we are willing to trv something new stated reeve i rviknnn of builington murmurs of approval greeted the st lit ment of reeve cam siniliir when ht remarked i ven if rsqucsmg as in agri cultural are t doesn i pirtieu larlv want industrv itself were for the industrial commission were interested in having in dustry located in the countv trees removed 9 pruning 0 landscaping tree cultura insiirinei covers property md men 1 dviee i lstimatis tro surgeoni martins sodding trianglc 7411 1 monuments cemetery lettering yeadons memorials 22 king st east georgetown tr 79573 travel notes easter in new york go by train or air wide choice of hotell leave thursday eveg march 30th returning sunday night ral sqo from jt returning mondy night rail from john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency nsurance travel fr 7 2214 mill s business directory its vets followers psstd iv e nt irship of th to out indr hill ihl ill c i plowntv ralph davies ac i s r a eeountanl and auditor 122 buelph georgetown tr 73351 office hours 9 a m 3 p m mondays to friday i provide equal p n ing the pr for in jur mr spnkt r it h bmi a rt it pie isure to mi during ht p isi vcars to nn rnntrih itetl in i simil wu to the pis ing of this icllsltu i tint h s onlrihiiiltd so mmh to the i velopim nt ol i i v f onlin md thi hi tit i mt nt wallace thompson 3rd division court urk a commliontr tr 7 2963 robt r hamilton ro opiomrtrlst office hiurs 10 a ill to 6 p m dulv rvenings bv appointmen 60 main north tr 739l const gov of ir cil sound farn ram ihroi an eelucili iminale tht cidents tel extension sem tin importmcc of a mina emrnt pr hout the province mal progrim to el number of farm ac underwiv james p 1915 iniler miitn v the workmen s c om pensati n ct was adopted prequentlv revi eti and amend blitz campaign for lever hoskin charttrtd accountant 51 mun n bnm 1 n for expert eye care consult o t walker oeculisl preseuptions idled 12 m im bt s biampl i e i l 444 he- ci 10241 hours 9 a in h p m dulv hridiv 9 a m 10 9 p m l fiunks by appointmcni maurice manoerson qc barrister solicitor 6 mill st tr 7 2464 roxy theatr bldg tomvansicklerbj barrister solicitor notar id mitn b tr 745ji idr williams bldg t if orkt r i always a worli lands today nodel pensioner mvself ars i do nol know hat labour wo id do if it it lor this it 1 lation model in other jurisdictions previous legislation known it the harm products control act was enacted in 1937 since that time the legislation which tus proved of great value to onarw farmers has been kept vp to date to meet changing i conditions live stock community i sales act this act was en i acted in 1959 and is designed 1 to regulate and control the op- oration of community sales thi warble fly con jutol act enacted 1953 in 11 1m0 this act applied to 252 sships hti4i reccjv 1 d 173434 in grants the brucellosis act jfe this act which provides tor 1 and eradication of bra into effect m b provides for the vacci 1 of calves and for the es t ot control atemi sai red bock i 1927 the crnmt nt un it r hit ir idership i of hon t how ird herctisnn istabtishcd ihe dept of public welfare it was auo under the leadership of hon mr hergu sem that the federal provincnl old ife pension ct was esta4 lished in 1937 38 the hepburn government grintod millions of acres in pulpwond concessions under secret agreements with out competition these agree ments required the construe tion of pulp mills none of which were built they permit tott a huge e vnorl of raw pulp q- 1 tlft of thn la 1 1944 the conservative gov ernment under the leidership of hon george drew cancelled or revised thesi agreements re suiting in the construction of huge new pulp mills and new towns at terrace baj marathon dr j burns milne 111 m i suiglon fiu mill st tr7 2871 georgetown animal clinic j s zavili dvm v zavlti dvm klfi mlph btrett limn open 7pm ip mon wed fri afternoon by appointm dale bennet latimer baines ikhll ab v latimer 11rrrnce f baesfs tri ingle 7 3381 j3 mill si gcorgetowi monday afternoon and evening april 10th please leave your porcftliobi your donation no matter how wnall will help to stamp out cancer out eanvawen ere- ah volunteer artd give their hme freely please welcome them dr john r kerby p ache of dentistry ihi ingle 7j641 llf mountain lew rd s lforrfto n frank petch 1 luviu alctiomlll po box 413 7 2864 georgetown or k w mccauley dentist 6 main strijst north tr 74641 tf w h c a r r nonal engineer ontario land surveyor deoigetown ont lib mountunview rd s triangle 72211 rrs phone tr 73300 hew son ord and helson barrliter solicitor a9 main st s luside knox churchi thoklic c hewson i0hn d ord htldhrick a helson tr 7 2246 tr 79781 larretal builddsg 116 mountainview tr 7 2218 wordrof tht wtse 1 would rather lose in a cause that will one day win than win in a cause that will some daj loe woodrow wilson printing of distinction i ftterheads ftwliopfs statements wfdding invrtatlonn georgetown herald monuments pollock a campbell dl mlns on reqllsi inspect our work in bieenwood ccmeterv phone 621 75b0 r2 water street north g a l t licenced kjcttonttir nornian c uddl 9 msinbb st tr 7441j prwmrtccorrtool svka