Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 27, 1961, p. 3

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and mrs nicholas smith jnarjried february iblh ill make their home in derby england where mr smith joins his father there this fall in the family business of clock manufacturing the bride is the former gretchen bradley daughter of mrs aileen bradley georgetown and tne groom is the son of mr and mrs j e howard smitfi christian reformed church came to canada in 1905 th following la a brief wimmary of papar prtmntad at the rtgultr mtlng of th qaorgatown minlttrui auoclatlon by rv d los coverlna the hiatery and doctrln ef lha chrla- tlan reformed church ef whkh he u mfnliter the christian reformed church is probably the most recent church body u begin work in canada although the first congregations were a ready in existence in 1905 many think that the christian reformed church is a dutch church tins is not correct al though it has a dutch back ground k is not possible to mention all the detail but h mai be said that a secession from the stale church in hoi land occured in 1834 due lar gel to the fact that the state imposed its will on the pobcj and doctrine of uie church which cxcntually led to hercsj difficult times followed for those who seceded they were boycotted and their ministers were imprisoned this steady persecution led them to look for a new home across the- ocean in 1846 two large groups arri i ved in the united states and settled in michigan and iowa j the following year l same weakness in 1850 these immigrants joi nod the dutch uclurmed i church which had been in ex j itence stnee the 17th ctnturv clttmt weekly the church gives great at tention to youth activities and education at the present lime some 230 private christian schools have been established in canada with some 47 000 pupils the church holds cate chism clashes weekly for the training of children until tbey come into full and active church membership coast to coast many missionaries are work ing for the extension of the church in united states and canada most congregations are involved in eamclistic activi ties there is also theback to god hour radio broadcast which is heard irom coast to coast the church also has missionary represent a tnvs in nigma japan formosa c ion argentina brazil and cu ha hospital news items of interest about youryiosplta last thursday evening the board of directors met to considtr a number of import ant issues facing the hospital and also to hear progress re- 1 ports from the business ad mimstrator j progress on the hospital has reached a critical stae as he final phases of finishing are being reached painting the hanging of doors and the other final stages are being dealt with and the hospital js rapidly reaching a finished look i hiring has continued and radiologics hao been hired nurses and other ke staff hae bein selected the ac counts section u beine formed the dietarv staff selected jnd various supervisors seleijed naluralh with the physical shape of the building coming along so rapidh one of the big headaches to not onh the ad mimstrator but the purch isnu committee is the selection of equipment this too has reuh ed a point where it can he fi nalized and firm orders with delnerv dalfs made this committee consists of richard licata ted ldns and mr il hooh together lht hic spent mirn dovs discus- ng comparing and making final choices of tlu rv best equip ment al the mot adantafl his prices as soon as the building is completid the inassim j t of moving furniture and the equipment in will bum ind this too is a job ph it will hate to be carmd out in ur time to allow tor the opening date a sm ll thin in size th it is but one that deserves pec lal atttention is that of the h pe of plate to be ined to recognize donors of various rooms etc naturalh thes must all con form as tou si2 ind t j u ne extent lettering what is con sidered lo b the best inailali plaque f r this purp e w i chosen s alwav fnnncc under the chairmanship of treasurer mrs win b llaitnl n pin id i l part in ihc delilerati n financial statement was gun and pissed oiue ia n it w s pointed out that all tho e who have made pledges are urged h review their situation and see if the are up to datt this is of vital imnirtaiue tht well bung of the hospital an cannot receive too much alk i lion all pledges arc pnable in anv event the problem will not arise for a minimum of at loast five vears when the ac terated schedule of trains will be in effect a number of bequests have conu m of late and anv one who has not vit contributed or pledged is asked to do so report wa iven hv he chairman of the opening dav committee lis clark s of the present his committee is made up as follows ji hn t armstrong john d ord t c mrs john ingli william kin rvidc and sam pi tin i it v is noted that additions would be made to hie committee as thi dale approai hex in the rtport the chairman not d that approaches had bien made to tikvi it n radio and newspapers for spicial coverage for the hospitil opening dav the ctocetown iltrald is co operating bv attempting to run a special edili n fur lu oiu mon other ana m w papers havi agrci i to mipfrite an ntarbv rad o stalions ire d to broadcast minis if interest bout it tw i n i iti ns hive a ted itilei elevi in prt of ih iffin il cin monies ar il oni h s comm lid itself to mipplv j in i hat dav mr h nradf mr pti rice and mrs injis a ri eplo nn possihiltti s of tht best v i as well a the most ftuiint wa o sie th t im i i n f th ci mmunil and district mav see evirvthini m tht ho pit il re freemen i will be sirve to all attending mr 1 irk mr ord and mr are working n a su 1 able pr2 nra for this niportin octasioi the actual date of i hi a fair is saturdav aftern ion june 17 the time to l t i hler wi with thi weatheriuan sun mi it is no o niiith lo hope fr a crowd f 1001 i n altenda nee but the affiliation was not sat lisfictorv as thev found in the dutch reformed t hurch mativ of the weaknesses and errors against which ihev had fought in tho homeland at last in 1857 a group of five congreia tions parted from the dutch church and founded the chris han reformed hurch t first the group was verv small and much divsen ion arose about insumfitant matters but after 1880 a ni w pi nod bi an thou sands of immigrants came to the i s and joined the new hurch and some congregations of the dutch reformed hurch i i onus i the new ronp b 140 there were 298 congregilions ind 121 000 numbers follow ing the second world war ina nv immigrants came from the i netherlands to canada whin the group now numbers 140 congregations with some 50000 i members the total member ship in north menca now stands at 2a2 000 aalued highly doctnnallv u can ih stated that the confessional standarls of the church date from the davs of the protestant reform ation and are based on thi belic tonfesim of raith ti htidelberg catechism and i the canons of dordt these i ereels are valued highlv but the final court of apptal if a idiffcrenic of opini m arista is the iiolv scriptures ihesc arc i inspired bv the holv sp rit and are infillibte and all miffic unt three officei in thi or and gov crnnuni of thi thunh tht re are three of f m s the minis tirs the tlriir and diacons thist officers firm the onus united church women new group in church a meeting to launch ihc new organization i nitt d t hurch women was h id in si johns i ruled hurch on tut div c mint ftiv lin mt nun pres ided and opined th met ling with a dtvolioni period read ing the scripture from matt 17 chaptir verses 14 20 which n veals thi p wtr f hrist thai is available in all if our faith and belief is strong t nvikh mr hi mm j stri ssi d t hi thought thai wi mu t row in crice and i w irk tiu hi r st t kin lo hnnc ah nit a puiiu of pur p so r iiw ji ilousv arru ince pirtv spirit etc mu t hi cast 1 ul pnver pi rscvtraiict and enthusi ism tiki their placi thp riitsf spnker mis v mckmzu wifi of u v v mc- ktnzie of 1- red tin wis intro duced bv mrs hi mm mrs mikinne hi in hi r ad dress with a querv what does this new organization l nitid church wnniin nnplv to each of us inanswirint she slated that what bitur wav can w prepire ourselves thin to ac ci pt hrist s wonderful mlva t on individuallv and a mw spin wilt pit v ul in our heirls and lip iteirimg flic scripture from r ph 2nd chap ter the hdics vir told that as tht middle wji 1 vcjwecn usus and fenfli s was broken vn b jesus t hrist so mils the walls of enw jialousv sel fi hniss vvhch often separate w and w m s be broken down onh hrist cm hreak down these barriers we cm all hi one if w are willing to let him m in closing mrs mthi ti7h mil pc ple should h mon can ful in thi ir convir sition in unit n- and temral ap peinnti reini rnl nn christ i w ilkinc ni ir t enih one of stresses more poetry on teaching schedule the final meeting of the hal ton council of the international reading association was beld at kilbride public school burling ton on wednesday april 10th at 8 00 p m about 140 elementary school teachers were in attendance orel supervise the speaker mr wm h moore supervisor of oral eng lish for the hamilton public schools spoke on the teaching of literature i mr moore fears that teachers over emphasise understanding of literature and are too lktl concerned with a childs enjoy ment of it net enough the speaker deal with the teaching of prose poetry and drama teachers do not teach enough poetry he feels every teacher should collect his own favorites and have them at hand to read to pupils at opportune mo ments poetry is not something to take only in special penods once a week really like teachers should use poems thev know and like themselves their first presentation should always be a good performance fnthusiasm is- infectious he urges that teachers have pupils memonze only poems o parts of poems which they ihe pupils really like much love of poetry is killed by a ques ton in the child s mind do we have to memonze this- too only cowilcs what is the final test of our cffectiveness i teaching liter ature the answer lies in what our pupils read out of school and after leaving school do they read solr the comic rtrlpar and the sports page do they read poetry voluntarily the following is a list of of fleers eelcted for 196162 officers halten branch of the internameiml readlnf aaaocta- llon i vet 43 president gordon buckley principal centriller p s bronte trafalgar twp vlce- pres mrs e presscy milton secretary miss norma ott westwood p s oakville trcas urer frank j hughes princi jpal e j james p s trafalgar twp past pres miss florence i meares principal kilbride p s burlington representatives oakville miss elaine atkinson oakwood ps oakville burlington mrs phyllis cartwright burlington mr d trueman burlington georgetown mr h catling georgetown trafalgar mr fred reid lome skuce p s trafalgar twp miss nola boy er john wilson ps trafalgar twp miss heather jackson acton mr roy johnson flam thi olorofcttowh hlftalo thureday april 17th ini this state farm feature reduces your share i of small auto accident costs too j ever hove to pay 50dcductibla on a 60 acci- denl frustrating wasnt it but now stat farm pays 80 of all accident costs up to 250 each and pays 700 of your damage over 260 another example of full protection from state i arm see me about your car insurance today eric beard 21 rexwaydrive tr 74814 disney film draws four hundred kids last saturday the local can adian legion branch 120 had t two showings of that old walt disney film old yaller the first show started at 9 30 ind had over two hundred children present the second showing i at 12 30 had a slightu smaller crowd i the usual film time of 10 00 a m was changed to allow for the two shows but ordinarily there will be onh one prescn tat ion on occasions when there are to- be two a notice will be placed in the herald state farm mutual automobile insurance company head office toronto ont father mentioned in commons ottawa special to the herald the name of the father ot halton s member of parliament sandy best was ment oned in the house of commons this week speaking in connection with a bill to establish agree ments between the federal government and the provinces on the occupational rehabilitation of disabled persons paul martin former liberal health m nister made a reference to dr charles best i was referring to the honorable member for halton his father the distinguished dr best one of the most out standing medical researchers in our country could confirm everyfh ng i have said here today because he was one of those along with penfield at montreal along with com p at western along with brown at mcgill who collaborated with the government mr martin sa d the member for essex east was cnt cal of the govern mertt measure saying that whet was being proposed to help d sabled people become rehabilitated wai noth ng new and that it d d not involve the expend ture of any add t onal funds to do the ob better the house gave first read ng to the b ii springs here and we re here to help you get ready for it lawn seed no 1 mixture lawn fertilizer 1064 sogreen 5 lb 375 50 lb s3 98 80 lb 4 95 halton cooperative supplies 4s guelph street tr 72271 free del very saturday mornings topsoil first grade topsoil for lawns flower beds call barclays haulage excavating phone tr 79991 toi or il riatin and ioern in all nirttttri pertain n in th churth rup of conrf d tions fnm a clasms which nuits thru turns a ear and mi a jtar tin ihmtses meet in eiunl swiod in drand rap ids michigan the euh r- an i tho ministers v eir f un ih at kasl owe a car for thi prumn purple of disus sin i n iiei n inatlers with the parents que ixl thrn turn and f ii wed nciri 1h- t to the fine ad thank of the moilui speikt r f r hi r er erl in the church hill coflct and sandwichts served words of the wise thire are no t mis without ins bcnjimiii franklin notice at the banks or dir treasurer it t tht the president of tin vitxi larv mrs john injjli- inlr iriu ced the president elect mis larr mauirhan the ni of fi ccrs in the a take offiic next month pin r6 60 th ontario municipal board in th mattar of section 30 of i tha planning act rso 1960 c296 and rs thf mvnm of aj nppi paumi of the i orp rat m nf tht town tortt n for apprin il of us restnd i rci b w bojl passed ih 7th da of viwmhtr 1t0 appointment for hearing thf ontario ml mt ilm lioviu herein appoints mon da the 8th di of h itml al tht hitur of ten o rhuk in the forenoon local time it the a report wa nicn the hon pital solicitor inhn ord q on the meeting lhal recent l took plan with iht cnr alxuit the possible moving of the rail wa tracks farthtr from the hospital however ihe coin missionera telt ihe co1 h lie th s prohibitive ami pointed out that to ihe it would cost in ihc neighbour hood of a million dollars slighl concessions were made as to the whistle- however uk d if it were possihlc to move it b 1 just ttcw tiundred teclthe for commissiontrs pointed lint thalfhl the trackaferc alreadiin a slight cut or draw and that if anoved farther west would be on hirher ground therebv ere ltin possibly more noise 5 4 i himhir ont for the htirmg ni jii parties interestwl in supporlinc or oppo ing ihi applicition nh al toronto this lth da of april iqfil b virkers ctnif sec t is al i directed not bread alone for those in trouble the salvation armv keopa an open door in its hostels havens horms and hospitak workers who understand the human heart know that bread alone is not enough 1a hilc the body w carrd for the spirit is healed and uplifted by the message of hope men worn n and children are made whole and shown the way to lo ing ser ice of god and man in this work of merr vou ran share your contri bution vill bring the glow of happiness to our heart twice the help half the work with our 2 account plan l ittu of i ot the underrta and the nun idmgheart inn touch proptrh in the township of tsquesmg nhim lands abut on the lind to which this bylaw no fioi applies a cop of iw no bltl i available inspection in the office of undersized l blinhui clerk treasurtr 3s main streel norlh georgetown ont 1 cttmisjucr 9n the salvation army red shield appeal pa all bills by cheque on a pcivmal cliociuinit ccount the low seiice chaiges aie picpaid i our cuudlcd diequtb aia our rm keep oui samngs account foi wi 1117 add to it fiom eieiy pa as join balance grows jou h gain mw peaic of mind campaign treasurer m wingrova carudian bnk of commarce start planned saving at our nearest branch now canadian bank of commerc money in the bank means peace of mind

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