Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 27, 1961, p. 5

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sergeants ball annual event for lome scots the annua sergeanti ball of the lome scots regiment bai proved as great a success bis year aa in the past last friday evening amid colorful floral decorations about 170 mess members and their guests met at the brampton armories for an evening of fun there was ballroom dancing andvwts or highland dancing with the music for this provl ded by the lome scots pipes and drums as the guests arrived they were received by rsm a mr k g murray hqmsa mrs a g rudd sgt an m j h perrott and wo h w knight during the eveiv lver cream and sugar ver tray was pscnted by sgt j h perrotl ata sergeant and mrs g- eg as a wed dlng gli the regiment an address of welcome to the guests on this ocoaiim given by rsm marra among the guestr at the ball were qommandlitf officer lt col and mra arthur kemp major and mr e f conovcr major and r- j kleinfeldt major and hrs e biggs mayor and mr carman core bhe hon jfichael starr mr and mr john pallett and mr and u bill davis petty officer 4d mrs young hmos york petty officer and mrs bland hmcs star w02 and mrs tal bo t rca w02 and mrs ldugh ton hl1 of canada sgt and mrs moore torontoscottish sgt and mrs burgess a sh hamilton sgt and mrs hen ning queen york rangers and sgt and mrs freeman 8th signals sgt a banks made lhe ar rangements for this oulstand canadian champion pb bureau honoured haltofi county was honoured last wek avhen county council received a cerli 9 nifyingts fire prevention bureau had won a special recognition in the 1960 v e nton frites here oakille fire chief douglas wilson representing the bureau lel an georgelexander of the fire marshal s office present the certificate to haltopcek tjameia jrownlncl warden alex phillips reeve of trafalgar the certificate ws won in tne natiorj fire protection associat on s conlest for canadian and u s fire department ana lluapention bureaus milton acton and oakv lie brigades won prues in the municipal uctiol of the contest n p by dorothy barker ppg ping spring spring an the drip of clear bap as tot the tin bucket that hung fro a spile on the trunk of a gret old maple tree though this heralded the most jojous lteann of the year 1 was sad oh veiy very sad for it would about two tablespoons ful whei i had collected nearly a quart 1 started boiling and skimming tht smell of the boiling sap in a small house was sickening directions simply said boil and skim until clear i ended up with a little more than a table rup and a bad th6 mail bag comment from another on ratepayers ltter a 21st 1wil the editor dear sir thanks to yo valutd mail bag column in when citizens of our town nvy egress their thought on natlps pertain inj to welfare of f a11 the letter frop mr robert loc thy that h ur andauns ll be the time this particular spoonful or jmnhmiim yield its sweeter- of the gag 1 bought 1 toartugar harvest next vcar 1 could ner face another pin it woud echo to the sound of cake embellished with maple bulldocrs and carpenters sjrup hamntrs for it is to be a new 4 n hlbdiision affording gracious was county living within commul on a ing distance of the citv i i was reminded of the first tncrc unif i became aware of the fact maple syrup actually comes i fron trees i was a prairie j chttj born and bred and mbir of ears latir 1 itcd to a suginn off cirbj farm 1 learned tree had not given lb a special place one t drill for sap on anj su v pie tree it takes expcrient find a large lap root above hich the spile should be sunk unk oldi mcneilly ncighbou the writer ttf goes on t i manv pto pie are inlen n education of slow pror children but two indivd- oprf c- star soundl to me lather si v how the wo in could r e lhc results any cfrirt p forlh bv an for nls cnd to the 20th golgotha however is jood you see we had an ilc of what the power of men cm rl to a lown in cent jears between 1955 and early association with maple nt ln trce s tl iyrip was from a bottle then trees have spile scars that j 1 one day when my first spring l recognize where if he hid midr that stale dawned in the rural area of an 4 p abou back in 1159 i would sure easteri canadian province 1 two fcct frvrm thc have agreed with him 100 was taken to the summer resi sugaring ofr was a f ami pcr cc m he his dence oi the late sir sam hugh tradition in this farm hor betn slc pint since the bin ee in the haliburton highlands neighbours from near and j mng 0 1960 since hii obser sf ontario gathered each spring to wj lions are a litllr late ncarl sir sam was a colourful fig the last keltic of sap b i ltt0 j i late i ure of world war 1 wbo won p antl simmer dwn i lflda a ln 190 we hdve fame for the rapidity with soldtn poil we were al a counci dedicated to keep which he booted recruits in the tine pie plates and fn this little ship of conuown early months of that first found we wcre cx n an even keel nd manv of world conflict 1 mean that lit c wllh snow 9i ar us can feel a good heal morr erally for equipment for thoic this happened we ij- pokma confidcnte in the future of intrepid souls was hard come mfld the huge catj bc george own with the ones wr fby but sir sam then onlv 3 1 another slick on l p now have al the helm commissioned officer knew neath beating on tnc qp 1 f j m is a laxpajer where to go for quick results and singing lusl was lhpn he has onl to look at lam back in his home town of lind j out oics in ouf jm tixpipers to prove tm lay ontario there was a shoe pourei over lr j point for the firsl time since manufactunng concern that be plates and wy j evening 1955 there was onlv a w r came a byword among tanad 1 between chorj dance in s increase m our taxes ian soldiers now nonexistent ended j kise kitchen to as for the 50 increase in this company shod much of t 0 a touches on i water rte does he not know the army almost as fast as re- put the fu lo welcome 1 thai it was he building boom oujy 0 children per house we vw have 3 000 children to ppfide schools for lt would l ean more space needed for ur municipal offices more of fice help and equipment more sewers and water more roads and lights more police and garbage collection etc etc the income from taxes would be far outweighed by the ex pense just as it was five years ago and that 50 water in crease would probably increase 75 the gloomy picture of the power rolling down the hill like a snowball was banished bv the 1959 elections lr me neilly if mr mcneilly really wants to see georgetown grow whv not pool his efforts with our industrial committee six years ago georgetown had enough industry lo take care of nearly all of the manpower of our town and it is well known that it is the wheels of industry that provide us witn a living today two thirds of our man power commutes to brampton toronto etc to find our daily bread i would suggest that mr mc neilly discover what kind of bait is used by brampton that is o enticing for the manufactur crs who are choosing brampton as their location i mav bc wtong but t feel that if the industrial land now owned bv others were in the hands of our council members we would have had industry a long time ago perhaps it is thc old story of the snake swallowing the ele phant while we have much sjmpalhy with the snake in his troubles thc onlv wav to help him is to make him disgourge his prey with industrial land 1 am told selling at only 100 dollars an acre there must bc a rea son whv such a bargain is turn cd down bv industrialists could u be that there is res tnctions as to who builds the industrial plants and could the cost of such plants outweigh the low price of the land these arc onlv a few of the questions many of us are ask irg ourselves again since 1 believe manv of the building pr as poets of he past em p iced out of town help it is only read onable to think t would be out of town help used in the con slruction of some of the build ing projects in the future this would not be much benefit to our labour problem either there is definitely something wrong when those who have already purchased houses here have lo move back to where they came from because we have no work for them here and those same people have to rent their homes at lower rent than it costs them to carrv those homes and others have lost their down payments be eause tbey tin see no future without industry in this town to sum up mr mcneilly s letter we don t love our neigh hour if we place upon his shoul dcr a greater burden than he can bear and his comments about thc five man power on council comes nearly two years late thc problem no longer ex ists it should be quite cas for the majority of us to en dure our town government pro viding they are not out man cevered by the kind of get rich schemes that nearly put us on the rocks a few years ago our town is still frantieallv trv ing to collect taxes from people who found it impossible to keep up let us direct our efforts in providing work for those already here before we contemplate anv large scale building projects remembering alwav since mot housing p ojecls arc financed by n h a it is the government footing the bill not the contractor and the buver is the one who finally pajs the bfll so who gains i would saj thc contractor nol matter who loses kaihenne cordaro seek crank phone caller a crank caller who used local emergency services as a play thing may face a jail term if an investigation by police discovers hia in entity a local doctor was the caller s first victim a man s voice told thc doctor that he was needed to treat a sick child the caller hung up before any further information could bc glca ned but phoned back twice more with thc same plea he said only that he was phoning from a main sl store ln a fourth call he told the doctor not lo bother that thc child had died the police office was his second target early thurs day afternoon cpl jim bils- borrow took a call at thc police office apparently from the same man claim ing that a man vith a shot gun was attempting to break into his house and what are you going to do about it cpl bilsborrow attempt ed to keep tbc man talking wllh a streanruf questions but learned only that he called hitmelf tony and was calling from avenue road moments later the fire department received a call summoning thc trucks to a house fire on sargent road thc brigade sped lo the scene and of course found nothing fire chief bob banficjd said his men were under slandably incensed by thc prank thi oioroitown h1rald insurance travel walter t evans co gb triangle 72512 tbbp 21 mill steet serving your community for over 40 yean trees removed 0 pruning 0 landscaping tm culture insurance surgaont martins sodding trianjfa 74111 arnold rathbun representative sun life of canada georgetown 12 gower court tkingl 74791 louise beauty lounge announcing miss lynda hamilton as a new member of our staff as an introduction miss hamilton will style your hair at a reduced price for a limited time only shampoo set 100 1 cold wave 550 10 please call jr 73651 louise beauty lounge 11 main si n ask fok an ointment 33 mam 31 n with mlss hamhtqu its planting time special no i jatkaged qo teas floribundas and climbers 0 norway maples 5 x 6 400 recent introduction sunburst locust s 775 weeping willows 300 peat moss ca ond top soil juc bushel fertilizer sogreen vigoro the garden centre guelph st nxt lo iga tr 7392 omils signed up and before n annu the war ended beal boots mar prin j niin2rv thirlil- ched thousands of miles liro s vmilous flftu t the mud and slush of war torn f on 25 mile europe i parc but a- i said htfw did i get all mixed up from s 01 with boots when i started out built lt was a vpr a march anches of a doomed snmc tfiish tt lhi khinfi to lament the demise of augar bush yes of courc commenced to relate my troduction to the process extracting sap from the trees mod boiling it down into clear brown syrups tverwood actually 1 dfdn t see it ha fcen that way on the shores eagle lake there was y rufp uflllnw fllpuk the evidence of industry i wldllow new5 bed stacked roof high literally hundreds of smj buckets little tin funnc looked like pigols arr called spiles rolled arou t letter b onjj we 1 two hnr p 1st fip crrited a demind for mrr and more water with the end result a 50 n e in water rites i think the h raid printed a ntcr ab 11i which he produced by chefs iloil thr building of more s lo increase our tax re cnue sureh mr mcvilh is not siicslinr ih l we take an olher bitter dose or lhe same kind of medicine thai forced our taxes up in nearly three times in proportion let us con idor what another 1 500 houses would mean for our town at an average of the siher rcrular mecling of the wood chefs met al the of their assistant leader week caroljn the floor outside caldrons half turned stonc i lporgg burl ted beneath the tal v r l boats used to haul p out of the buah ftu7vi norlon lhc chair andoned like a w w a the rocling opened with lhi sugaring at eaghj pas as 4 m piefike and the secretary much a thing bu 1 marj hllcn murray read thc world war 1 l was minuie of lhe last mtcting my cunosit hen we the foil call was answered h tery much af farm dunng pairing one fruit dessert that bought ourrf dlscovcrcd each family enjojs tbe hungry f surar mape the meeting was thctrhurncd the w f 1 could hardly owr lo lhc leader mrs eorge on the prof sprmr 1 ironside and assistant leader 4 lihrarv tor inforjwrs eirec burt who helped pplng trees whc ly norton and bonnie bell the fi across capping u wi iii j uu iwndi of march swe makr hi malow chcws y field 1 took m it bonnie norton and jennifer j j one hand tin bued jes made frosted urapev jtnd ft w lhc olncr anl 3r l sheila lamp- iit 7 to encourage nre bell made jello i to m hcr bount v i rf tjakes swiranung t my i friends and neighbours of iljtn maple synrp furred air and mrs bert jones and tthrough knee hig famih will be sorrv to hear that pi morning 1 wer ou they are leaving the commun- hf the days yielt usually ity but shopping sure makes you cold these days makes you want to take 0 rest in a warm cheery atmosphere with a hot dr nk and to eat bile come to think of rem nds you of t that cottage tnn main st south tr 79004 uuton gas emm vimmm 9 automatic water temperature controli attractive dark blue outer casing free service maintenance installation iathing can equal natural b7nor water heating call y go app fo ho09 c- jjn r

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