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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 11, 1961, p. 11

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getting closer wild west spectacular rodeo has everything the cloud of duit on the horizon grows bigger an ear to the ground and you can hear the gentle thunder of pound ing hoofs shortly the tumult and shouting will reach you the lions rodeo fast approaches beef barbecues dancing parades bronc riding bull dogging calflroping more beef barbecues and all the excite ment and thrills of an eastern calgary stampede and bleachers sufficient to seat all the spectators chupk wagons buckboards democrats and a real stage coach will highlight a glittering parade on the morning of the rodeo events and at the head of the western cavalcade mayor em raw hyde sheriff matt haley and special rodeo day guests townsfolk not wearing western garb will in all probability be lynched bigger and better with more thrills and colour are the adectives being poued on this year s celebration by the sponsoring lions one aftractiorf not included in last years hooplois the gala rodeoeve danceshow in the park head lining u s singing stars fredd e cannon and del shannon backed up by canada s no 1 group little caesar and the consuls those who like their dancing old tyme get their turn saturday night in the park when an old tyme square dance show will be the attraction during rodeo week june 5 to 10 the lions are calling on the local folk to assist them n making georgetown a p ece of alberta by dress ng western style ten gallon hats will be available for sale and merchants have ind cated they will promote the rodeo theme in the r windows and advertising during the six days traffic during the week will become a good percentage horse and prairie vehicles wilf be a fam 1 ar srghf dv local streets and their numbers w 11 increase until the dusty finale when the rodeo fever reaches its peak the lions however recommended that some leniency be shown anyone wearing eastern clothes dur ng that week chances are he ii be from out of town agricultural economy were fooling ourselves new books i at the library fiction tht awakec tiw day of j th underground city green minion the moxart lmtm at nine ttje wax foundation the side of the angela prize stones see rome and die the night ridera the count of monte cristo mrs meeker a money the iron noose the double frame maisret rents a room non fiction shakespeare affectionately fdr arthur meujhen timothy dexter revisited fidel castro the infernal world of braowell bronte native tribes of canada the reluctant satellite the man who never was hmcs return of the tiger ireland in colour ra i avae american as we are the winter bookof switzerland holiday travel guide london france florence italj rome spain switzerland comprehensive guide to europe from raft to raft the outline of history faust shakespearean traged shakespeare s public scotchman s return and other ssas atomic age exemplified in bell telephone tour ijin stelco economist urges more buy canadian perhaps the graest and the most fundamental of our nat lonal problems is the fact that while we canadians hae evol ved a way of life which can only be supported if we have a profitable and progressive man vfactunng potential we are not jet disposed to acknow ledge that fact or to act in accordance with it stuart ar mour economic adviser steel company of canada lted said in toronto speaking before the young mens canadian club of toron to mr armour stated that most authorities including the gov ernor of the bank of canada now agree that onl manufac tunng can provide the emplo ment the production and taxes required to sustain some 18 million canadians upon trtie world s second highest stand ard of living yet despite this undoubted fact he said we continue to acts as if ours was still an ag ncultural econorm w e cana dians like all those appurtcn ances of a high leel of living which onh manufacturing mak on a per capita basis he sta ted our purchases of man ufactured goods many of which can or could be made in can ada now amount to 1 000 a ear for bhe average family but in spite of all the war nings issued as to the lnei tabry serious effects upon our economy of the buing of for elgn goods which can or could be made in canada the public goes unheeding on its way last year foreign cars other than those made m the lnited states were sold in canada to the the number of 125 90q that large total constituted 28 per cent of all our new car sales in canada in i960 and the majority of such imports paid no dut thus the canadian people who are committed to the maintenance of full em plojment through the mainten ance of consumer purchasing spent erj large sums on for eign cars whose makers pro ided no emplojment or produc i lion and a verj meagre level of taxes to our economy a dear insight into the inner workings of the bell telephone company was provided for a roup of newspapermen rec ently when the company ent ertained them with a tour of their plant on aaqultfa street toronto mr and mrs walter blehn of the herald staff were included in the party one of the most interesting departments was where the biils for long distance tele phone calls for every telephone in ontario are made out it took up the better part of a complete floor of the building and presented a cool calm and collected appearance because it is completely equipped with dozens of large computer mach ines with perhaps a dozen or so girls stationed at the key points where a pair of human hands and a human brain are needed as soon as your long distance call is made holes are punched in computer tickets telling the interpreter your number the number ou ve called and how long you talk ed these machines are in op eration night and day the human element is still needed in the operation of the company however and the formation please department depends on the girl operators trained for this particular job this is an extremely busy switchboard and has become even more so with so manj new canadians who have difficulty reading english the company has personnel proficient in sev eral languages to help in such situations however those who have no difficulty with reading fnglish place most of the in formation calls the tour guide informed the newspapermen that 90 of the information the complete humorous skel please palls could be avoided social andgjpersonal cfaes tales of mark twain i rae seen quebec the campers bible mike davis at the roal ballet your career in the theatre ballet annual no 15 music at our fingertips a doyly carte album persian miniatures indian miniatures of tha moghul school the romance of lace fun shapes in space potter design fun with a pencil how to make modern jewellery hoi to make potten and ceramic sculpture coin dictionary and guide the story of the tower the elements combined greenhouse gardening as a hobby the complete book of garden magic pilot instruction manual heart care becoming a nurse a zoo in mv luggage the new roget s thesaurus industrial english for italians learning english the canadian national iuilas how to lne on nothing standard code of parliamentary procedure ttie world almanac and book of facts whitaker s almanac miss janet redmond patient a heather nursing canadian almanac directory es possible while at the same iurc l04 ma n s north aiso ious encjlopedia of time w try to kid ourselves mr robert fus mjtholog that we are a nation of horn cassell s director of nursing handed ions of the soil oia berg of toronto son of t am anastasia mr armour warred numbers e a berg rr 1 limehouse shopping round europe or his jouthful audience that wl d spending a week holl strategic air command their future as oung canad na f calgar with his hnt- water water eerher lans is going to be seriously ther eilmg berg he leaves a historv of the cold war ttednivla ma 17th mr and mrs fred jackson ritn williams were hosts to a nscellancous showtr and par i for m ss carol mmons and paul mirshall a prospective affected unless canad ufacturing does progress and prosper through domestic busi ness the trouble is that the so cial structure the ipe of soc ietj the national cconomv we have devised has begun to bride and groom last salurda assume the shape of an inver evening in their hi me music ted pyramid mr armour said was supplied b bert and joe in other words we have enc marchmcnt mrs jack rr and ted a still growing socul struc mrs bert marchment assisted ture which is even now deman mrs jacks n with the parti ding taxes on a scale which can onl be eupporud bj a mr and m social letter writing at a glance official historj of the canadian telephone users would read the information in the tele phone book a little more care fully an indirect result of the at omic bomb was the floor full of tinj cylinders a couple of inches high which contain the vital equipment necessarj for connecting the telephone calls thousands upon thousands of these cylinders with their intn cate maze of connecting wires re contained in the room- which seemed eerily alne with clicks hums and vibrations with each atomic explosion so much more is revealed about i electrical circuits such as are contained within the utile cl inders that the daj is not far distant when these tinv cjlin ders will become infinitesimal illustrating ihe point the tour was taken to another floor which was equipped with cl inders used before the atomic explosions the were a good foot or more high and i e or six inches in diameter com paratieu the looked quite cumbersome and take up a great deal more space than the tin compact models before he foot high cylinders came into use he clindirs were much larger again and needed a whole building to house them alone the companj keeps striving to improxe its service and competence as well as to adapt itself to the latest sc entitle discoveries during the tour it was mentioned that in the near future letters would be deleted from telephone num bers and all combinations wmld be numerical dialing b push button is coming quick ij too and of course direct d showed radar system foolproof the most powerful radar aye- tam ever devised reported last october 5th that it was 99 9 per cent certain that a ballistic missile attack had been laun ched against north america much has been written since of what followed but the real sjg nlficance of the episode says april readers digest is its assurance that the danger of an accidental war being touched off from this continent is slim indeed in an artlcla by john hub- bell the digest braces events of that day in detail and pays tri bute to canada i air marshal c roy slemon who as deputy commander in chief at north american air defence com roand headquarters in colorado springs was in charge of the norad war room in the sence of his chief on by one signals flashed before slemon and his u s canadian staff warnings from a fantastic new missile spotting radar complex in greenland that massive missile attack was on its way and there was not a second to spare because if h were an attack then the retaliatory power of the usaf had to be turned loose but first it had to be determined and in seconds whether this was really what it appeared to be swifty from men at his side slemon ascertained that rus sian premier krusahev was then in new york at the un that intelligence reports had gi jen no hint of a russian of fensive that no other radar sj stems such as the dewline i reporomc aottrity be knew that the greenland system was new and could conceivably go haywire he could see that signals which would predict where the missiles weak land were not showing anything neither were the signals that would ashis the speed of in incoming missiles from these and other swiftlygathering pie ces of evidence slemon conclu ded in 60 seconds that this was not an attack in flv minutes norad knew what bad happened they had estimated the range of the new radar at 3 000 milei instead it had been powerful enough re peatedly to pick up the rising moon a quarter of a million miles away it has since been uugbt to reject moon echoes hubbell summed up did we nearly start a nuclear war by accident it wasnt even dose there was not a single moment when air marshal slemon felt possessed of enough evidence even to warrant advancing the state of alert of our air def ence forces or to advice sac the retaliatory american stra tegic air command to step up is alert and even if he had neither norad nor sac can trigger the retaliatory forces only the president of the us can furthermore after sac s alert force has been directed towards targets in the soviet union if at a given point this force had not received an ad ditional code word over a fool proof communications system every bomber would turn back but so quickly and accurately did roy slemon assaj the situ ation on october 5th that it was never necessary to bring even the military chiefs of the u s and canada much less the president into conference three hurt in weekend accidents county opp investigated an accident on 22 sldcroad near here saturday involving a car driven by herb vyse of rjt 3 milton cst bill bennett who made the investigation said damage to the car was 600 three people in the car had to be treated for minor injuries thb oioaorrown hilt thursday may j 1th mil page ii joe sallha arr rr 2 hot resident escaped injur his 1933 pontlac went out control near stawarttowb 1 day damage in thisrunr minor the perpendicular drop the canadian side of nlai falls is 102 feet labrtdoj grand falls is 243 feet bcos takkakaw falls i feel our introduction offer still goes miss hamilton will style your hair for a redigecr price shampoo set sfoo fe cold wave 550 call tr 7 3651 louise beauty lounge 51 c m ask ror an appointment jj main ju w with m hamiion words of the wise he who will not reason is a bigot he who cannot is a fool and he who dares not is a slave william drummond extra value on quality clothing sil mens suits arms in the second world tance dialing n being expanded i war ol 1 six years of war the arm in canadav britain the pacific j ol 2 the cana 1 ans in italj vol 3 the victorj campaign and extended eierj da- manufacturing potcntral which nnd d ilhior jill is prospering and progressing bhd were fn si the stelco economist stated i last week where that while this overloading is i attended a convention of mel going on our manufacturing rnpolitan life insurance aglnts potential is neither growing the stajed at the statler hil nor prospering on a scale re ton hotel mr runham who quisite to the burdens still be t belongs to the honour club also j ing almost dailj placed on it became a member of the presi i what we obviously need it i dent s club and was presented this juncture is a substantial with a sialics steel can in did you know a lunchbox is an ideal breed ing place for germs unless it is kept scrupulous clean it should he washed out regularlj words of the wise rinsed with water and a little people will buv an thing baking soda dried and then jack runham that 8 one to a c sln thoroughly this will 12 parkview clair w also prevent odors a spec ally selected group of all wool worsteds you can save up to 20 00 on one of these finely la lored su rs 39s with extra pants mens car coats 666 no better value any here extra special mens windbreakers extra specl 500 mens sport jackets f ne tweeds end a oc saxones zitj york utj i runham it will pay you to get the finest in printing cut in both corporation individual taxes coupled a very sharp reduction in gov em ment spending mr arm i our said instead t have al ready been threatened with higher taxes this vear and i there is no real sign that any level of government is in the slightest bit concerned with econom indeed c seem still j to be hvpnotized with the idea that bj spending ourselves broke we can spend o selves prosperous as a consequence of our ilranv actions as a people we canadians raised cofrsumer prices between 1954 and 1960 by more than 10 percent and at the same time average un employment as a percentage of the labour force rose from 4 5 percent to 7 percent mr armour charged that one eause of the rise in flfe level of unemployment between 1954 and 1960 was undoubted the disposition of canadians to spend so much of their income on imported manufactured goods i today canada is in the very unenviable position of being by far the world s largest im porter of manufactured goods and j set and steak knives at one of ith the dinners nursery stock evergreen flowering shrubs bedding plants many varieties of petunias alone a better than ever selection of bedding plants webbs greenhouses n o r v a l town i n 1 vk mile south of village phon huttonville i58i5 whatever your printing needs business cards stationery form letters greeting cards rubber stamps labels wedding other invitations draw tickets signs menus programmes etc you name it and well print it at low cost the georgetown herald 22 main street south tr 72201 georgetown ontario stokhys fancy honey pod peas 2 37 habitant pea soup 2- 33 hiucrest sweet mixed pickles 23 post alpha bits 251 47 devon rindless side bacon 59 maple leaf o wieners 8 sunbeam rolls both sunbeam hot doc for 55 york frozen chicken turkey beef steak 1 kidney meat pies 4 pk o a good selection of grade a turkeys and chickens attract vely priced 1 tb bag 29- 33 geisha solid pak white tuna lowney s 39c marsh mallows sunbeam mealtyme i bread 2 294 first grade creamery butter 63 w rewrva right to limit quantities fresh produce specials california sunkist new brunswick sin 113 no 1 table oranges doz 59c potatoes 25 u g q jc spinach 2 c 2v florida white she 96 grapefruit 10 3 vny order 10 90 value or over delivered free in georget nominal charge for smaller orders valuable coupon superior store only whl reda this coupon worth 15 cep thts coupon redtaa it for 15 on mm pvrchav of a 3ui0x0fmstahthlx0 cash value expires may 27 161

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