Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1962, p. 1

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for fine printing c 1 wvka w put miamalby tw moau is o ml dlamd georgetown herald telephone tr 72201 mum tk mt to pirn a ad fa ah harau aha eat way w bay ear aaev laadamomv mmu m socawl daaa malt peat office deaxv oeiow o oat tlhkwuy s th im1- tartlvat paamt 4joo m yeaq teasefe ceay pmeat tm cease over anxious yvonne is first back to school tvottfttf mouwyajw of j 2 shelley sr was pobbjy tha laast kwucunl school pupil when s day durwd cold arsd 0 so anxious in fct was yvorvsi lkt ih arrived at holy cross scitool on tuapla av long before ayon elia books pjud high andwady lot svny ewifjniyeii batow tfw officially bit tha two monthiof freedom end walks wil- lugly into tha tchool foyef at right tha sit tn tojitud sur- feotiwfed by vacant dtrilti contrary to tha popular myth that tchool to most pupils simulates tha and of tha world it rviufyiptton it actually qreatad by suppress q1 by a bat many who regard it at a reunion with chum and a aura cure for tummar boredom 1 ikcw i- r- mm tatar jones georgetown exhibition highlights town district products stimulate community pride says cock ceereatewn industries will shew their wares at tha caerealewn industrial exhi bition to be hald at tha ar eata september 4th 7th and ith their products will ba eusplayed la visiting indus trialists government officials and thalr fallow e it liens thursday aftarnoan at 5 00 euti han jahn wintarmay- r qc mpp will cut tha ribbon efflclally epanlno th fair hawever many othar public flour i will ba in at- tattdance included in tha inv pere salve rostar ara dr harry harlay md mp walton intern baar mp paal j r delaney of tha dapt af ee- momics 9 davalopmant e d janes industrial develop ment l s campball chlaf w tha products research dl vision d prantlca of the dap f immigration b wll- an ganeral manager of tha toronto industrial commit latvulaur awn town offi cials whlla thursday evenings tawing by invitation onry h prlday evening and sat urday all day tha general pub tic is walcoma an admit tort fea of 35c will ha char- tad la halp dafray ahpansas yha main purpota of tha ekhlbulan tpontorad joint- ly by tha industrial and yowio planhlntf cemmlttaa of coun cil and tha local industrial commission is tha induca tamnt of othar induitrlar to lo ctahrtby shfiwino what haa already baan accomplish d hawavar it is alto hop ad that many local rastdants will raalba what is actually atng on in ihasa industrlaa tfeay may pass avary day 1 is larloutrtais how olru i- tht oaaroatown cfn plpa band and tha caaroa- toum cltlians band will ba an hand ta lightan than pracaadlnos and arg- anitt paul bar bar will ba faaturad savaral tlmas throo- ohaut tha fair in addition daar prttas danatad by tha gaargatawn marchanti n ba drawn avary hour on fri day night and saturday mambars of tha cammlttaa in charg of tha a ii hi bit ion ara industrial and town planning chairman w r cock industrial cammlsslan chairman ragar wada com mit ion sac rat a ry pattr bar ry commlstlonars cardan sampson and harold balr- stow arana board mambars r lana and dick llcata ma yor doug sargant and coun cil ian frad ha rr i ton jim brown bab mcnollly rvhlla not all gaorgatawn induttrlas will ba raprasant- ad wa hava an in la raiting salactiofi chairman cock ra ports i bopa this will tl- mulata prlda in our commun ity ha addad yha companlas planning ta ayhiblt at tha fair induda snjlth 1 stona daltacraft gaorgatawn uphblstarlng provincial papar unltad gas yha gaorgalawt harald var ian assoclatas 61 las rogars pual gaorgatawn yool and 431a cradlt rlvar boat co- c smith compact btdish ar utiry davis bavr lumbar p grahsm ball pramlar building suppllas lanaa yranspart burns transparf tha gaargatawn flra dapt and valuntaar ambutanca sarvlca seek tenders for garbage council on tuesday drriitrj tu advertise for tomlrrs fur car base collection and tanilary isniiflll dupasal tonders which uill be for a threeyear contract will he subject to the town garhac bylaw 5fl30 and its amend menta and must be formed a tbo municipal office by 5 p m on lnday stptcmber 14th dom tar new name for papermill local artist has exhibit in tha chartered truif bank in tha york mills stioppinn centre at bayview and york mijli come septernbar 14lh harold henry of market st ii have a one man rtow of hi painting r tho ihow featuring twelve paintings ranging from real ist to abttrad will last month mr hanry kttr iihwji st tchool principal has only martin to fill wardens term dr carl uartin revvs of hilton wu elected wsmn of llitua county at a tpmlsl county eounru meeting tues day aftrrnuun in uilion tb vacancy was rrrstrtd by tha death of the late warden wilfrid uird uf kuiuing utarze lilir the iicwly rl acted heeve of quytin re- fuuvl to be a candidate for war dm uyin he felt his baan painting tartoutly tar tha health was not adequate to the ltf two or thraa yaart his pup- demarwli mle on the warden hi bath at chap iu and a t hrown opened k the mrstin fipreviinj the deep shock felt by the whole county at ur itirdi death one minutes tllrnre was thru oh served in reverrnce for the lair warden in acre pi in 4 the warden hip dr martin thanked council for the honour but eiprnwd rrj rrt that the r lection wu nee rssjr ur all appreciated the toot counselling and rt ady wit of mr ilird lie will he torely mivr said dr martin he went on to welcome thr new depul racve from hwiuri ins wilfrid ilie who making hi firvt appearance at count council harnten schali and mw north yark all knaw at his intarait in art but only la taly hava kit paintings baan shown in public summar occupation prevntly l the llrtars coun try club at jackion s loint he hat u paintinjjt of bitoncal buildinj in the ares on ihow hir orr a tir the manager of the hartered trmt has fea tund the uork of metro artivts rach aril i s work it shown for a month in that imr he f t most of hu customers hae had a chancr to see them 1jiiitins has developed into suiniih r occupation fur mr hi nr uho finds it a complete change from school teaching will minister to chudch in grimsby thara will ba a new minis tcr at thr t hmlian reform ed church in torcetown mmi time this fall tha prasant ministar rev d c ins will be lravins to take charfe of a newly esta ahllihed church in grimsby around lh first of october itrv lns and hu family hava lived in georgetown since march 1050 the replacement for rev loi has not been finally de cided a cl a loading gooatowti industry will igan rllnquhh thf nma it has carried for ovvra quaflar csrfiury allianca papar mmlit ltd will buwna a part of dom pulp a papr limited one of tx comparwet in tha doinart tar chmca company oganuaton which lonw twrua ag- acquirad ownership of tha local rmll decently company arnpjoyees ware notified when a not icb was poslod on tha buutm board at tha null informinj them of tha new name tha sik former ofarahrvj groups are being set up at ndividuat companies to provide uniformity in nomenclatura and to make clearer live scope of our operations m the publtc mind the notice says besides domtar pulp l paper aitooated companies will bear trie names don tar otemicals domtar construction mat- enals domtar consumer products domtar newsprint and domtar packaging originally known as georgetown coated ptipea whan tlie business was established by the late l e fleck thr local industry took the alliance name in the early thirties smca the firm became a subsidiary of thr howard smith paper co it continued to operate as alliance paper mills lutherans planning church delrex will accept towns new agreement 3 councillors press for tax payment first delrex davelopmennts itdf has accepted terms set by ouncil two weeks ago for signing of a now agreement which would release more residential building land provided in dustrial buildings are first constructed by law 62 15 recently passed by council would form tha basis for agreement with some added clauses including free ichool sites n increase in the by law s industrial require ments of 10 and arrangements by the firm or progressiva payment of back taxes georgetown miv toon hive ar other major religious dcrtom inatmn included in its church buildinc council learned tuesday that the lutheran church is nesot tatinc for purchase of a pro perty in the lane subdivision with credit view developments ltd which owns the land audi for will direct municipal reorganizing georgetown fair only two weeks away harries races midway feature yearly event with toronto exhibition now just a memory georsctown rill fair will hold tho ipot light in thli dlitrict tha dates arc september 21 22 juit two weeks from friday and satur day the fair will once aniin pro vide patrons with an afternoon 01 fun and frolic plui a look at the many wonderful exhiblti on the ground bernard mid way will be on hand to enter tain youns and old both friday evenins and saturday the harnesi race will be a feature at this yeari fair with three eluiei 2 2b 224 and 2 21 being run off during sat- ufiilay afternoon a apeclal prlie hit for jumping horiei itarta at 10 am and ihould bring out lome of ontarios finest horses the hall display and contests ihould be well filled as soma outstanding prises are being offered in thf homebaking and ladles work elatsei an ex ample is tha standard brands and horsei plui a pony show which should attract a good number in this class if you want a good after noons entertainment dont mlu georgetown fair the hall will he open as usual on friday evening from 7 to 10 pm las apple product indus special for homebaking anv ral commission town eannn i oaahsafwti maadowglah ordwera ball talaphana zohihi tool die gaoroe- fewn hospital iuoraatown hydra alllanea paper hll vqulpmonr bolrex bavaloev merits oomeal ford o hlfura llnlshars canadian marietta ooarietaww un m ountlng to over m0 00 lt cash brltes there are dosena of other specials ta attract tha lady of tha house there also a prise list for school children and a special pie competition ior bays and eandyt cpmpetlllon for glrli there will be the usual show m hydb d dutchbukn two ghs graduates were noti fied lait weok that they wera eligible for dominion prov incial typo a bursaries to ba used toward a university edu cation monty hyde and diane dutch bum wore awarded 500 each monty will attend york univer sity in toronto this year diane will not bo using her fcuriary ilirce she hail made plans to take a course at shaws dullness school in toronto i prize lists at herald get your prise list from the secretary mrl george iron ing of registered cattle sheep aide or at the herald wllce xi reorffinlrstion of tha muni cipal offices was assigned to w alter tope georgetown s aud itor on tuesday when council voted a 1200 fee for the jab with expectation that mr pope uill compute his work by the end of this ear thp ilroun mcneilly motion parsed on a 7 2 vote deputy reeve hunter oppos- d the move on the grounds that he believes the fee is too hifil heeve hlliolt also opposed the hut cr brown who with cr mcneilly moved to have the job done explained that it will be done on a flat fee basis and f longer time is needed there u ill be no extra charge cr mcneilly who is coun cil s flnanca chairman detailed lentrthy delay in aecunnj budget comparison as a miin rcamin for the move the blame is not all with the municipal staff he ex plained council committee themselves need reorganisation and it is imperative that we have a top notch oraan nation to handle municipal business the staff under proper con lrols and leadership u capable of doing the work required he said cr emm arson said the town has machine equipment capable of serving town two or three times as bis without a stall increase 1 feel this is a step in thr rtht direction and savings could be fantastic he opined ilut the plan shouldnt stop in the office it should include engineering and works depart menu and councils too cr narraccr said a consult ant firm had quoted 100 a day for an estimated twelve days work and he thinks engaging mr pope will be just as econ omical and a better arrange ment a forward step mayor sar- jient aald n he indicated sup port for the motion tuesday council reecived an agreement which tha delrrx firm said had been prepared in consultation with the town solicitor council decided before taking any action to meet with the town solicitor three council i on were out spoken in opposing any agree- mrnt until the company has paid back taxes the agreement would prov ide 30000 in hack taxes im mediately and further pay merits as land is released far building reeve elliott claimed una is not a large enough payment of the 143000 owing cr km merson believes any agreement for part tax payment is illegal and with deputy reeve hun tec wants this checked with the municipal board before signing earlier in the meeting vocal opposition to mora land rel ease at present was expreeaed by several ratepayers while oilers took an opposite opln ior mrs 11 n uartyn pointed to presence of city reporters all three toronto dailies were rep resented at the meeting and said that if council does not pay heed to the temper of the people georgetown will get publicity of magnitude you never dreamed about ex mayor em hyde ehalleng ed mayor sargent to prove i gurea wrorieg which hat hyde had presented to council last week and said the industrial ratio could be as low aa bb in tha contemplated agreement rather than tha 20 council aims for he cnticued cr mcneilly quoting excerpts from news- payer columns written a year sgo in which columnist mcneil ly had said the 1m1 council ignored public op in too some months ago council racelvad a petition slgnad by 1000 ratepayers he said cr mcneilly is now doing tha saroa thing he criticised last year mrs john cordaro quoted from newspaper advertisements of the delrex firm from soma yesrs back and said council has listened to one developer white ignoring the wishes of a thous and taxpayers ex councillor ian cass aald georgetown is becoming lau ghing stock and said a smsll group of people demand indus try in one breath and indulge in character smears on tha other he had been outspoken in the past against slap happy releaxe of delrex land hut since subdivision services by law wai passed the town u safeguarded thats one of the reasons im not so bullhoaded about delrex as i was bo said and told council that if they have considered the facts in n un prejudiced manner they should act the way they believe a d cart wright said ha had withdrawn his name from tha petition and that there would not be that many signs lures ii another petition were clrca- uted bruce harley criticised fact- ions which have stirred up trouble and deplored saelng council gpllt down tha mlddta and not pulling together continued on pag 13 swt y iia bs m cltpmrxoami tieorfetowa laws0n mill changed hands tuesday the historic lowsoti mill al stowerttown which has twen in th family for four geiwallon has changed hands tha mill wassold to mailer feeds and the change became effective dn tuesday whan stuart hall or oshawa took over tha managerial rains tha complete history of tha mill will appear in future laiue i 1 v t o- j 1 e t- i ii v r s im 11

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