Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1962, p. 7

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wto u directors who sponsor georgetown fall fair below- are taw eettcera and ohreciore we baewjoc george- an rail rmir haoorur praauaab xavor dew- sarseat dr harrr harlay mj prariownt gertktd lac- oovrar strat vlee president bobert ctaaudjibaae sea vk praahaal keel eiu secre tary mr c m araaelde ts- ttowt ceorseiowa k at i reeeerer bob l uabanry director alrt bart caeam bin r w cleave freak fab halt cuiw kin mclullu crete luid t h feiee core laalu r w cwava halt touaaiw gnydea rrawasttowm boiid 6 difmtara lad as- aociau director jokb bird peter joaa htoto ye gads not overhand kowuno season it back and georgetown bowl coowner bill radyk apparently hat some miiqivinoi about the delivery atyla ot marg keller 16 aargilvrey crete on or the firtt to flock back to tha thunderingtport but dont taar out thou wavy locks william merg it jutt kidding league play will begin at both georgetown bowl and lucky strike bowling club shortly tni mail mas claims bylaw sells town down the river 24 ewini st georgetown ontario dear sir i would like to title thb let let ui rome now to the ittett duputa tbera aslt tbsu la fo aetion of these tame five mem- over them ttep by itep and ben thow where they are in error two week aco they patted then atk each of ibete bve a motion that they are prepar- wv they ire determined ed 16 enter into a new atree o ruin a food town that could menl with delrn developmenli i lure yours truly e t ern hyde thi mail 10 bated on by law 62 15 and they will wrap the icvco agree mrnt of ibm hera again they do not underttand or they ire ter by law 82 is or gore- deliberately mltleadinf the pub- town sold down the river j i th motion and wa have live member ot parairaph quote the in council who teem determined dutlrtal ratio requirement ofl artfj his rtti ta do just that what are their i b h increated watlitit dv l ar atay la effect until in june of this year council on retidentiallnduttrla iraaeindad the previout sub- bt obtained on the division control bylaw arrremrnt after which patted our pretenl dy law 62 provisions ot ny law 6213 j5 shall govern unquote on the surfsce it appeared itiey would have you believe no school land is prince charltt dr to the editor dear sir y j browa rid ji- rteke wacer wu on bit our uuolr freak wuaan cerdeld he- glrmyvera aire las on kette wabll wta create lloyd ulr kobert cuinlbr ktav hurt aljuea jack wuliaaeaae val stain ceerta ktou d e a a i d liaruay ward btfrwurtdfa rleyd hrl dee kud wukaoa robert latvioe dui wlnfrovt cam kuteulr uoyd tlilur nora muteulr vara ptekit jack arm atreejl w cnkau john elliott earl hurt ernie alexander abut brownrtdje caerfe bird 4 generations ends uwson mill is sold ajtt four geoerttiai u tk lkwwj fmly iw tniil u um villi ku tu w to ummut ettkcad hifctivi tutuy 6 uoj wiek- ut siuj iuu 0 oftuwa u ki wli wilt u wviu lau u41wum tattoitif dtuiid by hi uid urt duu uuoi inuruud w hop to tuv a huury of um biu eorauud la ihs ttr futuf uiu ruth wilton 4tutjd lie hirdtxut mojjit ddini 1a kalteo 6a lutudty lwt levt uiu ullitn uwtoh oeiv ridiru icwnt th hall day wv bd with fur jtrtndnwth ui u p ltwm who rilurnd with bcr to uakxidj oo hem day to ipnd awk wits ur and un jack tupp otbar vluorj with un ii p lawwn during th wkrnd wrt um phyllu bagltlcku wmat coumcil mo kalpa cunalniham jim caiv f en ur t bh bey fe llacarthur trevor wllllama lady director praaldent urt ken ella k1nt vice pratt dent lira wlllnd bird ue- retary treaaurer lira garftald uegllvray hall suc-rlnund- eat ura george ironalda aaa- ittant llall superlbleulenu lira w blrdi social convener ura grayden chatter lady director mn don undiay urt bart gilmer ura rvank paten un jack wlllltmton ura robert uw- ton un w cromer urn t brownrtdfe uri s wilton un v archer ura jamei kltlier ura w bird ura v stein ura john bird ura p wilaon urt r cunninfham ura w cleave uiaa elite bird ura k webb urt c burt ura o hunter ura d win trove uiaa jean ruddell ura uac aleiander urt r utc arthur ura j elliott un floyd brtfden ura w grab era farm niwi atone of toronto ur robert vlrkera of toronto and uita willi chxltholm of port credit bob refill ton of ur and uri john raftit ol toronto and tephew of urt bob lewaon slawarttown who bacanta in termediate provincial pole vault champion thit iprlni with a record of 11 had the kiltfortune to break hla ankle while tralninf thua prevantlnf hla taklni part in the dominion field actlvitlaa bald at water- loo the latt week of autuit the winner came eontlderablr below bobt record and nred lata to tay bob waa indeed du appointed ur and ura jim noble ot llmehoute vuited with mr and ura herb raid on uonday urt j a smelhunt and john of uungton viiited with the grant on uonday ll deputy reeve says suggestion backfired critidaed laei week by th georgetown leedcr for ahot- luia om water w local faeil- ly while not uklog alaaueree- tioei ip a iwiiliiaaiinai who baa aioot urt town with ait unpaid account deputy reeve hunter explained hla poaiuoa u weter cttelnbaa to couodl atoaday me awelled tyt wf tba by wie keek ta ltcl qlxj ay w00041mi uri m w od vm ixmis uui wrwcl w thi ttack uavi tuoconowh 1205 pm lack raeuej day davugiit tlue return fare ir includet jrx0 adrmtiton letum after leal rare tukatt aaj lnferwiatle at stans restaurant 1774511 t wad aomi jeh imi eeel aeu e ler ertlee e reeewetaawiary e w imi tiatll leal yeera rhalrmin bob urke bed been aopnorted by die bwwapeper la the election campaign be chaned tie bewapeper bed aaked people waa objected to mr hltbtera bctlofl to bbooe him tee kej wte tew telle d i m hee aeld i did ah rlee mau he aeld he eaplelned tbet be bad helped lhe bub wboee water wai tut ok u obuua a job which he nad uier quit 1 ewe v ww twewkee i key tlk w ti feeewpewe iwehwrdkl twelr ehekber thi oicxorrowm hiruji thuewey i lin eev4 paget i- r frelg clianima infaactiom w your diamond will w reatored 10 original ueautp rll at boughton jiwhtlll i mela he arrujl4- mcmaster university extension department ajemoutfcii clailti yd if orftid ay ookvillo and 6rorgetown oakvhu rrkeeviea a aiekleck high sehael rjl oaoaii claum cuatlce id rrtiuraday september lolh is pa eneilth igj tbureday jan luth 115 pan ualhaeutlca lag tueaday sept ii 6 15 a reufteua studlai 1u tburadly sept 20 jo p a reltfloue studtel u3 tburtday jinuary 10 8 jo p m scuoce 16d tuetdey sefil ii ix pm rijl clauk accounung i ttturedey october 4tb 815 pan lnduitrtal legltlauon uonday october ltt 6 15 pan ciohgitovvh the hied tckael ba dior1i clattlt biology ltd ttiuraday september 20th 8 is p m polhlca lag tbureday september 20th 110 p m k1cktrayiou ba degree atudenla will regieter by mail regiatretloll forma will be dtauibuted at the tint meeting ol eecej elaaa and ahould be returned to the ragtttrare office uouattar university by september mlh 1s82 with feed euacbed aua aludantj will reglater on a data to be announced la a eeperate advertleamont notii tke pee fee ha deeeee eauraea la tmh per uritll eeurea i rr- i in the laet tix yean the child good eacept tor the eiclution that trill 10 mrreate would u baui b ei apartment from a ratio re- correct the trrtout off balance iprm charlaa dr wlndaor wlrement one of the majorjthat eiuu today rd shelley st and arucewood t i i a or- ava changed achoou four would be changed to 20ao andturc thlt red herring will unlike the old ratio of 40 choke you icduatrial and commercial thit the motion of two weekt ago bew bylaw would have a if it la carried through will re- etralght 20 lnduitrtal ratio ileaae for reaidential dwellingi rhla writer certainly hat no 1162 lott of thete there are boo quarrel with a airtight 20tiotl that are toned r4 r3 and icdualtial ratio at a matter f fact if thlt were true 1 would concede that it might be an im provement however it lt not true r2 and theae will be leal than the 1800000 aurument and therefore requiring induitriat ration the motion callt for an additional 10 of the s02400 following u an example ef which it 10340 multiply thla by jiow tbe by law worka and i boo loa and we get 17302000 4hta la a quote from the by0f induatrial aiaeiament jjw that will tell the town of georgetown down the river lnd will eventually lead thit v town of our to bnanclal ruin fnd bankruptcy quota a reaidential dwelling including land aliened at 142s0 er more anal require an ln duttrlel aiaeaament ol 102400 the provitiom of thla par graph ahlll not apply to apart- anenl buildinga or reaidential dwelllnga whoaa atieued value elceeda 10000 including land indutlrlal aaeeeemantt aball be ceeabuted en the batle of 1300 per aquare foot of building when the walli and root have ttaan erected and an additional 4300 per aquare foot when the fjulldlng hat been completed xfnquote kor eaay figuring left com pute on the basil of 100 rrii- jlentlal building lott 100 reaidential buildinga aa- nataed at 14250 0 equau 1425- 00000 required indullrial at- aajament 102400 by 100 equali ew340000 aa per bylaw 8215 jutduitrial aisetiment ihall be computed on the hula of 3 00 end 1300 1500 per aquare joot induatrial aiieument of ipmtoo by is00 equal 18480 square feet of plant a the top real aueatment used ly our aiseument department ii 1370 par aquare font or 3b480 aquare feet by 370 mtiail 140bm i 40j of induttrlal attett- thentutalnit 1425000 ot real- ulantlal eiaaument equala a iatlo or 805 to 105 z to give true picture of a ettbdlvialen the reildentitl should be baaed on an average between 4350 and 18000 which 15125 and on thla bajui the eltlo would be 01 j to 887 r can we poaalbly believe that ah member of council thit 3uthd thla tty-liw- did not eindaraland their own bylaw 0r thould we mume that they did underatand anri that they deliberately faliihed their ahle- menu and confuted the latua 3o they could bimbooile the sitepayen and lllp thla through jglilatlon the big queitloa il i wottjdlhey toll out their own 1 thla way according to by- law 8215 we then uae the 1500 flgure to compute the aixe of the factory so itsjuo divided by 3 00 equali 14714 aquare feet of factory uultlply thia by actual attestmrnt of 1270 per aquare foot and we get 14784 by 370 equala 13001600 or one factory approximately efieafth the lite ef llendard product and for thla we aacriflce the termi of the 1054 agrement theae five men would have you believe that thli one fact ory of leu than 15000 aquare feet would bring our ratio to 20 80 surely they mutt have ttudicd thia before preaentlng the motion thould we then at- aume that they did not under atand it or ahould wa believe that they have other motivct and they arc deliberately mla- leadng the taxpayer and tell ing them down the river again i atk whyt if thit ii paaied through council one of the tint thing you will aee will be the price of induatrial land riia from 110000 an acre to 1500000 an acre next you will ice at lent one high rite apartment on uountalnvlew rd inuth of the united church you might wonder why lay thailocation simply becaute there- it cannot be lerverl by any exiitlng un itary aewer then will cone the requett for aewer tervleei which the town ta reinonilble for on uounlainview rd and which cannot reach the new dlipotal plant wihout winding down through the delrex reildentitl area and after thla la done at a coat of lomethlng ever tlotv 00000 to the town there will be a great cry from the devel oper to allow reildentlal bulld- ino to help pay for the lawara and naturally to be releued from any lnduitrtal require ment then will come the echoel eltea and at thli point i aim afraid to look any further i urge each and every tax payer in georgetown to phone theae five men mayor sargent and councillor licnellly brown everyone mind now ji why book- and harriaon and thai- a parent whole children ire lenge them with the figure i have presented and if they tiave- thia it a fact our echool board hai decided to raaka it a bfth time why peatikle reaaent 1 parenta in thia area have accepted previoui chtngea with- but complaining to the school board 2 parenta on the tait border of harriaon school area com plained bitterly ta school board and won their children re- main at haniton 3 uember of the school board uvea in the far aait aec- tion hla children who ahould go to kennedy remain at har riaon the parenta in thla area de mand a fair deal for our achool tax dollar matt ot the par ante are home ownera end have been for many yeari mr chairman and leheel beard member we requett 1 deflne your achool areas once and for all 2 stop the effect of change on children and teaeheri 3 name a school ao a child may iiy with pride this is my achool a feeling of belonging is important to a child 4 no criticism of any achool or teacher li inferred in thla letter 5 we want to know the school our children are to be educat ed at xjl tbil too much to atk o adjuxtischoola to popula tion in an area not adjust po tk achool capac school capacity can be alter- ed on a permanent or tempor ary basis a dona in other local ities 7 school board must plan think and act a child who has ehanged schools five timet without mov ing point to a very incompet ent school board 8 stop vacillating wlh opin ion and make up your mlndj will you describe how child ren in the no achool area are selected for harriaon or wrlg- gleiworth it appears the method la drawing from a hat or tome other hodgepodge method pleiire explain perhaps georgetown needa junior high cenelualomi guide me in adjusting my children to their fuch changa in achoola even though the achoou two and my home hive never changed we want a fair deal for onr tax dollar harold secklngton confused u regard their achool loyally appoint 1pincir ihoiniirino poit by j a f v i d spencer has bean ap pointed agricultural eitglnaer- ng specialist for halton and peel counties ur spencer is a member of the extension branch of the ontario depart ment of agriculture and will be working out of the teal county office of the extension i branch in brampton his previous appointment hss been with the wettern ontario ag ricultural school at rldgetown ur spencer re pi tee i w raft uilne who haa been attache to the brampton office alnce september 106 ur uilne has reaigned and will assume new duties with the farm sales department of ontario hydro vera spencer has bean work ing with ur uilne during aug ust and began hla nsw role tha end of august clover hill jersey sale ss ra accrdltl vwclnautj rucaluaja pi- araa jartaya tuesday sept 11th at 130 pm so cowi and bred helfen bal ance ytaiilnsi and calvu sv- eral freah and 15 brad to freih- en batween sept 1 and dec thla fi a atrong homa brad held with production and type the remit of aaveral yean uie ot central ontario unit slrei fdcharles it r j uttrwn lot le fifth una eaquealnfl twp 3 milea sw or georgetown franlepeklt- auctioneer auction- sale of housihold purn1tusi including t iztmih hauu wrkahp ta4li tartuh fla fe to ba hild it 108 church st e acton da saturday sept 8th al twe eeleek no reserve trus t caah en day of sill t1lb pubuc trubtee statutory committee 6f the ettata elliott holmes tk arlm wllaio milton acton iatwigos mcclaryf wringer washers jpicial jummm cleaianci from only 98 see buy now at this low low price i with tadi new for 1963 mcclary easy dryer with many new katuus only 167 50 fii it today i mlarv easy buy thi matchins mil auktmarle waaher and dryer iorh for only 410 no money dowvvjtjrl wig0 tv and appliances 32 main st n t as au afmjances cay free homi imvi kk duration of ouaianttl north haltoni largest tv and applanco outlet

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