three hundred and fifty delight in pickin chickin bmtqf softball leant playod aill ball tbuuairt last monday thcj wan their first m de m valley 10 uw second they won oves the tor- luouu branapiod m la tbrer rd aaea o l iaeoette one el horo- 1 toyv pitchen pitched bowit- ur with crond valley the aei tease brought home kid aerthf day cm 11 par bd mochr lankj thou their illh annual chicken enrhacu en saturday evening geeaiiinliia atb at lba hornby rert mix um hljndred end tvty persona eucodlng lo ley the eturheos berhcod by mllun of ioots ckmord wruu chart- aaea of the paths board wcl eaoeed veryooyeftd introduced the halloa juolor kanorfe ousr teste who aeng several bunv bnr- bandy hotedeo pcmrtud mia warton hunter with a bou aoet ol dovers fur being u1 tons dairy quhi jainea hem ttiod wa given a surprise when altrnd brlgdea presmitsd biu with a pretty decorated buh day rake froia tbe community galurday balm jimi birthday to lap the evening everyone bad the opportunity ol atrial tbe hornby ball iran play per ry station and winning ihe urn 10s eleven children rnlrrtd ibe ilombp public school rada one hen school brgsn on seplem bar ilh 1hcy ere barry raid nell walrra hob presudgr u sin myall jamrt kullon hobby pulton christine knits kreddy julley thru nail rou brit den and joanne crow mine immam and two vlii tan attended th tint marl ni after the holidays or tha horn by united church women at tha dome of ur and mrs douf las leslie on thursday aftrr aoon the ladici vpent the afler kaon quilting and discussing tha all acliviuei that are com- but up lira roy wluon and hire stuart winch served lunch mr and mrs shubert and william buckley new plaza chairman a new businessman la gr let own ii william buckley wbo owns and operates tha feockly girt shop in the dalre market plan ur buckley vbo u prvcently livint tn ajirv- court with hi wtfe and two iftiu tul 13 and douglu 0 wu bom in orono they hope la be able to utile in towo khly while oneratinf retail dorut and aifl thop in bowman- vllle mr buckley orvantked a ehubunlty mixed choir which kikttfuuy rompeled in ki wanis uuiic ftitivali in tor mitt and peterborough he hju been a paid toloist in two iwmttt ehurchea ur buck uy la a member of the inde- jdfnt order of odd lellowi jb4 both he and mr buckley r namben of the rebkah j and were rcfinomible or tbt rganlxation and institution f th blue bird of llappneu fiebakwl udse in asincourt mr buckley atatet that qua lly flf merchandwe at a reaaon able price will be the keynote ttf hit new ihop which was formerly operated aa the und uy cott gift shop he hop to aecure many new hnei and will apecialtu in an extremely lartf seleetiod of cupa and uaeera fine dinner are aets nd many other sift itetni their thwm culldm am retur ned hca itom a hjuvtm mt akoior trip up nun scotia wi ahy vkitcd awatiiw coarauiuuoau u ktitf her- hu aaeltot tmd don edmia- atd who wr trrud by hev j uuj at tb lloraby unaud cbit m ctorday ay wj mrt vitm aiar fere bolwlaywjt b keaxneof for a lw d tbi wk mr khd wri clwd ilrt od tkir two dmirburt ol auitrcj ar vultinj with- mv bd mrt iwibrrt dvwiu cuiurlutatiaa to ur fcnd mri jjuiiti iatofiw bd tbclr w4- diqk aeoivriry w sl lxb uo to ur and mm arthur dath who w11 be aurrud ux uxa yeara on bepl utk hhy urtldjylo ur etbal euckeoaon who will be seventy eight yean old oa ept 1mb th mwftotowm hsald tmndf i li ljkv ims pagk u mbsoa new owner at proase motors the si tlpk- guud mt at tha bosie oi ur and ur william bradley oa tueaday ev eolag leptftb- 4th air pat mippence preudent was in charge ol the meeting the fall fair booth wee duruuml and reports ww given of the ret ml weddlngi eonvnd uri john buimll auuted the but ru to tervt kinrh un william kobinaon had the honour of helping la pour tea at the trouaaeau tea for her grand daughter urn suun llruah at the home of lr and ur robert bruin in uilton on saturday congratulatloni to ur and mrv lome sampaon of king aton on the birth ol their aon htpl 6ui futt grandchild for ur and ura lew campaon mri arthur death reprei enting the hornby women in utute and ur john hill rtp reaenlinf the uaitad church womm auftfldad the cdc con urence tti real world of women bald at lurt houae aptemher ftth to sept oth ladies attend auxiliary convention llalton centennial manor aux uury will he represented at the convention in simcoe sep tember 11 14 ihia year it wai decided at he flril fall meet ing last wednesday sept sth denatian mr and ura mltn will at und definitely and it ii hoped to have a carload of ladles there lor the thursday aculona several miacellaneoua lie mi 6f butlneaa were brought up at the meeting a donation of mo wax received from the anh martin chapter of the 10jde for handicrafts and a box of beautiful hand knitted articles was handed in for tale by an interested citlten of milton warn con men could operate here too two men poalng aa gas com pany inspector have been op crating a highly dangeroui confidence racket in toronto the consumers gaa com pany in one day received six complaints that the bunco artists had gained entry into homes on the pretest of search ing for gas leaks serlaus leak pouring alcohol on en inside gas line and igniting it the con men had the borne owner come into the basement and informed him that they had discovered s serious leak which neded immediate repair the householder panicked by the fire was then told that the repair work would cost be twean 3000 and uj2dq and that an immediate deposit of o00 or 1300 would be neceu ary never returned if the owner became sujpic lous and threatened to call the gaa company the men offered to go to their cars to get their identification however they never returned a public announcement thr gugh the press by consumers gas officials is believed to have frightened the men into leuving toronto however it is believed they may set up operations in an other area where natural gas is distributed mycuajlsom a former london nun pete masson has purtkwd pruuse motors la artoa and george town no newcomer to the sutomo tve business mr mauon ha virtually grown up in the trade since his family was associated with the automotive industry at the age of seven mr masson made his first car sale to a neighbour end as a reward re ceived ao electric tram from bis unrlr he is married and he and bis wife joan have one da ugh trr cathy they plan to move here but in the meantime the new owner la living in acton tin past eight years he wai employed with london motors product li m led born and raised in monlrral ur masaon received his edu cation there and later graduat ed from ucmll university he received his master a degree al western university during hia school years he played col legtate football at mccill and hockey in montreal mr masavon plana to spend most of his time at the george town business and has hon cripps managing the acton branch the former owner 1 rank prouse has taken over a gar age al sault me mane hn wife and four children will move there in about three weeks pair knrus plana for the fait season got uaderway as the members lis cuaaed fall air entries which will be made by the residents under the guidance of the han dicraft department a com tojttee wu appointed to look ajaar buying a new hair dryer of the beauty shop the prexl- avian firm now public company avian aircraft haa bean canverted fram a private company te a public cmh pany a cempeny spakesman laid the herald thla weak that thsbl cenverslen was agreed att at a thaellnej al avian aharahaldars las tuesday night in tha avian eft ice an meurttalrwlew rd the company which pre- ducaa tha avian 31m iy re- plane will be alfarlne stack far sale e the public aa seen es appreval la received frent k awurhia-mmlalam- garbage tender time extension submission time for tenders for garbage collection and aani- 1 winrhr u resldehu n m in ay tpt lam iaiodliaiy btlgu will b irid tmvtb nivtedimaaay al ihmauk ttwo oclock ui iamdartyrit manor coming events visitors unwelcome beyond office door atrst slea in rcorsaniaatloa of um mimlapaj ulitxi aaorder d laat ak by council vnu ba a fao admltlaocc tln on um door kadaoj ur iha main hililmaa ouk auditor waller poaee rac ooimartnalifln w acceptad by council monday rkare a tar too taufey ralo- watch or the ualpinl kasd circle bake aa hi octo ber anoual oaxaar st johoa riwu stewarttowa saturday nomsabar srd illlllline sal sponsored by st- poors wju lo tha eausrch basement on saturday october mk at 10 ajn georseutwri rauoayer as- soda teneral inciting on f tuesday sepiamber lth fbnl loeyms wjlua u lal ul il in the cottncu chambers tk oflv tilij cr nshy funjc aooanhamtjaares cmk raa be tnae front oct 1st only oppoooot wa deputy hskm llail art tuu moodayireva jtunler who thought of each bsooth 1j to 3j0 aseasure t ratrlrtiw esoept slstutory boudayi li ingleweod turkey dinner iusuvisscsussiy wadoesday october 3rd 4 10 nktoomcamaht dm at inglewood untied ur and ura h ii dalton or chuith adults ij0 children toronto lake pleaaur in an me everyone welcome nounclna the marriage of their kuchr every yvlday averl uaifr faowu call lo tlnwr log i 15 m oeorge pariah wlllrld bird son of urs bird haa good prims ipolisored byi tr wilfrid bird of i the wa 50c u on ijtuay eui invited jf regular marling of the local council of women on ridy sepl jm at j jo al hmoacmkmyi ihe home of mr k w john y- ton 10 edith st mr and lira rrank lrwhurt jeplrniber ijlh ucmber jkarlolle noilh carolina prohibit parltmg in highway block raauhaieslnr poruntl an the went aide se mala ttrenr unrtk ut the block from hnnry si tm coords 1 will be a aa port ol a coon ell safety b4ari a a nansy mta klfdnvey sfrelch koosnlly mr and mrs jim tumboll who live an the caarne st comer cnmolalnae abnof rfihpar fe children in the sa a the police cnnv aslhna naa bemf atodylng hw peoownt fwltce cnalmion don nar tkrkuin eras to council an lmi ibbi at 3 p m united cburrh in athgrove curtola thrills teeners many young georgetown- era were included in a cap acity crowd which heard port arthurs bobby curtola sing bis hit parade favourites on stpt 1st in the brampton orange hall the popular singer headed a package ahow which also included singer peggy lynn and the m arte lis an instru mental group which opened the fall series of saturday dance parties at the popular brampton spot bill tullelt and scotly brown sponsor the weekly parties which feature dance combos with ihe occasional big name special proof of the curtola popu tartly was evidenced when hr was delayed for an hour sifter the dance ended sign ing autographs for eager fans jury recommends road stop signs at an inquest last week into the death of james sullivan 15 and erie wilson 43 both of georgetown a coroner a jury recommended that atop signs be placed at intersections in north llalton where recom mended by the department of transport crown attorney p k mcwil liams pointed out that south llalton wax well protected by stop signs and driven in north llalton ahould be given the lame protection the crown attorney added that atop signs in some communities are over worked unmarked corner the georgetown men were killed as a result of a two car collision on june 24 at the in tersection of is side road and the fifth line unmarked by top signs the driver of the second car john trumhull 22 of rr 6 millon and his piss- tnger william mclaughlin auf fered severe facial lacerations mr mcwllliama told the jury responsible el t liens must help the police prevent such al dents in the future ship tea to be held by george t0 nuunff lh txwn hospital auxiliary at the mrnx i daughter bone of ura j ii lhimbrr urverley ann to mr jrrrj lam 3 uaikft m display of j- lutchff min ol mm tome auxiliary ectmur tome w hr lj with a friend and on the aus llcli monroe north i jiu itary 11 pm m th la place on saturday octobrr ihe a regular meeting of the iuj j georgetown horticultural so- nety will be held in wriggles l uorth school on wednesday srptembwe lth at 8 p m ira lured fit this meeting will b a flower show and panel discui j sion the public is invited by randlflicht i hi- 1irt prrabjtri lain monroer north i jfo phyllis knight conceit pianist mi uel commancet iss joyce mclean monoav st ion taachar of tlnglnf and plana inlarmadlala a advaiwd pino advanced vocal coejjtlng lor llllrrvirw pravr wnlr in u ann m tsnilona crete b 13 ontario deaths show increase ottawa sjjcietl kumbcr of do aths rrcurdrd in luitarto for the llrt tevrn mootjis of thit ytr iwjv s 37 per rent iyrrejv jvrr the averaye x1 tbe ijl 1 hret yejr thr dominion uraju of slatutu re 1 hr wrti month total thit jr 1 j w5 cuinparctl lo 0us27 lor i be 4ompidinr 1061 mriod apd to ju4i4 iht thne rr aprue iiiurt- drattu in juty alonr rose t 4jmi this wr atijnl 4 uoo in jul 1101 1 r nuriitm r of births in thi rourc ilropjartl jho lo u- jlj to dilr this yejr com jurri in oj 07i a tr o and 02 320 thr ihrrr jreir vira jul tirth nr to 13 m7 ainsl 12aju1 1it jul iorr iiurrijeo uc re rrcor ill in jul an 1 for the firm brrn month ol ihia year thr incrpeim v4 u i jm r r nt to 2j051 roinpari tn 23 his lor thr jinr jxruxl 1 jtjr asi i ir lhrr rjr average 24 0jw1 julv nurnar nurutwrnl 3 1x10 cumpared lo 5 12fi a ytar ago studios at norval mon wed and sat georgetown tuesday hornby at mrs b wrifbl s thursday carttew thatr 7 31m lupi1 now hrni t4aov fhe tr 447 fli1 pianoforte acton teen town dance this friday acton lagion hall 0 1130 little caesar and the consuls thr early dirda grt ihe tickeu saturday memlne heckey club dance friday sipt 2llh lioion auditoftlum couple s3 00 1 all nrocacdi for thr hiaham trust fund adminutered by ihr kinsmen clun lnjoy a ana rvening and help the family of a couple who were fine georgetown citueiu tickets and information phene jim perd tr 70373 winnirlfd f muldcr 43 main si s til 7tlko cloflcitown swimming pool vlcck dai 7 pm 10 p m saturdays sundays 3 lo s 7 lo 10 adults jie children lie dancing fridays saturdays riviera norval frank c black a showing of nsw paintings from september 30 11 october 1 ilh 45 charlet georgetown telephone 1114ub v ikv 1 hoi 1ls afternoon 1 vcninj or b aiiixiintmcnl u at house sol st johnv united church georgetown ont minister rev ian m flaming music director k it harrison arct iuit sunday sipt hlh d 45 a m sunday school 11 00 am worship service rally day at both jervicra sacrament of infant daptiim 730 p m st johna 111 teen coma to warship leave to sorva ieopc ning or paradise gardens cueiph saturday sept 8 featuring 3 full orchestras and 3 dance ballrooms all fr only 3 00 par couple i em cuelph throe year ta are rooueai public work chairman jim brown told council monday tbe advanced date la noccassry bo- ox delay in- drawing up cml te una with luggealed bylaw im- ndnunu and contract clauses which council wants included in tha lenders membership jtea -of- i georgetown t district memoriax hospital auxiliary saturday september 15 2 00 500 pm 4 display of acllvitlai raffle or okeefe tlckeli rwliiencof rvuurrhrchamwioajnjnarkljf come and bring a friend 1 23 3 miles east or guelph turn left off highway 7 at forbes shell station september 13- m is in cinamascopk all itchnlcoi or show hue hawaii tarzan tha magnificent elvii presley joan luarkman gordon hcoll helta st john its fall fashion time at silvers from to wilbr0 silvers the luxury wool fabric melena beautifully styled in ladies coats of distinction 4995 available in tha following thada mtit ocean viva sable glory glade nutria ruby and black stock a wide suiction of fauics panelns and colors hem you will find the garment to suit your indvidual tasti at siivers we feature distinguished styling in both madetomeasure and readytowear suits budget prices too 3 iaa ready lowaar pricai start al 49 m youll be ready for a gay fall season 1 mlloe north or junction highways 401 and 10 al yellow briar inlwest on bash line cij 101 hit iimissi01 monitl 10 lhuisih thursday friday saturday burt lancaster tin tall men celor added big faalural basil rathbone the magic sword celer wllh christtlls famous perm usually 850 other perms 10t new 750 1 sos new 10 15 now 12 so w rcnomlul and different our chrlsteus perm auuros you of a stylish hairdo with the minimum el care whervr you no this fall whatever w you do youll look your boat in tha fashion 4 your choice slylad exclusively te utter you llavo your perm now l phrene eariy for appolnhnanl tt 6o761 rchmtellhirir w a main si s tr 8761 atomttj 7