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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 28, 1963, p. 6

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high tales published by th students m georgetown high school december report miss nazer talks to library club honour students saxe defence minister new model parliament teachers from both george town nod acton were present but the debate wm no open to the public the debate became v interesting that when we quit at 9 oclock wejnade ar rangements to have another oft january 31 ipotbej was help m georgetown open to all stitdenu- tbis debate was format and followed jhe jrulej df parliamentary procedure stewart saxe acted as speaker yuyjie miller as the sergeant at arms and susan macdonald as page because of the use of parliamentary procedure the debate bogged down and finally frances linton moved to sus pend the rules this was done and the debate picked up in n teres once again we broke up at nine o clock but this time we moved to the teach room where c offee was ed t this time robert h shcr and mark ijewellyn swit ched parties net sitting still the election planned lor fe bruan 8th was now fat ap proaching mans of the student did not know at this time much about what was happening to remedy this situation ail stigger and wasne miller prin ted sheen telling of the party mews and mailed them to every student in the school the parties were not sittiiir still either meetings were hel to make posters and he school bulletin boards toon told of the rufll part view now told thev could join eith committee meetings were er of the two parties that hdri heid atmoii cm day after heen alrcad set up m tart i school in mr walkers home an independent part mlho iroom and soon the ballots had there was some lalk of forming been pri an independent pam n fell made through when its leaders join voting led the dominion part the onh during thi committee now had a general and going home meeting with the purpoe of dertismg at icorgclimu dividing the school into ten high was quite pcauful in districts or voting purpoes comparison to olhtr schools the theme of debate was and not until the lal das d d what should be canada s po things begin to happen main licv at the united nations students arned sijns on their stewart sm sometime in rjovemticf mr watker a teacher of history al georgetown high school received- an invltatioq top the school tp paricipale in a model parliament that would meet in brampton on febrgary23 193 sponsor ed isy ih peel od haltbrv branch of the- ouied nai- loons in canada mr walker mentioned it lo his hjstory- classes and fmdinq them nthysiastic replied that the school would be glad to at tend he then received informa tion on how the election should be un in the school nd was fold that a plaque would be qiven lo the school thai was ludged all around best from his grade 12 h story classes a group of interested students were picked to plan the election and delegate the odd jobs from this committee gail siigqer was elected as chief electoral officer m charge of vil things directly relaled lo the eleclion with wayne miller as assistant janice carter was picked to be the chairman it was further de cided that to acquaint ihe pu pils with the society michael pratt would set up a booth the mam hall fell through ml interested people birds eye view of home economics by beverly gelling i walked in the old home economics room sat down in the living room area and sur veyed f surroundings to m right two girls were business spoke to the gtru coughing and sputtering jl 6i rvtt 9 to 13 about car the dragged a tray of little ters for thalr future and told black articles front the un jjf th many opportunities from which snoke billowed t were to become people abundantly of importance in their field i told you cough that tpij- rtfey ao pressed ihatr-typ- cough only coojt hemsjoj im tpd secretaries are al couth ifi minutes mopping madly career day proved interesting to girls julie jane ward two weeks ajo at our school we had career day a group of speakers each a presenting a different field 9a r smith b3 s rureih 92- a spieee 814 d carr 79 7 s mdcdonaht 79 sh m thompson 78 7 j barber 77 5 d brtgdcn 77 11 9b j mintern 83 8 j colleth 82 8 c jarnell 82 7 d youna 82 6 u rlivon 80 iv a neutel80 2o p boulstndge 75 8 9c n llardie 814 s king 807 w j arrant 177 1 j tost 75 9d young 72 roodiant 78 4 j 77 3 thi georgetown herald thursday brry j 1943 pack 6 ed lo use tw ent tnree roi ammunttm 1 on ou anl sat on for s hi kiich arc ess lhn ask for by cynthia lambert i lackers miss nazer chief librarian of the georgetown public li an brary was a guest of our library club on january 1 7th tea ua was served in ihe workroom and miss nazer gave some tip st killel are the twtnty thr on bulletin board and library decorations miss nazer sug and if thi re are more moth gesled thai our art committee under paul baker might like er good man del lo fill empty wall spaces by designing murals depicting scenes from early town history she complimented marlon burt on her fine poslers of georgie the high school book worm in the estate of walter t t the shelf reading commit i whole progress takes approxi evans gentleman deceased bydcr tee looks alter the t vds duslinq notice to creditors mately five minutes per book all persons having claims ag dook snei and al ieas two hundred new the estate of walter them and the books have been processed new books 9p a draper 86 3 books keepmq the books mslnce september back for lh h on the shelves after they j lc uy jwmj travelled to another pair wlftrwere madly mopping soapsuds off tne floor tlk door of the laundromat was open and suds piled nut as quickly as they could mop thtm up i then looked at another con pie in the other kitchen who had tears running down their eyes as they chopptd up onion a rather sick looking salad groan then arrested mv hi ic ition as i looked towards fit ng section the girl who had emitted the sound chppi d he hand to her ace and enul i put the zipper in upnik j n bltlding ungul anolhtr girl was nursinc a killing finger as shs shoved a box of pins miserablv out o he sitht among thi bedhm two km cats walked quite urcmh although this account is i v aggerated considerahls vim hive some idea of the lnout nl a home economics m ssi n one half of a school dt i there are two hi ust hnld no mimics teachers n the h ui school mrs hess and mrs loney there are inn in i rooms one of thim mis in led andballot bowf s bein p of tlw miv idition could he cirned on i sfriol s siif ing the nnon hour ii enn uns a rial min m ic rn appli itues and cmn n jenres it has a spunl mi n in which thire are imr drvirs lit i here that ihe girls n i to set and drj tnir 1 j ways in demand a very charming lady who was the assistant editor of chatslalne migadrrt spoka to us about ihe different ec tivities in the making of the magaiine such as wrlw advisor fashion critic cook book writer and many others she laid that it waint easy to get a good position right away but if a person showed ambition and worked hard walker the time wouldn l b i i before they could obtain the position they were aiming for another speaker came from mai ton airport and apart from the popular career of n air itewardesi he totd of how there were many office workers and private secre jl who spent an hour go- ischdol shefvtnq dusttng and motor jlechanics and automo tive encycjopedja and two ex gioas p chpnk j 89 fcg m bart fllp- s mutin r ai7 fa dawes 81 it ore the jariuary 22 teachem fneritah 602 v maabon a nne of two 790 j rnglish 7fll u 0 da ls ltancoik h overdue books and our trea g10b v brown 89 v kit 5ury is kept full in ths way i cheq 88 h heades 88 l e people their books m hall b50 s llewellyn 849 k vm 84 n kinri s3 i 11 mcmcnemy 82l litle slips lo classes all ov i special note of thanks brown 82 1 juan liar evans late of ihe town of georgetown kentleman who idled on or about tne 19th day of december 1963 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned qr bepre the ibthday- of march 1969 after which dale the estate will be distributed live encycjopedia and two ejwjth regard only to the claims tellent walter lloyd5 hutertlbf which the uhdersigned shall l01 tanei ona very interesting sub icct spoken on was that of hospital work a lady spoke about nursing and the fields it covered shu else talked about laboratory assistants and of how faicinating their work was sht had brought with her a large folding screen on which there were shelves with miniature bedi nurses and doctors with the aid of this she showed how a nurse might work in a hospital a steel company was rep resented by man who spoke mostly of the office oppor tumiies there were is rl 1 p fllikh 80 3 ly oudtketting 7tq petirson 799 a hards 79 jamis hams 787 1 bl i iniv 784 b himiliraixlt 78 3 a madgtll 77 b t markkm 767 m dwver 176 1 k bishop 71 t 1 gioc i stief 91 i bowell 91 p hshir 84 l johnston 84 r s hoac- bl 1 i flrfwsltr 7fld r hansen 78 b ft toinlms 76 3 m wheilcr 75 4 1 g10d 1 imnson rl t 1iwson 7bh j sand tr son 711 icioa s pikkinni r2 1 r sroll 80 b ho le 7lf j mino 717 nirntl 71 11 an klink 78 1 il lini i 78 1 irn 7li 1 c10b irinknimir 78 f c10c 1 pouriur 8j1 m birnrche 82 h stultard 75 t10b g11a 1 hrk 81 iretar book opposite mews were backs over lifts signs written down bv the sponsors displased on the bulletin board of the parliament and then and esery room had mess liven to the two parties nam on the blackboards ed the national partv and the fjtior results dominion parts the eectl0n wai held give the beliefs ol these parlies were as follows that the do rttmon party suggest that the united states follow a atrongen policy toward cuba in an effort to 5lampoiit com i munism in his hemisphere insist that the west stand firm on its present polic and make no further concessions to the soviet union on the german issue and that the nato coun tries should be encouraged not to depart from iheir present stand on inspection and con trols for disarmament and the prohibition of nuclear tests the national party urge the united stairs to make a vig nrous allempl to improse her relations with cuba bs such measures as extending diploma lie recognition lo ihe present uban government eubgest lhat the uest offer full diplomatic recognition of tast germany m an effort in solve the ger man problem recommend that the west adopt a less rigid al titudc about ihe matter of in apection in order to facilitate i recmenls on disarmament and an rnd lo nuclear testing party heads the lists of voters in ihe n dings were posted and al net essarv corrections made ihe committee foljowrd thi up bv calling a general meet ing of all students who were lhp p interested in running k this too scheduled on friday february 8th between 12 an 12 43 the suits were a surprise to- every one especially the national par ty as all ten dominion party candidates were elected with a vote as follows in order of rid ings stewart saxe dominion 34 robert fisher national 21 marion burt dominion 35 david connell national 17 nick atkinson dominion 37 andy spieee national 15 barb hildebrandt domin n 31 gail stirger national 13 mark llewellyn dominion 33 robert darby national 15 bob mccumber dominion 3fl bill mcfwen national 17 mike pratt dominion 41 daid bliney national 17 roger smith dominion 78 ole poulstrup national 24 frances i mlon dominion 24 rhoda gadd national 20 mike pickup dominion 31 diane schepjl national 13 the total vote of 517 pupil 34 dominion 173 national was 84 per cent of the school althoueh this seems poor and lis the lowest of all schools par ticipaling brampton high had an 88 per cent vote it was ser i good all things considered gtntril debate i on feb 14th a meeting of i caders was held in since there were keepers typists and others were talked about he told us lhat a good typist could work her way up to a private e telary without much difflcul ty at all providing she was willing lo work hard career day at our school certainly made the world of careers more appealing to the girls and gave them wonder ful ideas of what they might br idli 81 8 m ht lluntir hi 1 it it 81 1 rinlis 710 g11c 1 llirr is 80 tainly worthwhile and every year froi holding drrn equipment there ire tw elednc frspms a numhi r sming machines an aulnmn vdher and dryir twi dtdr s and a rtfngi ralor al a fan which as mi can gtthi from my earlj desinpti m most desperately nnded in thi room the grade nines tak crmparalively easy topics a home economics is a new o perience for ihem hut as li ides go higher ihe assign nts become more difficult ia i r i a1 amhough can i i ih mrs una gourlay new attempts of the rcginnt rs ami ilil nl t l- evn ih p wp mm math physics teacher look at the serious side in i realize that home ecuinmics w where the young girls of our community are liught to he competent home makers for the future i ild rfl up 82 vn c11a lr fwm g12a i irlir 811 ilwelkn r11 i 7 si h 9 fs ins 711 13a ft lihcr 81 fi 13b p bikir m i hit 82 9 b wilkms 78 4 ir ui iwu vels a sight o remem nposed for dyay infamy pearltj 1 harbour i excellent work various members of the pos are overdue or thai reserved ter committee are working on books are in runners take j book mark captions and i little slips lo classes all ov ispecial note of thanks is due er the school before 9 o clock to bob quigle who although each morning the treasurers not actually a regular member report averaqes rdughly 1 because of the bus schedules per week has been doing some excellent chain system work on this we are pleased brnik priiiissinj h indies new to welcome into the library hooks from si irt to finish the club a much needed and will kroup hiail mark i kucllvn ing tuesday afternoon worker usts the ham ssstcm haungdavid cannell who has been a one pirson specialized in each constant librarj patron mary joj lo get a bonk ready forjhvans is scrap book committee ciruihtion is has to have ahtad and keeps all pictures jakel stamp slip identifical and reports of school events for ion stamp and card pocket the this year ghs old boy with army in arabia e h medlar a former student of this school is now a member of the br t sh army royal army service corps he w tes to us from aden arabia where he was sta t oned last november he is out on the desert at a place uitlu the control of she k othman mabib although it is ihe cold season the temperature is only 110 degrees in the shade he tells us that he is there distributing weapons to army of ytn en to fight rebel yemenes who fatally wounded the iman himself ha continues i the arabs at steamer point 1 se t m df into a hit in raler two of the main of a jin um in hase hem l hore have to sear i d for weapons and a few tun for siui anl a half diss krb nn the now nd inn third decree photos tell the tale of tran j hums on un link lo prnsi it ns torture and death in the i h sun ntsir slops timing yenu n since the iman s death hoi these letters are the only sou v i fir ms rn nds and mvstlf stnirs we can keep from here h iw puki i inlul onto iks we expect to be here for at irlu hu klitir aircnft 25 000 hast another month or until i nds nf the ikirdtr clashes cease on thi the officer commanding ma nd we jnr k n macleod rasc and ow sea the second in command capt is so t l b ford mbf hase both told us that if we are attack ihdersigned s then ha notice arid jhe jjp w jdersigneto- wju not he tjable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this 11th day of february ad 1963 ruth fraier vans and james forbes evans ex- ecutors of the estate of walter t evans by ihur solicitors dale bennett latimer it barnes 23 mill st georgetown ontario 228 heat your home the moctam way with natural gas and smarts chinook nfl ui h thompson hardware plumbing i heating tr 72971 pal har our new home economics room by mrs hiss home eco ttichar home fconomics is or avenue of learning hi ihe one subject whi pares a gnl for hr rol woman whither she h the core of a hnmi nr a girl our trandmnthirs their daughters thunsol their homes lnrtas r lead a broadi la e busy with communi return mrs pope as hospital president mrs waler pope was re turned as prcs dent of the georqhown and d strict hos p tal aux i ary at tl e an unl meet nq tuesday m ihe h ql school mrs p i w n ih is 1st vice pres dent mrs gordon simp son is second v ce pres der aid mrs syd newmrad is 3rd v re president ihe corrcspon d riq secretary s mrs john matt es the retord nq see to tnry s mrs irn e bodnar the treasurer s mrs alfrrd mauq a d ihe coord nator of cer serv ces s mrs m the ofl crs by rev uoyd whan ol f rst bap si church business directory w h carr p bno consulting irofessional 111 mmntaimiiw ltd triangla 7 2111 volunteer jgeorqe hi carr westwood ontario land surveyors lid mil it uns iw ltd s triangla 7 2211 w h car r b f westwood tr 7 3300 rat tr w164 hit him i meeting the following wcre nationals elected in geor nominated lo run jgelown we sent the depnlv dominion pari v marion burl dominion leader slewarl saxe nick alkinon barbara flildc p unjer nick alkin brandl robert fisher trances just hin i mlon bob mccumber mike i pralt mike pickup roger smith ind stewart saxe national party david can r robert darby david blan e rhona gadd mark llewel lyn ole poulstrup bill mcew en diane schenk andy spieee and gail stigger the parties then had a gene ral meeting at which nick at kinson was picked ai leader of the dominion party and david blaney as leader of the nit lonal party another meeting of the com mlttee was held at which a iu eontmtttee wu picked to handle dvertiiing of the society before christmas holidayi verbal campaign in cooksville we met the leaders of the other schools and had a general debate a ter the debate the parties each held a caucus since the do minion party was forming thr government if elected a cabin mr bruce conron of lorne park school was elected prinn minister and stewart saxe of georgetown was elected minis ter of national defence this wai followed bv a mi ting of the senate at the prime minister i house on sunday february hth this brings us up to ihe time tw wttoiirifitl future islhe actual silling of the model par liament in brampton which will h lik place by t t after chnitmai things star ted topick up both parties put up posters and started verbal campaign the big push however was trying to inform the pupils of just w exactly wu happening on thunday january 17lh i an informal meeting and deb ate was held jointly with ac i ton high srtwol at this deb ate the pertj views were given a thorough gblng over janice carter acted as chairman wim atdltr aa ovemer and you read this a tribute must go lo mr and mrs walker who were joint ly responsible lor the success of the enterprise and guided jt through all its troubles the student council and its presid ent pele forgrave backed the enterprise financially when no one else would and to ther much credit must also go or a job longer time i m i fake our hrrad or spin nnr wml there is no longer tin opportunity to disnte full ti m lo teach our diuihlirs ill thi sk lis of lis nf fashion dm- ssi- s the sewing coiirsi in lndi ix begins with simple kirimnls such as a blnu and skirt this teaches how to handli ibth is a plastic medium and how ti power tool the scwiiik machine by the timr- tin s i dents reach the uppir tndi s they are fashioning cseninj dresses suits and roils cooking in grade ix li n in asir skills in simple distu s qu ck breads eggs easy risi role dishes and puddiiil i higher grades rorrrrl tichin are learned for mikms cakes pies bread moic rh hi rate cassernle dishes mi il cuckery and foreign dishes more than st- w ini home economics is nol onh cooking ami ifewihs lifttrtn- ing as these mdv he amnni other things it deals with nu l t hn i i h tin ih htn open air opera atr- tnriorr sound mindi with tin sh textiles with art and pr nciples with child dc menl with amilv ntili aro with the rare of ihr hairdressing is avaihbli thcsse with skills along llne i i as in all other jects the student reason to analyze gsrme umquf jobs irhnol snh s lnuill in and to or children in north america are taller iturdit and health ter than those of a generation i job opportunities in the fihri ago of home economics are unique lln hilhrst paid i i ninni another for dependable sales and service plymoulll dodcl uirysur mim iiai j o tin kf jtlttnijtwiljl jjl come to lever hoskin chartered accountants 101 qui en 1 l endil bnmpton 1 5fi5 4 victiim st toronto phone fm 4 91ji donald a oay tuei thurs sat for appointment call tr 7 3401 georgetown chiropractic 1 main street south e i buchner o d doctor of optometry optometrist lfll guelph street scott car bldg wednesday evenings only ihv appointment tr 74081 dale bennett latimer baines barristers a solicitor douglas v latimer terence f baines triangle 73381 23 mill st georgetown frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 7 2b54 georgetown george c hewson barrister and solicitor 116 mounlainvtcw rd s carrctal building georgetown suite 5 tr 7 2211 barragers cleaners shirt launderers tr 7 3279 ib mam s mi6 luelph alt work done on premises wallace thompson 3rd diviiion court clerk a commissioner tr 7 2963 for expert eye care consult o t walker occulist prescriptions filled 12 main st s brampton gi 1 4474 res gl 16243 hours flam fl p m daily friday sam to 9 pm evenings by appointment john d ord qc barrister and solicitor 116 mountainslew rd s carre tal building georgetown suite 2 tr 76951 maveal motor sales limited main st north tr 73611 georgetown animal clinic v z pvm footman mrcvs 108 telph street clinic open 7 pm 9 pm mon wed- fri sat afternoon 19 robt r hamilton ro optometrist eyes examined prescriptions filled fl main sl n for appointment tr 73971 frederick a helsor barrister and solicitor 116 mountainview rd s carrctal building georgetown suite 3 tr 7 2309 leones hair styling personalized coiffujce for appointment 1 7 665 ii 221 dal re i blv at weber monuments pollock campbill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni u175m 82 water street north o a lt lirbanijerson qc twnster nd solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 t van sickler ba barrister selkiter notary dr williams bldf j u ham s tr 74531

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